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Now I see why soldiers want more women in combat.

boards of FL
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Sexual assault of military women while in a war zone is surprisingly common, according to new research by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

In a new study, around half of women deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan reported being sexual harassed, and one-quarter said they were sexually assaulted, U.S.A Today reports.

Researchers contacted 1,100 women who served in Iraq or Afghanistan and asked them questions about sexual assaults and harassment while deployed. Among the findings, sexual assaults -- including rape -- were reported by 22.8 percent of women. The anonymous surveys also showed that 48.6 percent of women said they had experienced sexual harassment while in a war zone. Most of the women said the offenders were other service-members, and in a little less than half the cases, the offender held a higher rank.

Sexual assault in the military has been in the spotlight over the past year. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has been outspoken about the problem, calling the military's record on prosecuting assaults an "outrage." In September, he ordered a review of all military training.

Last week, the Pentagon released its annual report on sexual harassment and violence at its military academies. Sexual assaults reported by students at the academies jumped 23 percent in 2012, the third straight year of increases.

As The Huffington Post's Molly O'Toole previously reported, many victims of sexual assault in the military suffer in silence. The conviction rate for sexual assaults in the military is just under 6 percent.

boards of FL

boards of FL



"The Generals Daughter"

what can you say ?...Boys will be boys.



hallmarkgrad wrote:Sexual assault of military women while in a war zone is surprisingly common, according to new research by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

In a new study, around half of women deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan reported being sexual harassed, and one-quarter said they were sexually assaulted, U.S.A Today reports.

Researchers contacted 1,100 women who served in Iraq or Afghanistan and asked them questions about sexual assaults and harassment while deployed. Among the findings, sexual assaults -- including rape -- were reported by 22.8 percent of women. The anonymous surveys also showed that 48.6 percent of women said they had experienced sexual harassment while in a war zone. Most of the women said the offenders were other service-members, and in a little less than half the cases, the offender held a higher rank.

Sexual assault in the military has been in the spotlight over the past year. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has been outspoken about the problem, calling the military's record on prosecuting assaults an "outrage." In September, he ordered a review of all military training.

Last week, the Pentagon released its annual report on sexual harassment and violence at its military academies. Sexual assaults reported by students at the academies jumped 23 percent in 2012, the third straight year of increases.

As The Huffington Post's Molly O'Toole previously reported, many victims of sexual assault in the military suffer in silence. The conviction rate for sexual assaults in the military is just under 6 percent.

Now I see why soldiers want more women in combat. Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQTTjAG7Jpgyl1zAP4kB-K1X1bz4slU3o7_B7FxxGpwhstCw9fa

Has your daughter defied you yet, joined the military, and demanded her right to be in combat?





Has your daughter defied you yet, joined the military, and demanded her right to be in combat? Fuck you............Not a chance in hell.....

[img]Now I see why soldiers want more women in combat. 974c9t[/img]



hallmarkgrad wrote:Fuck you............Not a chance in hell.....

Now I see why soldiers want more women in combat. Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRUJ2gZDYfrWruRrN38JdYtUeQnVTGywoKDbRtcXljqkX72TkotzA

That's not very nice... There's no reason to be abusive over a simple question.

So you would deny her her right to choose to do as she wishes when she's a mature adult with rights?

In what way does that grant liberty and justice to all?





I have to agree, again, with Hallmark! Women do not belong in combat!



Nekochan wrote:I have to agree, again, with Hallmark! Women do not belong in combat!



Life is not always fair or equal. Right or wrong I taught my children what I believe. I have tired never to lie to them. I have shared some of my life experiences with them. If they want to remain in the family they will do as I say. Sounds very harsh but that is the way it is. If she was to join the Military and choose combat, then she would no longer be my daughter.



hallmarkgrad wrote:Life is not always fair or equal. Right or wrong I taught my children what I believe. I have tired never to lie to them. I have shared some of my life experiences with them. If they want to remain in the family they will do as I say. Sounds very harsh but that is the way it is. If she was to join the Military and choose combat, then she would no longer be my daughter.

Oh, Hallmark. That is so harsh. Crying or Very sad I know you would still love her.



hallmarkgrad wrote:Life is not always fair or equal. Right or wrong I taught my children what I believe. I have tired never to lie to them. I have shared some of my life experiences with them. If they want to remain in the family they will do as I say. Sounds very harsh but that is the way it is. If she was to join the Military and choose combat, then she would no longer be my daughter.

Oh shocking! Shocked



hallmarkgrad wrote:Life is not always fair or equal. Right or wrong I taught my children what I believe. I have tired never to lie to them. I have shared some of my life experiences with them. If they want to remain in the family they will do as I say. Sounds very harsh but that is the way it is. If she was to join the Military and choose combat, then she would no longer be my daughter.
Hard core man but that's real love not PC bullshit.



hallmarkgrad wrote:Life is not always fair or equal. Right or wrong I taught my children what I believe. I have tired never to lie to them. I have shared some of my life experiences with them. If they want to remain in the family they will do as I say. Sounds very harsh but that is the way it is. If she was to join the Military and choose combat, then she would no longer be my daughter.

That's pathetic.

I feel sorry for your daughter...and you.



hallmarkgrad wrote:Life is not always fair or equal. Right or wrong I taught my children what I believe. I have tired never to lie to them. I have shared some of my life experiences with them. If they want to remain in the family they will do as I say. Sounds very harsh but that is the way it is. If she was to join the Military and choose combat, then she would no longer be my daughter.
Hard core man but that's real love not PC bullshit.

That's not love, that's a desperate need to control and a total distrust of your own grown children. Obviously knowing you did a poor job raising them.



No it's not sacrificing your little girl to the bullshit propaganda military machine that continues to suck more and more fools into it. Women are not meant to fight in combat no matter what technological advantage they may be lied to and told they have. Hell most men don't belong in combat.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:No it's not sacrificing your little girl to the bullshit propaganda military machine that continues to suck more and more fools into it. Women are not meant to fight in combat no matter what technological advantage they may be lied to and told they have. Hell most men don't belong in combat.

I agree with much of your sentiment, T. And knowing hg as I do, I very highly suspect that he raised his daughter much like my sisters and I were raised, knowing that women do not belong in combat. Were I or one of my sisters to have chosen to go into the armed forces as our brother did, my dad would have no concern that any of us would ever seek to go into combat. So long as we'd earned our university degrees prior (a requirement in our household) and had an MOS that kept us safe, he would be proud of us for serving our country in whatever way we could.



You know we can tell our children we will disown them if they do this or that. But the thing is, when they get grown, they will do what they want. Hopfully they grow up with some of the things we have instilled in them. But reality says they will also have thier own minds, just as we do and did when our parents were telling us what to do.

We all know I dont think women belong in direct combat. We are just not built that way.

I honestly dont beleive anyone here who would actually disown a girl child for going in the military. Say it all you want tuff guys, I just dont beleive it.

happy martini day!



I have always told my kids that I will love them no matter what happens or what they do. I don't even think I have a choice about that. I cannot imagine ever not loving my kids. But I also told them that I will hold them responsible for their actions. I will help them when I think the long term outcome of that help will be positive for them. But I will not always rescue them from poor decisions.



ATF DEA CIA FBI DHS TSA SWAT ETC ETC. we need more groups whose main tool is gun, if we can just kill enough people the world will be a better place..what a dumbassed planet. Beam me up Scotty.



hallmarkgrad wrote:Life is not always fair or equal. Right or wrong I taught my children what I believe. I have tired never to lie to them. I have shared some of my life experiences with them. If they want to remain in the family they will do as I say. Sounds very harsh but that is the way it is. If she was to join the Military and choose combat, then she would no longer be my daughter.

Sorry to inform you of this,Hallmark but we don't own our children. Your days of telling your daughter what to do are over. You have to learn to respect them as adults and their decisions whether you agree or not. Chances are she will join the military anyway and if something happens all you will be left with is your bitterness. Your fears of something happening to her is understandable but issuing an ultimatum is just plain silly and you will suffer for your bad decision. Try to talk her into joining the reserves or the Air Force where they don't see combat?



TEOTWAWKI wrote:ATF DEA CIA FBI DHS TSA SWAT ETC ETC. we need more groups whose main tool is gun, if we can just kill enough people the world will be a better place..what a dumbassed planet. Beam me up Scotty.

My love.

We dont need guns to kill people. We have the following.

1. starvation( man made)
2. disease( man made)
3. abortion ( man made)

and if i wanted to be a real nit picky. we have:

4. cars
5. knives, bats, pots and pans
6. drugs ( several hundred varieties)
7. broken hearts

pick anyone of the above and more deaths have occured than guns.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Pretty sure things like starvation and disease are biological characteristics of living organisms that are not man-made.



boards of FL wrote:Pretty sure things like starvation and disease are biological characteristics of living organisms that are not man-made.

weve altered enough of it.

From nutritional value starvation which causes disease, GMO, lack of access to proper viatimens in our food which is processed etc. To do you really think the world cant feed those africans in the desert?

And do really think that we dont create viruses when we use bacterias that are incerted into other viruses as a precursor to create a stem cell or another developing drug? << ive done a lot of research in this area as of late, you know with the whole lets use shit/urine cells combined with bacteria macrophage infested viruses to create stem cells thinggy. That really set me off because they were making neurons, lol brain cells from shit. I dont buy it. I presonally just think they are prepping us stupid sheep for another fucking creation.

But I got to go buy some fireworks.

Anyone who wants to jump in on a science scary topic of created monsters, give me a heads up. Its my daily passion, since none of you will give me cyber sex Razz



So I guess I dont win the Doctor Phil "Good Parenting"award for 2012?



hallmarkgrad wrote:So I guess I dont win the Doctor Phil "Good Parenting"award for 2012?

That's not cool telling your offspring your going to kick them out of the family. That's psychological blackmail. I'd certainly show them what they are facing though and the extreme risk of losing their life.

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