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The Judge weighs in on 4 more years....

Hospital Bob
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Only in America
can a president who inherits a deep recession and whose policies
have actually made the effects of that recession worse get re-elected.
Only in America can a president who wants the bureaucrats who can't
run the Post Office to micromanage the administration of every American's
health care get re-elected. Only in America can a president who
kills Americans overseas who have never been charged or convicted
of a crime get re-elected. And only in America can a president who
borrowed and spent more than $5 trillion in fewer than four years,
plans to repay none of it and promises to borrow another $5 trillion
in his second term get re-elected.

It is fair to say that Obama is the least skilled and least effective American president since Jimmy Carter, but he is far more menacing. His every instinct is toward the central planning of the economy and the federal
regulation of private behavior. He has no interest in protecting
American government employees in harm's way in Libya, and he never
admits he has been wrong about anything. Though he took an oath
to uphold the Constitution, he treats it as a mere guideline, whose
grand principles intended to guarantee personal liberty and a diffusion
of power can be twisted and compromised to suit his purposes. He
rejects the most fundamental of American values – that our
rights come from our Creator, and not from the government.

Last edited by TEOTWAWKI on 11/8/2012, 12:59 pm; edited 1 time in total



Well, I say to Republicans....don't give up. Numbers wise, Obama didn't win by a lot. So Republicans need to pull themselves up and make a plan that will put a Republican in the White House in 2016. At least for the next couple of years, Obama won't have free reign to pass all the policies that he would like to push through.



Well I say Zionist neocons should give up and go hang themselves...

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I love how that fox news character is now referred to as "The Judge" like he's Wapner or Thurgood Marshall or something. He's just another talking head who bloviates in front of tv cameras to me.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well I say Zionist neocons should give up and go hang themselves...

You're in a fine mood today. Suspect

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

What I wanna know is what does Judge Judy got to say about it.


Napolitono is neither a soothsayer, or a person who has a very firm grasp of constitutional concepts.....he however would do very good in a volume traffic call in the Bronx, or as an expert on Fox News. Only in America is our electorate smart enough despite the billions spent able to discern truth from fiction. Most Americans understood that President Obama inherited an impossible situation and far from being perfect his first four years.....he was giving an honest try at keeping this nation afloat, and the amusing thing is that the snake oil salesmen now are turning on the American Public like they are the fools. I did not post for two days on this forum because I simply wanted to observe, and I certainly can say that watching Fox News I came to the scary conclusion that the use of propoganda in Pre War Germany allowed the creation of scapegoats and resulted in a horrible conflagaration, and that these folk on Fox actually believed what they had been shoveling for the last four years. God's hand is never known for sure, but deep in my soul I think he simply had enough.....and good has prevailed and America for now has set evil back....but as long as folks like Napolitano can manipulate and twist the simple of mind....evil will always have fertile ground, and the battle will never end....and the lies of this campaign will become the truths for another election cycle....and so it goes.



God helps those who help themselves.
Romney fought a good fight. Romney losing doesn't mean that God doesn't like Romney.


What I wanna know is what does Judge Judy got to say about it.

Actually, I would put judge Judy in a room with him and give them a 20 question multiple choice constitutional test, and then three essay subjects dealing with the 14th amendment, the 10th amendment, and the fourth amendment, and I would bet that if you took 10 current professors at our best universities and they graded the results of each of their exams.....Judy Judy would be the victor.......Napolitano in my opinion is constitutionally challenged, and that he is smart enough not to actually have a knowledgeable person on a program with him, because in my years of watching him I have only lowered my head and simply laughed that people actually believe his off the wall interpretations........his analysis of the Affordable Health Care bill was like watching a comedy....he was clueless and then when he tried to explain Roberts Ruling.....he showed complete and utter ignorance of the constitution and what actually Robert's had ruled....but the numbskulls who surround him were incapable to discern even the simple concepts, let alone complex ones.....nope Judge Judy would crush another hollywood Judge who is entirely an empty suit.


Romney losing doesn't mean that God doesn't like Romney.

I cannot speak for God......but when I read his book and look at my Christian teachings.....I can tell you that I believe that this election was not by accident, it was not some fluke, but like the time of Lincoln when so much internal strife challenged this nation to its core......that the hand of God gave us guidance.....just my faith that Christian principles can prevail and that evil can be identified and scorned. This is a great nation and we are in fact one nation under god with Liberty and Justice will prevail , and the results of our citizens using their moral foundation to guide them is not by accident or some fluke, and two billion dollars of evil special interest money cannot overcome the righteous and those of faith know that God does not play dice.



2seaoat wrote:Napolitono is neither a soothsayer, or a person who has a very firm grasp of constitutional concepts.....he however would do very good in a volume traffic call in the Bronx, or as an expert on Fox News. Only in America is our electorate smart enough despite the billions spent able to discern truth from fiction. Most Americans understood that President Obama inherited an impossible situation and far from being perfect his first four years.....he was giving an honest try at keeping this nation afloat, and the amusing thing is that the snake oil salesmen now are turning on the American Public like they are the fools. I did not post for two days on this forum because I simply wanted to observe, and I certainly can say that watching Fox News I came to the scary conclusion that the use of propoganda in Pre War Germany allowed the creation of scapegoats and resulted in a horrible conflagaration, and that these folk on Fox actually believed what they had been shoveling for the last four years. God's hand is never known for sure, but deep in my soul I think he simply had enough.....and good has prevailed and America for now has set evil back....but as long as folks like Napolitano can manipulate and twist the simple of mind....evil will always have fertile ground, and the battle will never end....and the lies of this campaign will become the truths for another election cycle....and so it goes.

Simple minded ? should judge...The Judge has more brains in his little finger than most of you local geniuses.

And now you bring god into the picture...that's just plain silly.

Let me bless you..may you live long enough to see what a hell on earth Obama creates...



2seaoat wrote:Romney losing doesn't mean that God doesn't like Romney.

I cannot speak for God......but when I read his book and look at my Christian teachings.....I can tell you that I believe that this election was not by accident, it was not some fluke, but like the time of Lincoln when so much internal strife challenged this nation to its core......that the hand of God gave us guidance.....just my faith that Christian principles can prevail and that evil can be identified and scorned. This is a great nation and we are in fact one nation under god with Liberty and Justice will prevail , and the results of our citizens using their moral foundation to guide them is not by accident or some fluke, and two billion dollars of evil special interest money cannot overcome the righteous and those of faith know that God does not play dice.


If you think GOD had anything to do with this election you obviously did not comprehend the bible.

Plus, that storm was MAN MADE.

I can not beleive you arte going around several post now making insinuations that God helped obama win.

You have become senile.


Make fun of my Christian beliefs if you must, and certainly I am a ghost on these forums and my words stand on their merits, and even if I were to disclose that I was Lawrence Tribe, that does not make my opinions the law of the land....they are simply opinions which I am sharing.....I believe that Napolitano is a charlatan, and I believe that God's hand was played in this election and that he has blessed this great nation. I am a big boy and can take being made fun of my beliefs, and if you want to call me stupid, or childish because of my beliefs.....well I have been called the same before......but I have experienced a sense of inner peace the last two is hard to put my finger on it.....I think it was a deep seated moment of faith for me....and I will leave it at that, but you are right who am I to challenge the purveyor of propoganda for the weak of mind.....I may be just as feeble minded, but I am at peace.



2seaoat wrote:Make fun of my Christian beliefs if you must, and certainly I am a ghost on these forums and my words stand on their merits, and even if I were to disclose that I was Lawrence Tribe, that does not make my opinions the law of the land....they are simply opinions which I am sharing.....I believe that Napolitano is a charlatan, and I believe that God's hand was played in this election and that he has blessed this great nation. I am a big boy and can take being made fun of my beliefs, and if you want to call me stupid, or childish because of my beliefs.....well I have been called the same before......but I have experienced a sense of inner peace the last two is hard to put my finger on it.....I think it was a deep seated moment of faith for me....and I will leave it at that, but you are right who am I to challenge the purveyor of propoganda for the weak of mind.....I may be just as feeble minded, but I am at peace.

Well I am glad you are at peace. I hear ignorance is bliss.

btw, Im not making fun of your religion. I think you know me better than that. I think you have a very wrong veiw of what you think obama's policies are, especially regarding the healthcare laws. I'm not sure what other policies of obama;s you think make him so grand of a gift that God would send him to us Laughing

You really have drank the koolaid. Hell I think you ate the whole box and forgot to take fluid with it. You may be closer to delusional than senile.

Dont expect any breaks from me because of your condition either. I just as well could die any minute or on my way home today. so as far as I am concerned at least you get to know and can make amends. so you will not get any concessions from me when you start talking foolishness. and thinking God intereveined and blessed this country with obama is well,

ITS CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am a big boy and come here to get beat on because in real life that does not happen. It is refreshing when you get angry at me, but you will notice I have never been disrespectful to you, and I can disagree and anger you, but since I have been a child I enjoy learning from other. Please understand this, I do not share my health issues because of the need for a pity party, but simply because it is an important part of who I am, and as you said we all have expiration dates, and just because I have a little more information about mine does not exempt me from getting blasted....if you only knew how much I enjoy be challenged....but as to my faith....I am sincere. I believe that God's hand has guided this nation since its inception, and that he is not always present and yes we have self determination....but when real evil presents itself....he often gives a little nudge.....we have been go right ahead and have a field day with my beliefs...but and utter peace....It is really a great place to be.



I believe that God has a plan for all of us. But just because Romney lost doesn't mean that God has deemed Romney evil. Maybe God has something else for Romney to do. Maybe the experience of running for president prepared Romney for something entirely different that even Romney doesn't realize yet. Maybe God is not done with Obama. Maybe Obama is being given a 2nd chance for some reason. Maybe God sometimes lets us have a good dose of what we ask for before saying to us--"OK, have you had enough yet?" Maybe God blessed America and Americans with the gift of being able to make our own choices about our leadership....and Americans chose Obama.


I agree with all of what you have written. I do not speak for God. However, I believe in the teachings of Jesus, and I believe that those among us who are weak and poor are God's children and that when government or each of us individually forget the least among us we lose our moral compass and we lose the word of God. I think that we were dangling on the cliff of the valley of evil and that this great nation made a moral choice which was consistent with the teachings of Christ. I voted for Johnson, so this is not a partisan thing with me, but it is a deeply held belief that evil presented itself in this election cycle, and dark money tried to sell evil, but that this great nation under god rejected that evil, and this was not happen was not by accident, but it was divine intervention. I will not say this belief is rational. I will not try to convince you to share my belief, rather I have simply been honestly talking about the inner peace I have had the last two weeks upon a deep seated belief that good was going to prevail, and that this nation would begin solving some of our problems....that special interests and dark money were defenseless where truth and justice was ingrained in the American Psyche........but then I do not share my beliefs too often, and would prefer to use facts and logic....but my simply is the core of who I am, and I have never wore that for others to observe or comment. I am simply stating that this election result was easy to forecast which I did within three electoral votes if President Obama wins Florida, but what was uncertain was the moral condition of this great nation.....and two weeks ago I found peace upon the realization that the evil represented by selfish babyboomers was in fact going to pass, and this nation was once again going to put America, and Americans first.......and that powerful moment of faith for me transcended any logical application of electoral votes or policies.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

BigBustedStripper wrote:

If you think GOD had anything to do with this election you obviously did not comprehend the bible.

Plus, that storm was MAN MADE.
Chrissy, you know how much I love you so trust me just this one time. It really and truly doesn't help you make your point that God didn't pick the election winner when you immediately follow that with the statement "the storm was MAN MADE".
Truly it doesn't. lol



I am not happy with the results but I accept the results. It has been decided. Americans chose Obama. I'm glad it was a decisive win and we're not left with recounts or uncertainty. That would have been very bad for us, I think. But I'm not angry. I think we must accept the results and hope and pray for the best for our country.



2seaoat wrote:I am a big boy and come here to get beat on because in real life that does not happen. It is refreshing when you get angry at me, but you will notice I have never been disrespectful to you, and I can disagree and anger you, but since I have been a child I enjoy learning from other. Please understand this, I do not share my health issues because of the need for a pity party, but simply because it is an important part of who I am, and as you said we all have expiration dates, and just because I have a little more information about mine does not exempt me from getting blasted....if you only knew how much I enjoy be challenged....but as to my faith....I am sincere. I believe that God's hand has guided this nation since its inception, and that he is not always present and yes we have self determination....but when real evil presents itself....he often gives a little nudge.....we have been go right ahead and have a field day with my beliefs...but and utter peace....It is really a great place to be.

Well you know I know that about you not wanting a pity party. I know this and this is a releif to me because I will not give it. I am going to stir your blood pressure every chance I get.

And I am going to vehelmently disagree that God gets involved in politics. A government can NOT be a savior of people. You are putting the Gov in such a position with your acertion that obama was elected as some godly favor to the country that he has some devine power to throne upon the mass peoples. Its damn right scary seaoat what you are saying.

If I remember the bible correctly you might want to read portions of revelations to do with a false prophet and satan coming from the east and acting as a peace maker with the world but causing great strife afterwords. See I could as easily use the bible to push that stance.

You are giving obama the status of a prophet sent to us by the lord. You need to check yourself buddy.



Bob wrote:
BigBustedStripper wrote:

If you think GOD had anything to do with this election you obviously did not comprehend the bible.

Plus, that storm was MAN MADE.
Chrissy, you know how much I love you so trust me just this one time. It really and truly doesn't help you make your point that God didn't pick the election winner when you immediately follow that with the statement "the storm was MAN MADE".
Truly it doesn't. lol


I know but I do mean it Razz

Where's my dolla?



Bob wrote:
BigBustedStripper wrote:

If you think GOD had anything to do with this election you obviously did not comprehend the bible.

Plus, that storm was MAN MADE.
Chrissy, you know how much I love you so trust me just this one time. It really and truly doesn't help you make your point that God didn't pick the election winner when you immediately follow that with the statement "the storm was MAN MADE".
Truly it doesn't. lol

I've said this before and I'll say it again. Somebody who says storms are "man made" does not and I repeat ....does not have all their marbles.



Dreamsglore wrote:
Bob wrote:
BigBustedStripper wrote:

If you think GOD had anything to do with this election you obviously did not comprehend the bible.

Plus, that storm was MAN MADE.
Chrissy, you know how much I love you so trust me just this one time. It really and truly doesn't help you make your point that God didn't pick the election winner when you immediately follow that with the statement "the storm was MAN MADE".
Truly it doesn't. lol

I've said this before and I'll say it again. Somebody who says storms are "man made" does not and I repeat ....does not have all their marbles.

And I said before and I'll say it again. Anyone who thinks that we can travel to mars and use a telescope in the back of a plane to see tiny molecular level particles in space and know there composition and does not think we can spike up a storm when children can cxreate clouds in a cloud chamber for a science project doesnt know anything about science.

It's not my fault God made me smarter than you.



BigBustedStripper wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
Bob wrote:
BigBustedStripper wrote:

If you think GOD had anything to do with this election you obviously did not comprehend the bible.

Plus, that storm was MAN MADE.
Chrissy, you know how much I love you so trust me just this one time. It really and truly doesn't help you make your point that God didn't pick the election winner when you immediately follow that with the statement "the storm was MAN MADE".
Truly it doesn't. lol

I've said this before and I'll say it again. Somebody who says storms are "man made" does not and I repeat ....does not have all their marbles.

And I said before and I'll say it again. Anyone who thinks that we can travel to mars and use a telescope in the back of a plane to see tiny molecular level particles in space and know there composition and does not think we can spike up a storm when children can cxreate clouds in a cloud chamber for a science project doesnt know anything about science.

It's not my fault God made me smarter than you.

Wow! You're really a lot worse than I ever speculated.



2seaoat wrote:I am a big boy and come here to get beat on because in real life that does not happen. It is refreshing when you get angry at me, but you will notice I have never been disrespectful to you, and I can disagree and anger you, but since I have been a child I enjoy learning from other. Please understand this, I do not share my health issues because of the need for a pity party, but simply because it is an important part of who I am, and as you said we all have expiration dates, and just because I have a little more information about mine does not exempt me from getting blasted....if you only knew how much I enjoy be challenged....but as to my faith....I am sincere. I believe that God's hand has guided this nation since its inception, and that he is not always present and yes we have self determination....but when real evil presents itself....he often gives a little nudge.....we have been go right ahead and have a field day with my beliefs...but and utter peace....It is really a great place to be.

Well god must really hate the American Indians and love big oil, railroads, gold, ranchers and farmers...He must also hate Muslims and love big oil , Raytheon, Haliburton and carpet bombing.........

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