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Plain called Putins invasion of Ukraine in 2008

boards of FL
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PACEDOG#1 wrote:Obama is in a longest penis contest and his is waaaay shorter than the eventual winner.

The bromance continues ...



We should take a poll to see if anyone thinks PaceDog's combat experience inthe GWOT makes him an expert in geopolitics and foreign policy.....

No one is knocking your experience or your dedication to the nation, PaceDog, but I think the pedestal you have placed yourself on is a might high.

In a few years, you are going to be just another local geezer in the VFW wearing a funny hat on Veteran's Day and talking about old times. Beyond that, your headstone at Barrancas Cemetery is going to look no different from mine and all of the others that are there.

28Plain called Putins invasion of Ukraine in 2008 - Page 2 Empty Right about the broken clock. 3/2/2014, 3:07 am



boards of FL wrote:A broken clock is accurate twice per day.

The bigger problem is we have people in Washington DC that can neither tell time, read a map, nor understand how unimportant they are. These self-assuming leaders of the free world stand not for freedom and could not lead hungry wolves to red meat.

One has to be American living outside of America to look back in and see how dirty the windows truly are.

I wrote this, many battles are too high up to see from the ground view.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Georgia, and even this current handwringing about Syria and Ukraine is all about pipelines to get oil and gas into the right pockets.

Try Youtube Karl Schwarz. I am an expert on their agendas, was former RNC until I preferred independent over the waste of time debate between Dem and Rep.

The CIA helped to create the New Age movement during the 1960's and 70's so that America would turn into a cacophony of fools and white noise, and have not one clue that is a political debate and what is a moral debate.

The reason EU is getting nervous is they well remember that Russia crushed Georgia in August 2008 in less than 3 days. I was the first to report that it was Georgia, backed by Israeli and Blackwater USA mercenaries that started it, Russia ended it. If that was a hockey match it was Russia 50, Georgia/USA/Israel 0.

After EU checked my facts and sources, they told Bush and Rice to Go to Hell on that gig.

I am a firm believer that Americans need to travel more, see the world as it is, not as DC wants them to see it.

boards of FL

boards of FL

AmericanSwiss wrote:
boards of FL wrote:A broken clock is accurate twice per day.

The bigger problem is we have people in Washington DC that can neither tell time, read a map, nor understand how unimportant they are.

Hell, we have people on this very forum that are public educators that cannot even fucking read! I say this literally. They cannot even read a fairly simple passage and comprehend what it means. We're totally fucked.

I approve this message.



boards of FL wrote:
AmericanSwiss wrote:
boards of FL wrote:A broken clock is accurate twice per day.

The bigger problem is we have people in Washington DC that can neither tell time, read a map, nor understand how unimportant they are.

Hell, we have people on this very forum that are public educators that cannot even fucking read!  I say this literally.  They cannot even read a fairly simple passage and comprehend what it means.  We're totally fucked.

I will not debate your comment on that. The 2013 study shows USA is 36th in Math, 28th in science and 24th in literacy, not exactly the Greatest Nation any more. Not only have the educators failed, so have students, parents and even the focus of our nation.

Most Americans still think 9-11 was all about terrorism against the USA. Not even close, is all about oil, natural gas, pipelines and petrodollar supremacy.

They patterned the entire fiasco on The Grand Chessboard by Z. Brzezinski and refuse to in DC to admit that it was CHECKMATE before they even launched the war. Most Americans need to look in the mirror and come to grips with the fact that the world's foremost terrorist is the US government.

I noticed one person posted above about why we should be concerned about Ukraine. Well, the Georgia blow up in August 2008 was all about the Soros pipelines from Georgia through Ukraine (White Stream 1) and from Georgia to Romania (White Stream 2).

We are totally screwed as long as the debating and bickering continues. It is going to take action to fix what is wrong in America.

We are not as screwed as most think, what we are is disorganized and going at the problem the wrong way.



Looks like if boards doesn't get his way he cusses and throws a tantrum.



Boards, I'll start debating you honestly when you start being honest on how big a flop the COWH and his policies have been over the last dice years. You guys are so far up his arse that you can see his tonsils. Any opposition statements are never met with facts to the contrary ...just claims of racism. As a political entity your game is so done. When the Congress is changed over in jan 2015, you happy life is going to end.

33Plain called Putins invasion of Ukraine in 2008 - Page 2 Empty Sarah PALIN 3/2/2014, 9:31 am



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Looks like if boards doesn't get his way he cusses and throws a tantrum.

Not really, its Sarah Palin, not Plain for starters, and Sarah Palin is an expert on nothing but RNC mantra:

GHWB sucked, crashed the US economy and fabricated Desert Shield and Desert Storm. That is why former US ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie is still under a gag order so she cannot spill the beans on a pathetic presidential legacy. My office was in DC from August 1989 to June 1996, high level RNC. Naming an aircraft carrier for this babbling fool is a waste of taxpayer dollars.

Clinton was even worse, man could not tell the truth with a cocked .44 magnum to his forehead. He is socialist communist, Hillary is Marxist and they both detest America, enjoy pissing on it. I am from Little Rock originally, know both of them too well. One of Clinton's first executive orders was to mothball the USS America nuclear aircraft carrier and left 6 oil burners on the oceans.

GWB was pathetic and crashed a great nation that was already in need of repair. His GWOT is the biggest bald faced lie maybe in the history of this planet. Are you aware the false US housing boom was financed by over $4 trillion in premeditated capital markets fraud against non-US funding sources?

San Francisco got it right, the George W. Bush Wastewater Treatment Facility.

Obama, damn, Mr. All Talk, Do Nothing. Sucked in Illinois legislature, pathetic in US Senate and now proving to the world he sucks.

The problem is not Dem v Rep, the problem is America is sinking like the Titanic and everyone just rearranging the deck chairs.

Frankly, America would be better off if Donald Duck and Daffy Duck were president and vice president, and we had 535 baboons on Capital Hill and spider monkeys running all over the West Wing. Or, maybe Elmer Fudd and Mr. Magoo as POTUS and VP.

At least the carnival would not be as contrived.

JMHO, if Americans are not outraged since 1990, they are not paying attention.

34% of Ukraine is Russians, Russian passport, and I do not know even one Ukrainian that wants USA or EU. We have major operations in Ukraine, there often. They want USA and EU to go away and stay away.



Too bad Swiss,
Expert or not she called it.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Too bad Swiss,
Expert or not she called it.

Actually I am American, and that was not a brilliant call by Sarah Palin. Deaf, dumb and blind can follow political orders as a VP candidate. That was part of the RNC and Bush (and McCain) trying to blame the latest Bush Screw Up in Georgia as 'Russian aggression'. Georgia, Ukraine (bowing to US pressures), Israeli commandos and Blackwater USA were involved in the attack on South Ossetia while they slept. Russia counterattacked and leveled Georgia in 3 days.

US wanted Russia north of the Caucasus Mountains, block off the tunnel from North Ossetia to South Ossetia. Reason?" PIPELINE ROW from Caspian Basin through Georgia to the Black Sea and then across UKRAINE (look it up, White Stream 1, GEORGE SOROS) into EU.

I was the first to report that US and Georgia started it actually on the late hours of August 7th, 2008. Russia responded, Bush and Rice failed to pin it on Russia. EU and OECD contacted me wanting to talk to my sources before they told Bush, Rice, McCain and Palin to go to hell. Not picking a fight with Russia based on more Bush lies.

This was my last article on the matter:

US and Georgia lost that hockey match with Russia 50-0.



Continue making excuses for your messiah.

37Plain called Putins invasion of Ukraine in 2008 - Page 2 Empty Messiah? 3/2/2014, 11:38 am



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Continue making excuses for your messiah.

I afford no political leader such exaltation.

Are you one of those Americans down at 24th in literacy and challenged regarding the content of what you read?

I am no fan of Obama, or Bush, or Clinton. As far as I am concerned, it is hard to know US history and come up with 4 more pathetic excuses for President of the United States as have occupied the Oval Office since 1988.

US has a massive leadership deficit in both parties, and an electorate bordering on retarded. The problems are right in front of the eyes of all and they do not see.

They hear and do not listen.

Over 300 million people, 300 million opinions based on half-facts, half lies, no facts, and not one valid business plan in sight.

America is proving the historical lesson very clearly as to why all empires fail.



The problem is both sides of the aisle. Neither party gives a damn about America, just those that pay to re-elect them into office every 2, 4 or 6 years.

The indifference of the US government towards the people and what they really want has not mattered in over 20 years.

Hiding behind trees in fear of terrorists when it is far more likely to be gunned down by a gang, or a Ritalin survivor, a PTSD veteran or by the police.

Whether white or black, male or female, Christian, atheist or other, young or old the hopelessness has set in like cancer throughout the nation.

Rather than identifying with who they voted for in the last elections, or bickering about Left or Right, the only salvation, the only solution Americans have is join hands and flush the toilet in DC.

For two-thirds of my life America was the beacon of freedom to the rest of the world. For the last 20 years it has been the laughing stock of the world.



Swiss, quit bringing other POTUS into the discussion. We are where we are due to your messiah and his perceived weakness among world leaders.

40Plain called Putins invasion of Ukraine in 2008 - Page 2 Empty All 4 were losers 3/2/2014, 2:43 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Swiss, quit bringing other POTUS into the discussion. We are where we are due to your messiah and his perceived weakness among world leaders.

You are missing the point, the past 4 have been pathetically weak world leaders. I did not vote for Obama, do not support him in any way on any thing. Or Romney, or McCain - Palin, or Hillary, or Skirt Chaser Slick Willie.

The USA is where it is as the collective lack of leadership and lies from the last 4 US presidents.



Sorry but stick to the point and do stay on task.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Sorry but stick to the point and do stay on task.

I am the CEO of an international company. Sorry chump, I do not work for you.

Both sides of the aisle are the problem. If you ever get away from Hannity, O'Reilly and the coffee clatch crowd, travel, see the world as it really is.



Yeah and I am on the JCS too.... Lol



Funny, you go off on a tangent about the RW talkshow hosts, yet you say nothing about Colmes, Maddow,
Matthews et al. Lol you played your hand sock.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Funny, you go off on a tangent about the RW talkshow hosts, yet you say nothing about Colmes, Maddow,
Matthews et al. Lol you played your hand sock.

I do not listen to them either. Probably far more conservative than you but know to fix America first they have to admit there is a problem. You are obviously not there yet.

Picking fights with both sides is typical of what is wrong with the Right in America.



No, Mr. Sock, your Slip at the key board has cost you.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:No, Mr. Sock, your Slip at the key board has cost you.

Go play with yourself. Did not come here to talk to you, checking on something entirely different and more important.

As Mark Twain said: Never argue with Stupid People, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience every time.




Ahhh sock, more clues that point to who you are.....



Thanks.... That's how you once signed off.



AmericanSwiss wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:No, Mr. Sock, your Slip at the key board has cost you.

Go play with yourself. Did not come here to talk to you, checking on something entirely different and more important.

As Mark Twain said: Never argue with Stupid People, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience every time.


What are you checking on?

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