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Trump said John McCain was no war Trump had his moment

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In the 2012 election John McCain who has more character and heroism in his pinky than Trump has in his whole body was asked by a hateful woman how can a Muslim who is not an American be president....something like that.....and John stopped the lady and went over and took the microphone....he was willing to lose the election than to have a good man degraded in his presence.

Donald Trump's moment to show if he has character and courage was asked basically the same question in NH just ten minutes ago, and he agreed with the person spewing lies and hate........he is not leader.....he is no hero.....he is the worst of all of us.....petty small and dangerous.



2seaoat wrote:In the 2012 election John McCain who has more character and heroism in his pinky than Trump has in his whole body was asked by a hateful woman how can a Muslim who is not an American be president....something like that.....and John stopped the lady and went over and took the microphone....he was willing to lose the election than to have a good man degraded in his presence.

Donald Trump's moment to show if he has character and courage was asked basically the same question in NH just ten minutes ago, and he agreed with the person spewing lies and hate........he is not leader.....he is no hero.....he is the worst of all of us.....petty small and dangerous.



Trump showed tonight that he is winning appealing to the worst elements of humanity.   We have become what the greatest generation fought to protect us from.  Shame on Donald Trump.   I am proud to have supported John McCain a real American hero.  I am proud to have heroes like John still among us....Trump is a silvered spooned buffoon.

here is our new hero

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

This could be the beginning of the end for him.  It would be for anyone else.
But this whole campaign has been so unusual that I've stopped predicting what the public reaction will be to anything Trump says.

Last edited by Bob on 9/17/2015, 8:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:

Donald Trump's moment to show if he has character and courage was asked basically the same question in NH just ten minutes ago, and he agreed with the person spewing lies and hate........he is not leader.....he is no hero.....he is the worst of all of us.....petty small and dangerous.

For those who didn't get to see it, this was probably the most remarkable moment in the campaign so far.

But we have to appreciate the context of it. This right now is the most controversial Presidential candidate in modern history. Not just because of who and what he is, but because who and what he is has been leading in the polls for almost two months. And I mean REALLY leading in the polls. lol
And tonight for the first time on national television (covered by all three cable news networks), he decides to cut a stump speech short to take questions from the audience "town hall" style.
AND, like is his style no matter how he's campaigning, it appears that none of this was staged or prepared in any way. He just throws the microphone open to anyone at random.
When I first realized it was going down this way, I says to myself "are you kidding me, there's no telling what these people are gonna say".

And then the questioning begins, and the very first questioner says muslims are about to run amok in the country because they're being put through "muslim training camps" and asks Trump "when can we get rid of them all?"
But then he adds that Obama is a muslim who wasn't born here.

Trump first responds "and we get this for the first question". But then he shakes his head in agreement with what the person is saying.

I was watching it on MSNBC. Not long after the comments were made, they switched from the town hall to Chris Matthews and his guests in the studio. And Chris Matthews went berzerk in response to it.
It's now on the first MSNBC primetime program, and again the host is going berzerk over it.
They're both telling the tv audience that this is it, this is the big one, Trump is through. And they keep playing the question and answer over and over again like a train wreck just happened and they keep showing the footage of it. lol

I'm recording CNN and Fox News to see what the reaction will be there.



Could you imagine me standing up and asking him when are we going to something about the Jewish problem in America, where President Obama is really controlled by the Jews......and the dump trump says....."we will be looking into it" I can officially say this now......Trump will NEVER be president of the United States. He cannot talk his way out of this. The racism he has been feeding just jumped up and bit him in his asz.



Nothing will surprise me after obama was elected with a bunch of promises... and next to no credentials.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Now Anderson Cooper has just gone berzerk over it too. He's got a Trump spokesman on and Cooper shouted him down like O'Reilly does when the dude was attempting to defend Trump.

I think I'm witnessing seaoat's wooden stake being driven through the vampire heart. lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Okay, the train wreck just happened minutes ago. So let's be pretend NTSB investigators who are now on the scene to investigate what happened.

Now whenever a train wreck does happen, we as investigators are trained to look for anything. Including foul play.

Now seaoat, don't get bent when I raise this just as a possibility. Because I don't trust anything at it's face value when it comes to Presidential politics.
I lived through Richard Nixon's version of it. lol

But we have no idea who this person (the questioner) is. We don't know how he positioned himself in a way to get the first question.
It may be exactly as it seems. But then again there is always the possibility of "dirty tricks". Hell, Nixon had his people break into the DNC and steal their stuff. And he had his people break into a psychiatrists office to get the ammo to trash a political opponent. And that was just for openers.

With that in mind, is it not even conceivable that this character and his question could have been a plant put there by Trump's opponents.



Floridatexan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:In the 2012 election John McCain who has more character and heroism in his pinky than Trump has in his whole body was asked by a hateful woman how can a Muslim who is not an American be president....something like that.....and John stopped the lady and went over and took the microphone....he was willing to lose the election than to have a good man degraded in his presence.

Donald Trump's moment to show if he has character and courage was asked basically the same question in NH just ten minutes ago, and he agreed with the person spewing lies and hate........he is not leader.....he is no hero.....he is the worst of all of us.....petty small and dangerous.




With that in mind, is it not even conceivable that this character and his question could have been a plant put there by Trump's opponents.

I definitely believe they were plants, but think it was Trump handlers who placed the first questioner, but what I have warned for years when hate becomes acceptable in America, it will escalate....the second question could have been somebody just thinking that political correctness has no place and speaking off the cuff and letting hate flow....words matter.....courage matters.....morality matters. Donald Trump will never be President.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Okay. I'm now willing to concede that the Trump Show is finally coming to a close.
It's like Pee Wee Herman. His bizarre show was coasting right along and gaining audience in the process.
And then it happened. They caught him masturbating in the porn theatre and that was it for Pee Wee.

We may have just witnessed Trump in the same theater (metaphorically speaking). lol

So, where do we go from here. Well back to the politics as usual. The stiffs. The phonies. The speechmakers. The fat cat campaign donors.
And all the rest.

We're now back to square one. And after this, people will lose faith that anything can make a change in it.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

It's so odd.  I was predicting that if this was to happen,  it would probably happen at the debate (last night's debate).

But I'll be a monkey's nephew if it didn't wait to happen until the night after.  lol

It's like we were seeing the train start to go around the curve too fast and we anticipated a derail.
BUT,  it made it around that curve and then, lo and behold, it derailed on the straightaway.  lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Oh what the hell. Shit happens. If nothing else, we got to see the damndest tv reality show ever.
As my granddaddy used to say, it was a humdinger.


We can watch the spin and damage control on Morning Joe, but my guess his fellow Republicans will not let this sit. You rub that bottle long enough, do not be surprised what pops out.



Where is the surprise in any of this?

Trump is an asshole - no surprise.

Trump's supporters are assholes - no surprise.

I don't see where this hurts him at all.


66% of his supporters think President Obama is a Muslim. The general public believes that he is a Muslim only by 29%. This person is the shining hope of the racism in America which I have argued for ten years on the PNJ existed and growing stronger.......I am tired of giving this candidate any more latitude. Muslims have died for this country. A thirteen year old kid had to face this hate. I want hate to be chit canned, and it starts by Morning Joe and these other asz kissers to have the courage of John McCain. All it took in Nazi Germany were for good people to sit silently when the same rhetoric was directed at jews, or in Turkey directed at the Armanians, or in our own country when directed at native Americans......Donald Trump is an evil man. He represents everything which is wrong in America. To all the folks which post the race card when I have been warning of this day.....well it is here.


I just woke up and turned on Morning Joe. Nothing on Trump's fiasco last night. Will this be ignored? I will watch, but nothing so far.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

We may be overreacting to what the public reaction to this will be.
That's why I said last night after seeing it that I've given up on trying to predict what happens with the Trump Show.  It defies anything we've seen in the past.  
But we're still only a few hours from this one.  After the talking heads do more talking and new polls are revealed,  we'll have a better idea of how big a blow this is to Trump's popularity.  

But when I was having breakfast earlier,  I got to pondering on the potential irony of it and how one individual talking on television for less than a minute can change the course of world events.

Just for the sake of argument,  let's say this fellow's little comment is what finally turns the Trump Show around.
Stay with me on it and think about this.

Here this character out of nowhere shows up at one campaign event.
And he's obviously there to support Trump and it appears he's a really avid supporter of Trump and all Trump stands for.

And then Trump and his people decide to take questions from the crowd.
And then this one person,  who is there to cheer for the whole Trump Show,  happens to get on the microphone and say what he did.  
And the result of it is Trump's downfall.

Think about the enormous power that one little individual peon has wielded.
All by himself he may have changed the course of history.  Because if he had not been there to say what he did,  the Trump Show could have kept right on going.  And maybe all the way to the Presidency.  
The irony is so thick that you couldn't cut it with a chainsaw.
He shows up to help Trump.  But instead he sinks Trump.  
My god what must that person be thinking right now.  

The whole thing is mindboggling. It really reveals to us how much power television has.
It was television which created Donald Trump. And it would be television which does him in.



Joe the Plumber?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Floridatexan wrote:
Joe the Plumber?

I was thinking the same thing as I wrote that post.



I don't see anything remotely remarkable or surprising about any of this.

There's has always been a seething and dark undercurrent of racism and xenophobia in American politics.

The Obama presidency just brought it to the surface, and the bigots felt vindicated and liberated to show their true colors.

Trump is simply channeling that rage, which may or may not consume him before it's all said and done.

The one thing that is sure is that this display is unhealthy and dangerous, and could erupt into violence given the right circumstances.

I think it's bound to get worse before it gets better.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Salinsky wrote:I don't see anything remotely remarkable... about any of this.

Sal, if a ten mile wide asteroid landed on earth last night and wiped out life as we know it, you would be saying "I don't see anything remotely remarkable about this".
Obviously you've already seen and experienced everything in life there is to see and experience. We get that. lol



Bob wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
Joe the Plumber?

I was thinking the same thing as I wrote that post.

Except that was the exchange where obama came right out and said that he wanted to redistribute wealth.

That certainly didn't hurt him with leftists... it's their wetdream. We know now that obama did exactly the opposite.

He bailed out banks, wall st, corps... and by proxy the wealthy... and still got reelected... lol. Go figure comrades.



Bob wrote:
Obviously you've already seen and experienced everything in life there is to see and experience.  

No, but I do pay attention.

I saw the Palin phenomenon.

I saw the visceral reaction to a black man occupying the White House.

Hell, Trump has been a birther for years.

Who'd you think he'd attract?

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