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Hospital Bob
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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

"I don’t buy the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured. I thought the idea was to capture them. As far as I’m concerned he sat out the war."

Whoops, wait a minute. That wasn't Trump saying that. It was democrat Al Franken. Does anyone remember any backlash over that? I don't.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Here's one thing about Trump's comments that just baffles me.

The Trump Organization is Big Bidness (corporate America).

Big Bidness shuns controversy like the plague.  Whenever it faces controversy,  it ALWAYS wants to take the politically correct path.  It always apologizes to anyone because whoever it needs to apologize to is a potential customer.
It does so because Big Bidness doesn't want to "lose bidness".

So why does a Big Bidnessman like Trump not also care about losing bidness?
Can anyone explain this?



Are Chris Rock and Al Franken leading contenders to be the presidential nominee of one of our two major political parties?

Shouldn't people in such a position be held to a sightly higher standard?

Chris Rock is, and Al Franken was at the time he made those remarks, comedians.

Perhaps, you're argument is that the Trumpster fire is nothing more than a comedian desperately seeking attention anyway he can get it.

There's an argument to be made there.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Congratulations,  Sal.  You just used exactly the same argument every teabagger and wingnut uses to defend Rush Limbaugh whenever he says stupid shit about a political celebrity.  They all erupt in the same chorus you just did:  "But Rush is just an entertainer and a comedian,  he aint running for anything,  so whatever he says gets a pass".  lol

And by the way,  if this line is a "joke",  what in fuck is the punchline?  In fact what in fuck is the joke to begin with...

"I don’t buy the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured. I thought the idea was to capture them. As far as I’m concerned he sat out the war."

If I was a comedian with material like that,  I sure as hell wouldn't quit my day job (U.S. Senator).  lol



So, ....

.... you don't think that a leading contender to be the nominee of one of the two major political parties in the United States should be held to a higher standard than the cesspool that is Rush Limbaugh??

That concisely explains your support for the Trumpster fire.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Well actually, Sal, no that's not what I think. I'm not sitting on one side of the wrastlin arena like you and demssuck. I don't always cheerlead for my wrastlers and always boo the other wrastler.

So with that in mind, I'll tell you what my opinion is.

Firstly, yes, I think a presidential candidate should be held to a higher standard than a "comedian".

And let me preface this by saying frankly (no pun intended), I don't remember anything, either with his standup act or his SNL writing/performing, that this "comedian" did to make me laugh. Just like very little I've ever heard come out of Limbaugh's mouth is actual "comedy" either.
To call either a "comedian" is really a stretch.
What both really are are uber partisan political gadflies who get the attention of the national media. And of course Franken is better known now as a U.S. Senator than he is for any of that nonsense.

But what I really think about the McCain military record they both criticized is this.
I was and still am a proud Vietnam draft dodger. I just feel sorry for the folks who weren't. Both those who came back from it and those who didn't.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Wait a minute I just realized something. I've fucked up bad by saying I'm a proud Vietnam draft dodger. In fact I've been saying that ever since I first started posting to the forerunner to this forum.
I'm saying this knowing that it makes so many on here despise me for saying it. Especially since we're living in a part of the country which has so many veterans and families of veterans living in it.

I'm a fence-sitter. I'm not supposed to be saying shit like that.


That concisely explains your support for the Trumpster fire.




There are stories out there that McCain was known in the POW camp as "Songbird". I also find it nauseating that he received a ticker tape parade when he came home, vs. what most of the Vietnam era vets were dealt.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:That concisely explains your support for the Trumpster fire.


Well before you told me my support of Trump was because I didn't like little brown bags of garbage. So which is it? lol

I was talking with my cousin Goober in Mayberry on the phone this morning (actually Elkin but it's in the vicinity of Mayberry).

I told him for years I've been worrying that our fucked up country was susceptible to being hornswaggled by a "pied piper". Something like a hitler in germany when it was suffering it's post WW1 decline.

And now I understand what happens in these scenarios. I now understand because I myself was taken in by it.
Trump was somebody who appeared to be different to me. Not like all the rest who are just wanting to climb the political ladder and end up with careers in politics. The ones who always play the game to accomplish that goal.

And it was because I'm looking for something really different is why I didn't recognize that Trump was to me what Hitler was to all those Germans. Something really different from what all else we were seeing.

The sad truth is, that if Trump hadn't destroyed himself with this latest thing, I'd probably still be supporting him.
Thank god this particular pied piper was so hell bent on self-destruction. Because I didn't have the capacity to see through this. I could have helped another hitler get elected.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

A young republican journalist explained Trump the best I've ever heard yet on Morning Joe today.

With Trump,  everything comes down to what somebody says about him.
His whole history proves it.  Whenever anyone of any celebrity (be it entertainment,  political or news media) has said something insulting about him,  he has always gone off his rocker over it.  He doesn't use an elephant gun to kill a fly.  He uses a nuclear missile.

So when McCain labeled Trump's followers as "crazies",  Trump again went in to full defcon mode and all Trump could think about was "how can I get back at McCain for this and hurt him the worst?"  
So he went after the thing that McCain is most known for,  his military service.

He was so enraged by McCain that he didn't stop to think about anything else.  He didn't think that to say something like that would alienate so many people.  He didn't remember that he himself got as many Vietnam deferments as Karl Rove and how bad it would make him look to criticize McCain.  He didn't remember that completely apart from the POW thing,  McCain was already a "war hero" for all the stuff he did other than that (McCain's service record proves that,  go read it).
But,  even more significant than the political backlash he didn't give a thought to,  is that he didn't give a shit what it would do to The Trump Organization either.

It's pretty scary to think about a personality like that having his finger on the button.  All that would need to happen is for some other country's leader to insult his hair or something and he could go off half-cocked and get us all blown to shit.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Floridatexan wrote:There are stories out there that McCain was known in the POW camp as "Songbird".

There are stories and then there's fact.  And the fact is when McCain's North Vietnamese captors found out McCain's daddy was a 4-star Admiral,  they wanted to release him (they thought it would be good PR for them).  But he refused to leave his fellow prisoners.
I would have jumped at the chance to get out of that hellish situation.  And probably so would you.  And probably so would Al Franken and Donald Trump.

But he didn't.



In the Republican Party, attacking someone's service can be acceptable, if you do it to win a race.

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by Sal Today at 2:22 pm
Are Chris Rock and Al Franken leading contenders to be the presidential nominee of one of our two major political parties?

Shouldn't people in such a position be held to a sightly higher standard?

Chris Rock is, and Al Franken was at the time he made those remarks, comedians.

Perhaps, you're argument is that the Trumpster fire is nothing more than a comedian desperately seeking attention anyway he can get it.

There's an argument to be made there.

OBAMA got elected so obviously there is no standard at all.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

polecat wrote:In the Republican Party, attacking someone's service can be acceptable, if you do it to win a race.

About the only other example I can think of is the attack on John Kerry by republicans who had never served either.

But that succeeded ONLY because Kerry became a poster boy for the anti-war movement and threw his medals in the river and for republicans that was akin to burning an american flag.

McCain on the other hand has always been hawkish and pro-war (what republicans like to hear).  Not the same thing.

What Trump just did does not help him "win the race".  My prediction is when we get the new polls after this has happened,  he aint gonna be a front-runner no more.  lol



McCain says Trumps right...

"In the case of many of our veterans, when Mr. Trump said that he prefers to be with people who are not captured, well, the great honor of my life was to serve in the company of heroes," McCain said. "I'm not a hero. But those who were my senior ranking officers … those that have inspired us to do things that we otherwise wouldn't have been capable of doing, those are the people that I think he owes an apology to."



The Dems said the same thing when McSame ran against O. Where was the outrage?



polecat wrote:My prediction is when we get the new polls after this has happened,  he aint gonna be a front-runner no more.  lol

Time will tell, but I doubt it will hurt him much.

He's not courting cognitively impaired fencesitters with a distorted but real set of principles.

He's throwing red meat to the knuckledragging GOP base, and all they care about is punching hippie libruls.

And, they think McCain is a RINO who wasn't mean enough to Hussein Obama, and that's probably even worse than being a hippie librul.

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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I watched the whole interview on Morning Joe, teo. To sum that interview up by saying McCain admitted he agrees with Trump that he's not a hero, is taken completely out of context. He was not there to agree with Trump about anything. Exactly the opposite.

Nobody in McCain's position will ever call himself a hero. They always let others do that to look humble.



Oh well excuuuuuuuuse me !

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Look, Trump is now history. Game Over.
If anybody here is naive enough to think Trump can recover from this, then I'm ready to do some wagering and I'd probably even give up some odds on it.
How bout you, seaoat. You're a gambler. You wanna take this bet? lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I'll make one more prediction.  And granted with this one I'm not near as confident as I am about Trump "getting fired" (by the voters) because of his McCain comments.

But you heard it here first if it happens.  I predict John Kasich will be the republican nominee.

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