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whats in that obama 2013 so called budget?

boards of FL
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The only thing that you can be certain will become law in this budget if Mr. Obama is re-elected is the monumental tax increase. His plan would raise tax rates across the board on anyone or any business owners making more than $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples. These are the 3% of taxpayers that Mr. Obama says aren't paying their fair share, though that 3% pays more in income tax than the rest of the other 97%.

The President's plan would also cancel the investment tax rate reductions that have been in place since 2003, impose a new investment income tax hike of 3.8%, and introduce the new "Buffett rule" on the rich

Tax rates will rise as follows: capital gains to 30% from 15% today; dividends to 30% from 15%; the estate tax to 45% from 35%, and don't forget the end to the temporary payroll tax cut that Mr. Obama is making such an issue of now. He only wants it to last for another 10 months.

Four years of spending of more than 24% of GDP, the four highest spending years since 1946. In the current fiscal year of 2012, despite talk of austerity, Mr. Obama predicts spending will increase by $193 billion to $3.8 trillion, or 24.3% of GDP. The top chart shows the unprecedented four-year blowout.

• Another deficit of $1.327 trillion in 2012, also an increase from 2011, and making four years in a row above $1.29 trillion. The last time that happened? Never.


Tell me what happens if the President does nothing after he is reelected?

Do you understand what is going to happen when the Bush cuts expire?



BHO with a BUDGET???? Wow - that would be a first.



Lurch wrote:[[/img]

oh come on now, dont cry....

I know your not demanding a budget from someone who isnt even in office yet when you havnt been concerned about the FACT WE HAVNT HAD ONE FROM OBAMA silent



2seaoat wrote:Tell me what happens if the President does nothing after he is reelected?

Do you understand what is going to happen when the Bush cuts expire?

what seaoat?

I know your dying to tell me.



2seaoat wrote:Tell me what happens if the President does nothing after he is reelected?

Do you understand what is going to happen when the Bush cuts expire?

Obama is going to rape us.



Lurch wrote:whats in that obama 2013 so called budget?  527674_3586685158613_428311116_n

...and when does Obama do the same? About never, but Romney Ryan DOES slow down the spending.



the president has already raised taxes... obamacare is a tax even if most of the revenue goes to insurance corporations.

obama has also allowed the federal reserve to tax every dollar in existence... perhaps one of the largest taxes ever levied.

the poor and working poor and middle class have very few ways to mitigate that policy... much less cover rising prices.

where's that reality i keep hearing about? maybe it took a three hour tour.

boards of FL

boards of FL

nochain wrote:BHO with a BUDGET???? Wow - that would be a first.

I approve this message.



boards of FL wrote:
nochain wrote:BHO with a BUDGET???? Wow - that would be a first.


I took the time to read each and I'm wondering now if I was the only one. Thanks Boards . . .



knothead wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
nochain wrote:BHO with a BUDGET???? Wow - that would be a first.


I took the time to read each and I'm wondering now if I was the only one. Thanks Boards . . .

Those are not budgets....



2seaoat wrote:Tell me what happens if the President does nothing after he is reelected?

Do you understand what is going to happen when the Bush cuts expire?

why don't you just say it? it is a tax increase. the tax rate has been one thing... and now it will be another.

shall we call it the Obama Tax Increase?

i didn't think so.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
knothead wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
nochain wrote:BHO with a BUDGET???? Wow - that would be a first.


I took the time to read each and I'm wondering now if I was the only one. Thanks Boards . . .

Those are not budgets....

Then you obviously did not . . . . . sigh.



knothead wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
knothead wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
nochain wrote:BHO with a BUDGET???? Wow - that would be a first.


I took the time to read each and I'm wondering now if I was the only one. Thanks Boards . . .

Those are not budgets....

Then you obviously did not . . . . . sigh.

Proposed budgets that never passed, if I remember correctly one of them was a complete shutout 414-0, not one vote from Rep or Dem for Obamas budget.


A budget is setting priorities. However, when nobody wants to tell Americans that their taxes are going to go have cowardice on both sides of the aisle. Taxes need to go up....period, and all those who scream socialism and all the other nonsense.....we are at the lowest tax rates in 60 years, and we simply quit working for this country. It is like we decided to quit working an hour early.....great...we still made a living and it was nice to have some free we decided to take two hours off a day.....even better,and we could still pay our bills.....then we took four hours off a day and bought a new car.......we could not cover the payments and started living off the credit card.

Now a reasonable person would say go back to work, but today people are saying leave your house, sell your clothes, sell your food, and get a new auto, and propose to work only two somebody says.....hey you do not have a budget......duh.



private growth is the only real chance... growth requires capital. you don't fatten the stock by taking food away.

boards of FL

boards of FL

alecto wrote:
knothead wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
knothead wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
nochain wrote:BHO with a BUDGET???? Wow - that would be a first.


I took the time to read each and I'm wondering now if I was the only one. Thanks Boards . . .

Those are not budgets....

Then you obviously did not . . . . . sigh.

Proposed budgets that never passed, if I remember correctly one of them was a complete shutout 414-0, not one vote from Rep or Dem for Obamas budget.

2010 budget: Passed 07/22/09

2011 budget: Passed 04/15/11

2012 budget: Passed 12/23/11

2013 budget: Submitted 02/13/12

The links for this are on the page one.

I approve this message.



boards of FL wrote:[quote="ale

2010 budget: Passed 07/22/09

2011 budget: Passed 04/15/11

2012 budget: Passed 12/23/11

2013 budget: Submitted 02/13/12

The links for this are on the page one.

"(CNN) -- The U.S. government is the largest financial entity in the world. Nothing else comes close.
On Sunday, April 29, it will be exactly three years since the U.S. Senate passed a budget.
If you own or work for a small business that has a loan from a bank, I'm quite sure your business has a budget -- and a rather detailed budget at that. Every year around tax time, many American families sit down to fill out tax forms, estimate their income, and set spending priorities for the upcoming year. It's the responsible thing to do.
And yet, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid appears to believe it is not necessary for the Senate to fulfill its legal responsibility by debating and passing a budget to account for $3.8 trillion in federal spending next fiscal year, $15.6 trillion of debt and, according to figures produced by the Senate Budget Committee Republican staff, more than $65 trillion in additional unfunded liabilities."



nochain wrote:BHO with a BUDGET???? Wow - that would be a first.

He said if re-elected he'd get serious about the budget and POSSIBLY compromise...that was a major suck up to the independents and moderates....but is it four years too late?...

boards of FL

boards of FL

nochain wrote:
boards of FL wrote:[quote="ale

2010 budget: Passed 07/22/09

2011 budget: Passed 04/15/11

2012 budget: Passed 12/23/11

2013 budget: Submitted 02/13/12

The links for this are on the page one.

"(CNN) -- The U.S. government is the largest financial entity in the world. Nothing else comes close.
On Sunday, April 29, it will be exactly three years since the U.S. Senate passed a budget.
If you own or work for a small business that has a loan from a bank, I'm quite sure your business has a budget -- and a rather detailed budget at that. Every year around tax time, many American families sit down to fill out tax forms, estimate their income, and set spending priorities for the upcoming year. It's the responsible thing to do.
And yet, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid appears to believe it is not necessary for the Senate to fulfill its legal responsibility by debating and passing a budget to account for $3.8 trillion in federal spending next fiscal year, $15.6 trillion of debt and, according to figures produced by the Senate Budget Committee Republican staff, more than $65 trillion in additional unfunded liabilities."

This is an opinion piece by a tea party senator who appears to be redefining the term 'budget'.

I approve this message.



boards of FL wrote:
nochain wrote:
boards of FL wrote:[quote="ale

2010 budget: Passed 07/22/09

2011 budget: Passed 04/15/11

2012 budget: Passed 12/23/11

2013 budget: Submitted 02/13/12

The links for this are on the page one.

"(CNN) -- The U.S. government is the largest financial entity in the world. Nothing else comes close.
On Sunday, April 29, it will be exactly three years since the U.S. Senate passed a budget.
If you own or work for a small business that has a loan from a bank, I'm quite sure your business has a budget -- and a rather detailed budget at that. uced by the Senate Budget Committee Republican staff, more than $65 trillion in additional unfunded liabilities."

This is an opinion piece by a tea party senator who appears to be redefining the term 'budget'.

You just can't face facts. It would be mildly interesting to know what your esteemed definition of a "budget" might be.

Margin Call

Margin Call

nochain wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
nochain wrote:
boards of FL wrote:[quote="ale

2010 budget: Passed 07/22/09

2011 budget: Passed 04/15/11

2012 budget: Passed 12/23/11

2013 budget: Submitted 02/13/12

The links for this are on the page one.

"(CNN) -- The U.S. government is the largest financial entity in the world. Nothing else comes close.
On Sunday, April 29, it will be exactly three years since the U.S. Senate passed a budget.
If you own or work for a small business that has a loan from a bank, I'm quite sure your business has a budget -- and a rather detailed budget at that. uced by the Senate Budget Committee Republican staff, more than $65 trillion in additional unfunded liabilities."

This is an opinion piece by a tea party senator who appears to be redefining the term 'budget'.

You just can't face facts. It would be mildly interesting to know what your esteemed definition of a "budget" might be.

This is astounding. I think reading your version of how Congress passes bills would be far more entertaining.

boards of FL

boards of FL

nochain wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
nochain wrote:
boards of FL wrote:[quote="ale

2010 budget: Passed 07/22/09

2011 budget: Passed 04/15/11

2012 budget: Passed 12/23/11

2013 budget: Submitted 02/13/12

The links for this are on the page one.

"(CNN) -- The U.S. government is the largest financial entity in the world. Nothing else comes close.
On Sunday, April 29, it will be exactly three years since the U.S. Senate passed a budget.
If you own or work for a small business that has a loan from a bank, I'm quite sure your business has a budget -- and a rather detailed budget at that. uced by the Senate Budget Committee Republican staff, more than $65 trillion in additional unfunded liabilities."

This is an opinion piece by a tea party senator who appears to be redefining the term 'budget'.

You just can't face facts. It would be mildly interesting to know what your esteemed definition of a "budget" might be.

I approve this message.



Margin Call wrote:
nochain wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
nochain wrote:
boards of FL wrote:[quote="ale

2010 budget: Passed 07/22/09

2011 budget: Passed 04/15/11

2012 budget: Passed 12/23/11

2013 budget: Submitted 02/13/12

The links for this are on the page one.

"(CNN) -- The U.S. government is the largest financial entity in the world. Nothing else comes close.
On Sunday, April 29, it will be exactly three years since the U.S. Senate passed a budget.
If you own or work for a small business that has a loan from a bank, I'm quite sure your business has a budget -- and a rather detailed budget at that. uced by the Senate Budget Committee Republican staff, more than $65 trillion in additional unfunded liabilities."

This is an opinion piece by a tea party senator who appears to be redefining the term 'budget'.

You just can't face facts. It would be mildly interesting to know what your esteemed definition of a "budget" might be.

This is astounding. I think reading your version of how Congress passes bills would be far more entertaining.

Appropriations bills are not budgets. Continuing resolutions are not ”budgets.” The fact you BHO drones continue to miss is the lack of leadership on BHOs part to get the Congress and Senate to pass a compromise budget resolution in order to adhere to a plan for the future in controlling spending. BHOs very own Senate doesn’t back him, instead falling back on that spineless cretin Reid who is only good at pointing his quivering finger of blame across the aisle. Partisan hacks.

Now how about your explanation?

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