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Curious where everyone has gone...

boards of FL
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boards of FL

boards of FL

It's sad to say that this place is now a ghost town. At one time this forum had the most interesting, quirky, demographically mixed, generally just completely random mix of people relative to any other local Pensacola forum. But time rolls forward. Change happens.

Where has everyone landed? Where do you get your "internet argument" fix now? Me personally, it's been local Facebook groups. But I always wonder where everyone is online these days. I hope you all are still online these days.



boards of FL wrote:It's sad to say that this place is now a ghost town.  At one time this forum had the most interesting, quirky, demographically mixed, generally just completely random mix of people relative to any other local Pensacola forum.  But time rolls forward. Change happens.  

Where has everyone landed?  Where do you get your "internet argument" fix now?  Me personally, it's been local Facebook groups.  But I always wonder where everyone is online these days.  I hope you all are still online these days.

Facebook rules, for better or worse. The interesting thing about this forum is that it's one of the few Gannett offshoot pages that still survives, that I'm aware of. Thanks for keeping it up and running. I'll keep visiting and I'm sure other members will too. Good luck to you and your family during this time of great strife while the Trumplague is ready to clutch all of our throats and drag us down into the dark side.


I'm still around, just not online much. Usually I check in during breaks at work, but they've got us staying home for the while, and if I don't have to be on a computer, I seldom will be. Just sitting around, reading and watching a lot of TV. Not abandoning the place, though....


I'm still around also, not totally abandoning the forum and hoping for happier days ahead to talk about. Don't shut it down, please, boards.

No social media for me, but a couple of email groups of old friends and acquaintances (summer camp, college) have been extremely active lately, doubtless due to everyone's having to stay home (and to another phenomenon I've noted: that of friends and family reaching out more right now in general).

The political scene's having taken a back seat is a partial blessing and a curse. It would've been a welcome respite had its replacement in the news not been the dire drumbeat of death. And then there is the increasingly depressing (and mystifying) evidence that Trump may very well be re-elected. I find myself daily wishing we had a truly outstanding candidate on the Democratic side.

That is, presuming we'll have a meaningful election at all.


I just scan thru the repeated BS in every post made. WHY have the pics over and over on many of the posts, wasting sooooooooooooooo much space? Delete the repeated pics or whatever you want to call them.

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Jake92 wrote:I just scan thru the repeated BS in every post made.  WHY have the pics over and over on many of the posts, wasting sooooooooooooooo much space? Delete the repeated pics or whatever you want to call them.

LOL another way to save space is for feeble old geezers who can't run a successful forum themselves and offer vapid advice on a successful forum that has been up and running successfully for years to keep their traps shut. Twisted Evil


Sorry, Tel, but Jake is absolutely right, as I've said more than once before myself.  The lengthy repeated images you insist on retaining in every post are EXTREMELY annoying and greatly reduce the enjoyment of the forum for all the rest of us.  They also do you no good whatsoever that I can see.

I suppose this forthright statement on my part will elicit more of your insults, but so be it.  You're just plain wrong.

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RealLindaL wrote:Sorry, Tel, but Jake is absolutely right, as I've said more than once before myself.  The lengthy repeated images you insist on retaining in every post are EXTREMELY annoying and greatly reduce the enjoyment of the forum for all the rest of us.  They also do you no good whatsoever that I can see.

I suppose this forthright statement on my part will elicit more of your insults, but so be it.  You're just plain wrong.

If BOF demands I remove my signatures, then I will. just don't see the need to manage other peoples post. This is his forum so he should know what's best and I will abide by his decision. I guess when it comes to controlling and deleting, everybody wants to get into the act.


Has nothing whatever to do with controlling.

Decent of you to defer to BOF, but of course we may not hear from him again for another very long time. The really decent thing to do, seems to me, would be to defer to your fellow members and help make the forum more readable, and thus maybe a little more inviting, by removing all the big signature stuff.

No guarantees it would help revive the place, but it just might. So I'm thinking, why not try cleaning things up for a couple of months or so? You can always add back later if you feel the need.



RealLindaL wrote:Has nothing whatever to do with controlling.

Decent of you to defer to BOF, but of course we may not hear from him again for another very long time.  The really decent thing to do, seems to me, would be to defer to your fellow members and help make the forum more readable, and thus maybe a little more inviting, by removing all the big signature stuff.

No guarantees it would help revive the place, but it just might.  So I'm thinking, why not try cleaning things up for a couple of months or so?  You can always add back later if you feel the need.

No, sorry but it is what it is. I removed some of my signatures about a year ago because of your complaints but that was a mistake so I added the new ones. Maybe you should try the everyday forum. You would most likely be the only one posting so you won't need to complain about anyone's signatures.



I'm here and not planning to leave anytime soon. Stay safe, everyone.


I don't care about it enough to fight about it, but I do know that when I try to access this place through my TV's weak internet, I have to bail on it because the signature pictures overload the bandwidth (like I said, the TV's weak on the internet). I don't have to look at the place via the TV, but, it'd be nice. And, honestly, much as I despise Trump and all involved, it's such a childish-looking picture anyway I don't see the point. The vid's not bad, but I think we've all seen it already.

Everybody should do what they want, but big sigs aren't doing anyone any favors, especially the people posting 'em.



Floridatexan wrote:

I'm here and not planning to leave anytime soon.  Stay safe, everyone.

Bless you and yours. Stay safe and healthy yourself FT. sunny



I just blocked him. He's never had anything thoughtful or original to contribute anyway.

Middle school is long past.



PkrBum wrote:I just blocked him. He's never had anything thoughtful or original to contribute anyway.

Middle school is long past.

BULLSHIT! You blocked me years ago, right after you found out you weren't getting anywhere by calling for me to be be banned, just like you didn't get anywhere by calling for the banning of others on this page. Crawl back into your sock drawer, loser. Twisted Evil


PkrBum wrote:I just blocked him. He's never had anything thoughtful or original to contribute anyway.

Middle school is long past.

The lack of self-awareness in the assclown I just quoted is around a category 5 level. I guess it has to be, as a survival mechanism. If he ever gets a moment of clarity about who and what he is, he'll probably kill himself.



zsomething wrote:
PkrBum wrote:I just blocked him. He's never had anything thoughtful or original to contribute anyway.

Middle school is long past.

The lack of self-awareness in the assclown I just quoted is around a category 5 level.   I guess it has to be, as a survival mechanism.   If he ever gets a moment of clarity about who and what he is, he'll probably kill himself.

You're not smart enough to know where your statist ideology leads... much less what clarity is. #usefulidiot



Thanks for inspiring me to swap my signatures every now and then. Enjoy the new holiday signature inspired by IPOTUS and the GOP.

Curious where everyone has gone... Skull12


Telstar wrote:Thanks for inspiring me to swap my signatures every now and then. Enjoy the new holiday signature inspired by IPOTUS and the GOP.

Curious where everyone has gone... Skull12

Is there a typo in the bottom of that picture? Seems like it should be "Don's God is Don," no?



zsomething wrote:
Telstar wrote:Thanks for inspiring me to swap my signatures every now and then. Enjoy the new holiday signature inspired by IPOTUS and the GOP.

Curious where everyone has gone... Skull12

Is there a typo in the bottom of that picture?   Seems like it should be "Don's God is Don," no?

It's a twist on a line from the old C.B.Demille film "The Ten Commandments", it goes "His God, is GOD!" If you look close you'll see your line " Don's God is Don" is written in the sky, in the background. I like the quote on the wall, "IN DON WE TRU$T." Perfect for Don's zombies. Twisted Evil



Still here!
just on self-imposed hiatus.


I still read here a couple of times a month, but posting is useless. The old forum, back when it was under the PNJ was dominated by conservatives who tried to chase off any liberals who came on.
This forum started off with a lot of posters from both sides of the spectrum but , over the years, is now dominated by a few very liberal individuals who honestly don't like anyone to disagree with them on anything. It's not a place that welcomes real discussion, it's just a place for Bernie supporters to come and whine about how unfair it is that Americans just don't know how very progressive they are. Here's a clue- Joe Biden is the nominee of the Democratic party and has won several huge primaries by a landslide. But if you are a mainstream thinker, like him, several people who post on this forum have no respect nor appreciation for your opinion at all.
If you want a forum that's active, you have to have controversy. If you think Pkr is a Russian troll, let him know you think that and argue with his stupid ideas . But attempting to run people off who don't agree with you is exactly what's wrong here. You've accomplished your goal, for the most part, and NOW THE PLACE IS BORING AS HELL.

I think Sanders lovers are as brainwashed, unmovable, and hopelessly lost as are Trump voters. It's a damn shame the third or so of Americans in the middle have to put up with both them and Trump voters.



bigdog wrote:I still read here a couple of times a month, but posting is useless. The old forum, back when it was under the PNJ was dominated by conservatives who tried to chase off any liberals who came on.
This forum started off with a lot of posters from both sides of the spectrum but , over the years, is now dominated by a few very liberal individuals who honestly don't like anyone to disagree with them on anything. It's not a place that welcomes real discussion, it's just a place for Bernie supporters to come and whine about how unfair it is that Americans just don't know how very progressive they are. Here's a clue- Joe Biden is the nominee of the Democratic party and has won several huge primaries by a landslide. But if you are a mainstream thinker, like him, several people who post on this forum have no respect nor appreciation for your opinion at all.
If you want a forum that's active, you have to have controversy. If you think Pkr is a Russian troll, let him know you think that and argue with his stupid ideas . But attempting to run people off who don't agree with you is exactly what's wrong here. You've accomplished your goal, for the most part, and NOW THE PLACE IS BORING AS HELL.

I think Sanders lovers are as brainwashed, unmovable, and hopelessly lost as are Trump voters.  It's a damn shame the third or so of Americans in the middle have to put up with both them and Trump voters.

So does this mean your back again? Actually it seems the only person who ran off lately was you. It's all moot now that Biden has the nomination. He's not great but he's a million times better than IPOTUS. So who in your opinion are the big Sanders lovers on this page?


Telstar wrote:So who in your opinion are the big Sanders lovers on this page?

I was wondering the same thing.



RealLindaL wrote:
Telstar wrote:So who in your opinion are the big Sanders lovers on this page?

I was wondering the same thing.

Right. Seems to me now that Biden has secured the nomination, he has the support of most of the regular posters on this page. I don't recall many Sanders supporters. Am I missing something? scratch

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