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Predict the Zimmerman verdict

Hospital Bob
Captn Kaoz
boards of FL
19 posters

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Predict the Zimmerman verdict

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Predict the Zimmerman verdict I_vote_lcap39%Predict the Zimmerman verdict I_vote_rcap 39% [ 9 ]
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Predict the Zimmerman verdict I_vote_lcap61%Predict the Zimmerman verdict I_vote_rcap 61% [ 14 ]
Total Votes : 23

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1Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 12:19 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

Predict the Zimmerman verdict

2Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 12:35 pm

Captn Kaoz

Captn Kaoz

If it was manslaughter, the prosecution should have charged it that way. Instead the prosecution overcharged the case and then failed to prove it. When they felt they were not going to win, they asked the judge to allow the jury to consider manslaughter. This will probably ensure a conviction and allow the National Guard to standdown.

So much for justice.

3Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 12:35 pm



You know my vote...not guilty at all.

4Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 12:38 pm



I say we give Zimmerman a nobel peace prize and move on.

5Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 12:43 pm



Captn Kaoz wrote:If it was manslaughter, the prosecution should have charged it that way.  Instead the prosecution overcharged the case and then failed to prove it.  When they felt they were not going to win,  they asked the judge to allow the jury to consider manslaughter.  This will probably ensure a conviction and allow the National Guard to standdown.

So much for justice.  

So, so much wrong in one little post.

6Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 12:44 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I vote the judge needs a good ******g.  But of course that's only because I'm a lowlife old pervert with a potty mouth.

7Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 12:55 pm



None of the above. Hung jury.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Snyderfish wrote:None of the above.  Hung jury.  

Come one now, the size of the jurors' dicks is not really relevant.



Bob wrote:

Come one now, the size of the jurors' dicks is not really relevant.  

They just tell you that to make you feel better about yourself, Bob.

10Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 1:27 pm




Child abuse is off the table.

11Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 1:35 pm



I will vote in this poll once the closing arguments are completed. . . .

12Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 3:01 pm


When they felt they were not going to win, they asked the judge to allow the jury to consider manslaughter. This will probably ensure a conviction and allow the National Guard to standdown.

So much for justice.

The misunderstanding of this process is simply amazing. I do not know what the talking heads have been saying on TV, but there is a huge gap in most citizen's understanding of how jury instructions are given to a jury. The lesser included offense of Manslaughter is not discretionary under the pattern instructions. So much for justice.........scary lack of understanding that next week when the next person charged with Murder 2, the jury will get the exact same lesser included instruction.......this preconceived notion that there are going to be riots, that this is about the threat of racial violence, and the judge and the state are doing things differently in this case......I am concerned that folks just are unwilling to allow a fair trial.....they have pronounced this man innocent, and if the jury much for justice.

13Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 3:06 pm


I have voted for a manslaughter conviction, but in could be murder 2 to a NG and I will be totally good with the jury's decision. This trial has been very good, and the thing which is so tough in our system is the fact as good as this has been, if the jury hangs.....he will be tried again........and the brilliance of Omara in this case may be absent in the second trial because of resources, and like governor the second trial......Zimmerman will insist he wants to tell his the full spectrum is in play, but what a great system.

14Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 3:15 pm



not guilty!

15Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 4:11 pm


Boy, the state is doing a wonderful job in tying all together and absolutely showing what a liar Mr. Zimmerman was in this incident. Zimmerman thought he could outsmart some of the people some of the time, but as old Abe are not going to fool all the people all the time......just some folks who post here.

16Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 4:53 pm


Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation 

17Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 5:30 pm



2seaoat wrote: When they felt they were not going to win, they asked the judge to allow the jury to consider manslaughter. This will probably ensure a conviction and allow the National Guard to standdown.

So much for justice.

The misunderstanding of this process is simply amazing.  I do not know what the talking heads have been saying on TV, but there is a huge gap in most citizen's understanding of how jury instructions are given to a jury.  The lesser included offense of Manslaughter is not discretionary under the pattern instructions.   So much for justice.........scary lack of understanding that next week when the next person charged with Murder 2, the jury will get the exact same lesser included instruction.......this preconceived notion that there are going to be riots, that this is about the threat of racial violence, and the judge and the state are doing things differently in this case......I am concerned that folks just are unwilling to allow a fair trial.....they have pronounced this man innocent, and if the jury much for justice.

Seaoat, just STFU! I'm so sick of you trying to be a lawyer and telling actual lawyers they are wrong. Just the fact you said this case is not about race should tell everybody what a dilbert you are.

18Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 5:47 pm



What has been accomplished here is that all the lawyers got to enjoy a nationwide feeding frenzy of free advertising. They all got to pose and posture themselves as they spat out lawyerish words and phrases.

The black folks will shout and rant about a riot but they know nearly all white folks on the street will be strapped and ready to dish out plenty of heat, so they will all go home.


19Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 5:53 pm


Seaoat, just STFU! I'm so sick of you trying to be a lawyer and telling actual lawyers they are wrong. Just the fact you said this case is not about race should tell everybody what a dilbert you are

A wannabee lawyer.....does that mean I can look for a kid coming back from the store and shoot him, or does that mean I should be quiet about your continued misunderstanding of legal concepts........but I get can bootstrap utter confusion and assign it to a talking head, and when we discuss content, concepts, and facts.......well I become a dilbert because I wannabe a lawyer......this stuff is pretty simple......certainly a person with a graduate degree should understand the concepts, terms, and facts without the aid of Nancy Grace......but then again......maybe I should....what did you write STFU....I think I have reached that point that I will back off because your reaction is emotional.

20Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 5:56 pm


Yella wrote:What has been accomplished here is that all the lawyers got to enjoy a nationwide feeding frenzy of free advertising. They all got to pose and posture themselves as they spat out lawyerish words and phrases.

The black folks will shout and rant about a riot but they know nearly all white folks on the street will be strapped and ready to dish out plenty of heat, so they will all go home.

What happened here is that a man that shot and killed a young black man that was not committing a crime when he was profiled, has had his day in court to prove he acted in self defense. In that process, however, it has been discovered that his story just doesn't add up. So what is actually happening, is the justice system working.

21Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 6:06 pm


The black folks will shout and rant about a riot but they know nearly all white folks on the street will be strapped and ready to dish out plenty of heat, so they will all go home.

I do not understand that world......this is about a kid being killed.....the state has done an excellent job of showing that Zimmerman is a liar. How can any self defense argument shift the burden when there is no credibility? So if some folks riot, it will be about other issues than Martin not getting a fair trial.....but heck, I do not carry a firearm and only keep them at my home and business, and do not understand this assumption that Black people rioting necessitate that white people will be strapping.....I guess as Dreams has declared.....I must be a Dilbert. I simply cannot conceptualize this idea that rioting black people are going to target white people.....yes ......riots have happened.......yes there have been race riots........but to correlate this trial with race riots......just call me Mr. Dilbert.

22Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 6:33 pm



2seaoat wrote:Seaoat, just STFU! I'm so sick of you trying to be a lawyer and telling actual lawyers they are wrong. Just the fact you said this case is not about race should tell everybody what a dilbert you are

A wannabee lawyer.....does that mean I can look for a kid coming back from the store and shoot him, or does that mean I should be quiet about your continued misunderstanding of legal concepts........but I get can bootstrap utter confusion and assign it to a talking head, and when we discuss content, concepts, and facts.......well I become a dilbert because I wannabe a lawyer......this stuff is pretty simple......certainly a person with a graduate degree should understand the concepts, terms, and facts without the aid of Nancy Grace......but then again......maybe I should....what did you write STFU....I think I have reached that point that I will back off because your reaction is emotional.

You have no business constantly telling people how stupid they are and how they are misunderstanding legal concepts. You're a quack w/ this distorted sense of superiority. I don't find any of the legal beagles agreeing w/ your concepts of the law or your facts. You don't even know the damn facts because you keep getting them wrong. The 6 ft. KID was beating the shit out of somebody and got shot. Simple self defense under

23Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 6:34 pm



I didn't see most of the prosecution's closing. Did he focus on that 2 minutes in the timeline?

24Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 6:34 pm



2seaoat wrote:The black folks will shout and rant about a riot but they know nearly all white folks on the street will be strapped and ready to dish out plenty of heat, so they will all go home.

I do not understand that world......this is about a kid being killed.....the state has done an excellent job of showing that Zimmerman is a liar.  How can any self defense argument shift the burden when there is no credibility?  So if some folks riot, it will be about other issues than Martin not getting a fair trial.....but heck, I do not carry a firearm and only keep them at my home and business, and do not understand this assumption that Black people rioting necessitate that white people will be strapping.....I guess as Dreams has declared.....I must be a Dilbert.  I simply cannot conceptualize this idea that rioting black people are going to target white people.....yes ......riots have happened.......yes there have been race riots........but to correlate this trial with race riots......just call me Mr. Dilbert.

Ok Mr. Dilbert. It's clear you don't have a grasp of this case.

25Predict the Zimmerman verdict Empty Re: Predict the Zimmerman verdict 7/11/2013, 6:39 pm


The 6 ft. KID was beating the shit out of somebody and got shot. Simple self defense under

Yes, this is what you said before the trial, and now after the prosecutor's opening statement. You have not processed the evidence and the credibility of the person you rely on entirely for your conclusions.....but legal conclusions which are not accurate are something I have had to process for years, and your understanding of the evidence before the trial, during the trial, and now on closing remain the same. Disconnected.

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