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FOR TEO: This make a really good argument that Jesus was an invention of the Romans

Hospital Bob
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It took me 3 years of intense study to find the truth, preterism. I can't show you in a few minutes on a forum. I didn't want to believe it either but looking back if I believed what you believe I would be a hardened atheist right now because of all the lies and unfulfilled prophecies.



And yep to those who do not believe, it's going to suck for them. God has given people a choice. When they chose to sin, they reap the consequences. We're still reaping the consequences of Adam and Eve's sin today.



If you believe it so well and have studied it, then it would be right there in your mind to defend. Preterist has more holes in the theory than Swiss cheese. You can't even defend the part about the Euphrates tht didn't dry up.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:If you believe it so well and have studied it, then it would be right there in your mind to defend. Preterist has more holes in the theory than Swiss cheese. You can't even defend the part about the Euphrates tht didn't dry up.

I know you and you are full of I choose .."Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.



Full of hate? Hardly, but you haven't walked in my shoes at all and you don't know what I've seen, done, or know. Judge someone else little man. If you want to be fooled, so be it. It's all out there....Christ has not made his return yet.



Jerusalem Connection Regular Columns
Why Preterism is a False Doctrine
Feb 1st, 2010 @ 08:24 pm › Administrator
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By Daymond Duck, Prophecy Plus Ministries

Those who believe all prophecy has been fulfilled are called Preterists. Not all Preterists agree with each other. There are partial Preterists and full Preterists. The partial Preterists are divided into historicists and futurists. Some of the partial Preterists believe the full Preterists are pagans, etc.

The word “preterist” means past. Generally speaking, it means most Preterists believe most prophecy was fulfilled in the past, specifically, by 70 A.D. Partial Preterists say most but not all of it was fulfilled in the past.

After giving the Parable of the Fig Tree Jesus said, “When ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled” (Matthew 24:34). The problem centers around the identity of “this generation.” Preterists believe “this generation” means the generation that Jesus was talking to. Many non-Preterists believe “this generation” means the generation that sees the fulfillment of all the prophecies Jesus was talking about.

For many, the problem with Preterists is the fact that they spiritualize and explain away many prophecies, especially the Book of Revelation. Instead of studying the Book of Revelation they dismiss it as nothing more than a book of symbols. The prophecies say one thing, but they say the prophecies mean something else. They attach private interpretations to the prophecies instead of letting the Bible interpret itself. When they do this, they not only change what the Bible says, they dismiss, explain away or spiritualize hundreds of other verses in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Zechariah, Matthew, II Thessalonians, etc. Everything those prophets said about the first coming of Jesus literally happened. It’s a mistake to say that none of what they said about the Second Coming of Jesus is going to literally happen.

Many Preterists say Nero was the Antichrist. But Nero wasn’t the Antichrist because he committed suicide instead of being cast alive into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 19:20). Nero didn’t track all buying and selling. And Nero didn’t force people to take the Mark of the Beast.

Many Preterists say Israel’s religious leaders were the False Prophet. But Israel’s religious leaders didn’t build a statue of the Antichrist. Israel’s religious leaders didn’t make that statue speak. Israel’s religious leaders didn’t make the Jews commit idolatry by worshipping the statue. And Israel’s religious leaders didn’t get thrown alive into the Lake of Fire with the Antichrist.

Many Preterists say the final world government was the Roman Empire. But the Roman Empire was the legs of iron on Nebuchadnezzar’s statue not the feet of iron mixed with clay (Daniel 2). The Second Coming of Jesus will be in the days of the feet of iron mixed with clay not in the day of the legs of iron.

Many Preterists say the Second Coming of Jesus was a spiritual coming that took place in 70 A.D. and no one could see it. But the Bible says every eye will see Jesus when He comes back (Revelation 1:7). Two angels said Jesus will come back the same way He went away which was visibly because people could see Him (Acts 1:9-11). Over and over again, Jesus and others told us to watch for the Second Coming, but watching for the Second Coming of Jesus is meaningless, if Jesus has already come back. Watching for the Second Coming is meaningless if is a spiritual return that no one can see. The Bible says so many people will be killed at the Battle of Armageddon when Jesus comes back the blood will flow up to the horses bridles for almost 200 miles. That doesn’t fit with an invisible return that no one can see. Jesus said the sun will be darkened, the moon won’t shine, the stars will fall from heaven, everyone on earth will mourn, the lost will be removed from the earth, the sheep and goat nations will be judged, etc., but none of that happened in 70 A.D. (Matt. 24:29-30; 13:41-42, 49-50; 25:31-46).

Many Preterists say the destruction of Jerusalem and the persecution of the Church in 70 A.D. was the Tribulation Period. The Church won’t be here during the Tribulation Period. There was no seven-year covenant in 70 A.D. There weren’t enough people on earth for a 200 million man army to invade Israel in 70 A.D. The Euphrates River didn’t dry up. The Two Witnesses didn’t lie in the street for three and one-half days while the whole world watched. Babylon wasn’t destroyed by fire in one hour. Jesus didn’t rescue Israel at a Second Coming in 70 A.D., etc. (Rev. 9:16; 16:12; 13:11-18; 11:9).

Many Preterists say the Church is the New Jerusalem. The Bible says the New Jerusalem will be about 1500 miles square, it won’t need the sun or moon, it will have twelve gates of pearls, twelve foundations of precious stones, streets of gold, and the tree of life. The Church still needs the sun and moon, we still have pain, death, suffering, we’re a spiritual building not a physical building with walls, streets, etc. (Rev. 21-22).

Many Preterists say the Millennium is a long period of time not a 1,000 years and we’re living in the Millennium right now. But the Bible says we will have peace on earth during the Millennium. Instead of peace on earth, we have wars and rumors of wars. Instead of thanking God because His kingdom has already come to the earth, we are praying that His kingdom will come to the earth.

To believe Preterism people have to ignore the differences between the Church and Israel, ignore current events, reject the most widely accepted date for the writing of the Book of Revelation, explain away hundreds of verses of Scriptures all over the Bible, etc.

A good question to ask is, “When was the Rapture?” This is actually why some Preterists shove the Rapture over to the Second Coming. If the destruction of Jerusalem and the persecution of the Church is the Tribulation Period, they have to move everything between the Rapture and the Second Coming to the period before 70 A.D.

If the prophecies aren’t literally fulfilled, it’s impossible to know when anything is fulfilled. If the prophecies aren’t literally fulfilled, there is no need to watch for anything. If the prophecies aren’t literally fulfilled, there are no signs of anything. If prophecies aren’t literally fulfilled, we need to forget about heaven, rewards, the resurrection of the dead, etc. because those things won’t literally happen.

Christians should not want to lead anyone wrong. But those who say all prophecy has been fulfilled, the Book of Revelation is nothing but a book of symbols, no one understands it, and the like are leading people wrong. The Bible says study those symbols, search the Scriptures, let Scripture interpret Scripture, blessed is the person who reads, hears and keeps the things in the Book of Revelation, don’t take anything out of the Book of Revelation, the Holy Spirit can help you understand it, etc.

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Categories: End Times/ Prophecy, Replacement Theology
Tags: False Doctrine, Preterism, prophecy, Revelation

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PACEDOG#1 wrote:Full of hate? Hardly, but you haven't walked in my shoes at all and you don't know what I've seen, done, or know. Judge someone else little man. If you want to be fooled, so be it. It's all out there....Christ has not made his return yet.

Paul was full of hate also so there is hope but I am afraid I wasn't called to help you on the road to Damascus. Have a good journey wherever you go, zeal without knowledge is very destructive.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Damaged Eagle wrote:

Words are man's pitiful attempt to cast meaning onto concepts he barely comprehends with his wholly inadequate senses and mentality.


Somebody else finally gets it too!

But I would state it a little differently. Our words and our senses and our mentality are not "pitiful". Yes, they are "inadequate" in this one context.
But only in this context. They serve us very well in every other way.
It's just not ours to know the nature of existence. But who says we have to know that or need to know that. Why can't we just just accept our reality. Why do we have to make up gods and religions instead.



Bob wrote:
Damaged Eagle wrote:

Words are man's pitiful attempt to cast meaning onto concepts he barely comprehends with his wholly inadequate senses and mentality.


Somebody else finally gets it too!

But I would state it a little differently.  Our words and our senses and our mentality are not "pitiful".   Yes,  they are "inadequate" in this one context.
But only in this context.  They serve us very well in every other way.  
It's just not ours to know the nature of existence.  But who says we have to know that or need to know that.  Why can't we just just accept our reality.  Why do we have to make up gods and religions instead.  

I like to have someone to thank when I get all misty eyed or excited over the beauty of this world. Besides I think it was God made us up.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I like to have someone to thank when I get all misty eyed or excited over the beauty of this world

FOR TEO:   This make a really good argument that Jesus was an invention of the Romans - Page 3 Someon10

No person is responsible for this existence. And nothing that resembles a person is responsible for it either.
That's what all religion does, Teo. It attempts to explain it in terms of what humans can comprehend. Which is exactly what damaged eagle was saying using different words.
It's unknowable to the human mind. Humans simply do not have the capacity to know it.

All that beauty you and I see is a mystery. And it will remain a mystery.
And there's nothing wrong with a mystery.



Bob wrote:
I like to have someone to thank when I get all misty eyed or excited over the beauty of this world

FOR TEO:   This make a really good argument that Jesus was an invention of the Romans - Page 3 Someon10

No person is responsible for this existence.  And nothing that resembles a person is responsible for it either.
That's what all religion does,  Teo.  It attempts to explain it in terms of what humans can comprehend.  Which is exactly what damaged eagle was saying using different words.
It's unknowable to the human mind.  Humans simply do not have the capacity to know it.  

All that beauty you and I see is a mystery.  And it will remain a mystery.
And there's nothing wrong with a mystery.

Bob the Bible says we exist within God . He is all around us in a form we can't discover. He knows the number of hairs on our head and when a sparrow falls from the sky. You can keep your mystery if you like and I will keep my blessed assurance.

27God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.
28For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote: You can keep your mystery if you like and I will keep my blessed assurance.

Just as long as your assurances don't try to pass laws to force themselves on my mystery,  and I don't try to pass laws to force my mystery on your assurances,  then I'm all for what you said above in that quote.  It works for me and it works for you.

This thread is hereby adjourned.  lol



Bob wrote:
Damaged Eagle wrote:

Words are man's pitiful attempt to cast meaning onto concepts he barely comprehends with his wholly inadequate senses and mentality.


Somebody else finally gets it too!

But I would state it a little differently.  Our words and our senses and our mentality are not "pitiful".   Yes,  they are "inadequate" in this one context.
But only in this context.  They serve us very well in every other way.  
It's just not ours to know the nature of existence.  But who says we have to know that or need to know that.  Why can't we just just accept our reality.  Why do we have to make up gods and religions instead.  

FOR TEO:   This make a really good argument that Jesus was an invention of the Romans - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRiaV0w6R6kL3pNpgPCz01UYk7m7xy3xEoJVRR6pX-aYJykWFszeg

How do you know they aren't pitiful Bob?

Can you see the infrared or ultraviolet spectrum? Can you hear a dog whistle being blown? Can you feel the irregularities in a piece of silk?...

Then there's the senses that we weren't born with and will never know what they are because our perception of them doesn't exist and we're all like deaf, dumb, and blind, people to their existence and have no one to describe what they are like to us because no one has those senses... And even if there was one person that had senses which could detect those things and could attempt to describe what they're experiencing with that sense or senses would we believe them or would we think they're nuts? It would be like him or her being the only person born sighted in the whole world attempting to describe what he or she sees to the rest of us who are born blind.





FOR TEO:   This make a really good argument that Jesus was an invention of the Romans - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTPoQjqBBTLjioBPGNYBVPZF2ViXrB8DcUClf7zCgKhwg7JVDgojw

Or perhaps another way to describe it is we're all deaf people, though there might be those who can only feel the rhythm of the music, while that one special person can actually hear the music.



Last edited by Damaged Eagle on 2/4/2014, 3:12 pm; edited 1 time in total



Bob wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote: You can keep your mystery if you like and I will keep my blessed assurance.

Just as long as your assurances don't try to pass laws to force themselves on my mystery,  and I don't try to pass laws to force my mystery on your assurances,  then I'm all for what you said above in that quote.  It works for me and it works for you.

This thread is hereby adjourned.  lol

Bob any law I would pass ain't worth a tinkers damn but the laws God instituted can land you in a fix and man cant pass laws that over rule those laws.



FOR TEO:   This make a really good argument that Jesus was an invention of the Romans - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWfK3whrrHIafl2mS4jx0VI5gnmsaFmh2gGbX9NFUixE0OHuQc



Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Damaged Eagle wrote:

How do you know they aren't pitiful Bob?

Can you see the infrared or ultraviolet spectrum? Can you hear a dog whistle being blown? Can you feel the irregularities in a piece of silk?...

Then there's the senses that we weren't born with and will never know what they are because our perception of them doesn't exist and we're all like deaf, dumb, and blind, people to their existence and have no one to describe what they are like to us because no one has those senses... And even if there was one person that had senses which could detect those things and could attempt to describe what they're experiencing with that sense or senses would we believe them or would we think they're nuts? It would be like him or her being the only person born sighted in the whole world attempting to describe what he or she sees to the rest of us who are born blind.

I understand.  It's a pleasant surprise for me to read all this coming from you because I rarely ever encounter others who have thought about these things.

Think of a very tall ladder.  Each rung of that ladder represents an advance in sensory capacity,  intellect or whatever things are in existence.
Your dog is standing on the ladder a rung or two beneath us.  And creatures even more primitive than your dog are on rungs below him.
The question then becomes what is standing on the ladder ten steps above us.  Or a hundred.  Or a thousand.

There is no answer to that question.  Because whatever is up there is inconceivable to us.  Absolutely no different than the capacity of our senses and intellect is inconceivable and unknowable to the creatures down below us.

Last edited by Bob on 2/4/2014, 3:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote: the laws God instituted can land you in a fix and man cant pass laws that over rule those laws.

That's the one truly scary thing about all the various gods and religions,  teo.
It's in their nature for them to try to force themselves on all of us.
Both Christianity and Islam have a long bloody history of it.



Bob wrote:
Damaged Eagle wrote:

How do you know they aren't pitiful Bob?

Can you see the infrared or ultraviolet spectrum? Can you hear a dog whistle being blown? Can you feel the irregularities in a piece of silk?...

Then there's the senses that we weren't born with and will never know what they are because our perception of them doesn't exist and we're all like deaf, dumb, and blind, people to their existence and have no one to describe what they are like to us because no one has those senses... And even if there was one person that had senses which could detect those things and could attempt to describe what they're experiencing with that sense or senses would we believe them or would we think they're nuts? It would be like him or her being the only person born sighted in the whole world attempting to describe what he or she sees to the rest of us who are born blind.

I understand.  It's a pleasant surprise for me to read all this coming from you because I rarely ever encounter others who have thought about these things.

Think of a very tall ladder.  Each rung of that ladder represents an advance in sensory capacity,  intellect or whatever things are in existence.
Your dog is standing on the ladder a rung or two beneath us.  And creatures even more primitive than your dog are on rungs below him.
The question then becomes what is standing on the ladder ten steps above us.  Or a hundred.  Or a thousand.

There is no answer to that question.  Because whatever is up there is inconceivable to us.  Absolutely no different than the capacity of our senses and intellect is inconceivable and unknowable to the creatures down below us.

FOR TEO:   This make a really good argument that Jesus was an invention of the Romans - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTEvSUgw2ZiStyXLXtBMvPWW-kP3Z_tNEg2j0eDUtd5KeDYIM98zQ

Have you ever watched Alphas?

The show much like the X-Men is about mutations in the general population.

In season one there was a show called Rosetta Stone. The character that they portrayed as the Rosetta, called Anne, was a unique individual. She had an extreme mutation but the character she played impressed me immensely.



Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I've never watched "Alphas".  But just discovered that many episodes (inluding "Rosetta") are available on youtube but only as pay-per-views.  This is first I've ever heard of youtube having pay-per-views.
I hope this isn't a new trend for youtube because I like all the free shit (close your eyes and don't read that part, seaoat). lol



Bob wrote:I've never watched "Alphas".  But just discovered that many episodes (inluding "Rosetta") are available on youtube but only as pay-per-views.  This is first I've ever heard of youtube having pay-per-views.
I hope this isn't a new trend for youtube because I like all the free shit (close your eyes and don't read that part,  seaoat).  lol

FOR TEO:   This make a really good argument that Jesus was an invention of the Romans - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQs4UG8Rv7bYX0d0vR3Y1iO9jcytJfPuBivZyJeI8p2viVT929WCw

What's irritating to me is that I had been playing around with a idea for a couple of years of character such as the Rosetta as a Sci-Fi story. Then someone comes along and writes a character very similar in abilities and disabilities into a TV show.

Copywrite and all that don't ya' know.

That's alright. I'll just change the ability and what they can do.


 Very Happy



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Full of hate? Hardly, but you haven't walked in my shoes at all and you don't know what I've seen, done, or know. Judge someone else little man. If you want to be fooled, so be it. It's all out there....Christ has not made his return yet.

Teo hit the nail on the head. Whatever you've seen done or know has warped you. It's people like you that turns me off to religion. I can't even imagine a God would consider a place for you in heaven.



Damaged Eagle wrote:FOR TEO:   This make a really good argument that Jesus was an invention of the Romans - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTPoQjqBBTLjioBPGNYBVPZF2ViXrB8DcUClf7zCgKhwg7JVDgojw

Or perhaps another way to describe it is we're all deaf people, though there might be those who can only feel the rhythm of the music, while that one special person can actually hear the music.



I can hear it.

***** Neutral *****



Dot wrote:
Damaged Eagle wrote:

Or perhaps another way to describe it is we're all deaf people, though there might be those who can only feel the rhythm of the music, while that one special person can actually hear the music.



I can hear it.

***** Neutral *****

FOR TEO:   This make a really good argument that Jesus was an invention of the Romans - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSu7-vf6BktzTfAsH2cD_s9S2k1CjzlbKxK4dq0FbD3PKH91FM

Then you must be special.

*****WARM SMILE*****




by Dreamsglore Today at 2:24 pm
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

Full of hate? Hardly, but you haven't walked in my shoes at all and you don't know what I've seen, done, or know. Judge someone else little man. If you want to be fooled, so be it. It's all out there....Christ has not made his return yet.

Teo hit the nail on the head. Whatever you've seen done or know has warped you. It's people like you that turns me off to religion. I can't even imagine a God would consider a place for you in heaven.
Yep. You are always right and the rest of us are wrong. We hear that everyday from you.

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