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Why is nobody here weighing in on the biggest thing in tv news?

Hospital Bob
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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Enquiring minds wanna know.

Why is nobody here weighing in on the biggest thing in tv news? 2DD6DCA800000578-3291816-Once_the_student_is_down_Fields_grabs_her_by_the_arms_and_leg_an-m-1_1445965773452

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Here's a dude weighing in on it.  The cat doesn't have his tongue.



What would you have done?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I'm watching the sheriff's press conference right now.  I think his take on it is about right.

This was a sorry assed little bitch who thought her shit didn't stink.
She was a disruption to the class and she refused to stop the disrupting even when a black school administrator tried to get her to do so.
I have no use for her whatsoever. 

But I agree with the sheriff that the cop went over the line with how he handled it. 
However,  if I was a cop I would have handled it that way too.  And that's why I aint suited to be a cop.  Neither is he.


The Deputy was terminated. I agree with the Sheriff's analysis. She caused this deputy to lose his job, but what was most disturbing to me was that Richmond County has 87 school resource officers in the county. I feel that the people who need to be disciplined are the employees of the school district who have abdicated their job responsibility nationwide. My wife saw the video and was aghast. She said her school policy was to separate students from the other students. There policy was to lead the other students out of the room to another room. She had done that personally. Then somebody deals with the student and the student is disciplined. There NEVER was a policeman in my wife's school. She never saw this kind of teacher or police reaction in her career.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

This sheriff is now a personal hero of mine.  He talks as southern as hell like Gomer and Goober and me.  Thick accent,  bad grammar and all.
But if you can disregard all that and actually listen to what he's communicating to you when he's talking,  he's one impressive son of a bitch.


He is a good cop and leader. Training matters. Standards matter.



My thoughts were to remove her audience...having every student in the class leave or drag her desk to the hallway.

It's a shame a 16 year old caused so much turmoil. I can not imagine such a thing happening in my school days. Respect authorities.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Joanimaroni wrote:My thoughts were to remove her audience...having every student in the class leave or drag her desk to the hallway.

Totally agree.



Bob wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:My thoughts were to remove her audience...having every student in the class leave or drag her desk to the hallway.

Totally agree.

I could not imagine being an ass like she was a total arrogant bitch . How is her behaviour handled at home? I would love for the media to,interview her and her parents.



I went to Catholic schools, and at times, we could be pretty disruptive.

The nuns handled it just fine, and the cops were never called.

As a matter of fact, I have little doubt that one of those nasty old nuns could've easily kicked that punk cop's ass.



But, to answer your original question, it's because cop's using excessive force, especially on minorities, has become so commonplace and the responses to it are so predictable ...

... and, sickening.

The victim, especially if a minority, is immediately blamed and characterized as a "total arrogant bitch" and a "sorry assed little bitch who thought her shit didn't stink".

Gimme a break.

At worst, she is an insolent child.


I am appalled by 87 police officers in one county in schools.  The Administrations have simply gotten obscene salaries and have abdicated their duty to deal with students.  Nothing this student did was criminal.  She was disrespectful to a teacher and her classmates because she found her phone more important than the book they were supposed to be reading.  This is the failure of the school not doing what they should have done by separating this disruptive student from the other students.  I understand parents demanding that their children have the right to cell phones, but as soon as there are violations of rules the consequences should be that students turn their cell phone in at the principal's office and at the end of school they get their phone back.  You follow the rules and you keep your phone.  Cops do not belong in schools.   We have lost our fricking minds.  We need to cut the pay of school administrators who have become fricking politicians.



Salinsky wrote:But, to answer your original question, it's because cop's using excessive force, especially on minorities, has become so commonplace and the responses to it are so predictable ...

... and, sickening.

The victim, especially if a minority, is immediately blamed and characterized as a "total arrogant bitch" and a "sorry assed little bitch who thought her shit didn't stink".

Gimme a break.

At worst, she is an insolent child.

Pretty much what I said.



2seaoat wrote:She was disrespectful to a teacher and her classmates because she found her phone more important than the book they were supposed to be reading.  

The crazy thing is that the only reason that this bad cop and his victim will see justice is because other students had their cell phones.



Joanimaroni wrote:

Pretty much what I said.

Not, "pretty much", more like "precisely".

So predictable ....

.... and sickening.



How would you have handled it, Sal?

Lol those darn kids!



by 2seaoat Today at 5:19 pm
The Deputy was terminated. I agree with the Sheriff's analysis. She caused this deputy to lose his job, but what was most disturbing to me was that Richmond County has 87 school resource officers in the county. I feel that the people who need to be disciplined are the employees of the school district who have abdicated their job responsibility nationwide. My wife saw the video and was aghast. She said her school policy was to separate students from the other students. There policy was to lead the other students out of the room to another room. She had done that personally. Then somebody deals with the student and the student is disciplined. There NEVER was a policeman in my wife's school. She never saw this kind of teacher or police reaction in her career.
She must have taught in fantasy land



We had four assistant deans that whipped ass at Pensacola HS. Teachers held command of the classroom but when the trouble happened it was straight to the dean's office. And, of course, it was double trouble at home because parents took the side of teachers.

But police in the schools? The ultimate in breakdown of authority between child/parent/teacher.

They recently placed four policemen at NWFSC. It is a very small campus. I see no reason for the placement.

We are a police state.

Let freedom ring...



Joanimaroni wrote:How would you have handled it, Sal?

Lol those darn kids!


Now, a question for you ...

What would have been your reaction to this story, had the cop been a hulking, musclebound, black man, and the the girl a pretty, petite, blonde-haired white girl.

Now, be honest ....

Hahahahahahahahahahaha ...

Just kidding, I know you can't.


I went to a high school where I had 732 people in my class. We never had a policeman in the building. Teachers were tough. They smacked you without a bit of hesitation. So starting the 80s lawsuits against teachers made it simple for school districts to go to zero tolerance and expulsions, and bringing the police state into was a horrible abdication of duty. Get the police out of schools and demand that schools do their job.

My wife was nominated for the best teacher of the year in the state, she was one of the top finishers. When in her school the staff was introduced to the students each year in assembly, the kids never applauded any teachers until they got to Mrs. Seaoat, and the kids went wild and clapped and hooted. I am a lucky man to have this talented intelligent and TOUGH lady as my wife. She would have separated the students immediately into another room, and then gone back into the class and talked to the student and taken her to the office with the phone having been turned over. Stupid and intelligent is a gap too large for some.......oh and if somebody wanted to get physical with her....she would protect herself quite effectively.



Salinsky wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:How would you have handled it, Sal?

Lol those darn kids!


Now, a question for you ...

What would have been your reaction to this story, had the cop been a hulking, musclebound, black man, and the the girl a pretty, petite, blonde-haired white girl.

Now, be honest ....

Hahahahahahahahahahaha ...

Just kidding, I know you can't.

How would you handle detention if you can't get her out of the room? Do you think she would show up for detention?

Are we changing the appearance of the officer.....or just changing the color?



Joanimaroni wrote:
How would you handle detention if you can't get her out of the room.

Allow her to sit there and be insolent until after class, and then hand her the detention slip.

If she refused to show up for detention, suspension.

Exactly the same way it would've been handled had it been a white child.



Joanimaroni wrote:
Are we changing the appearance of the officer.....or just changing the color?

No, Joanie.

In addition to being a cop, he was a "strength coach" and "fitness professional".

If you don't know what those things are, think amateur pharmacy enthusiast.



Salinsky wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
Are we changing the appearance of the officer.....or just changing the color?

No, Joanie.

In addition to being a cop, he was a "strength coach" and "fitness professional".

If you don't know what those things are, think amateur pharmacy enthusiast.

I already said how I thought it should have been handled.

Now if it were my child and I was present or notified of the situation and she wouldn't move.....I would have her physically removed.

I think my kids would all attest to that.

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