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Plain called Putins invasion of Ukraine in 2008

boards of FL
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boards of FL

boards of FL

A broken clock is accurate twice per day.



Sigh . . . .



Perhaps Palin should throw her hat in for 2016. I'm sure PaceDog will eagerly endorse her.....



Looks like she was right and you guys are butthurt over it.



Called out your messiah over his then perceived weakness (Foreign Affairs) and she was spot on!!!



Must piss y'all off... A lot



Here we go again with the Palin fans. Good grief. She is hot though!!! LOL!!

Quite a box of rocks they have to pull a candidate from!



Looks like despite her looks you still hate


The little guy has problems at home......rule number one in government.....when you are about to get whacked by your own people.....find an outside threat. Ukraine becoming a member of EU or even NATO is a huge problem for Putin's fantasy world.....he forgets that Russians are only a munchkin's high jump away from doing to him what the Ukrainian folks are doing to their president......I will put my money on Mr. K dead or alive.....a hero and courage never can be hollywooded........Putin is a two bit petty dictator who will really push the envelope, and in the process guarantee the results.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Looks like despite her looks you still hate

And weren't you calling someone else a hypocrite this afternoon? You are one of the biggest haters on this forum. It seethes out of nearly every post you make, and you give yourself excuses for it, too.

Plain called Putins invasion of Ukraine in 2008 Obama-hate-cover



boards of FL wrote:A broken clock is accurate twice per day.

Then what is President Barack Hussein Obama's excuse?
Plain called Putins invasion of Ukraine in 2008 Obama-billboard-1



2seaoat wrote:The little guy has problems at home......rule number one in government.....when you are about to get whacked by your own people.....find an outside threat.   Ukraine becoming a member of EU or even NATO is a huge problem for Putin's fantasy world.....he forgets that Russians are only a munchkin's high jump away from doing to him what the Ukrainian folks are doing to their president......I will put my money on Mr. K dead or alive.....a hero and courage never can be hollywooded ....Putin is a two bit petty dictator who will really push the envelope, and in the process guarantee the results.

Plain called Putins invasion of Ukraine in 2008 Stirthepot-1



Obamas outdone Putin on the two bit dictator role for awhile now... Threatening people with
The IRS, using the NSA to spy, and even imprisoning. A filmmaker for anti-Obama films



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Looks like despite her looks you still hate

Hate is way too strong a word for my feelings toward Palin. I think she is a calculating person who loves the attention and money these last few years have brought her. Some of that was by her design but the bulk was apparently a stroke of political luck when the hapless McCain campaign picked her to run with him. She's just an embarrassment to the political scene as far as I'm concerned.


Ok, while you guys debate or argue over Ukraine, can someone give me at least 5 good reason's why we should really give a shit what happens over there?



I'm sure as shit not a Ukrainian today.



How about the "A" word .... Alliances and if the fighting spills over to a NATO ally? Good enough reason or are you just that ignorant on geopolitics?


Not as quite as ignorant as you teacher, but I thought everyone agree's we should stay out of other country's business. Yes, I know what NATO is I used to occasionally work for them in the late 60's in the middle east. Just tell the truth, you are just an outright hater of just about everything aren't you? If we sent troops over there you would be screaming, if congress declared all out war on Putin, you would be screaming about Obama. Just how the hell do you live with all that hatred for everything?



If Russia invades Ukraine, I think we should invade Cuba in retaliation.

Russia invading the Ukraine would be like the United States trying to re-annex Texas after the state spit away from the Lower 48. We really have no dog in that fight.



ppaca wrote:Not as quite as ignorant as you teacher, but I thought everyone agree's we should stay out of other country's business. Yes, I know what NATO is I used to occasionally work for them in the late 60's in the middle east. Just tell the truth, you are just an outright hater of just about everything aren't you? If we sent troops over there you would be screaming, if congress declared all out war on Putin, you would be screaming about Obama. Just how the hell do you live with all that hatred for everything?

I think you nailed it. He hates just about everything about Obama. Then, he has the audacity to call other people haters.......  Embarassed



by ppaca Today at 12:12 pm
Not as quite as ignorant as you teacher, but I thought everyone agree's we should stay out of other country's business. Yes, I know what NATO is I used to occasionally work for them in the late 60's in the middle east. Just tell the truth, you are just an outright hater of just about everything aren't you? If we sent troops over there you would be screaming, if congress declared all out war on Putin, you would be screaming about Obama. Just how the hell do you live with all that hatred for everything?
I've got quite a bit more experience than you in geopolitics insurance boy and I've lived it... Lots of it since 9-11.
This ain't Libya or Syria Obama is screwing with now, it's the varsity and it is GAME DAY and losers without experience are going to get owned.



We aren't going to send troops anywhere and you very well know it insurance boy



We're gonna sit this one out and Putin is going to show Obama how the varsity plays ball on the world stage. You'd have think Obama learned his lesson on Syria and Libya, but I guess not. He will be further marginalized as a leader on the world stage and the world will now know he is an empty suit as well.



Obama is in a longest penis contest and his is waaaay shorter than the eventual winner.

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