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American Psychiatric Association research

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So you're saying the gun manufacturers are responsible?



American Psychiatric Association research - Page 2 Daily-10



2seaoat wrote:We have recognized over the last 2,000 years that certain things are simply inherently dangerous.   A farmer who had a bull in England, and that bull broke out and hurt people, early on in our British Heritage we said the liability should not be a fault determination, rather it should be strict liability.  We try to attach all kinds of analysis to those using guns, or raising cattle, but in the end society has always assigned strict liability taking away this entire discussion which borderlines on pure insanity.

We are a free society which has certain constitutional protections on firearm ownership.  We are a free society which has certain constitutional protections on bull ownership.  It is time to apply the right standard to gun use, and quit talking about negligence.  Those who own and sell bulls must be found strictly liable for the inherently dangerous thing they introduce into the stream of commerce.
American Psychiatric Association research - Page 2 Th?id=H.4595710678991612&w=219&h=187&c=7&rs=1&pid=1

Who's responsible if the gate is opened or the fence damaged by tree-hugging greenies who believe the bull should run free?



Last edited by Damaged Eagle on 9/18/2013, 9:22 am; edited 1 time in total


So you're saying the gun manufacturers are responsible?

Not exactly. Eagle asks a very good question. Who is responsible if someone opens the gate and releases the bull. It does not matter. With strict liability it is simply means the owner of the bull is responsible regardless of the gate being opened, or his culpability. When you state that I am holding the gun manufacturers responsible, that would be an inaccurate statement. The law imputes strict liability in situations it considers to be inherently dangerous. Close to 300 people a day are getting shot. A gun at a common sense level is inherently dangerous. Like a bull it has little to do with the person who interacts with that gun, because statistically close to 300 people a day are getting shot. Those three hundred people being shot every day has now become reasonably foreseeable. So the very term responsible, assumes culpability which is absent in a strict liability determination. Every level of the chain of commerce where guns are sold and transferred including and not limited to the ultimate owner of the gun, or even when someone steals a gun, all those shall be found strictly liable. Like Dram Shop which is a strict liability standard imposed by society, you manufacture, sell, own, or shoot a gun you will be strictly liable and must carry strict liability insurance. We do not let the purveyors of alcohol get a free ride. They must pay dram shop insurance. It is time to allow folks to do their thing with their guns, but hold all concerned to a strict liability standard.



bluemoon wrote:
Markle wrote:
bluemoon wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:The American Psychiatric Association research reveals a higher incidence of mental illness in the Black community than society at large. It is believed to be caused by a mistrust in traditional medical healthcare. Blacks are often told to go a Preacher.  
You really are full of shit, you know?

Did it ever occur to you that poor white people (who, I'm sure have more mental problems than rich white people) and black people are very much the same in that they don't go to a psychiatrist because they can't afford to?
Wow...haven't seen many people with so much bottled up anger.  Seek help or you could end up like this shooter.
I'm not angry, you haven't seen me angry. I'm not even giving you hell. As Harry Truman said, I'm just telling the truth about you and you think it's hell.

This is just one more outrageously racist thread, and isn't even based on a news link of any kind.
Then prove, from a reliable source, you know, not the DailyKOS or The Nation that the allegations are false.  Then you can keep your blood pressure down and not look the fool.



Dreamsglore wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well the shooter was on SRIs and was a Buddhist so guess that doesn't work with yer theory....
It's SSRI's and that's a good indication there was more than depression going on there.
Dreams.....SSRIs are used to treat depression. Are you thinking of antipsychotics, perhaps? I have seen no indication that he was being treated with antipsychotics, although he apparently should have been.

I read a good opinion piece by Dr. Keith Ablow on Fox. He wrote that this person may have agreed to the old "contract for safety" clause that's used in so many psych settings. I've always thought the "contract for safety" notion, as used in psych, is absurd.



He spent a lot of time in his room, burning incense, she said. Michael Ritrobato, a handyman at the restaurant, said Alexis played violent online video games but was good-natured, not angry.

After he returned from a contract job in Japan in Nov. 2012, he didn't seem as easy-going, though.

He felt like he had been cheated out of money from the contract and complained that he was mistreated because he was black, Kristi Suthamtewkal said.

"He felt a lot of discrimination and and racism with white people especially," she said.

There was also a growing sense of entitlement and disrespect, she said. "He did have the tendency to feel like people owed him something all the time."

He got annoyed when she couldn't give him rides, and he started eating the couple's food without permission, and ignoring her when she complained, she said. When her cats developed fleas, he was angry.

Mostly, though, she felt like he was fed up with the United States.

This is what you get when you instill into peoples minds they are victims.



I also read that he felt the Navy hadn't treated him fairly.
It does sound like he had a victim mentality.  Maybe paranoid, thinking that everyone was against him.



Nekochan wrote:I also read that he felt the Navy hadn't treated him fairly.
It does sound like he had a victim mentality.  Maybe paranoid, thinking that everyone was against him.
Yes, that does seem to be the picture that is emerging.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well the shooter was on SRIs and was a Buddhist so guess that doesn't work with yer theory....

Buddhist is a religion, Black or African/ American is a race. The religion is not relevant.



bluemoon wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:The American Psychiatric Association research reveals a higher incidence of mental illness in the Black community than society at large. It is believed to be caused by a mistrust in traditional medical healthcare. Blacks are often told to go a Preacher.  
You really are full of shit, you know?

Did it ever occur to you that poor white people (who, I'm sure have more mental problems than rich white people) and black people are very much the same in that they don't go to a psychiatrist because they can't afford to?
And your research giving your comment validity is? Opinion is not research and the A P A have done such research.


Buddhist is a religion, Black or African/ American is a race. The religion is not relevant.

Relevant to what?



bluemoon wrote:
Markle wrote:
bluemoon wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:The American Psychiatric Association research reveals a higher incidence of mental illness in the Black community than society at large. It is believed to be caused by a mistrust in traditional medical healthcare. Blacks are often told to go a Preacher.  
You really are full of shit, you know?

Did it ever occur to you that poor white people (who, I'm sure have more mental problems than rich white people) and black people are very much the same in that they don't go to a psychiatrist because they can't afford to?
Wow...haven't seen many people with so much bottled up anger.  Seek help or you could end up like this shooter.
I'm not angry, you haven't seen me angry. I'm not even giving you hell. As Harry Truman said, I'm just telling the truth about you and you think it's hell.

This is just one more outrageously racist thread, and isn't even based on a news link of any kind.

I'm not angry, you haven't seen me angry. I'm not even giving you hell. As Harry Truman said, I'm just telling the truth about you and you think it's hell. NOT

You really are full of shit, you know?

That's not information, it's a rant.
I can only imagine your reaction to someone giving you the finger in traffic.



2seaoat wrote:Buddhist is a religion, Black or African/ American is a race. The religion is not relevant.

Relevant to what?
Relevant to the American Psychiatric Association research to the incidence of mental illness.


While there is a correlation between blacks and Hispanics and crime, the data implies a stronger tie between poverty and crime than crime and any racial group, when gender is taken into consideration.[40] The direct correlation between crime and class, when factoring for race alone, is relatively weak. When gender, and familial history are factored, class correlates stronger with crime than race or ethnicity.[41][42] Studies indicate that areas with low socioeconomic status may have the greatest correlation of crime with young and adult males, regardless of racial composition, though its effect on females is negligible.[41][42]

Opinion is not research and the A P A have done such research.

Again, I pose the question of relevancy. You chose research which comports with your racial theories which is your right, but do not pretend that you have even come close to posting relevant information when clear analysis by the folks who keep crime stats show that crime has a far greater correlation to socioeconomic levels than race. So you chide an emotional response to your flawed logic which comports with your racial theories which you have clearly exposed on prior posts, and now you tell a fellow forum member you are telling the truth. You are not. Dr. Shockley thought he was telling the truth, and so does David Duke. I certainly do not need to get emotional with such elementary irrelevant analysis. Now if you want to discuss the widening socioeconomic gap in America as a contributing factor, and the higher levels of crime in non homegeonus populations, I will be glad to have an intelligent conversation, but relevancy must be first and foremost.


Many different causes and correlates of crime have been proposed with varying degree of empirical support. Your choice to use mental illness which in varying degrees has a positive correlation with crime and the issue of race in crime is a backdoor attempt to find causation which clearly is not supported in research, when socio economic factors are proven to be more reliable statistical indicators, and by saying that this link you provided is the truth is about as relevant as saying most people have noses, criminals have noses, therefore there is a correlation of noses and crime. Now it gets much more complex when breaking down the reasons for socio economic status and historical trends, but that would be an intellectual discussion free of preconceived racial theories.



Chrissy wrote:well statistically blacks do have a higher incidence of this as well as crime.

I would like to see the link though.

and guess what. I do not think this person was a buhdist. I am waiting for more info on that. I think someone is confused, or this person may have been so dumb he was confused. who knows
Thanks Chrissy. Correction: The research was done by the National Institution of Mental Health. It was The American Psychiatric Association that released the report. Go to the web site and click on the link on the right side of the screen marked LET'S TALK FACTS BROCHURES African Americans. It's a PDF file.



2seaoat wrote:

While there is a correlation between blacks and Hispanics and crime, the data implies a stronger tie between poverty and crime than crime and any racial group, when gender is taken into consideration.[40] The direct correlation between crime and class, when factoring for race alone, is relatively weak. When gender, and familial history are factored, class correlates stronger with crime than race or ethnicity.[41][42] Studies indicate that areas with low socioeconomic status may have the greatest correlation of crime with young and adult males, regardless of racial composition, though its effect on females is negligible.[41][42]

Opinion is not research and the A P A have done such research.

Again, I pose the question of relevancy.  You chose research which comports with your racial theories which is your right, but do not pretend that you have even come close to posting relevant information when clear analysis by the folks who keep crime stats show that crime has a far greater correlation to socioeconomic levels than race. So you chide an emotional response to your flawed logic which comports with your racial theories which you have clearly exposed on prior posts, and now you tell a fellow forum member you are telling the truth.  You are not.  Dr. Shockley thought he was telling the truth, and so does David Duke.  I certainly do not need to get emotional with such elementary irrelevant analysis.   Now if you want to discuss the widening socioeconomic gap in America as a contributing factor, and the higher levels of crime in non homegeonus populations, I will be glad to have an intelligent conversation, but relevancy must be first and foremost.
You fail to understand the difference between religion Buddhism and the report released by the American Psychiatric Association which is about the incidence of mental illness by race. I believe I've covered this topic sufficiently as to make the subject clear to most folks. Do have a good day!



He seems to be having trouble with the difference between causation and correlation too. They aren't interchangeable.



Markle wrote:
bluemoon wrote:
Markle wrote:
bluemoon wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:The American Psychiatric Association research reveals a higher incidence of mental illness in the Black community than society at large. It is believed to be caused by a mistrust in traditional medical healthcare. Blacks are often told to go a Preacher.  
You really are full of shit, you know?

Did it ever occur to you that poor white people (who, I'm sure have more mental problems than rich white people) and black people are very much the same in that they don't go to a psychiatrist because they can't afford to?
Wow...haven't seen many people with so much bottled up anger.  Seek help or you could end up like this shooter.
I'm not angry, you haven't seen me angry. I'm not even giving you hell. As Harry Truman said, I'm just telling the truth about you and you think it's hell.

This is just one more outrageously racist thread, and isn't even based on a news link of any kind.
Then prove, from a reliable source, you know, not the DailyKOS or The Nation that the allegations are false.  Then you can keep your blood pressure down and not look the fool.
Here's how this goes. If you make a statement as being a fact, then you have to prove it to me with at least a link to a respectable news source. I'm not required, as the recipient of your statement, to prove or disprove it.   But I also don't have a accept  it as true unless you have proof.
Get that?

If my inclination is to not believe what you say, it's based on your history of lying.

If I'm inclined to think this forum is over populated by a bunch of white race-baiters, it could just be that nearly every day there are at least one or two new threads posted that are anti-African American in substance.
If you could shut your damned mouth on the subject, I wouldn't be so inclined to think it.

I'd say about half the people on this forum  come on here to vent their vilest  feelings to other people who think the same vile thoughts and then to hear themselves cheered on by their posts.

If I were the moderator, I'd chill the racial threads for a couple of weeks, I'm betting the forum would shut down then though, for lack of participation.



Some people on this forum are vile, for sure.


you fail to understand the difference between religion Buddhism and the report released by the American Psychiatric Association which is about the incidence of mental illness by race. I believe I've covered this topic sufficiently as to make the subject clear to most folks. Do have a good day!

Geez.....I thought this might actually turn into a interesting discussion, but if you misquote me on saying anything about religion, let alone Buddhism as a reason to rationalize the lack of your willingness to have a discussion why the article you posted lacks relevancy, then I guess you are uncomfortable with your racial theories and an open discussion of the same is frightening. Do have a good day!


Some people on this forum are vile, for sure.

Well the allegations against BP are yet proven, but his racial theory posts on this forum were in fact vile, but most people here are not vile......they simply believe vile stuff.



Well the allegations against BP are yet proven,

The only person who can prove or disprove the allegations, is BP. The rest of us are Ghosts.



bluemoon wrote:
Markle wrote:
bluemoon wrote:
Markle wrote:
bluemoon wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:The American Psychiatric Association research reveals a higher incidence of mental illness in the Black community than society at large. It is believed to be caused by a mistrust in traditional medical healthcare. Blacks are often told to go a Preacher.  
You really are full of shit, you know?

Did it ever occur to you that poor white people (who, I'm sure have more mental problems than rich white people) and black people are very much the same in that they don't go to a psychiatrist because they can't afford to?
Wow...haven't seen many people with so much bottled up anger.  Seek help or you could end up like this shooter.
I'm not angry, you haven't seen me angry. I'm not even giving you hell. As Harry Truman said, I'm just telling the truth about you and you think it's hell.

This is just one more outrageously racist thread, and isn't even based on a news link of any kind.
Then prove, from a reliable source, you know, not the DailyKOS or The Nation that the allegations are false.  Then you can keep your blood pressure down and not look the fool.
Here's how this goes. If you make a statement as being a fact, then you have to prove it to me with at least a link to a respectable news source. I'm not required, as the recipient of your statement, to prove or disprove it.   But I also don't have a accept  it as true unless you have proof.
Get that?

If my inclination is to not believe what you say, it's based on your history of lying.

If I'm inclined to think this forum is over populated by a bunch of white race-baiters, it could just be that nearly every day there are at least one or two new threads posted that are anti-African American in substance.
If you could shut your damned mouth on the subject, I wouldn't be so inclined to think it.

I'd say about half the people on this forum  come on here to vent their vilest  feelings to other people who think the same vile thoughts and then to  hear themselves cheered on by their posts.

If I were the moderator, I'd chill the racial threads for a couple of weeks, I'm betting the forum would shut down then though, for lack of participation.

lol!  So , you can disagree but you are not required to provide evidence refuting your claim.

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