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The Judge weighs in on 4 more years....

Hospital Bob
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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Now I do feel like an asshole who needs to shut the fuck up.
Life is too short for these grudge matches. Teo and I go way back on these discussions. I feel like I know him.
It's wrong of me to keep throwing that moon stuff in his face every time I have disagreement.
I have a good friend in real-life who I've known for over 20 years. Several years ago he saw a "moon landing is fake" tv documentary and ever since he's believed what it showed him. I never throw all that in his face like I do with teo and I shouldn't do it with teo either.

So I've decided to punish myself and give up my posting priveleges for the rest of the day. Hopefully that'll teach me to start being more civil with others here. Hope so.
See you tomorrow.



salinsky wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Oh I see how it is.....have a nice day...

Proverbs 14:7 KJV "Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge."

How in the world can a person go through life receptive to the most outlandish conspiracy theories, and at the same time retain such a delicate emotional state?

How can any student of history see communism's fruits and still believe it works ?....



It WAS only a paper moon.....


Very Happy



2seaoat wrote:Tell us huddled masses how the patriot act and ndaa fits in that worn out piece of parchment seaoat.

What you want me to come down from "above" and leave the Illumanti and puppetmasters in a great poker game this morning and actually discuss the constitution with mere mortals.....Let me ask Zeus if I can get shore leave.

someone slipped you a micky Wink


Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Bob wrote:I've decided to punish myself and give up my posting priveleges for the rest of the day.
I'm giving myself early parole for good behaviour.



[quote="2seaoat"]I thought there was a document which says "all men are created equal".
Has that now been changed to "all men except talking heads on fox news are created equal". lol

There you go Bob....confusing Stormy further. She consistently has difficulty understanding legal concepts and those who preach the same, and then you go and throw in that "all men are created equal" concept when she certainly does not understand that concept, and believes some folks are takers, and the concept of government honoring the value of every American.....nope.....wronggamondo .......well I guess you have just joined me in that Above think you would be so arrogant and mean to challenge a talking head on Fox news.

I found out years ago that I could garner her ire simply trying to explain a legal concept from my cloud......"above"....when talking about equitable title and taxation on the beach. Her Napolatono then was here constant reference to SIRA and the board members she knew, and the lawyers they hired.....and how could someone on a discussion forum challenge their conclusions and act like they had superior know that all men are created equal thing and the 13th amendment never was real popular with her.....and that I simply did not know what I was talking about.

Like now she would get mad at me.....not talk to me for a awhile....tell me I was arrogant, and mean.....but damn we would make up......and that make up sex is always the best. [/quote

Could you ever post something directed to me that does not include the beach tax situation? Is it my ire you try to get going, or simple envy that I'm still holding on, by a string?

"It is further ordered and adjudicated that the defendant, John
Jones, as Tax Assessor of Escambia County, Florida, and his successors in office are forever enjoined and restrained from assessing for ad valorem tax purposes the leasehold interests of the plaintiffs herein granted to them by the County of Escambia acting through its board of County Commissioners, the Santa Rosa Island Authority, or any other agency under the Laws of Florida, that the Defendant, Board Of County Commissioners of Escambia County and the School Board of Escambia County, Florida, and their successors in office, are forever enjoined and restrained from levying or attempting to levy any ad valorem taxes on said leasehold interests: that the defendant E.J. Gibbs Jr. as Tax Collector of Escambia County, Florida and his successors in office, and the defendant, Edward Straughn, as Director of Florida of Department of Revenue, and his successors in office are forever enjoined and restrained from collecting or attempting to collect any ad valorem taxes on said leasehold interests.

DONE, ORDERED AND ADJUDICATED at Pensacola, Florida this 19th day of May 1972.

Upheld again in l988, which by the way is when I leased my properties there.

Unlike you I don't profess to have letters after my name that I have not earned. I'm not a psychiatrist, nor prophet but I do have a law degree. Should we just accept what we do not consider legal? I think not.

Backing up a bit, you do realize that the Fed granted the County the land on the proviso that it never be titled to private citizens.......right? So, if we obtain equitable title as you constantly say we should, the Fed should damn well sue the county.

The most recent suit would not have made it to the Supreme Court had it no merit. Agreed, I think we'll lose, but it won't be on legal grounds, simple dollars.

Love to continue, but I'm off to spend a week with 2 kids who know me a lot better than you and who would never insinuate I consider myself above anyone, only equal.



bump, just for SO

Totally off topic, but on topic for him as he brings this into every discussion.



stormwatch89 wrote:bump, just for SO

Totally off topic, but on topic for him as he brings this into every discussion.

I hope you have a great time with your kids. flower



Thanks, darlin..........I fully intend to. Disney? what could be better to wipe out the crap of everyday life???



stormwatch89 wrote:Thanks, darlin..........I fully intend to. Disney? what could be better to wipe out the crap of everyday life???




Watching the Disney night time electric parade of lights (do they still have that?) while drinking Vodka?



Nekochan wrote:Watching the Disney night time electric parade of lights (do they still have that?) while drinking Vodka?

Y'all are too funny. I'll be straight ( for the kids. ya know?)

We only had sex 2 times in order to create you!

Keep it going.



G' night SO. I will respectfully take your non response to mean I have a few points.

Gosh, I soooooooooooooo anticipated your wisdom. Very Happy

Back in a week, can you hold your breath? I can.

As to your totally sexist remark.............well, we just won't go there.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Nekochan wrote:Watching the Disney night time electric parade of lights (do they still have that?)
They did last year when I went there for the first time. Quite a spectacle.
Don't know how long it's been when you were there last. But they now follow it with this which is even more amazing...


G' night SO. I will respectfully take your non response to mean I have a few points.

Gosh, I soooooooooooooo anticipated your wisdom. Very Happy

I will continue to stimulate your mental process and push you to get angry with me......but sadly, I am taking a turn for the worse, and have been sleeping 15 hours a day since last week. I usually get very sleepy after my shots a week ago Friday, but this does not bode well, and the phone call I got from Northwestern was not hopeful, and I will be talking with my doctor next week. My fear is that my tests indicate that my liver is now failing which would explain the fatigue and sleep. I attempted this Sunday morning to split some wood, and I became faint and saw bright lights as I only split about 15 pieces.......but even in my weakened state.....with bright lights appearing as I almost fainted......I understand the principles of equitable title, that Congress has the power to tax, and that the affordable Care Act was constitutional, and that President Obama would get 330 electoral votes and win in an electoral landslide.....although I did moderate my first prediction down to 300 after the first debate.....I will not need to moderate my opinion of Napalitono.......he is a fool.....he is a tool.....and if you believe those SIRA lawyers that they were going to win....I am not surprised that you put value in the Fox Talking head.



Bob wrote:
Nekochan wrote:Watching the Disney night time electric parade of lights (do they still have that?)
They did last year when I went there for the first time. Quite a spectacle.
Don't know how long it's been when you were there last. But they now follow it with this which is even more amazing...

Geez, I guess it's been nearly 15 years since I've been to Disney World. Makes me want to go back. I guess it would be a totally different experience without kids.



2seaoat wrote:G' night SO. I will respectfully take your non response to mean I have a few points.

Gosh, I soooooooooooooo anticipated your wisdom. Very Happy

I will continue to stimulate your mental process and push you to get angry with me......but sadly, I am taking a turn for the worse, and have been sleeping 15 hours a day since last week. I usually get very sleepy after my shots a week ago Friday, but this does not bode well, and the phone call I got from Northwestern was not hopeful, and I will be talking with my doctor next week. My fear is that my tests indicate that my liver is now failing which would explain the fatigue and sleep. I attempted this Sunday morning to split some wood, and I became faint and saw bright lights as I only split about 15 pieces.......but even in my weakened state.....with bright lights appearing as I almost fainted......I understand the principles of equitable title, that Congress has the power to tax, and that the affordable Care Act was constitutional, and that President Obama would get 330 electoral votes and win in an electoral landslide.....although I did moderate my first prediction down to 300 after the first debate.....I will not need to moderate my opinion of Napalitono.......he is a fool.....he is a tool.....and if you believe those SIRA lawyers that they were going to win....I am not surprised that you put value in the Fox Talking head.

I'm so sorry, Seaoat. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.



2seaoat wrote:G' night SO. I will respectfully take your non response to mean I have a few points.

Gosh, I soooooooooooooo anticipated your wisdom. Very Happy

I will continue to stimulate your mental process and push you to get angry with me......but sadly, I am taking a turn for the worse, and have been sleeping 15 hours a day since last week. I usually get very sleepy after my shots a week ago Friday, but this does not bode well, and the phone call I got from Northwestern was not hopeful, and I will be talking with my doctor next week. My fear is that my tests indicate that my liver is now failing which would explain the fatigue and sleep. I attempted this Sunday morning to split some wood, and I became faint and saw bright lights as I only split about 15 pieces.......but even in my weakened state.....with bright lights appearing as I almost fainted......I understand the principles of equitable title, that Congress has the power to tax, and that the affordable Care Act was constitutional, and that President Obama would get 330 electoral votes and win in an electoral landslide.....although I did moderate my first prediction down to 300 after the first debate.....I will not need to moderate my opinion of Napalitono.......he is a fool.....he is a tool.....and if you believe those SIRA lawyers that they were going to win....I am not surprised that you put value in the Fox Talking head.

Maybe not,Seaoat-15 pieces is a lot of wood to split. I wouldn't expect you could do what you used to.None of us can. I hope your news is better than you think next week.



2seaoat wrote:I thought there was a document which says "all men are created equal".
Has that now been changed to "all men except talking heads on fox news are created equal". lol

There you go Bob....confusing Stormy further. She consistently has difficulty understanding legal concepts and those who preach the same, and then you go and throw in that "all men are created equal" concept when she certainly does not understand that concept, and believes some folks are takers, and the concept of government honoring the value of every American.....nope.....wronggamondo .......well I guess you have just joined me in that Above think you would be so arrogant and mean to challenge a talking head on Fox news.

I found out years ago that I could garner her ire simply trying to explain a legal concept from my cloud......"above"....when talking about equitable title and taxation on the beach. Her Napolatono then was here constant reference to SIRA and the board members she knew, and the lawyers they hired.....and how could someone on a discussion forum challenge their conclusions and act like they had superior know that all men are created equal thing and the 13th amendment never was real popular with her.....and that I simply did not know what I was talking about.

Like now she would get mad at me.....not talk to me for a awhile....tell me I was arrogant, and mean.....but damn we would make up......and that make up sex is always the best. [/quote

Could you ever post something directed to me that does not include the beach tax situation? Is it my ire you try to get going, or simple envy that I'm still holding on, by a string?

"It is further ordered and adjudicated that the defendant, John
Jones, as Tax Assessor of Escambia County, Florida, and his successors in office are forever enjoined and restrained from assessing for ad valorem tax purposes the leasehold interests of the plaintiffs herein granted to them by the County of Escambia acting through its board of County Commissioners, the Santa Rosa Island Authority, or any other agency under the Laws of Florida, that the Defendant, Board Of County Commissioners of Escambia County and the School Board of Escambia County, Florida, and their successors in office, are forever enjoined and restrained from levying or attempting to levy any ad valorem taxes on said leasehold interests: that the defendant E.J. Gibbs Jr. as Tax Collector of Escambia County, Florida and his successors in office, and the defendant, Edward Straughn, as Director of Florida of Department of Revenue, and his successors in office are forever enjoined and restrained from collecting or attempting to collect any ad valorem taxes on said leasehold interests.

DONE, ORDERED AND ADJUDICATED at Pensacola, Florida this 19th day of May 1972.

Upheld again in l988, which by the way is when I leased my properties there.

Unlike you I don't profess to have letters after my name that I have not earned. I'm not a psychiatrist, nor prophet but I do have a law degree. Should we just accept what we do not consider legal? I think not.

Backing up a bit, you do realize that the Fed granted the County the land on the proviso that it never be titled to private citizens.......right? So, if we obtain equitable title as you constantly say we should, the Fed should damn well sue the county.

The most recent suit would not have made it to the Supreme Court had it no merit. Agreed, I think we'll lose, but it won't be on legal grounds, simple dollars.

Love to continue, but I'm off to spend a week with 2 kids who know me a lot better than you and who would never insinuate I consider myself above anyone, only equal.

You have a law degree,Seaoat-a Juris Doctorate?


In my original career goals I was going to be a professor, and teach constitutional law and international relations after I finished my thesis on Latin American economic integration. I then simply changed careers, and during that journey, I worked about 20 plus years in the title insurance industry and spent every day dealing with legal issues of title, and had a real estate broker's license and was involved in real estate development, and construction.

Linda on PB always thought I was a lawyer when I would argue about equitable title, but in the years of title work we had actually dealt with leaseholds and commercial airports. Insuring title on airports and campgrounds which were held in title as leaseholds not held in fee simple and were long and established. My daughter is a practicing prosecuting attorney, and I will still challenge her as I read supreme court cases regularly as a result of my very early career ambitions.

Stormy, thinks I am arrogant, and I do not line up with her false heros. I sat on Navarre Beach and was laughed at by neighbors and organizers who were going to fight the proposed taxation of leaseholds, and when I tried to explain the law.....well I was laughed at.....and what was I going to do....say I once going to be a university professor teaching constitutional, I simply told them paying almost a half million dollars to some folks who may have law degrees, but they were clueless about the written law, and they simply were telling the leaseholders what they wanted to hear.

Stormy, has a very angry side at times, and she ridiculed me constantly, but as usual Linda was a rock of intellectual integrity, and began to understand what I was saying, but always challenged my motivation to be so strident about the tomfoolery of folks like Stormy who believed that some fallow promises in the fifties about not having to pay taxes on PB was a contract with leaseholders......elementary principles in law must be understood, and when lawyers are selling helps to simply be able to read and understand.



I was not clear w/ your answer. Do you have a JD or what law degree do you have as you said? You can teach constitutional law w/ a masters so do you have a masters or a JD?


I have many degrees and yes I have a doctorate, but I will not disclose all my degrees because I would not be able to post on these forums if I was too specific.



2seaoat wrote:I have many degrees and yes I have a doctorate, but I will not disclose all my degrees because I would not be able to post on these forums if I was too specific.

For some reason, I feel like you're evading the question. There are hundreds of lawyers in Pensacola so I don't see how that would reveal who you are. You don't have a JD, do you? You have a doctorate in some other field,correct?



Dreamsglore wrote:
2seaoat wrote:I have many degrees and yes I have a doctorate, but I will not disclose all my degrees because I would not be able to post on these forums if I was too specific.

For some reason, I feel like you're evading the question. There are hundreds of lawyers in Pensacola so I don't see how that would reveal who you are. You don't have a JD, do you? You have a doctorate in some other field,correct?

Maybe he used to be top of his class in cop school before he became a genuis like you. Who still works a minimum wage job with retards. As you admitted before.

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