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Obama- Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance

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Obama- Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance 10383079_745961445463987_4834289351452021776_n

Guess he was mistaken, like the 57 states the US has he claims...



Can you ever give your hate-fest for Obama a rest?



Can you ever admit he is a failure?



Pacedog ... give it a rest. Obama won because McCain-Palin and Romney-Ryan just didn't match-up.

With McCain we'd be at war with 2 to 4 foreign countries continuously. With Romney 47% of us would be lodged in concentration camps.


If you really want to replace Obama with one of your own, start by putting up someone who won't give up their credibility or integrity by bowing to the social demands of your far, furry right.

You can't win with a science hating, women hating, minority hating old white man. Not even with young republicans!




Wordslinger wrote:Pacedog ... give it a rest.  Obama won because McCain-Palin and Romney-Ryan just didn't match-up.  

With McCain we'd be at war with 2 to 4 foreign countries continuously.  With Romney 47% of us would be lodged in concentration camps.


If you really want to replace Obama with one of your own, start by putting up someone who won't give up their credibility or integrity by bowing to the social demands of your far, furry right.

You can't win with a science hating, women hating, minority hating old white man.  Not even with young republicans!


Now your becoming a joke.

Obama- Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance Stirthepot-1

"Social Demands"? Does that mean personal responsibility? That's repulsive to you, we all know.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Wordslinger wrote:  

With McCain we'd be at war with 2 to 4 foreign countries continuously.

 With Romney 47% of us would be lodged in concentration camps.

I don't think there's any question that McCain would have put us in even more wars. And if Romney's campaign rhetoric was what he would have done, Romney would have involved us in as many wars as McCain.

But you've lost me on how Romney would have put 47% of us in concentration camps. If he'd tried it, me and millions of others with guns would have killed the sorry son of a bitch before that ever happened.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

In fact I'll go on record with this right now and I truly don't give a rat's ass who is monitoring this.
If any president of the united states tries to put Americans into concentrations camps,  I'll spend the remainder of whatever life I have left trying to assassinate him.  Or her if it's a woman.  And if any government lackey tries to stop me,  I'll kill his worthless sorry ass too.

And if there is anybody out there who wouldn't do the same, then you're just a rotten no good traitor.

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