2seaoat wrote:Some people believe justice failed today.
Which makes them part of the problem.
2seaoat wrote:Sal and Tex are probably two of the smartest posters on this forum, and although I argue with both, their sense of justice has always had my full respect..
You are free to feel that way.
2seaoat wrote:I feel like justice was done.
Good... And since the state lost they should pick up all of the expenses for bringing this case forward... including Zimmerman's.
2seaoat wrote:I do not think Travon died in vain. I believe every person who has a concealed weapon must think about the consequences of their decision to use that weapon. They have seen that Mr. Zimmerman had to justify his killing of Travon.
I agree that this is a good thing.
2seaoat wrote:I have no problem with concealed weapons. .
2seaoat wrote:I have problem with folks like zimmerman having concealed weapons..
And which 'folks' would those be?
2seaoat wrote:So there will be a societal debate on this subject.
I thought that's what this was all about.
2seaoat wrote:All the predicted riots, and that this case was brought without justification, or female jurors are suspect, or that the judge was unfair.....they all fell to the wayside.
Have they?
2seaoat wrote:This was a fair trial, and even if Zimmerman had been convicted.....it would not bring Travon back.
On this we can both agree.
![Predict the Zimmerman verdict - Page 25 Th?id=H.5042966961324960&pid=1](http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.5042966961324960&pid=1.7&w=291&h=188&c=7&rs=1)