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PACEDOG#1 wrote:Looks like despite her looks you still hate
boards of FL wrote:A broken clock is accurate twice per day.
2seaoat wrote:The little guy has problems at home......rule number one in government.....when you are about to get whacked by your own people.....find an outside threat. Ukraine becoming a member of EU or even NATO is a huge problem for Putin's fantasy world.....he forgets that Russians are only a munchkin's high jump away from doing to him what the Ukrainian folks are doing to their president......I will put my money on Mr. K dead or alive.....a hero and courage never can be hollywooded ....Putin is a two bit petty dictator who will really push the envelope, and in the process guarantee the results.
PACEDOG#1 wrote:Looks like despite her looks you still hate
ppaca wrote:Not as quite as ignorant as you teacher, but I thought everyone agree's we should stay out of other country's business. Yes, I know what NATO is I used to occasionally work for them in the late 60's in the middle east. Just tell the truth, you are just an outright hater of just about everything aren't you? If we sent troops over there you would be screaming, if congress declared all out war on Putin, you would be screaming about Obama. Just how the hell do you live with all that hatred for everything?
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