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Does anyone know the answer to this question about what obama/buffet/democrats are wanting to do about the capital gains tax rate?

Hospital Bob
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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

There is now a groundswell of support for increasing the capital gains tax to 25% or even 30%.
BUT I cannot get the answer to this question. Are these obamas and buffets and democrats wanting to give EVERYONE the same increase? Even those like me who are living off a $19,000 annual income which about half comes from dividends (taxed as capital gains)?
They keep saying the ultra-rich are getting an unfair break on that 15% rate.
But it aint only the ultra-rich who are paying capital gains tax. A helluva lot of us ultra-not rich are paying that too. Do they want to double our taxes along with the ultra-rich or are they instead wanting their tax increase to only apply to those with a whole lots of capital gains?
Does anyone know?



Bob, I think it's anyone's guess at this point. Tax planning has become a total joke. This might help a bit, but my accountant tells me to plan for the worse as no one really knows what's in store.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

stormwatch89 wrote:Bob, I think it's anyone's guess at this point. Tax planning has become a total joke. This might help a bit, but my accountant tells me to plan for the worse as no one really knows what's in store.

Obviously obama's promise to "not increase taxes on the middle class" was nothing but a bullshit chickenshit lie made by a chickenshit liar.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I hope air force one runs out of gas with him in it. That would rid of us both that political hack and that gargantuan gas guzzling behemoth of an airplane that aint nothing but an expensive airborne presidential yacht paid for by the taxpayers.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I say sell that white house thing to the highest bidder and put this idiot and his sidekick biden up in a DC Motel 6. I stayed in one while I was there and it was perfectly fine.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Actually the Motel 6 I stayed in was across the street from Andrews AFB in Camp Springs, Md. If we had him living there we wouldn't need that goddamn marine one helicopter either. Him and biden could just walk across the street to the airfield. Give em a piper cub because that's all they need and a lot more than the rest of us have. We have to get felt up by TSA on the way into one of those Greyhound buses with wings and get packed in there like sardines.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

this is what would look like when that thing runs out of gas.



They didn't go to politics school to be relegated to non-elite status.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I just realized something. I bet those CIA, NSA and Secret Service spooks are monitoring stuff like the "air force one crashes" video to see who is wanting to look at that. I bet by now every email and facebook comment and social media thing I've ever written is being gone over with a fine tooth comb. lol



Bob wrote:I just realized something. I bet those CIA, NSA and Secret Service spooks are monitoring stuff like the "air force one crashes" video to see who is wanting to look at that. I bet by now every email and facebook comment and social media thing I've ever written is being gone over with a fine tooth comb. lol

hey Bob you should quit wearing that ball cap and get you a Muslim head dress...that would get you on the front page.


The capital gains being raised to 20% has been discussed. For most of my life it was higher than the current 15% and I prospered. The reality is that the current house is never going to increase the capital gains rates. However, there is a real possibility in 2014 of the house changing, and capital gains being looked at. Part of a grand plan which both parties support before then which involves higher capital gain taxes is highly unlikely, unless it involves income thresholds which would exempt some folks on the first so many dollars of capital gains. It is a real pain if you own real estate to be looking at higher capital gains, but I have no problem at the 20% rate and think it is an important step in the right direction.

Bob.......if you are receiving 10k a year in capital gains and it increases 5% you are looking at $500 a year increased taxes. If you were still driving a gas guzzler, you would be spending four times that tax the way I look at have just saved $1,500..........



Bob wrote:There is now a groundswell of support for increasing the capital gains tax to 25% or even 30%.
BUT I cannot get the answer to this question. Are these obamas and buffets and democrats wanting to give EVERYONE the same increase? Even those like me who are living off a $19,000 annual income which about half comes from dividends (taxed as capital gains)?
They keep saying the ultra-rich are getting an unfair break on that 15% rate.
But it aint only the ultra-rich who are paying capital gains tax. A helluva lot of us ultra-not rich are paying that too. Do they want to double our taxes along with the ultra-rich or are they instead wanting their tax increase to only apply to those with a whole lots of capital gains?
Does anyone know?

I thought for single people with income under $35,000 the current capital gains rate was 0%.



The 5% and 0% long-term capital gains rates will only apply when the total taxable income of the taxpayer(s), INCLUDING the capital gain income, does not exceed the maximum income to qualify for the 15% income tax bracket, with any gain exceeding that threshold taxed at 15%. For the year 2005, the maximum total taxable income to remain in the 15% tax bracket was $59,400 on a joint tax return, and $29,700 for single filers.

So Bob has been calling everybody names.......and he does not pay a dime of tax on his capital gains.......hmmmmmmm he should run for office.....that indignation.......false as it was..........very very convincing. No No No



So bob is really an evil doer ?....I am crushed. Rolling Eyes



I think for people with income under $35,000 the proposal is for the capital gains rate to go from 0% to 10% (although grandfathered investments would get a rate of 8% for five years).

Does anyone know the answer to this question about what obama/buffet/democrats are wanting to do about the capital gains tax rate? 2875109_o


So bob is really an evil doer ?....I am crushed.

He should have been Mitt's running mate.......he could tell the world about how paying more than 15% capital gains tax would break him........of course he forgot to tell us he pays no capital gain tax at yes......Bob has entered the world of those evil folks who make money off of no taxes.......and then complain about debt.

I bet he wants to be known as a job creator.....he definitely has no use for folks who are poor, speak Spanish, and do not have a green card. He wants a tax cut of 20% because he will then be able to hire more people, he wants to get rid of the estate tax......just because.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Okay let's get this hay down to where goats can eat it.

Firstly, here's the deal...

Does anyone know the answer to this question about what obama/buffet/democrats are wanting to do about the capital gains tax rate? Cap110

and here's the rest...

Does anyone know the answer to this question about what obama/buffet/democrats are wanting to do about the capital gains tax rate? Cap211

I'm in the 15% income tax bracket with a $19k income.
SO, are dividends being paid to me on my utility company holdings short-term or long-term capital gains. And am I paying capital gains tax on my utility company holdings or am I not paying it? And if I'm paying it what rate am I paying.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Sal wrote:I think for people with income under $35,000 the proposal is for the capital gains rate to go from 0% to 10% (although grandfathered investments would get a rate of 8% for five years).

So what happened to obama's promise to not increase taxes on the middle class?

Last edited by Bob on 11/26/2012, 12:13 pm; edited 2 times in total

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

We need margin call on this. None of us has enough cipherin ability to even understand all this complex bullshit.



Bob wrote:I just realized something. I bet those CIA, NSA and Secret Service spooks are monitoring stuff like the "air force one crashes" video to see who is wanting to look at that. I bet by now every email and facebook comment and social media thing I've ever written is being gone over with a fine tooth comb. lol

Does anyone know the answer to this question about what obama/buffet/democrats are wanting to do about the capital gains tax rate? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ0ddKSjnXmGkhFDmtT92CPPywDfTPXiFybG_BnOy7AiuNSB65Z

They vill be cominc' for you zoon mein herr...




No calculations needed......did you pay tax on your 2012 income tax return? Mitt Romney made a big mistake......he needed a retiree who was getting capital gains to tell the world how badly we needed those 20% tax cuts.......

and to think I bought into your uncertainty as to who you were going to were always a closet Romney supporter.....the thought of paying is like mosquito keeps the blood suckers away.......



Try reading this, Bob, before you blow a gasket...Uh, oh...

I don't see how you're affected by new capital gains rates. Your ordinary income tax rate is your biggest problem. Be sure to declare all your expenses.



Yeah Bob donate some of your clutter to the Waterfront Mission... Smile


Yeah Bob donate some of your clutter to the Waterfront Mission... Smile

That sounds like a great idea, and Hallmark will forgive you for going to a Blue Wahoo game.....

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