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Matt Gaetz, Florida's Own Trumpenis

Deus X
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Matt Gaetz, Florida's Own Trumpenis - Page 4 Rep-ma10



How Matt Gaetz Used Daddy’s Money to Become Trump’s Favorite Congressman

Like the president, the Florida Republican rode family connections, unorthodox real estate deals, and trolling to political fame.

Stephanie Mencimer

September/October 2019 Issue


Marlette: Mother Jones kicks the Gaetz wide open

Andy Marlette, Pensacola News Journal Published 6:53 a.m. CT July 20, 2019




Floridatexan wrote:
How Matt Gaetz Used Daddy’s Money to Become Trump’s Favorite Congressman

Like the president, the Florida Republican rode family connections, unorthodox real estate deals, and trolling to political fame.

Stephanie Mencimer

September/October 2019 Issue


Marlette: Mother Jones kicks the Gaetz wide open

Andy Marlette, Pensacola News Journal Published 6:53 a.m. CT July 20, 2019


The poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree and Lucifer loves working with apples.



Florida's favorite DWI boy is up to his old tricks.


Vomit-inducing rhetoric from Gaetz, plain and simple. Bleccchhhhh!!!










Is that some kind of statement, or are you lost in drugland?






Representative Matt Gaetz

U.S. Representative for the First District of Florida
1721 Longworth House Office Building | Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-4136

Hello, Friends —
Washington was at its swampiest this week.

On Tuesday, September 24, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced that the House was pursuing an “official impeachment inquiry” into President Trump.

The only problem is, that term is meaningless.

Normally — though nothing about impeachment is normal — the House votes on an impeachment authorization, which allows a committee (usually the Judiciary Committee) to investigate impeachable conduct. This has not happened.

So, just like Judiciary Committee Chairman Nadler’s claim that the committee has been in “an impeachment investigation,” which is equally untrue, Speaker Pelosi’s announcement doesn’t really mean anything.

She knows this perfectly well; her choice of words was intentional.

The Speaker is trying to appease the far left, without actually doing anything.


Meanwhile, Democrats who are eager to rush into a fact-free impeachment seem to have forgotten their own words on the subject from not too long ago. I guess memory fades quickly here in DC:

Click to Play!
I recently went on Fox Business to discuss my thoughts with Trish Regan. Watch below:

Click to Play!
The whole impeachment imbroglio is a pity, both for the House, and for the American people. There’s a lot of work Congress can and should be doing, and when we work together, it’s possible for the House to pass important legislation.

For instance, despite the not-really-impeachment circus consuming most media attention, this week showed that bipartisan progress is possible.

On Wednesday, September 25, the House passed an important bill: H.R. 1595, the SAFE Banking Act. This bill is simple: it allows state-legal cannabis businesses access to financial institutions, like banks and credit unions. Allowing these businesses access to banks is important, both for their safety (and the safety of their employees), but for transparency, honesty, and domestic job growth as well.

I am proud to have been an original cosponsor of this bill, which passed the House 321–103 on Wednesday. I also wrote an op-ed about this important legislation, which you can read here:

The Hill — September 24, 2019

Give cannabis businesses access to financial institutions — pass the SAFE Banking Act

I wish we pursued more bipartisan priorities like this, instead of silly bills to improve healthcare for illegal immigrants, which came to a vote this week (and which I voted against). This bill, H.R. 3525, the U.S. Border Patrol Medical Screening Standards Act, requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to set up an electronic health records (EHR) system for illegal immigrants.

The Departments of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense will not have similar systems for another 9 and 5 years, respectively.

In other words, this legislation would put illegal immigrants in line for health screenings before America’s veterans and servicemembers.....etc. etc. ad nauseum...


He looks a lot like the ex I left in Texas...many years ago...acts like him, too...entitled little jerkwad.



Matt Gaetz, Florida's Own Trumpenis - Page 4 Matt_g14



I voted for Dr. Zimmerman. This time I'm voting for Phil Ehr.



Floridatexan wrote:
I voted for Dr. Zimmerman.  This time I'm voting for Phil Ehr.  

You are a credit to your state. Smile



DUI Gaetz trying to crash the Party. FUCK YOU MATT and stay out!




Matt Gaetz, Florida's Own Trumpenis - Page 4 BbVDDab



Telstar wrote:DUI Gaetz trying to crash the Party. FUCK YOU MATT and stay out!

Representative Matt Gaetz

U.S. Representative for the First District of Florida
1721 Longworth House Office Building | Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-4136

Hello, Friends—
On Monday, I attempted to a deposition of a former administration official, which was being conducted by the Intelligence, Oversight, and Foreign Affairs committees. I was simply there listen — because as a member of the House Judiciary Committee, it is my responsibility and duty to the American people to keep track of developments in Impeachment proceedings.

Unfortunately, Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff had me unceremoniously removed from the committee room. I was shocked; to exclude Members of Congress from hearings confirms the American people’s suspicions: this is not a legitimate ‘impeachment inquiry’ — it is a charade.

As further confirmation, Democrats recently announced they will not be holding a vote to move forward with impeachment proceedings. Speaker Pelosi doesn’t want to have a vote because she’s running an unfair impeachment.

This faux “proceeding” is damaging our country; meanwhile, Democrats aren’t even willing to put their names to their own flawed impeachment investigation. When will this circus end?

Democrats are presiding over a kangaroo court:

Click to Play!
The American people deserve an open and honest government — and I will keep doing everything possible to make these hearings more transparent, open, and fair. Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad



Republican lawmakers storm secure impeachment hearing room — and reportedly bring their cell phones

A group of House Republicans reportedly just stormed into a secure impeachment hearing with their cell phones in what's being described as a "significant breach."

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) held a press conference Wednesday with a group of Republican colleagues blasting the "secret" impeachment inquiry into President Trump, contending Democrats are trying to "overturn the results" of the 2016 presidential election and declaring he and his colleagues would be disrupting the proceedings by barging into a closed-door hearing, The Hill reports.

"We're going to try to go in there, and we're going to try to figure out what's going on," Gaetz said.

About two dozen Republicans subsequently "stormed" a secure hearing room, reports CNN's Manu Raju, and they reportedly carried prohibited electronics. This delayed the testimony of Defense Department official Laura Cooper, who was on Capitol Hill a day after a diplomat Tuesday testified that he was told Trump was linking Ukraine aid to the country announcing investigations that might help him politically.

Manu Raju
Replying to @mkraju
New drama: Roughly two dozen House conservatives stormed the secure hearing room - known as the SCIF - to rail on the process, delaying the Cooper testimony. Connolly said that Louie Gohmert and Bradley Byrne were yelling in the room and railing on what they call a sham process.

9:47 AM - Oct 23, 2019
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Manu Raju
Replying to @mkraju
The conservatives walked into hearing room with their electronics, Connolly said, which is prohibited in the room. Mike Conaway of Texas collected the electronics.

Laura Cooper testimony has been delayed because of the disruption; Schiff is consulting with the sergeant of arms.

9:47 AM - Oct 23, 2019
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Gaetz even tweeted from "inside" the room.

Rep. Matt Gaetz
BREAKING: I led over 30 of my colleagues into the SCIF where Adam Schiff is holding secret impeachment depositions. Still inside - more details to come. …

Republicans storm closed impeachment proceeding
House Republicans stormed a closed-door proceeding Wednesday where lawmakers were questioning witnesses involving the impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

Politico's Andrew Desiderio reports the room is now "being swept because of the cell phone violations."

"Phones in the classified area of the SCIF is a significant breach," Politico Kyle Cheney noted. "Rules on that are ironclad." He added, "unclear how this will be handled but this sort of thing just doesn't happen." Brendan Morrow



Lock them up.



The only republicans you can trust are wearing orange, and not on their heads. Twisted Evil



Floridatexan wrote:
Republican lawmakers storm secure impeachment hearing room — and reportedly bring their cell phones

A group of House Republicans reportedly just stormed into a secure impeachment hearing with their cell phones in what's being described as a "significant breach."

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) held a press conference Wednesday with a group of Republican colleagues blasting the "secret" impeachment inquiry into President Trump, contending Democrats are trying to "overturn the results" of the 2016 presidential election and declaring he and his colleagues would be disrupting the proceedings by barging into a closed-door hearing, The Hill reports.

"We're going to try to go in there, and we're going to try to figure out what's going on," Gaetz said.

About two dozen Republicans subsequently "stormed" a secure hearing room, reports CNN's Manu Raju, and they reportedly carried prohibited electronics. This delayed the testimony of Defense Department official Laura Cooper, who was on Capitol Hill a day after a diplomat Tuesday testified that he was told Trump was linking Ukraine aid to the country announcing investigations that might help him politically.

Manu Raju
Replying to @mkraju
New drama: Roughly two dozen House conservatives stormed the secure hearing room - known as the SCIF - to rail on the process, delaying the Cooper testimony. Connolly said that Louie Gohmert and Bradley Byrne were yelling in the room and railing on what they call a sham process.

9:47 AM - Oct 23, 2019
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1,856 people are talking about this

Manu Raju
Replying to @mkraju
The conservatives walked into hearing room with their electronics, Connolly said, which is prohibited in the room. Mike Conaway of Texas collected the electronics.

Laura Cooper testimony has been delayed because of the disruption; Schiff is consulting with the sergeant of arms.

9:47 AM - Oct 23, 2019
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2,955 people are talking about this
Gaetz even tweeted from "inside" the room.

Rep. Matt Gaetz
BREAKING: I led over 30 of my colleagues into the SCIF where Adam Schiff is holding secret impeachment depositions. Still inside - more details to come. …

Republicans storm closed impeachment proceeding
House Republicans stormed a closed-door proceeding Wednesday where lawmakers were questioning witnesses involving the impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

Politico's Andrew Desiderio reports the room is now "being swept because of the cell phone violations."

"Phones in the classified area of the SCIF is a significant breach," Politico Kyle Cheney noted. "Rules on that are ironclad." He added, "unclear how this will be handled but this sort of thing just doesn't happen." Brendan Morrow



From Bloomberg, via Greg Sargent on Twitter:

Matt Gaetz, Florida's Own Trumpenis - Page 4 EHlQwynW4AUbEDJ


Matt Gaetz, Florida's Own Trumpenis - Page 4 1*i60Snbbsi61lN4_BOtM4PQ



Shouldn't the Florida Bar Association remove Matt Gaetz law license for attempting to intimidate witness Michael Cohen? Maybe this DUI is too big for even daddy to fix.



Matt Gaetz, Florida's Own Trumpenis - Page 4 Vanill10



polecat wrote:Matt Gaetz, Florida's Own Trumpenis - Page 4 Vanill10

Roll discredits: here are the Repubs who barged in on a CLASSIFIED hearing

"We’ve all heard about how Matt Gaetz led a ham-handed effort to disrupt a hearing that was taking place in a secured and classified room. But who were the ones who joined him in this stunt?

Well, Gaetz was kind enough to supply a list of the 41 toddlers who joined him today. So here they are, annotated with their districts.

Matt Gaetz (FL-01)
Steve Scalise (LA-01)
Jim Jordan (OH-05)
Mark Walker (NC-06)
Andy Biggs (AZ-05)
Lee Zeldin (NY-01)
Mo Brooks (AL-05)
Mark Meadows (NC-11)
Kevin Hern (OK-01)
Paul Gosar (AZ-04)
Steve Watkins (KS-02)
Debbie Lesko (AZ-08)
Russ Fulcher (ID-01)
Buddy Carter (GA-01)
Steve King (IA-04)
Bill Johnson (OH-06)
Fred Keller (PA-12)
Brian Babin (TX-36)
Ken Buck (CO-04)
Michael Waltz (FL-06)
Ralph Norman (SC-05)
Louie Gohmert (TX-01)
Mark Green (TN-07)
Carol Miller (WV-03)
Vicky Hartzler (MO-04)
Alex Mooney (WV-02)
Jeff Duncan (SC-03)
Drew Ferguson (GA-03)
Gary Palmer (AL-06)
Jody Hice (GA-10)
Duncan Hunter (CA-50)
Ross Spano (FL-15)
Bradley Byrne (AL-01)
David Rouzer (NC-07)
Markwayne Mullin (OK-02)
Randy Weber (TX-14)
Pete Olson (TX-22)
Ron Wright (TX-06)
Scott Perry (PA-10)
Greg Murphy (NC-03)
Ben Cline (VA-06)

Some of the usual suspects, sadly. Many of these tailenders were among those who voted against the resolution to condemn the Syria withdrawal.

Just by eyeballing it, Zeldin, Spano, Perry, Waltz, King and Hunter are the only ones who are even remotely in danger next year. Olson, who holds Tom DeLay’s old seat, is retiring, and his seat is going to be very competitive. All of the others, for the most part, represent districts that are R+10 or worse.

If you live in any of these maroons’ districts, raise hell with them. This was stupid, dangerous and illegal. It would be outrageous if anyone from our side did this, and it’s outrageous here.

I initially thought we should censure the lot of them. But a friend in one of my Facebook groups suggested we should only push for censuring the ringleaders, Gaetz and Scalise. More I think about it, this makes sense. After all, Scalise is House Minority Whip, and censuring the #2 Republican in the chamber is a BFD..."


Just read elsewhere that 1/3 of these reps were members of the committees, and, without the cell phones, should have been allowed in. So this is nothing more than a cheap publicity stunt, eerily reminiscent of the Florida "Brooks Brothers riots" in 2000.



Telstar wrote:Shouldn't the Florida Bar Association remove Matt Gaetz law license for attempting to intimidate witness Michael Cohen? Maybe this DUI is too big for even daddy to fix.

According to AP, the Florida Bar dismissed the complaint in August:

Florida Bar finds no violation in Gaetz tweet about Cohen
August 15, 2019
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — The Florida Bar has found no probable cause that Republican U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz violated its rules in a tweet he posted about President Donald Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Bar spokeswoman Francine Walker said Thursday that Gaetz will be sent a “letter of advice” regarding the matter. The congressman who represents the Florida Panhandle said in an email Thursday he was “pleased, but not surprised” at the finding.

The probe stemmed from a Gaetz tweet on Feb. 27 before Cohen’s testimony at a House committee. Cohen is now imprisoned on several convictions.

“Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat. I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot,” Gaetz wrote.


This is from the FL Bar FB page:

(name)  Dear Mr. Stewart,

This is a formal written compliant against Attorney Matt Gaetz, Florida License Number 48962 for violating the following:
U.S. Code § 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees
Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States,....
And shall receive the following penalty including revoking said Florida License 48962
Shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.


(name) Matt GAETZ is an attorney in Florida! You can call the Florida Bar at 1-866-352-0707 to make a disciplinary complaint for felony witness tampering and obstruction of an investigation! His license # is 48962 and he violated code 18USC1512‬


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