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I saw a woman sneak stuff at Walmart but

Ghost Rider
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I didn't do anything. She had stuffed some products under the cart on the bottom tray. They never got scanned and I was a few people back in line. I watch her nervously pay for the stuff that got bagged and head out the door. When I got out to the parking lot she had loaded the stuff into the car and was yelling at some poor soul on the phone... The checkout girl was very young and I doubt she would have known what to do anyway. What would you have done ?



At the register I would have said something to the cashier



By the time I got there where I could speak to the cashier the perp was long gone. The cashier might have gotten in trouble as I have heard WalMart is not kind to their employees. The woman would have been down the road by the time I got to the parking lot except she had made a phone call. The stuff was loaded in the car and now you get into a 4th amendment issue....I don't know if there was anything for me to do.. I hate Walmart anyway...except that they had a flushette for my boat that I would have had to go to Pensacola for...

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

TEOTWAWKI wrote:I didn't do anything. She had stuffed some products under the cart on the bottom tray. They never got scanned and I was a few people back in line. I watch her nervously pay for the stuff that got bagged and head out the door. When I got out to the parking lot she had loaded the stuff into the car and was yelling at some poor soul on the phone... The checkout girl was very young and I doubt she would have known what to do anyway. What would you have done ?
Had I been in your position, I would have notified a supervisor. I read a really heart-warming article this morning. Seems like a DQ employee was waiting on a customer who is legally blind. He always pays with a debit card and when he pulled out his card a 20 dollar bill fell out onto the floor and he did not notice it. The next person in line picked it up and stuffed it in her purse. The employee ask her to give the money back to him and she denied she even had it. After the scumbag of a woman left, the employee took 20 dollars of his money and gave it to the blind man.

I hope that Karma catches up to her sooner than later.

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

PACEDOG#1 wrote:At the register I would have said something to the cashier
Once the perp had left the store, Wal-Mart employees or loss prevention are not allowed to accost suspected shoplifters.



I guess you would have had to be there. The checkout girl was very young. Had I told a super I felt like the cashier might have gotten reamed...Didn't seem worth it to help the damned Waltons..


I have taken stuff out of the store and not paid for it because I ran out of room above, and do not shop that much. It is a pain in the butt to take your receipt and go back in and get the item paid would think they were glad I was honest, but they acted like I made more work, and that I was a dumb asz.......they were right on both accounts.



I would have ran after her an told her what I saw her do. Then I would asked for 1/2 of the stuff for not saying anything. Might even have asked for her phone number if she looked pretty hot.



There was nothing you could have done.

Im sure walmart gets a nice tax break every year for loss.

out of curiosity, what were the items on the bottom that the person got away with? did you happen to see what the person purchased. im just nosey.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:I guess you would have had to be there. The checkout girl was very young. Had I told a super I felt like the cashier might have gotten reamed...Didn't seem worth it to help the damned Waltons..
Well, the truth is that I've nearly not noticed the stuff on  the bottom of my cart before and almost didn't pay for them.  The other thing is that a lot of times I'll tell the salesperson what's down  there, if it's especially heavy and sometimes she scans it without picking it up herself.

I wouldn't have said anything because I wouldn't have been sure that something like that didn't happen with that lady

It's more likely that if she intended to shop lift it she wouldn't have gone through the check out line.

Last edited by bluemoon on 9/19/2013, 9:00 pm; edited 1 time in total



Chrissy wrote:There was nothing you could have done.

Im sure walmart gets a nice tax break every year for loss.

out of curiosity, what were the items on the bottom that the person got away with? did you happen to see what the person purchased. im just nosey.
Looked like beauty products and a bottle of cleaner...



Chrissy wrote:There was nothing you could have done.

Im sure walmart gets a nice tax break every year for loss.

out of curiosity, what were the items on the bottom that the person got away with? did you happen to see what the person purchased. im just nosey.
Looked like beauty products and a bottle of cleaner...
I wouldn't worry yourself about it Teo, if you are.

You couldn't do anything about it and plus its not for you to go chasing and turning people in for petty crimes no matter how much the ogv would love your help.



Thanks I had a mild twinge of guilt at the not so much.



Ghost Rider wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:At the register I would have said something to the cashier
Once the perp had left the store, Wal-Mart employees or loss prevention are not allowed to accost suspected shoplifters.
That's not correct,Ghost. The employees are not allowed to accost shoplifters but they have certain personnel who have chased them down the road. They have to alert management. All they can say is would you like to pay for that, ma'am, if they notice it.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Thanks I had a mild twinge of guilt at the not so much.
The employees actually don't care if people steal because Walmart does not treat their employees very well. I wouldn't have said anything either as I couldn't be sure if it was an exchange or what.



You shoulda shot her.

This is Amurica.

Fuck yeah!



Well has usual I was packing heat but the thought to drop her never entered my mind. I felt compassion for the cashier and felt nothing for the shoplifter. That's the best I could muster as an American.



Chrissy wrote:There was nothing you could have done.

Im sure walmart gets a nice tax break every year for loss.

out of curiosity, what were the items on the bottom that the person got away with? did you happen to see what the person purchased. im just nosey.
Comes right off their bottom line. Where did you get the idea of a tax break for merchandise stolen?



TEOTWAWKI wrote:I guess you would have had to be there. The checkout girl was very young. Had I told a super I felt like the cashier might have gotten reamed...Didn't seem worth it to help the damned Waltons..
You don't care what it says about YOUR morality and to the other stockholders.



Markle wrote:
Chrissy wrote:There was nothing you could have done.

Im sure walmart gets a nice tax break every year for loss.

out of curiosity, what were the items on the bottom that the person got away with? did you happen to see what the person purchased. im just nosey.
Comes right off their bottom line.  Where did you get the idea of a tax break for merchandise stolen?
You get to deduct losses.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:I didn't do anything. She had stuffed some products under the cart on the bottom tray. They never got scanned and I was a few people back in line. I watch her nervously pay for the stuff that got bagged and head out the door. When I got out to the parking lot she had loaded the stuff into the car and was yelling at some poor soul on the phone... The checkout girl was very young and I doubt she would have known what to do anyway. What would you have done ?
Were I close enough, I'd have asked the woman if I could help her get the items out from under her cart.

Another point you're missing is the fact that employees steal far more from retail stores than customers. A popular tactic is for the cashier and customer to work together. Some items may not be scanned or the merchandise under the basket "missed". Cashiers are taught to look in, and under, the basket as they check out the customer.

One couple, or there could have been other individuals working with the scam, can cost a company thousands of dollars in a short period of time.

No profit, no company.



Dreamsglore wrote:
Markle wrote:
Chrissy wrote:There was nothing you could have done.

Im sure walmart gets a nice tax break every year for loss.

out of curiosity, what were the items on the bottom that the person got away with? did you happen to see what the person purchased. im just nosey.
Comes right off their bottom line.  Where did you get the idea of a tax break for merchandise stolen?
You get to deduct losses.
Losses are not the same as theft.



Markle wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:I guess you would have had to be there. The checkout girl was very young. Had I told a super I felt like the cashier might have gotten reamed...Didn't seem worth it to help the damned Waltons..
You don't care what it says about YOUR morality and to the other stockholders.

Yeah I didn't have a dog in the fight. Let WallyMart spend some money on better carts that won't let people 'accidentally" wander off with merchandise. My Morality is far above any NEOCON pile o shit drone loving baby killer asshole....there I feel better now..

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

I think what a lot of us forget is that with shoplifting(if in fact that is what it was), we all pay for it in the long run, specially in the form of higher prices. So in essence if she did steal that merchandise, then we paid for it.



Ghost Rider wrote:I think what a lot of us forget is that with shoplifting(if in fact that is what it was), we all pay for it in the long run, specially in the form of higher prices. So in essence if she did steal that merchandise, then we paid for it.

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