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If the PNJ ever decides to do an expo on this place.....

Hospital Bob
boards of FL
16 posters

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Along with other Pensacola discussion boards, they're going to have a great time exposing all the racist statements allowed on this forum.

Boards is the guy in charge, and there won't be any problem with them identifying him as the host. Boards, I'm not making a threat, I'm just stating the obvious.
You're free for all forum has become a daily spot for several local racists to gather and post thread after thread of pure garbage to justify their thinking.

If you want to keep associating yourself with this, that's up to you. But the forum is never going to be one that welcomes open discussion when it's populated 24/7 by certain of your daily posters.

I hope no one ever writes an expose on it, but I would not be surprised to see it happen. It's your reputation on the line. I wouldn't want to risk mine this way.

I think you're a better person than those you've chosen to host.



As long as Boards allows members to call other members toothless crackers and such as that, he's being pretty even handed.



It appears that Moonbeams decision to be the forums "pseudo " Black spokesperson in affecting her ability to communicate. LOL



Mr Ichi wrote:It appears that Moonbeams decision to be the forums "pseudo " Black spokesperson in affecting her ability to communicate. LOL
If she is so very unhappy with Boards, the posters, and the topics why not leave. Is this forum mandatory?

boards of FL

boards of FL

I set up the forum, but I have nothing to do with anything anyone posts here. I think most get that.

I approve this message.



There are many, many comments on this forum that I disagree with and a few that I find offensive.  Whites, blacks, Asians, women, men, obese, Jews, gays, liberals, conservatives, atheists, Christians, Muslims...and many other groups have been bashed/made fun of on here.   

Boards says that "anything goes"...but when personal information was posted and threats were made...he stepped in and did something about it.   And I believe that needed to be done.



bluemoon wrote:Along with other Pensacola discussion boards,  they're going to have a great time exposing all the racist statements allowed on this forum.

Boards is the guy in charge, and there won't be any problem with them identifying him as the host.  Boards, I'm not making a threat, I'm just stating the obvious.
You're free for all forum has become a daily spot for several local racists to gather and post thread after thread of pure garbage to justify their thinking.

If you want to keep associating yourself with this, that's up to you. But the forum is never going to be one that welcomes  open discussion when it's populated 24/7 by certain of your daily posters.

I hope no one ever writes an expose on it, but I would not be surprised to see it happen. It's your reputation on the line. I wouldn't want to risk mine this way.

I think you're a better person than those  you've chosen to host.
Who cares as long as there are no threats like we have seen in the past?




1 AM  Westside Pensacola

Cop:  Mr Ichi?  Is that your real name?

Me:  Ahhhh  No  It is Hallmarkgrad  I changed it. Is there a problem?

Cop:  It has been reported that you are Toothless, Moronic Racist.  Is that true?

Me;  Part of it, I am somewhat dental challenged.

Cop:  I am here to warn you that if you continue to post on Pensacola Discussion forum you will be exposed!!!

Me: Exposed?

Cop: Dont get smart!!!  You know what I mean.  Dont make me come back again....

Me.  Sorry... I will try to do better



Mr Ichi wrote:1 AM  Westside Pensacola

Cop:  Mr Ichi?  Is that your real name?

Me:  Ahhhh  No  It is Hallmarkgrad  I changed it. Is there a problem?

Cop:  It has been reported that you are Toothless, Moronic Racist.  Is that true?

Me;  Part of it, I am somewhat dental challenged.

Cop:  I am here to warn you that if you continue to post on Pensacola Discussion forum you will be exposed!!!

Me: Exposed?

Cop: Dont get smart!!!  You know what I mean.  Dont make me come back again....

Me.  Sorry... I will try to do better
cheers cheers cheers



boards of FL wrote:I set up the forum, but I have nothing to do with anything anyone posts here.  I think most get that.

I do get that boards. And it's your reputation that will suffer if the PNJ ever decides to check the place out.

I'm simply stating that if you want to be associated with the kind of people that populate this place, that's up to you.
I know I don't care to wrestle in the mud with the pigs anymore.

I also know this place gives Pensacola a bad name when people from some other town log in and see what kind of local residents we have.
People like GBB who have now decided to refer to black Americans as colored people are painting a black eye on the city I love.
Keep on letting them, because it's going to affect you someday. That's not a threat, but if you want to ban me,go ahead. You apparently do ban people for what you perceive as a threat, even if it's somebody that is being physically stalked by another forum member like BP.
I may decide to write a LTE on the subject one day.

For now, my choice is to get the hell out of this sewer of racist morons that you call a discussion forum.



I'm sure that there's a forum out there filled with toothless cracker haters that you'll feel right at home in.   Maybe you can even be their spokesperson.

Good luck.



I may decide to write a LTE on the subject one day.

Should be a great read. Looking forward to seeing it published in the PNJ.



bluemoon wrote:
boards of FL wrote:I set up the forum, but I have nothing to do with anything anyone posts here.  I think most get that.
I do get that boards.  And it's your reputation that will suffer if the PNJ ever decides to check the place out.

I'm simply stating that if you want to be associated with the kind of people that populate this place, that's up to you.
I know I don't care to wrestle in the mud with the pigs anymore.

I also know this place gives Pensacola a bad name when people from some other town log in and see what kind of local residents we have.
People like GBB who have now decided to refer to black Americans as colored people are painting a black eye on the city I love.
Keep on letting them, because it's going to affect you someday. That's not a threat, but if you want to ban me,go  ahead. You apparently do ban people for what you perceive as a threat, even if it's somebody that is being physically stalked by another forum member like BP.
I may decide to write a LTE on the subject one day.

For now, my choice is to get the hell out of this sewer of racist morons that you call a discussion forum.

Before you go....
I would suggest a self help book on dealing with your chronic negativity. It can be over-whelming to family, friends and acquaintances. Sour attitudes can be changed.

boards of FL

boards of FL

bluemoon wrote: You apparently do ban people for what you perceive as a threat, even if it's somebody that is being physically stalked by another forum member like BP.

I banned WTM because he made threats towards me and others on a regular basis. Seems fairly reasonable.

But aside from that, what on earth is there to be exposed here? That racist assholes live in the south? No shit? I guess I'm not following your line of reasoning here when you try and pin any of that on me. Anyone who comes to this forum can see who is posting this type of stuff, and it clearly isn't me.

I approve this message.



Yes, racist assholes live in the South and populate this forum. You're the one who gives them a public forum to vent their racist statements. You can deny your culpability all you want to boards, but this forum was established by you. Not by anyone else.
I've attempted to delete my account. Apparently it hasn't gone through yet. I don't want to have an account at any time in the future,because I expect this place to get some public scrutiny very soon. FYI, WTM's threats were not all "just threats."
You allow two or three posters who literally live online to dominate this forum get away with conspiring to rid the place of those that disagree with them. Notice how rarely seaoat posts anymore? I don't have to wonder why that is. Once they rid the place of WTM, Seaoat was their next target.
The buck stops at the top Boards. It's your reputation you're playing games with. As for the posting of personal information,that's a joke. These people have posted as much or more personal information on the forums than anyone else has. You know that, and so do I.You should have banned anyone involved with putting someone's father's obituary online. I don't even know what kind of person you are, but allowing that kind of garbage is the sign of an extremely weak personality. I'm sorry for you. When it all comes to a head,I won't be.
Now delete my account if you haven't already.

There are about 4 or 5 decent people left here. I'm sorry they can't seem to find an outlet for their lives.



I wouldn't worry about it, Boards.  

You also aren't responsible for her racist cracker posts.  She doesn't even get it that she's been posting the very same kind of comments that she claims to be so against.  Rolling Eyes



Now look at her...she claims people were trying to get rid of Seaoat.  I've never seen Seaoat make even a hint of a threat towards anyone on this forum or the PNJ forum.   Seaoat doesn't do that kind of crap.



You don't have to worry about it. The letter's been sent to the PNJ. We'll see if they print it. It may just bring more racists onto this place than ever before, so that will make you just ecstatic.
You won't be surprised at the name attached to the letter.

I'm sure of that.

Defending calling black people "colored" people was the last straw. That's what they wrote on the water coolers when I was a kid because it was more acceptable to people than actually putting the 'N" word on them.
I hated that word even then.
You totally never did know me.



Nekochan wrote:Now look at her...she claims people were trying to get rid of Seaoat.  I've never seen Seaoat make even a hint of a threat towards anyone on this forum or the PNJ forum.   Seaoat doesn't do that kind of crap.
Who wants to get rid of Seaoat? If you don't like his commentary you can easily skip over it and at the same time save yourself 10-15 minutes of reading time. Never seen Seaoat threaten anyone, never heard that he sent anyone threatening pm's. Never known Seaoat to be warned numerous times about posting personal information and pictures of anonymous posters. I never heard that Seaoat was temporarily banned for inappropriate and disgusting posts. I never heard Seaoat speak with disgust towards Boards.

Cat posted this........FYI, WTM's threats were not all "just threats." So what does that mean? Clearly you have close ties to Bill and I assume your comment was more than just a slip. Perhaps just passing on more subtle threats and information for him.

boards of FL

boards of FL

bluemoon wrote:Yes, racist assholes live in the South and populate this forum. You're the one who gives them a public forum to vent their racist statements.  You can deny your culpability all you want to boards, but this forum was established by you. Not by anyone else.
I've attempted to delete my account. Apparently it hasn't gone through yet.   I don't want to have an account at any time in the future,because I expect this place to get some public scrutiny very soon. FYI, WTM's threats were not all "just threats."
You allow two or three posters who literally live online to dominate this forum get away with conspiring to rid the place of those that  disagree with them. Notice how rarely seaoat posts anymore?  I don't have to wonder why that is. Once they rid the place of WTM, Seaoat was  their next target.
The buck stops at the top  Boards. It's your reputation you're playing games with. As for the posting of personal information,that's a joke. These people have posted as much or more personal information on the forums than anyone else has. You know that, and so do I.You should have banned anyone involved with putting someone's father's obituary online. I don't even know what kind of person you are, but allowing that kind of garbage is the sign of an extremely weak personality. I'm sorry for you. When it all comes to a head,I won't be.
Now delete my account if you haven't already.

There are about 4  or 5 decent people left here. I'm sorry they can't seem to find an outlet for their lives.

*  Here again, you're including me in things that I have nothing to do with.  I really don't care about the feud between WTM and whomever.  Honestly, I could not care any less about that, and it really has nothing to do with WTM's ban.  As I told you before, I banned WTM because he personally threatened me.  I'm sure you would have banned him as well if he did the same to you.

*  2seaoat still posts here just as much as he always has.  

*  I think you may be taking this tiny forum much much too seriously.  All I can do is simply remind you that this is a free forum.  I do not own this forum in any way shape or form; but, rather, Forumotion is the actual owner.  We are all posting on a Forumotion website.  I am not personally hosting anything for anyone.  The only reason this forum even exists is because I thought it a good idea to find some alternative to the PNJ forum,  which was wrought with all sorts of software issues.  Once the PNJ dropped their forum, many migrated over here.  The end.  That's it.  You seem to be trying to make this out to be some sort of business endeavor on my part, in which I actually own this domain and am paying for hosting space or something along those lines.  In reality, that isn't even remotely the case.

In fact, go here, you can make your very own forum in just a few minutes - completely free.

If you don't like this forum, why don't you do what I did and create your own?  Rather than complain about what you don't like and make threats to strangers, why not be pro-active and embrace whatever solution you see fit?  

*  It's just forum.  A very small forum.  No one but the small handful of people who browse this place really care about what is discussed here.  That you feel there is some sort of ground breaking shit going on here that some local newspaper would ever consider writing an expose on shows your complete lack of perspective; and that you would try and publicly threaten me like you are now is completely bizarre, particularly given the fact that I have never said anything negative about you or knocked any of your comments.

I approve this message.



I like seaoat but I quit reading his posts. I am sure he's an okay person but he likes to hit below the belt.
Usually those people that make these threats of TURNING you in to the gestapo authorities are just sick little pervert suck ups trying to assuage some deep guilt or kiss up to teacher to get a special treat. They are the lowest form of life on the planet. Can't find any other purpose in their unproductive lives. Unfortunately the present liberal Marxist police state is encouraging these whiny little pukes with their see something say something BS.



boards of FL wrote:
bluemoon wrote:Yes, racist assholes live in the South and populate this forum. You're the one who gives them a public forum to vent their racist statements.  You can deny your culpability all you want to boards, but this forum was established by you. Not by anyone else.
I've attempted to delete my account. Apparently it hasn't gone through yet.   I don't want to have an account at any time in the future,because I expect this place to get some public scrutiny very soon. FYI, WTM's threats were not all "just threats."
You allow two or three posters who literally live online to dominate this forum get away with conspiring to rid the place of those that  disagree with them. Notice how rarely seaoat posts anymore?  I don't have to wonder why that is. Once they rid the place of WTM, Seaoat was  their next target.
The buck stops at the top  Boards. It's your reputation you're playing games with. As for the posting of personal information,that's a joke. These people have posted as much or more personal information on the forums than anyone else has. You know that, and so do I.You should have banned anyone involved with putting someone's father's obituary online. I don't even know what kind of person you are, but allowing that kind of garbage is the sign of an extremely weak personality. I'm sorry for you. When it all comes to a head,I won't be.
Now delete my account if you haven't already.

There are about 4  or 5 decent people left here. I'm sorry they can't seem to find an outlet for their lives.
*  Here again, you're including me in things that I have nothing to do with.  I really don't care about the feud between WTM and whomever.  Honestly, I could not care any less about that, and it really has nothing to do with WTM's ban.  As I told you before, I banned WTM because he personally threatened me.  I'm sure you would have banned him as well if he did the same to you.

*  2seaoat still posts here just as much as he always has.  

*  I think you may be taking this tiny forum much much too seriously.  All I can do is simply remind you that this is a free forum.  I do not own this forum in any way shape or form; but, rather, Forumotion is the actual owner.  We are all posting on a Forumotion website.  I am not personally hosting anything for anyone.  The only reason this forum even exists is because I thought it a good idea to find some alternative to the PNJ forum,  which was wrought with all sorts of software issues.  Once the PNJ dropped their forum, many migrated over here.  The end.  That's it.  You seem to be trying to make this out to be some sort of business endeavor on my part, in which I actually own this domain and am paying for hosting space or something along those lines.  In reality, that isn't even remotely the case.

In fact, go here, you can make your very own forum in just a few minutes - completely free.

If you don't like this forum, why don't you do what I did and create your own?  Rather than complain about what you don't like and make threats to strangers, why not be pro-active and embrace whatever solution you see fit?  

*  It's just forum.  A very small forum.  No one but the small handful of people who browse this place really care about what is discussed here.  That you feel there is some sort of ground breaking shit going on here that some local newspaper would ever consider writing an expose on shows your complete lack of perspective; and that you would try and publicly threaten me like you are now is completely bizarre, particularly given the fact that I have never said anything negative about you or knocked any of your comments.
You don't have to do or say anything to bring forth her threats.



I've never understood the desire to silence bigots.

Let them spew their hatred for everyone to see.

It's very telling that all of the forum bigots are conservatives with the exception of Dreams.

She's just a Pensacolan white woman of a certain age.




Sal wrote:I've never understood the desire to silence bigots.

Let them spew their hatred for everyone to see.

It's very telling that all of the forum bigots are conservatives with the exception of Dreams.

She's just a Pensacolan white woman of a certain age.


Dammit Dreams is ruining the stats.



Sal wrote:I've never understood the desire to silence bigots.

Let them spew their hatred for everyone to see.

It's very telling that all of the forum bigots are conservatives with the exception of Dreams.

She's just a Pensacolan white woman of a certain age.

Dreams is not from Pensacola.  
And of course, people who accuse others and throw terms like "toothless cracker" around don't realize how bigoted they're being.

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