(from 10/4:)
Those aren’t roosters you hear crowing this morning, it’s Republicans celebrating that Romney didn’t fall off the stage at last night’s debate .. that all the pundits seem to think he held his own because he came out swinging.
Yes, Romney did as well as he could .. but I predict, just not good enough.
Of course the press loved it, though President Obama didn’t give them the drama they wanted .. and Mitt might get a small bump in the polls .. but in the cold light of day, his aggressiveness will not win him the election. His flip-flopping will get him in the end .. people still want a leader they can trust.
This latest chameleon act had him suddenly going liberal, after 18 months of going Teavangelical conservative, he abandoned the principles he endorsed to win the primary .. denied all of his unpopular policies.
I think he tried this same debate tactic against Ted Kennedy … trying to out-liberal the liberal.
All those people Romney trashed in the secret video for not paying enough taxes – now he’s telling those same working class voters that he absolutely, positively, good gracious, heavens to Betsy, will NOT cut taxes for the rich.
Yessiree, Romney’s got game when it comes to blatant, straight-up bullshitting .. he’s had a lot of practice.
How do conservatives support a man who gets up in front of 60 million people and denies every conservative pledge he’s made over the last few years?
Why would any independent voter believe Romney’s blatant lies about the massive tax cuts at the core of his economic plan .. or the shameless lie about his policy re pre-existing conditions and health insurance access? He basically said he’s going to replace Obamacare with Obamacare.
I don’t know why Obama didn’t bring up Romney’s “60 Minutes” comments about free emergency room healthcare for all.
Just a few weeks ago conservatives were applauding Mitt’s “more taxes on the 47%!” .. now he’s trying desperately to flip this by pretending that he will do the exact opposite .. he has reached the point of complete incoherence.
It reminds me of what Teddy K said in one of his Romney debates — “I’m pro-choice, and my opponent is multiple choice.”
I don’t know if it was the enthusiasm and confidence of the blatant lies that Romney opened with that sort of threw Obama off guard slightly for the first half of the debate .. but I thought Obama could’ve been more aggressive on the attack .. maybe with his strong lead in the polls, he thought it better to play it safe.
And how do you debate someone who is lying? Call them a liar?
Obama now has a clear go-ahead signal to be more aggressive in the final debates where it will matter even more .. and he did get Mitt to talk and talk and talk and give lots of sound bites that can be used in today’s ads .. Mitt from the debate vs. Mitt from a week ago, a month ago or …
Mitt’s contradicting himself and refusing to give details leaves 5 weeks for the public, the media, his base, etc. to question him on what exactly his policies are.
And he dumped all of his unpopular policies onto Paul Ryan, pretty much setting him up for Joe Biden next week.
In the end, it doesn’t matter whether you believe Mitt’s lies, or even if Republicans believe them. The only important issue here is whether those independent voters in OH, VA and FL, who’ve heard his 47% speech again and again and again, will think of these debate lies.
This is still an ideological election, an ideological choice, on both sides .. not just one side.