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whats the biggest thing obama has done that makes you proud to be an American?

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There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.



Chrissy wrote:
Watcher wrote:
Chrissy wrote:

1.Were not out of iraq completly although and BUSH set that date.
2. really, rumor is were going to be there a long long time, you really think that will be done in 2014?
3.No, the military did that, and it would have never happened had we not initiated wars. He just happen to be the setting president at the time.
5.Your dream of socialism, obamacare is NOTHING like a nationalized healthcare. its a clusterfuck from hell. obamacare really is 2700 pages of communistic facist regualtions with a dash of healthcare thrown in for good politics.
6.LOL.... really ? with whom? The islamist love us.
7.LOL.... frank talks with China. lmao That'll teach em.
8.Really? No he didnt. The rich are getting richer, the poor are still getting handouts and the middle class is dying even quicker. Funny thing is, now the poor are going to be even poorer this year from the payroll tax going going back up. Also, do you want to know who really got screwed and come to file in 2014 to pay 2013 taxes? the middle class again!
9.He has isolated israel. He is a muslim loving antiamerican pig. and you must be a jew hating nazi.

Keep on dreamin. Stay in your little retired fairy world. Trust me, it beats the hell out of living with the facts out here in work your ass off world where its not worth trying to make more money anymore, unless you can jump about $50,000 at a time.

Slicef18 wrote:Thank you for your very predictable reply. It was easily recognized as an opportunity to bait someone into giving answers which you could point out as being wrong in your view. I do not agree with you and on several questions our government.

I agree. That's exactly what she was trying to do -- bait people into giving answers after she bitched and moaned that no one was answering her question. Once the answers were given, she swooped in and attacked. It's her modus operandi.

i have no motis operandi. my question was ask legit.

when you go and snag a list off line, that tells me it wasnt something that moved you emotionally or you wouldnt need a list.

and of course when given answers such as those which can be subjective.

best answer so far and it was honest. socked it to the repubs eh something like that lol

Fact is, had there really been some great shit it would have been easy for you guys to flock on this thread and junk it up. As far as i am concerned the lack of enthusiasm tells me alot. its ok

Really? That's hilarious. Lack of enthusiasm? Where, oh where, are your posts in support of whomever got your vote? All you can do is bash Obama. I get it. You hate him. Get over it.



othershoe1030 wrote:
Ghandi wrote:The free cell phones he gave to the other half of the "we were all created equal" people. You know who they are.

The free phones were first established in 1986 so I guess they are Reagan phones.

Give them an inch and they take a mile theory?
Hundreds were given out under Reagan. Millions are now given out under obama. Why do you think they're called obama phones and not Reagan phones? You ain't very bright, are you?



Floridatexan wrote:
There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.

I feel the same way about some other groups I'm supposed to be a part of...

As for the forum members I like to think everyone does the best they can given the information they get.

I heard an interesting quote the other day, can't remember who said it but it went something like: once you establish a point of view all history confirms it. Our minds tend to gather information that confirms positions already taken. The trick of course is to remain open to reality and facts and new information.

If we can't do that we just become robots repeating talking points and perhaps forgetting why we do so.



Ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:
Ghandi wrote:The free cell phones he gave to the other half of the "we were all created equal" people. You know who they are.

The free phones were first established in 1986 so I guess they are Reagan phones.

Give them an inch and they take a mile theory?
Hundreds were given out under Reagan. Millions are now given out under obama. Why do you think they're called obama phones and not Reagan phones? You ain't very bright, are you?

That's right, throw stones. If you read the article it explains how the phones are distributed, a formula of income, etc. but then don't let the facts get in your way.

They are called Obama phones by people who don't know any better and think, THINK they are ascribing some negative connotation to them. Like Rush and crew on Fox, often they don't care if something is true or not they just keep repeating it until it gains traction with the people who listen to them and don't check the facts.



othershoe1030 wrote:
Ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:
Ghandi wrote:The free cell phones he gave to the other half of the "we were all created equal" people. You know who they are.

The free phones were first established in 1986 so I guess they are Reagan phones.

Give them an inch and they take a mile theory?
Hundreds were given out under Reagan. Millions are now given out under obama. Why do you think they're called obama phones and not Reagan phones? You ain't very bright, are you?

That's right, throw stones. If you read the article it explains how the phones are distributed, a formula of income, etc. but then don't let the facts get in your way.

They are called Obama phones by people who don't know any better and think, THINK they are ascribing some negative connotation to them. Like Rush and crew on Fox, often they don't care if something is true or not they just keep repeating it until it gains traction with the people who listen to them and don't check the facts.

You said: They are called Obama phones by people who don't know any better.

Exactly right. The same people who get the free phones and voted for him are one in the same.
The non-working class.



Ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:
Ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:
Ghandi wrote:The free cell phones he gave to the other half of the "we were all created equal" people. You know who they are.

The free phones were first established in 1986 so I guess they are Reagan phones.

Give them an inch and they take a mile theory?
Hundreds were given out under Reagan. Millions are now given out under obama. Why do you think they're called obama phones and not Reagan phones? You ain't very bright, are you?

That's right, throw stones. If you read the article it explains how the phones are distributed, a formula of income, etc. but then don't let the facts get in your way.

They are called Obama phones by people who don't know any better and think, THINK they are ascribing some negative connotation to them. Like Rush and crew on Fox, often they don't care if something is true or not they just keep repeating it until it gains traction with the people who listen to them and don't check the facts.

You said: They are called Obama phones by people who don't know any better.

Exactly right. The same people who get the free phones and voted for him are one in the same.
The non-working class.

Actually I'm more concerned with dealing with climate change and rebuilding our country's infrastructure than I am with quibbling with people over the free cell phones established under Ronald Reagan.



othershoe1030 wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.

I feel the same way about some other groups I'm supposed to be a part of...

As for the forum members I like to think everyone does the best they can given the information they get.

I heard an interesting quote the other day, can't remember who said it but it went something like: once you establish a point of view all history confirms it. Our minds tend to gather information that confirms positions already taken. The trick of course is to remain open to reality and facts and new information.

If we can't do that we just become robots repeating talking points and perhaps forgetting why we do so.

True, but it's not all about politics, is it? Don't certain people just turn your stomach? Consistently?



othershoe1030 wrote:

Actually I'm more concerned with dealing with climate change and rebuilding our country's infrastructure than I am with quibbling with people over the free cell phones established under Ronald Reagan.

cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers

What a great day!!

We continue to look forward, while the troglodytes wallow in their rancid angst.

Life is good.



Floridatexan wrote:
There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.

Theres no one on this forum who could make me sick to be American. Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much. The left idolizes europe. Thats the going propaganda now. You eat that stuff up. So please dont say anyone could make you sick to be American, because we already know you were sick to be an American before hand.



Chrissy wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.

Theres no one on this forum who could make me sick to be American. Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much. The left idolizes europe. Thats the going propaganda now. You eat that stuff up. So please dont say anyone could make you sick to be American, because we already know you were sick to be an American before hand.

" Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much."

Yes we want America to change along with the rest of the world. It's obvious you don't want change. If America had taken your non-route, women would be property the same as cattle. Only a few wealthy would be allowed to vote and it would be perfectly legal to own people as slaves.
Given your America's lack of progress, some other nation would have invaded our shores and taken over Americans and their property.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Ask Michelle, it took all her life up to 2008 to figure that out.

Is she still or once again proud?...



Slicef18 wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.

Theres no one on this forum who could make me sick to be American. Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much. The left idolizes europe. Thats the going propaganda now. You eat that stuff up. So please dont say anyone could make you sick to be American, because we already know you were sick to be an American before hand.

" Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much."

Yes we want America to change along with the rest of the world. It's obvious you don't want change. If America had taken your non-route, women would be property the same as cattle. Only a few wealthy would be allowed to vote and it would be perfectly legal to own people as slaves.
Given your America's lack of progress, some other nation would have invaded our shores and taken over Americans and their property.

LOL.. you seem to think that I want America to go backwards. This is a common acusation from people who want to push a further socialized agenda.

No one wants to take womens rights away or put people back into slavery.


speak up. You and shoe are the ones saying America isnt keeping up with other developing nations. WHAT IS IT WE HAVNT KEPT UP ON?



Chrissy wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.

Theres no one on this forum who could make me sick to be American. Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much. The left idolizes europe. Thats the going propaganda now. You eat that stuff up. So please dont say anyone could make you sick to be American, because we already know you were sick to be an American before hand.

" Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much."

Yes we want America to change along with the rest of the world. It's obvious you don't want change. If America had taken your non-route, women would be property the same as cattle. Only a few wealthy would be allowed to vote and it would be perfectly legal to own people as slaves.
Given your America's lack of progress, some other nation would have invaded our shores and taken over Americans and their property.

LOL.. you seem to think that I want America to go backwards. This is a common acusation from people who want to push a further socialized agenda.

No one wants to take womens rights away or put people back into slavery.


speak up. You and shoe are the ones saying America isnt keeping up with other developing nations. WHAT IS IT WE HAVNT KEPT UP ON?



Slicef18 wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.

Theres no one on this forum who could make me sick to be American. Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much. The left idolizes europe. Thats the going propaganda now. You eat that stuff up. So please dont say anyone could make you sick to be American, because we already know you were sick to be an American before hand.

" Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much."

Yes we want America to change along with the rest of the world. It's obvious you don't want change. If America had taken your non-route, women would be property the same as cattle. Only a few wealthy would be allowed to vote and it would be perfectly legal to own people as slaves.
Given your America's lack of progress, some other nation would have invaded our shores and taken over Americans and their property.



Chrissy wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.

Theres no one on this forum who could make me sick to be American. Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much. The left idolizes europe. Thats the going propaganda now. You eat that stuff up. So please dont say anyone could make you sick to be American, because we already know you were sick to be an American before hand.

" Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much."

Yes we want America to change along with the rest of the world. It's obvious you don't want change. If America had taken your non-route, women would be property the same as cattle. Only a few wealthy would be allowed to vote and it would be perfectly legal to own people as slaves.
Given your America's lack of progress, some other nation would have invaded our shores and taken over Americans and their property.

LOL.. you seem to think that I want America to go backwards. This is a common acusation from people who want to push a further socialized agenda.

No one wants to take womens rights away or put people back into slavery.


speak up. You and shoe are the ones saying America isnt keeping up with other developing nations. WHAT IS IT WE HAVNT KEPT UP ON?

Sadly we are behind many countries in the areas of: public transportation in cities, high speed rail for the entire country, transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, affordable, accessible effective universal health care and high speed Internet access to name a few.



othershoe1030 wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.

Theres no one on this forum who could make me sick to be American. Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much. The left idolizes europe. Thats the going propaganda now. You eat that stuff up. So please dont say anyone could make you sick to be American, because we already know you were sick to be an American before hand.

" Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much."

Yes we want America to change along with the rest of the world. It's obvious you don't want change. If America had taken your non-route, women would be property the same as cattle. Only a few wealthy would be allowed to vote and it would be perfectly legal to own people as slaves.
Given your America's lack of progress, some other nation would have invaded our shores and taken over Americans and their property.

LOL.. you seem to think that I want America to go backwards. This is a common acusation from people who want to push a further socialized agenda.

No one wants to take womens rights away or put people back into slavery.


speak up. You and shoe are the ones saying America isnt keeping up with other developing nations. WHAT IS IT WE HAVNT KEPT UP ON?

Sadly we are behind many countries in the areas of: public transportation in cities, high speed rail for the entire country, transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, affordable, accessible effective universal health care and high speed Internet access to name a few.

Huh?......Where is there a public transportation cirsis in cities?....And please no lame usage about the ECat system here....The rail system has never worked here even though government has thrown tons of money at the public using system like Amtrack...Further...check your stats about nations that have or are attempting to move away from government controlled healthcare---no saying that it would be correct to say that there certainly needs to be healthcare reform especially in the affordability area but as this current healthcare moves along it certainly hasn't proven that will be be more affordable even though that was promised...High speed internet is a problem?...



newswatcher wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.

Theres no one on this forum who could make me sick to be American. Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much. The left idolizes europe. Thats the going propaganda now. You eat that stuff up. So please dont say anyone could make you sick to be American, because we already know you were sick to be an American before hand.

" Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much."

Yes we want America to change along with the rest of the world. It's obvious you don't want change. If America had taken your non-route, women would be property the same as cattle. Only a few wealthy would be allowed to vote and it would be perfectly legal to own people as slaves.
Given your America's lack of progress, some other nation would have invaded our shores and taken over Americans and their property.

LOL.. you seem to think that I want America to go backwards. This is a common acusation from people who want to push a further socialized agenda.

No one wants to take womens rights away or put people back into slavery.


speak up. You and shoe are the ones saying America isnt keeping up with other developing nations. WHAT IS IT WE HAVNT KEPT UP ON?

Sadly we are behind many countries in the areas of: public transportation in cities, high speed rail for the entire country, transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, affordable, accessible effective universal health care and high speed Internet access to name a few.

Huh?......Where is there a public transportation cirsis in cities?....And please no lame usage about the ECat system here....The rail system has never worked here even though government has thrown tons of money at the public using system like Amtrack...Further...check your stats about nations that have or are attempting to move away from government controlled healthcare---no saying that it would be correct to say that there certainly needs to be healthcare reform especially in the affordability area but as this current healthcare moves along it certainly hasn't proven that will be be more affordable even though that was promised...High speed internet is a problem?...

".Where is there a public transportation cirsis in cities"

That would be a high speed rail system between Pensacola, and Atlanta, Birmingham/Montgomery, New Orleans, Huston /Dallas, Destin, Panama City, with connections to other large cities. The problem in America is that we based our travel on private transportation. We dine the same way, at a private table and not like much of the rest of the world where everyone shares the table.



Slicef18 wrote:
newswatcher wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.

Theres no one on this forum who could make me sick to be American. Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much. The left idolizes europe. Thats the going propaganda now. You eat that stuff up. So please dont say anyone could make you sick to be American, because we already know you were sick to be an American before hand.

" Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much."

Yes we want America to change along with the rest of the world. It's obvious you don't want change. If America had taken your non-route, women would be property the same as cattle. Only a few wealthy would be allowed to vote and it would be perfectly legal to own people as slaves.
Given your America's lack of progress, some other nation would have invaded our shores and taken over Americans and their property.

LOL.. you seem to think that I want America to go backwards. This is a common acusation from people who want to push a further socialized agenda.

No one wants to take womens rights away or put people back into slavery.


speak up. You and shoe are the ones saying America isnt keeping up with other developing nations. WHAT IS IT WE HAVNT KEPT UP ON?

Sadly we are behind many countries in the areas of: public transportation in cities, high speed rail for the entire country, transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, affordable, accessible effective universal health care and high speed Internet access to name a few.

Huh?......Where is there a public transportation cirsis in cities?....And please no lame usage about the ECat system here....The rail system has never worked here even though government has thrown tons of money at the public using system like Amtrack...Further...check your stats about nations that have or are attempting to move away from government controlled healthcare---no saying that it would be correct to say that there certainly needs to be healthcare reform especially in the affordability area but as this current healthcare moves along it certainly hasn't proven that will be be more affordable even though that was promised...High speed internet is a problem?...

".Where is there a public transportation cirsis in cities"

That would be a high speed rail system between Pensacola, and Atlanta, Birmingham/Montgomery, New Orleans, Huston /Dallas, Destin, Panama City, with connections to other large cities. The problem in America is that we based our travel on private transportation. We dine the same way, at a private table and not like much of the rest of the world where everyone shares the table.

"LOL.. you seem to think that I want America to go backwards. This is a common acusation from people who want to push a further socialized agenda. "

You don't seem to realize that to not move forward is to go backward.



othershoe1030 wrote:
Ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:
Ghandi wrote:The free cell phones he gave to the other half of the "we were all created equal" people. You know who they are.

The free phones were first established in 1986 so I guess they are Reagan phones.

Give them an inch and they take a mile theory?
Hundreds were given out under Reagan. Millions are now given out under obama. Why do you think they're called obama phones and not Reagan phones? You ain't very bright, are you?

That's right, throw stones. If you read the article it explains how the phones are distributed, a formula of income, etc. but then don't let the facts get in your way.

They are called Obama phones by people who don't know any better and think, THINK they are ascribing some negative connotation to them.Like Rush and crew on Fox, often they don't care if something is true or not they just keep repeating it until it gains traction with the people who listen to them and don't check the facts.

Come on now. Be fair and balanced. You can't say these things without bringing up Mike Malloy and crew on MSNBC, that lie as a matter of course. There is way more liberal TV/radio shows than poor little ole FOX News and the demonized Rush. But, I understand how progressives/liberals like to ignore the facts. Lean forward.



othershoe1030 wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.

Theres no one on this forum who could make me sick to be American. Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much. The left idolizes europe. Thats the going propaganda now. You eat that stuff up. So please dont say anyone could make you sick to be American, because we already know you were sick to be an American before hand.

" Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much."

Yes we want America to change along with the rest of the world. It's obvious you don't want change. If America had taken your non-route, women would be property the same as cattle. Only a few wealthy would be allowed to vote and it would be perfectly legal to own people as slaves.
Given your America's lack of progress, some other nation would have invaded our shores and taken over Americans and their property.

LOL.. you seem to think that I want America to go backwards. This is a common acusation from people who want to push a further socialized agenda.

No one wants to take womens rights away or put people back into slavery.


speak up. You and shoe are the ones saying America isnt keeping up with other developing nations. WHAT IS IT WE HAVNT KEPT UP ON?

Sadly we are behind many countries in the areas of: public transportation in cities, high speed rail for the entire country, transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, affordable, accessible effective universal health care and high speed Internet access to name a few.

LOL..... This ENTIRE spill by you has nothing to do with anything but UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE. Or perhaps you dont even know what you are talking about and are just spewing the talking points.

There's no problem with transportation. Where it is wanted by the people is where it is successful. Does pcola need a subway, is that what you are saying? Wheres your amtrak train station?

What country ( OUR SIZE, at least 300 million people )is leading us in transitioning from fossil fuels? I want actual accurate data.

Theres a problem with high speed internet in America? LMAO! more than half of people on welfare even have internet. What do you want, a internet in every house is that it?

Oh I got it. You just didnt want to say we are behind in being a SOCIALIZED nation. Wink Because after all, America was designed to be a socialized nation, right?

Must be so difficult for you to live in such a backwards country. Perhaps you could take one of those wooden boats we make down here in the south and float across to cuba or perhaps over to one of those more technological advanced countries. You know ones where those people invented all the cool stuff the world uses today. Laughing



Slicef18 wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:
newswatcher wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:
Chrissy wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.

Theres no one on this forum who could make me sick to be American. Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much. The left idolizes europe. Thats the going propaganda now. You eat that stuff up. So please dont say anyone could make you sick to be American, because we already know you were sick to be an American before hand.

" Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much."

Yes we want America to change along with the rest of the world. It's obvious you don't want change. If America had taken your non-route, women would be property the same as cattle. Only a few wealthy would be allowed to vote and it would be perfectly legal to own people as slaves.
Given your America's lack of progress, some other nation would have invaded our shores and taken over Americans and their property.

LOL.. you seem to think that I want America to go backwards. This is a common acusation from people who want to push a further socialized agenda.

No one wants to take womens rights away or put people back into slavery.


speak up. You and shoe are the ones saying America isnt keeping up with other developing nations. WHAT IS IT WE HAVNT KEPT UP ON?

Sadly we are behind many countries in the areas of: public transportation in cities, high speed rail for the entire country, transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, affordable, accessible effective universal health care and high speed Internet access to name a few.

Huh?......Where is there a public transportation cirsis in cities?....And please no lame usage about the ECat system here....The rail system has never worked here even though government has thrown tons of money at the public using system like Amtrack...Further...check your stats about nations that have or are attempting to move away from government controlled healthcare---no saying that it would be correct to say that there certainly needs to be healthcare reform especially in the affordability area but as this current healthcare moves along it certainly hasn't proven that will be be more affordable even though that was promised...High speed internet is a problem?...

".Where is there a public transportation cirsis in cities"

That would be a high speed rail system between Pensacola, and Atlanta, Birmingham/Montgomery, New Orleans, Huston /Dallas, Destin, Panama City, with connections to other large cities. The problem in America is that we based our travel on private transportation. We dine the same way, at a private table and not like much of the rest of the world where everyone shares the table.

"LOL.. you seem to think that I want America to go backwards. This is a common acusation from people who want to push a further socialized agenda. "

You don't seem to realize that to not move forward is to go backward.

I wonder if there is some kind of retardation it takes to by into this type of shit.

This reply of slices isnt even a answer. Its a slogan that has absolutly no meaning whatsoever.

Its like me saying, if youre not in a car you are not driving down the road.

Define FORWARD for us slice. What is your IDEA of what THIS FORWARD means?

Is it like shoes? where it really means TO BECOME MORE SOCIALIZED?


The co-opting of words by the left is really going to far with all these worthless new interpretations.



Chrissy wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
There are people on this forum that make me sick to be an American, because I don't want to be allied with them in any way whatsoever. In fact, I don't even want to be part of the same species.

Theres no one on this forum who could make me sick to be American. Just face it, you hate America anyway thats why you want to change it so much. The left idolizes europe. Thats the going propaganda now. You eat that stuff up. So please dont say anyone could make you sick to be American, because we already know you were sick to be an American before hand.

You're another one that makes me want to hang my head in shame...that someone born here could be so illiterate and sick in the head. You don't know a damn thing about me except what I allow to be known here. By "we", I don't believe you were referring to the majority of people on this forum. Even Teo, much to his consternation, loves me.



As much as I hated shrub I never said I wanted him to fail..
That's something I can't say about this obama hating crowd..
I voted for Johnston.. But I'm glad romney didn't get in..

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