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If you are bored....go kill someone.

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This is disgusting. Three Oklahoma teens were bored so they decide to shoot someone just to watch him die. Are we raising sociopaths?



May I suggest that they wear a wet sponge in an electric chair...ASAP.



unfortunately, this is nothing new. Death to the newer generation is nothing more than pictures and videos on the internet. They have no concept of the reality of death. It's really quite scary.



Bored kids used to be able create their own entertainment which didn't consist of looking for someone to kill or attack.

You get a group of kids today and put them outside, without any toys or anything, and tell them to play...what do they do? Do they even know how to play without all the "stuff" we have today?



Nekochan wrote:Bored kids used to be able create their own entertainment which didn't consist of looking for someone to kill or attack.

You get a group of kids today and put them outside, without any toys or anything, and tell them to play...what do they do?  Do they even know how to play without all the "stuff" we have today?
That's the problem...  They don't.



As kids, we never got bored unless it was raining. We did not watch a lot of TV and of course we didn't have video games. Reading a book or board games provided rainy day entertainment.



What utter bullshit.

Violent crime in this country has been on a sharp downward trajectory for years, including amongst youths.

"Those damn kids with their hippity-hoppity music and facebooks!"

You old farts can enjoy a simultaneous horrorgasm if it turns out these teen killers are blacks.



Sal wrote:What utter bullshit.

Violent crime in this country has been on a sharp downward trajectory for years, including amongst youths.
Really? Just this weekend five children were gunned down in Chicago alone. Forgetting about places in America that are more dangerous than Iraq and Astan are you? Where is the POTUS comment on these who looked like Trayvon and would look like Obama's son IF Moochelle would agree to more kids?

Spreadsheet on some 2012 stats on killing just in Chicago:

How about these from just 2013 alone?



I don't think my parents' generation (1920s/1930s) knew what bored meant. If they were told to go out and play back then, it was after all their chores were done and they wouldn't have even thought of telling their mama that they were bored. And my daddy had to help support his family at a very young age.



Sal wrote:What utter bullshit.

Violent crime in this country has been on a sharp downward trajectory for years, including amongst youths.

"Those damn kids with their hippity-hoppity music and facebooks!"

You old farts can enjoy a simultaneous horrorgasm if it turns out these teen killers are blacks.
There is a moral decline in our country and has been. To many, human life is not valued, theirs or the life of others. We live in a violent environment. Parents need to monitor their children....violent video games, tv programs, and music that devalues human life can be detrimental to children. 

For you to think otherwise is hogwash.






Nekochan wrote:I don't think my parents' generation (1920s/1930s) knew what bored meant.  If they were told to go out and play back then, it was after all their chores were done and they wouldn't have even thought of telling their mama that they were bored.  And my daddy had to help support his family at a very young age.  
I still remember those times --- when I was small in one foster home I had like 5 brothers--all got up way before school--have to tend to the animals , I felt bad for them so one day I got up by myself to do all the chores for them so they wouldn't have to get up! I was about 7 or 8----woke the whole house up screaming I was stuck on top of the Turkey box while 3 turkeys were after me --mom dad all thought I was in bed -scared them to death ---I got soooo spoiled that morning -my brothers said you did that for us lol



Joanimaroni wrote:
Sal wrote:What utter bullshit.

Violent crime in this country has been on a sharp downward trajectory for years, including amongst youths.

"Those damn kids with their hippity-hoppity music and facebooks!"

You old farts can enjoy a simultaneous horrorgasm if it turns out these teen killers are blacks.
There is a moral decline in our country and has been. To many, human life is not valued, theirs or the life of others. We live in a violent environment. Parents need to monitor their children....violent video games, tv programs, and music that devalues human life can be detrimental to children. 

For you to think otherwise is hogwash.
cheers cheers cheers cheers      PARENTING AND THE DEVALUATION OF HUMAN LIFE!!!...Guess the  theory of villages raising a child hasn't worked out so well....


Joanimaroni wrote:
Sal wrote:What utter bullshit.

Violent crime in this country has been on a sharp downward trajectory for years, including amongst youths.

"Those damn kids with their hippity-hoppity music and facebooks!"

You old farts can enjoy a simultaneous horrorgasm if it turns out these teen killers are blacks.
There is a moral decline in our country and has been. To many, human life is not valued, theirs or the life of others. We live in a violent environment. Parents need to monitor their children....violent video games, tv programs, and music that devalues human life can be detrimental to children. 

For you to think otherwise is hogwash.
The problem is that research has been unable to prove a causal relationship between violent video games, tv shows, music, etc and violent behavior. There might be a correlation. It may be that those with violent tendencies prefer those types of games, shows, music, etc. In this type of research there are a lot of factors that come into play, so it is difficult to extract what is causing what.
I don't care for the exposure of violence to kids, I think it may desensitize them to violence, but that's just my opinion.



I think it's probably a combination of a lot of things.



cool1 wrote:
Nekochan wrote:I don't think my parents' generation (1920s/1930s) knew what bored meant.  If they were told to go out and play back then, it was after all their chores were done and they wouldn't have even thought of telling their mama that they were bored.  And my daddy had to help support his family at a very young age.  
I still remember those times --- when I was small in one foster home I had like 5 brothers--all got up way before school--have to tend to the animals , I felt bad for them so one day I got up by myself to do all the chores for them so they wouldn't have to get up!   I was about 7 or 8----woke the whole house up screaming I was stuck on top of the Turkey box while 3 turkeys were after me --mom dad all thought I was in bed -scared them to death ---I got soooo spoiled that morning -my brothers said you did that for us lol
You were a sweetheart back then, too. sunny 



Well my grandma used to beat me with a switch till my legs bled but I have never hurt anybody..... But I still run when an old woman picks up a stick.



We had to pick our own switch from the peach tree.

Homicide remains a leading cause of death among youth aged 10–24 years in the United States. Violence is also a major cause of nonfatal injuries among youth. In 2011, more than 700,000 young people aged 10–24 years were treated in emergency departments for nonfatal injuries sustained from assaults. No state is immune to the devastating impact of youth violence.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well my grandma used to beat me with a switch till my legs bled but I have never hurt anybody..... But I still run when an old woman picks up a stick.  
Yea I had one bad bad moma like that to it sucks!



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well my grandma used to beat me with a switch till my legs bled but I have never hurt anybody..... But I still run when an old woman picks up a stick.  
I believe that would be akin to "fear of reprisal", which is something the newer generation doesn't understand.



ImpishScoundrel wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well my grandma used to beat me with a switch till my legs bled but I have never hurt anybody..... But I still run when an old woman picks up a stick.  
I believe that would be akin to "fear of reprisal", which is something the newer generation doesn't understand.
If you are bored....go kill someone. Th?id=H.4827149228575115&pid=1

When my daughter was sixteen she suggested she was going to sue me. I told her to go ahead and I'd just put myself so in debt that she'd spend the rest of her life paying it off... She dropped that idea right away.



Unfortunately now the liberals are doing it to her.



If poor people are so poor, how are their kids playing video games and becoming warped by what they see?





PACEDOG#1 wrote:If poor people are so poor, how are their kids playing video games and becoming warped by what they see?

Easy trade the food stamps for cash that's it .



Damaged Eagle wrote:
ImpishScoundrel wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well my grandma used to beat me with a switch till my legs bled but I have never hurt anybody..... But I still run when an old woman picks up a stick.  
I believe that would be akin to "fear of reprisal", which is something the newer generation doesn't understand.
If you are bored....go kill someone. Th?id=H.4827149228575115&pid=1

When my daughter was sixteen she suggested she was going to sue me. I told her to go ahead and I'd just put myself so in debt that she'd spend the rest of her life paying it off... She dropped that idea right away.



Unfortunately now the liberals are doing it to her.
Been there. Imp Junior threatened to call the cops on me for child abuse because I grounded him. I told him to go ahead and call the cops. But, before they got here to arrest me, I would kick the living shit out of him. That way, they would have a legitimate reason to arrest me. Strange thing happened that day. Not only did he NOT call the cops, he never threatened to call them again. The kid isn't totally stupid.

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