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The Judge weighs in on 4 more years....

Hospital Bob
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Have you never been to an Indian casino? As to carpet bombing....I will never be able to answer your question, and when I see these young girls who have lost their hair on the 21st floor of Northwestern I burn with anger on how unfair it is.....but I have never loss faith.



[quote="2seaoat"]Have you never been to an Indian casino? As to carpet bombing....I will never be able to answer your question, and when I see these young girls who have lost their hair on the 21st floor of Northwestern I burn with anger on how unfair it is.....but I have never loss faith.[/qu

Maybe, God, has lost as much faith in us as we have in him? A mirror image...

FREE WILL, it has to be earned. It's not free, we'll see in the future.



2seaoat wrote:Have you never been to an Indian casino? As to carpet bombing....I will never be able to answer your question, and when I see these young girls who have lost their hair on the 21st floor of Northwestern I burn with anger on how unfair it is.....but I have never loss faith.

Id like for you to be man enough to reply to my well thought out response to you.

Or have you realized that you were making obama a prophet by your statements and now have re-thought that beings that would be blastphomy and idol worship.



ONLY SO would consider himself above Napolitano. Seriously?

BTW It should be lost rather than loss, oh wise one.

Chrissy, got that itch again!



stormwatch89 wrote:ONLY SO would consider himself above Napolitano. Seriously?

BTW It should be lost rather than loss, oh wise one.

Chrissy, got that itch again!

So observant of you but you missed your friends "blastphomy".How convenient.


ONLY SO would consider himself above Napolitano. Seriously?

I am not sure what you mean by above....but your logic seldom makes a lick of sense to me so I can only assume that by above I think my understanding of constitutional law is above that of the Hollywood talking head....above I guess meaning that my opinion is superior and more accurate. Well I can only speak to the affordable Care Act where Napolitano predicted that the Supreme Court would throw the law out, and used tortured logic involving the commerce was hilarious. I simply posted on the PNJ forum two days before the decision that Roberts would be the deciding vote, and that it would be based on Congress having constitutional power to big was a simpleton prediction for anybody who actually watched the Robert's confirmation hearings and understood his written decisions and understands the constitution....Napolitano was clueless as he is with most of what he speaks and writes. I suppose you have a point.....I think that Mickey Mantle was a great baseball player, but that his last two years in the majors was very sad as his talents diminished and his broken body no longer was at a major league level......and that certainly by observing this I assume that I am above Mickey Mantle, and that only a person who was a better baseball player could make an observation of fact......from this mystical place called above. Your logic is as usual tortured and simple......but you are certainly right about one thing....I am arrogant when dealing with people who are clueless....and I guess you think that makes me mean. However, after getting lectured about how I knew nothing about promises on Pensacola Beach, and enduring ridicule in your passive aggressive way....I simply said that equitable title would be upheld....and again....I guess I was mean....or I was floating above some mystical place on Pensacola Beach.

Oh and thank you for correcting my typo....I do get sloppy and appreciate reminders that in haste we make waste.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

stormwatch89 wrote:ONLY SO would consider himself above Napolitano.
I thought there was a document which says "all men are created equal".
Has that now been changed to "all men except talking heads on fox news are created equal". lol


I thought there was a document which says "all men are created equal".
Has that now been changed to "all men except talking heads on fox news are created equal". lol

There you go Bob....confusing Stormy further. She consistently has difficulty understanding legal concepts and those who preach the same, and then you go and throw in that "all men are created equal" concept when she certainly does not understand that concept, and believes some folks are takers, and the concept of government honoring the value of every American.....nope.....wronggamondo .......well I guess you have just joined me in that Above think you would be so arrogant and mean to challenge a talking head on Fox news.

I found out years ago that I could garner her ire simply trying to explain a legal concept from my cloud......"above"....when talking about equitable title and taxation on the beach. Her Napolatono then was here constant reference to SIRA and the board members she knew, and the lawyers they hired.....and how could someone on a discussion forum challenge their conclusions and act like they had superior know that all men are created equal thing and the 13th amendment never was real popular with her.....and that I simply did not know what I was talking about.

Like now she would get mad at me.....not talk to me for a awhile....tell me I was arrogant, and mean.....but damn we would make up......and that make up sex is always the best.

Last edited by 2seaoat on 11/9/2012, 10:43 am; edited 1 time in total

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Absolutely the most inane thing that has ever made it to television has to be "Fox n Friends". With maybe the only exception being some of those shows on Blab TV.

That character is a regular guest on that show and those three Nincompoops refer to him as "The Judge" (just like in teo's thread title) and then treat him like the world's biggest guru on everything has just done us all a favor by spewing his opinions.
If Obama is a messiah to some then "The Judge" is a messiah to those assholes.
I try my best to remember to eat breakfast AFTER I watch that so I can keep it down.


If Obama is a messiah to some then "The Judge" is a messiah to those assholes.
I try my best to remember to eat breakfast AFTER I watch that so I can keep it down.

I guess when I watch I find myself asking.....are there people really this challenged about the way our constitution works that they let this Hollywood talking head posing as a constitutional scholar spew complete and utter nonsense and accept this as the gospel. The one thing I like about the format of Morning Joe is that they seat intelligent people around the table and when a guest comes on with opinions there are intellectual challenges which allow the guest to show their merit. Naplatono is a complete and utter empty suit who never has a recognized constitutional concept that he could not butcher....much like the lady who tried to redo that piece of Art in the Church in Spain.....when he is done with one of his do not even recognize the masterpiece we call the constitution, and certainly the see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil triumvirate of Fox in the morning are simply unable to understand how utterly ridiculous so much of what comes out of his mouth....and certainly would lose their gig if they asked a simple question.



Stupid is in the eye of the beholder and I think the Judge is very intelligent and a couple posters here need some remedial work on understanding the constitution.....but hell they love Lincoln who wiped his butt with that piece of paper.



Tell us huddled masses how the patriot act and ndaa fits in that worn out piece of parchment seaoat.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

We're creating a false assumption here that a tv talking head is now synonymous with the Constitution and that's just utter unadulterated horseshit. The same kind of horseshit that has that disk jockey Limbaugh being regarded as "the guru of conservatism".
Both of those individuals are what Hulk Hogan is to actual wrestling.


Tell us huddled masses how the patriot act and ndaa fits in that worn out piece of parchment seaoat.

What you want me to come down from "above" and leave the Illumanti and puppetmasters in a great poker game this morning and actually discuss the constitution with mere mortals.....Let me ask Zeus if I can get shore leave.



Damn it Bob!!!! Now you have over stepped the social limits of decent conversation. How dare you speak bad about the "Hulk?" Who is next Rick Flair? Cowboy BoB Kelly? Mike "The Hippie Boyette? Gee,,,,,,,



Bob wrote:We're creating a false assumption here that a tv talking head is now synonymous with the Constitution and that's just utter unadulterated horseshit. The same kind of horseshit that has that disk jockey Limbaugh being regarded as "the guru of conservatism".
Both of those individuals are what Hulk Hogan is to actual wrestling.

Bob how you got there is beyond my understanding...kind of like dealing with the savant in the Rainman on the cost of things....

If I agree with the Judge then it's not because I find him an expert but simply because he harmonizes with my opinion...]

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Teo, it's going to be very difficult to give any understanding to anyone who believes the moon landing was a hoax.
I know how much you resent me pointing that out, but it's very relevant.
If you can take in all we know about the moon landing and come to the conclusion that it was all a fraud, then I honestly cannot expect you to absorb ideas about anything and come to a rational conclusion.
I'm not intending to be mean or insulting when I say that. It just reveals a too obvious flaw in your thinking processes for me to overlook.



Bob wrote:Teo, it's going to be very difficult to give any understanding to anyone who believes the moon landing was a hoax.
I know how much you resent me pointing that out, but it's very relevant.
If you can take in all we know about the moon landing and come to the conclusion that it was all a fraud, then I honestly cannot expect you to absorb ideas about anything and come to a rational conclusion.
I'm not intending to be mean or insulting when I say that. It just reveals a too obvious flaw in your thinking processes for me to overlook.

Bob I worked for NASA and I was in charge of video communications and that alone gives me doubts as to the way the landings were recorded...aside from that there are many things which you choose to overlook...I guess when you have a bone and it's all you got you will continue to chew on it...So because I find inconsistencies in the Moon landings everything else I post is suspect...i could have figured as much from a Junkman.You collected junk your whole life why not cling to junk science the rest...

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

You'd be surprised all you can learn from collecting junk. Junk is like ideas.
You have to get good at telling the good junk from the worthless junk or you don't eat.
I apply all I learned doing that to telling the good ideas from the worthless ideas. And the idea that astronauts landing on the moon was all a made-up fraud is about the most bizarre junk idea anyone has ever conceived of.
I don't care if you worked right alongside Werner Von Braun, it's still goofy. lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

And it's not only goofy, it takes paranoia to heretofore unforeseen levels. lol


I can tell both of you that from my perch "above" that I am a first hand witness to the moon landing and I saw the whole thing.....after they left we had a blast with the moon should see the wheelies you can do in zero gravity. However, sadly.....Napolitano still looks like a dullard from up here.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

If you ask The Judge "was the moon landing fake?" and you ask him "did the joos and the Trilateral Commission implode the World Trade Center?", I goddamnguarantee you what his answer is gonna be. lol



Oh I see how it is.....have a nice day...

Proverbs 14:7 KJV "Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge."

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote:Oh I see how it is.....have a nice day...

Proverbs 14:7 KJV "Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge."

"When at first you don't succeed, try try again"

-- William Edward Hickson



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Oh I see how it is.....have a nice day...

Proverbs 14:7 KJV "Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge."

How in the world can a person go through life receptive to the most outlandish conspiracy theories, and at the same time retain such a delicate emotional state?

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