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How do you feel about moderates?

no stress
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I believe they should be considered in moderation.




Yella wrote:I believe they should be considered in moderation.

LOL.. you so funny!

its interesting to see these 2 year old conversations being brought back to life.

no stress

no stress

I think Az would make a hell of a president. Lets start a PAC fund for her. AZ 2016!!!



GUNZ wrote:I think Az would make a hell of a president. Lets start a PAC fund for her. AZ 2016!!!

No, we cant have az for president. she has a fetish for big hairy muslim men and when she had ot go visit the middle east we would have scandles involving our president being caught with hairy muslim men.

Id like to pencil her for a one night stand though Very Happy

no stress

no stress

chrissy8 wrote:
GUNZ wrote:I think Az would make a hell of a president. Lets start a PAC fund for her. AZ 2016!!!

No, we cant have az for president. she has a fetish for big hairy muslim men and when she had ot go visit the middle east we would have scandles involving our president being caught with hairy muslim men.

Id like to pencil her for a one night stand though Very Happy


chrissy8 wrote:
GUNZ wrote:I think Az would make a hell of a president. Lets start a PAC fund for her. AZ 2016!!!

No, we cant have az for president. she has a fetish for big hairy muslim men and when she had ot go visit the middle east we would have scandles involving our president being caught with hairy muslim men.

Id like to pencil her for a one night stand though Very Happy




How do you feel about moderates?  - Page 2 PartyIdeology12012



Moderats are worse than the libtards. They're to scared to take a stand.



I recently switched from Independant to Republican. I wanted a real vote in the primary.

How do I fell about moderates? Not sure. Just hoping they're smart enough to know what the right thing is to do.



Markle wrote:How do you feel about moderates?  - Page 2 PartyIdeology12012

interesting chart. so with that chart we could say that moderates/republicans are more open minded to ideas and that liberals are staunchly set on its their way or no way?



chrissy8 wrote:
Markle wrote:How do you feel about moderates?  - Page 2 PartyIdeology12012

interesting chart. so with that chart we could say that moderates/republicans are more open minded to ideas and that liberals are staunchly set on its their way or no way?

It looks that way to me too.

There were several posters at PNJ that don't care for Markle's posts. I find them informative myself. Not that I always agree.



chrissy8 wrote:
Markle wrote:How do you feel about moderates?  - Page 2 PartyIdeology12012

interesting chart. so with that chart we could say that moderates/republicans are more open minded to ideas and that liberals are staunchly set on its their way or no way?
You got it. One thing I've seen with libtards is their brainwashed and they want ever admit their wrong.
But conservatives will always admit that and will always change their mind when it call for it.



TittyMan wrote:

You got it. One thing I've seen with libtards is their brainwashed and they want ever admit their wrong.
But conservatives will always admit that and will always change their mind when it call for it.

their should be they're
want should be won't
their should be they're

But at least the libtards know when to use they're instead of their and won't instead of want. That is an indication that libtards are more intelligent than conservatives.



Ghost_Rider1 wrote:
TittyMan wrote:

You got it. One thing I've seen with libtards is their brainwashed and they want ever admit their wrong.
But conservatives will always admit that and will always change their mind when it call for it.

their should be they're
want should be won't
their should be they're

But at least the libtards know when to use they're instead of their and won't instead of want. That is an indication that libtards are more intelligent than conservatives.

you cant judge a persons intelligence by grammar. take this example, our country is having a very hard time and our educational systems focus on grammar and social studies. but when it come to math and science, we stink.

with that known knowledge what could you hypothisize about?

we have more liberal arts = dowgraded society

we need more math and science majors being focused on

so while my response if off topic, so was yours for pointing out grammar and assuming poor grammer has something to do with a lower IQ. It doesnt, ask eistein. his grammar was terrible because of dyslexia.



chrissy8 wrote:
you cant judge a persons intelligence by grammar. take this example, our country is having a very hard time and our educational systems focus on grammar and social studies. but when it come to math and science, we stink.

with that known knowledge what could you hypothisize about?

we have more liberal arts = dowgraded society

we need more math and science majors being focused on

so while my response if off topic, so was yours for pointing out grammar and assuming poor grammer has something to do with a lower IQ. It doesnt, ask eistein. his grammar was terrible because of dyslexia.

My post seems to have totally alluded you. That was meant as an insult to the person who posted it. Their/they're and want/won't are pet peeves of mine and when I see them, I will continue to call attention to them. Also while you are at it, maybe you should invest in a decent spell check.



chrissy8 wrote:
Markle wrote:How do you feel about moderates?  - Page 2 PartyIdeology12012

interesting chart. so with that chart we could say that moderates/republicans are more open minded to ideas and that liberals are staunchly set on its their way or no way?

Pretty much. Progressives/Liberals close their mind to anything which does not cost other people's money or can be measured in any way. RESULTS are immaterial, irrelevant and unimportant...just so the program makes the Progressives FEEL GOOD.



This writer expresses how I feel about moderates or independents or whatever you want to call the panty-waist, fence-sitters.

To vote for a Democrat means, now, to vote for the party’s influential members—for unions (including public unions of teachers, firemen, and policemen), for black and Latino minorities, for independent women. These will none of them get their way, exactly; but they will get more of a hearing and attention—“pandering,” if you want to call it that—than they would get in a Republican administration.

To vote for a Republican means, now, to vote for a plutocracy that depends for its support on anti-government forces like the tea party, Southern racists, religious fanatics, and war investors in the military-industrial complex. It does no good to say that “Romney is a good man, not a racist.” That may be true, but he needs a racist South as part of his essential support. And the price they will demand of him comes down to things like Supreme Court appointments. (The Republicans have been more realistic than the Democrats in seeing that presidential elections are really for control of the courts.)

The independents, too ignorant or inexperienced to recognize these basic facts, are the people most susceptible to lying flattery. They are called the good folk too inner-directed to follow a party line or run with the herd. They are like the idealistic imperialists “with clean hands” in Graham Greene’s The Quiet American—they should wear leper bells to warn people of their vicinity.

The etherialists who are too good to stoop toward the “lesser evil” of politics—as if there were ever anything better than the lesser evil there—naively assume that if they just bring down the current system, or one part of it that has disappointed them, they can build a new and better thing of beauty out of the ruins. Of course they never get the tabula rasa on which to draw their ideal schemes. What they normally do is damage the party closest to their professed ideals. Third parties are run by people who make the best the enemy of their own good and bring down that good. Theodore Roosevelt’s’ Bull Moose variant of his own Republican Party drained enough Republican votes to let the Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, win. (His voters, believing he would not “send our boys to war,” saw the prince become a frog in World War I.) George H. W. Bush rightly believes he was sabotaged by the crypto-Republican Ross Perot, who helped Bill Clinton win. Ralph Nader siphoned crucial votes from Al Gore to give us George W. Bush.

All these brave “independents” say that there is not a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties, and claim they can start history over, with candidates suddenly become as good as they are themselves. What they do is give us the worst of evils. If Professor Unger gets his way, and destroys President Obama, he will give us a Romney deeply in political debt to the party he slimily wooed all through the primaries. He will be in a position to turn the Supreme Court from a mainly reactionary body to an almost entirely reactionary one.

Those who think there is no difference between the parties should look at the state that no longer elects any Democrats, the Texas described so well by Gail Collins, with its schools attacking evolution, its religious leaders denying there was ever any separation of church and state, and its cowboy code of justice. If people like Professor Unger, people too highly principled for us folks who muck around in the real world, get their way, they will not give us a prince turned into a frog, but America turned into Texas.



I dont consider moderates as fence sitters. Moderates to me is when a person has some veiws from one political spectrum and some veiws from the other. My own perosnal example is I am a fiscal conservative, a lesbian< far right hates me for that> I belive in a hand up, not a life time hand out, I think we should preserve our earth and be as good to it as we can, but I dont beleive in man made global warming and im against carbon credits, monsanto and any other GMO foods. People on welfare should not get free cell phones, internet and I am staunchly against having the Gov take over the healthcare system. I could go on, but I wont.

a fence sitter to me is a person who takes boths sides of ideas when its convenient to them. Bob does that just so he can talk< i think.


chrissy8 wrote:I dont consider moderates as fence sitters. Moderates to me is when a person has some veiws from one political spectrum and some veiws from the other. My own perosnal example is I am a fiscal conservative, a lesbian< far right hates me for that> I belive in a hand up, not a life time hand out, I think we should preserve our earth and be as good to it as we can, but I dont beleive in man made global warming and im against carbon credits, monsanto and any other GMO foods. People on welfare should not get free cell phones, internet and I am staunchly against having the Gov take over the healthcare system. I could go on, but I wont.

a fence sitter to me is a person who takes boths sides of ideas when its convenient to them. Bob does that just so he can talk< i think.

If you believe that moderates are those who have belief systems from one political spectrum and beliefs from another political spectrum, that would describe me well.

boards of FL

boards of FL

chrissy8 wrote:
Markle wrote:How do you feel about moderates?  - Page 2 PartyIdeology12012

interesting chart. so with that chart we could say that moderates/republicans are more open minded to ideas and that liberals are staunchly set on its their way or no way?

How are you getting that from that chart?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

chrissy8 wrote:

a fence sitter to me is a person who takes boths sides of ideas when its convenient to them. Bob does that just so he can talk< i think.
You're exactly right. You're either a liberal or you're a conservative if you have an IQ above a toaster. A person who is a lot smarter than me said that. And she didn't say you can be BOTH liberal AND conservative. She said you're EITHER liberal OR conservative.
For example, when I defend queers that's liberal. But when I want to execute armed robbers right on the spot, that would be very conservative so there's just no way I can really believe that. In that case I only do that so I can talk.
Another example would be that I'm against the war in iraq and that's liberal, but I also say I would shut down half the government, fire half the government employees, and make welfare mothers work at home for their handouts. And of course that's conservative. So it's just not possible for me to truly believe both things so I must be either lying or "on the fence" and "doing it just so I can talk".
We all need to get it in our heads that the worst person of all is one who claims to have both conservative and liberal ideas. That is always a phony. You cannot be both. You have to be either ALL conservative or ALL liberal. Because if that's not true then Rush Limbaugh is fulla shit and so is Ed Schultz. And they're on a lot more stations and make a lot more money than I do so they have to be right.

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