2seaoat wrote:That concisely explains your support for the Trumpster fire.
Well before you told me my support of Trump was because I didn't like little brown bags of garbage. So which is it? lol
I was talking with my cousin Goober in Mayberry on the phone this morning (actually Elkin but it's in the vicinity of Mayberry).
I told him for years I've been worrying that our fucked up country was susceptible to being hornswaggled by a "pied piper". Something like a hitler in germany when it was suffering it's post WW1 decline.
And now I understand what happens in these scenarios. I now understand because I myself was taken in by it.
Trump was somebody who appeared to be different to me. Not like all the rest who are just wanting to climb the political ladder and end up with careers in politics. The ones who always play the game to accomplish that goal.
And it was because I'm looking for something really different is why I didn't recognize that Trump was to me what Hitler was to all those Germans. Something really different from what all else we were seeing.
The sad truth is, that if Trump hadn't destroyed himself with this latest thing, I'd probably still be supporting him.
Thank god this particular pied piper was so hell bent on self-destruction. Because I didn't have the capacity to see through this. I could have helped another hitler get elected.