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If the PNJ ever decides to do an expo on this place.....

Hospital Bob
boards of FL
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If the PNJ ever decides to do an expo on this place..... - Page 8 Th?id=H.5028531650167864&w=316&h=188&c=7&rs=1&pid=1

Your family reunions must be interesting.





All of us have seen the love of money change a person. Whether you’re a Wall Street honcho or the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or will, the results remain the same… money changes people. It helps us acquire what we want, but when we value money, more than our family, friends, dignity, and spirituality, we become enslaved by it. Instead of letting it serves us for our purposes, money can becomes the motivation for our actions. Many see this as evil, per se.

Greed cultivates an overwhelming desire for more wealth and materialism which leads down a dark path of being unsatisfied and unhappy. .

..........the true danger of greed is that one becomes so obsessed with the object of his or her desire that it becomes the only thing that is important. Someone possessed by greed develops tunnel vision and in that tunnel, they can see only their own selfish desire.

Greedy people walk all over the rights and needs of others and to them it is no big thing. They, along with their needs, are the only things that count.
A greedy husband or wife makes a miserable marriage. A greedy politician makes a miserable life for his or her constituents. A greedy boss makes miserable employees. I could go on, but I know you get the point.

Ultimately, greed is a sign of emptiness. If you find yourself grasping after things in life, worried that you won't get what you want, what you need, or what you deserve, you have put your trust in the wrong place. Greed will use you up without giving anything in return because it’s an unscrupulous desire for wealth and power. It does not have a heart or concern for the damage it causes. Greed is infectious and alienates the individual from family, friends and their moral center. It is a selfish act that benefits only the greedy individual temporarily.

Remember, "whatever we sow, we shall reap." Why not focus your life on positive seeds that will reap love. Material things will come and go. A good reputation will allow you to sleep well at night. Meditate on these words and live a happy, good life without the negative effects of greed.

Overcoming greed requires a lot of effort and discipline. It isn't easy, but it can be done. It's all a matter of taming your ego. An important reminder for all of us watching greed play out in the media: Where there’s greed, there’s danger.



Tell it to congress , Wall street, the MIC, corporations, hospitals and the banksters.



If the PNJ ever decides to do an expo on this place..... - Page 8 Th?id=H.4558284297732264&w=262&h=188&c=7&rs=1&pid=1

And let's not forget my new favorite... insurance companies.





Any LTE'! 



Joanimaroni wrote:Any LTE'! 
I hope PB is ready to pen a response!



Good Golly Molly!  I've seen where these cat fights go and do not care to enter, thank you, very much!

Boards, you do us all a favor with no criticism, whatsoever.

Cat,  whatever......why do you insist on participating only to stir up trouble?

If you're so intent, WHY ON EARTH do you consistently change monikers???

If you're so dam proud of who you are.......stick with the same screen name and stop pretending to be something you are not.

I've noticed Neko is always Neko as I'm always Storm.

Speaks to our character.....and yours.  Snipe.

Hang in, Neko and I'm sorry for what you've endured.



Nekochan wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:"  There are four of us beneficiaries...I have two other brothers.   When it was all said and done and after the estate had closed, I personally made sure that my other two brothers didn't lose out because of the fees that I had collected from the estate"

What did you do?
 At the end of the probate, I submitted all of paperwork to the probate lawyer--the itemized inventory, along with all other monies collected by and paid out by the estate during the probate.  Federal taxes were a big part of the expenses.  Since the estate wasn't closed within a year of my mother's death (and monies not distributed), it meant that the estate, not the beneficiaries, had to pay income tax for that past year.  Cat and her husband refusing to close when they could have and when the other three of us wanted to, made the estate pay a much higher tax rate than we would have had to pay, individually.   I also charged the estate for the itemized inventory that Cat and her husband insisted that I do.  I had to travel from Huntsville to Pensacola to perform the inventory.  Finally, under FL law, a personal representative can collect a fee for handling the probate.  Due to Cat and her husband holding things up and making requests that caused me more work and time,  I chose to take the personal representative's fee.   After the estate was closed and I collected my fees from the estate, I wrote personal checks to each of my other two brothers, 1/3 to each of them, of the fees I had collected.   And Cat's lies on the forum today makes me all the happier that I did that. Smile
And now Cat knows what a dunce her and her husband were.



stormwatch89 wrote:Good Golly Molly!  I've seen where these cat fights go and do not care to enter, thank you, very much!

Boards, you do us all a favor with no criticism, whatsoever.

Cat,  whatever......why do you insist on participating only to stir up trouble?

If you're so intent, WHY ON EARTH do you consistently change monikers???

If you're so dam proud of who you are.......stick with the same screen name and stop pretending to be something you are not.

I've noticed Neko is always Neko as I'm always Storm.

Speaks to our character.....and yours.  Snipe.

Hang in, Neko and I'm sorry for what you've endured.
Thank you, Storm.   

I think I'll be OK if I can just contain my jealousy about her moccasins.



Thank you, Storm.   

I think I'll be OK if I can just contain my jealousy about her moccasins.[/quote]
Holy toe diggers! Did I miss something? You've go me laughing far too much!

Lya Neko



stormwatch89 wrote:Thank you, Storm.   

I think I'll be OK if I can just contain my jealousy about her moccasins.
Holy toe diggers!  Did I miss something?  You've go me laughing far too much!

Lya Neko[/quote]

Earlier on this thread, bluemoon was taunting me about the moccasins that she bought with my mama's money.   Sad



Nekochan wrote:
stormwatch89 wrote:Thank you, Storm.   

I think I'll be OK if I can just contain my jealousy about her moccasins.
Holy toe diggers!  Did I miss something?  You've go me laughing far too much!

Lya Neko
Earlier on this thread, bluemoon was taunting me about the moccasins that she bought with my mama's money.   Sad[/quote]
Well......that'll lern me not to reed! Too much impotent stuff gong on here, fa sur!

Reelaxxxx, darlin, me thinks we all know wer that pumkin plants her seeds.

Hy, thr, Blu Moonie done be the Cat, riht? Got it, yu lose it........I wood.



Nekochan wrote:
stormwatch89 wrote:Thank you, Storm.   

I think I'll be OK if I can just contain my jealousy about her moccasins.
Holy toe diggers!  Did I miss something?  You've go me laughing far too much!

Lya Neko
Earlier on this thread, bluemoon was taunting me about the moccasins that she bought with my mama's money.   Sad[/quote]
I know that.

You know what is really funny? she tried to tell me on my shoe thread about those mocasins and I did my best to contain my snooty laughter lol

If the PNJ ever decides to do an expo on this place..... - Page 8 Cat_mo10



Smile Smile Smile Smile



Look at this way, because of our mom, Cat could finally afford a pair of moccasins and a  vacation. Neither of which improved her disposition.

Greed leads you down a path to emptiness.



Joanimaroni wrote:Look at this way, because of our mom, Cat could finally afford a pair of moccasins and a  vacation. Neither of which improved her disposition.

Greed leads you down a path to emptiness.
Our mom???

How the fuck incestuous is this forum???



Sal wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:Look at this way, because of our mom, Cat could finally afford a pair of moccasins and a  vacation. Neither of which improved her disposition.

Greed leads you down a path to emptiness.
Our mom???

How the fuck incestuous is this forum???
You don't really want to know. No



Out with it.



You'll just have to guess.



For my sanity, I'm guessing she meant "your" not "our", and it was a simple typo.

Anything else is too bizarre.



Sal wrote:Out with it.'s a nook kinda thing.
Twisted Evil 



Never underestimate the weirdness or bizarreness of Pensacola, both mine and Joani's hometown. Twisted Evil



Nekochan wrote:Never underestimate the weirdness or bizarreness of Pensacola, both mine and Joani's hometown. Twisted Evil
A simple "why" causes a conundrum.



stormwatch89 wrote:Good Golly Molly!  I've seen where these cat fights go and do not care to enter, thank you, very much!

Boards, you do us all a favor with no criticism, whatsoever.

Cat,  whatever......why do you insist on participating only to stir up trouble?

If you're so intent, WHY ON EARTH do you consistently change monikers???

If you're so dam proud of who you are.......stick with the same screen name and stop pretending to be something you are not.

I've noticed Neko is always Neko as I'm always Storm.

Speaks to our character.....and yours.  Snipe.

Hang in, Neko and I'm sorry for what you've endured.
I'm glad you wrote this, Stormy. I have been thinking exactly the same thing. For as long as I've been blogging (five years?) Neko's name has always been Neko. That is not the case with Bluemoon, who denied she was Cat for a few months.

If a person has nothing to hide, or nothing to fear, then why keep changing usernames? That just doesn't make good sense to me. No matter how it is spun, it still makes the poster who changes usernames appear less than credulous (unless she or he identifies himself when posting under a new username for whatever reason.)



really guys, but this thread should have been dead 8 hours ago. Neutral 

Luv ya

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