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The Judge weighs in on 4 more years....

Hospital Bob
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I am honored that you think I am a Pensacola lawyer, but I am not, nor do I want to talk about my complete degrees because that opens the door to lose my ghost status. Just take my words at face value and understand I have never posted anything on these forums where I have acted like my words were more valuable than any other poster because of some status or degree, and I simply challenge folks......I never was first in any class........I am far too pedestrian for brilliance unless I am operating my bobcat....I am in fact an expert in that regard.



2seaoat wrote:I am honored that you think I am a Pensacola lawyer, but I am not, nor do I want to talk about my complete degrees because that opens the door to lose my ghost status. Just take my words at face value and understand I have never posted anything on these forums where I have acted like my words were more valuable than any other poster because of some status or degree, and I simply challenge folks......I never was first in any class........I am far too pedestrian for brilliance unless I am operating my bobcat....I am in fact an expert in that regard.

Actually, I don't think you have a law degree-not trying to be offensive.That's why I asked. I think you may have a doctorate in another area.I've been around lawyers too much. I could be wrong but I don't think so.


No offense taken....actually I am honored that you even considered it.



2seaoat wrote:No offense taken....actually I am honored that you even considered it.

LOL! I really didn't. I saw you said you had a law degree.It could be a bachelors or a masters.That's why I asked. I would believe you had a doctorate in some area.



Dreamsglore wrote:
2seaoat wrote:No offense taken....actually I am honored that you even considered it.

LOL! I really didn't. I saw you said you had a law degree.It could be a bachelors or a masters.That's why I asked. I would believe you had a doctorate in some area.

A doctorate in dummyism. Just like dreams has.



What brand of petroleum jelly do you use,Ghandi? Don't buy the Walmart brand.


A doctorate in dummyism. Just like dreams has.

Oh you got my pride and has allowed me to understand a great many posts on this forum, and Mitten the Kitten was going to let me write speeches for him.....but he chose an empty chair....damn.



Face it losers ... as long as the Christian Far Right Crazy Crowd continues to drive the rebuplican party, you are all irrelevant.

Repeat, irrelevant.


Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I had the best education of all of you. I took badminton, bowling and golf at PJC while I was dodging the draft.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Meanwhile, back to the thread topic.

Why fox fired napolitano from the fox business news...

"Napolitano is on record as saying that Israel has been playing a prime role in promoting a war between the U.S. and Iran. His final guest, Michael Scheurer, the former chief of the CIA’s Osama bin Laden-watching unit, also made that claim and still another which Napolitano embraced, and that is that a war between the U.S. and Iran would benefit Israel and Saudi Arabia but be detrimental to the United States."

So any right-winger israel lovers who want to praise The Judge should also know that The Judge aint big on Israel. just sayin.



stormwatch89 wrote:bump, just for SO

Totally off topic, but on topic for him as he brings this into every discussion.

I didn't know you have a law degree! Cool beans, Stormy! cheers


I didn't know you have a law degree! Cool beans, Stormy! cheers

Stormy.......has a law degree......there are some funny folks on these forums.....I love this place. She still does not understand equitable title.....completely does not understand......heck, I guess she could take Napoltono's place on Fox business.....even without a law degree she would be an improvement. I am glad to learn that they finally booted that fool off the air.....he was and remains totally clueless.



Perhaps I misunderstood her post (it's hard to tell sometimes who's quoting who and who is adding to a quoted post), but yes, I think Storm posted that she has a law degree.



PBulldog2 wrote:Perhaps I misunderstood her post (it's hard to tell sometimes who's quoting who and who is adding to a quoted post), but yes, I think Storm posted that she has a law degree.

No,she didn't.It was Seaoat who said that.


Perhaps I misunderstood her post (it's hard to tell sometimes who's quoting who and who is adding to a quoted post), but yes, I think Storm posted that she has a law degree.

Over the last five years with our discussions of taxation on the beach.....Stormy has consistently been clueless about simple legal issues like equitable title....and she believes that the County had the authority not to collect taxes for the schools, or that in the absence of any waiver of taxes in her written lease......that magically she did not have to pay taxes because of some pamphlets given out in the 50s. She relied on the advice of lawyers who made hundreds of thousands of dollars convincing people they would win the tax battle.....they lost.....she thinks I keep throwing it up,but she consistently misses fundamentally simple legal concepts.....she most certainly does not have a law degree.



Judge Napolitano
is the youngest life-tenured Superior Court judge in the history
of the state of New Jersey. While on the bench from 1987 to 1995,
Judge Napolitano tried more than 150 jury trials and sat in all
parts of the Superior Court – Criminal, Civil, Equity, and
Family. He has handled thousands of sentencings, motions, hearings
and divorces. For eleven years, he served as an adjunct professor
of constitutional law at Seton Hall Law School where he provided
instruction in constitutional law and jurisprudence. Judge Napolitano
returned to private law practice in 1995 and began television broadcasting
in the same year.

Judge Napolitano
has published six books on the U.S. Constitution, they are: Constitutional
Chaos: What Happens When The Government Breaks Its Own Laws
the New York Times bestseller, The
Constitution in Exile: How the Federal Government Has Seized Power
by Rewriting the Supreme Law of the Land
; A
Nation of Sheep; Dred
Scott’s Revenge: A Legal History of Race and Freedom In America
the New York Times bestseller Lies
the Government Told You: Myth, Power, and Deception In American
; and It
Is Dangerous To Be Right When The Government is Wrong

His writings
have also been published in the New York Times, Wall Street
, Los Angeles Times, St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
New York Sun, Baltimore Sun, (New London) Day,
Seton Hall Law Review, New Jersey Law Journal, and
Newark Star-Ledger. He lectures nationally on the Constitution
and human freedom. Judge Napolitano received his undergraduate degree
from Princeton University in 1972.


He is paid to spew nonsense, and in the last five years I have not seen him even get close on a decision, or close to understanding a legal issue(it may be an act to appease his handlers....but I doubt it). He is a hired gun who spews nonsense. He could be the President of the Harvard Law Review, but his on air comments about the Affordable Care Act were simply not constitutionally sound, but worse.....I do not think the man read any of Judge Robert's decisions, and he was simply clueless.

The more outrageous his positions, the more people believe that his credentials can cover his flawed positions....they cannot. When he gets on the air with Larry Tribe as a guest.....I will pay to watch that exchange....but until then it will be dullards rubber stamping nonsense.

Judge Napolitano: Obama’s DOJ Could Be Held In Contempt If They Don’t Comply With Appeals Court Judge.....wrong....conflicting appellate decisions...duh.

Yet all roads lead to the Supreme Court, and Napolitano predicts it will be ruled on by the Supreme Court in about three years, which is definitely shaping up to be a hugely anticipated case and quite possibly the most political one since Bush v. Gore in 2000.(this was stated on January 31, 2011) wrong.....he was only off two years....he is clueless on Supreme Court docketing..... gosh he did not even get close on his prediction.....and judge....the concept is justiciability....but I am glad you showed me his credentials.
again off by two years on the Supreme Court docket, and completely wrong on the individual mandate....ooops.
This guy is simply clueless, or he is a paid shill but please do not tell me this guy has a was always a tax....he just went bonkers on the commerce clause and Judge Vinson's LSD trip......incredible that this guy is an analyst.



"You can't just make up that language and decide that that's a tax increase". Obama on Obamacare 2009




Only in America
can a president who inherits a deep recession and whose policies
have actually made the effects of that recession worse get re-elected.
Only in America can a president who wants the bureaucrats who can't
run the Post Office to micromanage the administration of every American's
health care get re-elected. Only in America can a president who
kills Americans overseas who have never been charged or convicted
of a crime get re-elected. And only in America can a president who
borrowed and spent more than $5 trillion in fewer than four years,
plans to repay none of it and promises to borrow another $5 trillion
in his second term get re-elected.

It is fair to say that Obama is the least skilled and least effective American president since Jimmy Carter, but he is far more menacing. His every instinct is toward the central planning of the economy and the federal
regulation of private behavior. He has no interest in protecting
American government employees in harm's way in Libya, and he never
admits he has been wrong about anything. Though he took an oath
to uphold the Constitution, he treats it as a mere guideline, whose
grand principles intended to guarantee personal liberty and a diffusion
of power can be twisted and compromised to suit his purposes. He
rejects the most fundamental of American values – that our
rights come from our Creator, and not from the government.

Better watch out Teo as WTM and her minions will report you to the government as insubdordinate and anti-American for not supporting Obama. WTM wants everyone to bow down and worship Obama as if he were a god.

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