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American Psychiatric Association research

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boards of FL wrote:
Markle wrote:American Psychiatric Association research - Page 4 ViolentCrimesEurope-1


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Read more:

Unless, of course, if you live in Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans, St. Louis, Washington D.C. or almost any other city long dominated by Democrats.

And the above is an example of why I don't get my news from Facebook or FWD email chains. If only Markle could say the same...
Politifact is owned and operated by the same staff as the Tampa Bay Times, a far left newspaper. They have the same editor, same writers, all comes out of the same office.

It is far from reliable and ALWAYS slants their OPINIONS to the left.

By the way, I have never, and will never posted an email chain or anything from Facebook. But, you already know that you just like to post lies.



The same thing was done with healthcare statistics... and gobbled up.


you just like to post lies.

You are truly a funny man. Late night tv awaits. You could retire comfortably in a year with this act on comedy central with a two minute markle marvel each day. I am serious. They would think you were a comedic genius until they realized you are serious.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Markle wrote:
Politifact is owned and operated by the same staff as the Tampa Bay Times, a far left newspaper.  They have the same editor, same writers, all comes out of the same office.

It is far from reliable and ALWAYS slants their OPINIONS to the left.

By the way, I have never, and will never posted an email chain or anything from Facebook.  But, you already know that you just like to post lies.
Yep.  I guess this one is up to the reader then.  

On one hand, we have Markle's graphic from a British tabloid and a popularly discredited social media meme.  On the other, PolitiFact.  

This is sort of like "Proof BigFoot assassinated Kennedy!!!  vs.  Snopes".   Shouldn't be too difficult.

I approve this message.



I'm just blown away by the Elmer Fudd getup.  

American Psychiatric Association research - Page 4 1376940364-elmer



2seaoat wrote:WHAT INFO!!! I had no idea and sure wouldn't have guessed it. Thanks Markle

This like the doublecheck insurance commercial where the green bay QB has to squeeze between two bear fans on the airplane.....

Figures often beguile me, particularly when I have the arranging of them myself; in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with justice and force: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
- Mark Twain's Own Autobiography: The Chapters from the North American Review

Again Mr. Markle has his cut and paste for elementary propaganda 101 technique.  Here has used the following:
False analogy
negative transfer(he equates violent crime in a new definition)
card stacking (another word we use in poker is cheating)
faulty cause and effect

I love getting on this plane where such simplistic propaganda techniques can attempt to make Great Britain a more violent criminal ridden society than the United States which is buried in gun violence, so in order to allow the gun merchant's propaganda to change the reality, you tweek the stats to change the apple to apple comparison, and then magically post an apple to horse dung comparison and announce absurd contradictions.  The Nazis mastered these techniques.  Each person who is free thinking can recognize these techniques......but the plane ride continues.
Please show us all which of the figures I posted are not true.

How could I "tweek" any of the figures I posted? Why would you lie about my post?

Oh...right...that's all you've got.

Where did I call you any names and why is that necessary? I realize how frustrated you are when confronted with the TRUTH.



boards of FL wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:The American Psychiatric Association research reveals a higher incidence of mental illness in the Black community than society at large. It is believed to be caused by a mistrust in traditional medical healthcare. Blacks are often told to go a Preacher.  
OK.  I read the report.  

Correctly stated, this should read as..."There is no higher incidence of mental illness in the african american community than there is in the overall population; however, one theory suggests that african americans may be more prone to suffer with mental illness rather than seek treatment due to a myriad of cultural parameters."
I said that about 5 pages back, however,what Slice said was accurate according to the APA research.



PBulldog2 wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well the shooter was on SRIs and was a Buddhist so guess that doesn't work with yer theory....
It's SSRI's and that's a good indication there was more than depression going on there.
Dreams.....SSRIs are used to treat depression. Are you thinking of antipsychotics, perhaps? I have seen no indication that he was being treated with antipsychotics, although he apparently should have been.

I read a good opinion piece by Dr. Keith Ablow on Fox. He wrote that this person may have agreed to the old "contract for safety" clause that's used in so many psych settings. I've always thought the "contract for safety" notion, as used in psych, is absurd.
Yes, I know they are used to treat depression.I should have said "there's a good indication there was more than depression going on".



FYI, Mr Markle,  Mrs Kravitz has never met me. Not even once. So her guess as to my off-forum personality is just that again, a guess.
Mrs Kravitz likes to pretend to be an expert on subjects she's never had any knowledge of.  It makes her feel big and important. I understand.

That's what small minded people do.

There are a lot of them that frequent internet forums because they couldn't figure out how to make a friend on the outside if their lives depended on it.[/quote]
American Psychiatric Association research - Page 4 Th?id=H.4768492892786065&w=238&h=168&c=7&rs=1&pid=1

You mean like yourself.




Please show us all which of the figures I posted are not true.

Violent crime definitions we use in America are different than those contrived which are less violent and more common to skew your stats. Are You really this lacking in analytical skills, or do your really think I am going to run around and clean up your mess every time you take a statistical dump on this forum.......I will let Boards, Margin, and Sal deal with your rudimentary statistical cheating, but you remain amusing when you think we do not understand that you use propaganda techniques and your posts are not some random guy posting.....this is all well crafted and seeks the weak of mind to bite.



2seaoat wrote:Please show us all which of the figures I posted are not true.

Violent crime definitions we use in America are different than those contrived which are less violent and more common to skew your stats.  Are You really this lacking in analytical skills, or do your really think I am going to run around and clean up your mess every time you take a statistical dump on this forum.......I will let Boards, Margin, and Sal deal with your rudimentary statistical cheating, but you remain amusing when you think we do not understand that you use propaganda techniques and your posts are not some random guy posting[size=18].....this is all well crafted and seeks the weak of mind to bite.[/size]
It wasn't me who gathered the stats so it is impossible for me to skew them.

Which you have done.  Thank you. You and the others seem to work hard to be excellent foils.

American Psychiatric Association research - Page 4 CrimeRate1993-2012-1


Do you think you are having discussions with children getting off the small school bus? You post crime stats in the US as if this was some type of rebuttal. You make no attempt by category to reconcile the obvious use of property crime in your first chart as a violent crime. Sorry, but if someone steals my mail it is not a violent crime, yet you persist in this utter lunacy to suggest that Britain is more violent. Again you use a propaganda technique of faulty cause and effect to imply that gun ownership lowers violent crime in the US and that because guns are absent there is this wave of violent crime which is utter insanity throughout Western Europe, but particularly in Great Britain. Now when someone snatches your junk mail from your mailbox, we will send a crisis team over to your house to deal with the violence you have been subjected, but your apple to horse dung comparisons and elementary propaganda techniques are simply amusing at this juncture.



2seaoat wrote:Do you think you are having discussions with children getting off the small school bus?   You post crime stats in the US as if this was some type of rebuttal.  You make no attempt by category to reconcile the obvious use of property crime in your first chart as a violent crime.   Sorry, but if someone steals my mail it is not a violent crime, yet you persist in this utter lunacy to suggest that Britain is more violent.  Again you use a propaganda technique of faulty cause and effect to imply that gun ownership lowers violent crime in the US and that because guns are absent there is this wave of violent crime which is utter insanity throughout Western Europe, but particularly in Great Britain.   Now when someone snatches your junk mail from your mailbox, we will send a crisis team over to your house to deal with the violence you have been subjected, but  your apple to horse dung comparisons and elementary propaganda techniques are simply amusing at this juncture.
This site is for all levels of interest and discussion. Notonly the text of a Doctoral Theses. Nor would we want only presentations of scientific or history events.



Seaoat is just too smart for a lot of us. scratch



2seaoat wrote:Do you think you are having discussions with children getting off the small school bus?   You post crime stats in the US as if this was some type of rebuttal.  You make no attempt by category to reconcile the obvious use of property crime in your first chart as a violent crime.   Sorry, but if someone steals my mail it is not a violent crime, yet you persist in this utter lunacy to suggest that Britain is more violent.  Again you use a propaganda technique of faulty cause and effect to imply that gun ownership lowers violent crime in the US and that because guns are absent there is this wave of violent crime which is utter insanity throughout Western Europe, but particularly in Great Britain.   Now when someone snatches your junk mail from your mailbox, we will send a crisis team over to your house to deal with the violence you have been subjected, but  your apple to horse dung comparisons and elementary propaganda techniques are simply amusing at this juncture.

What's wrong with the short bus? I love you



Just pick me up in the mini van.  I don't think I can handle being on either the long bus or short bus.

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