This is great. The idiot mayor of Petal, Mississippi, took time out of his crazy liberal-hatin' on his Twitter feed (here's a hint: if you hold an elected office, you're gonna be governing a wide variety of people, so... shut the fuck up about extreme political opinions) to say that George Floyd "might've died from a drug overdose" after a police officer inexcusably tortured him to death.
Well, Mississippians -- yes, Mississippians, y'all -- ain't havin' it. They want this guy OUT and find him an embarrassment to the state. And he's having to sit there for an hour and be told it to his face. This should happen to a WHOLE lot more of our politicians. Like, damned near ALL of them.
I'm not often given reason to be proud of people in this state, but here's about an hour of it.
Posts : 6475 Join date : 2012-06-14 Location : Pensacola Beach, FL
Have never seen one but can probably imagine, as I listened to Dennis Praeger on the radio for years, mostly just for laughs. In all that time he only said one thing that I found helpful, just a few words I've retained. Everything else was pretty much all about Dennis. He must feel a great kinship with Trump. Is he still broadcasting? In any event will take a peek at this parody later, and thank you for posting.
Okay, so y'know how I'm always talking about conservatives being cowardly in my experience, and that seems like me just being "mean" or whatever? Turns out there's some scientific truth to it. Conservatives have a larger fear-center in their brains and it's a bigger motivating factor for them.
I think this is perhaps why they're more drawn to religion (wanting a big space-daddy to look after 'em) and why they're so easy to fool with things like their fake version of "Antifa."
It is undoubtedly why I'm plagued by them at work always wanting me to help them be afraid of their other conservative co-workers. For some reason, the conservatives at work are all paranoid of each other, and they come to the more-liberal people to unburden themselves, or even "protect" them.
Like, my office has a Karen. She is the most-Karen Karen of all the Karens. I'm almost convinced that she's the basis for the whole "Karen" stereotype that's currently going around the country, because at the office we've been calling her "I want to speak to your manager!" type a "Karen" for years. Because of Karen.
Anyway, one of my conservative co-workers, who has what I'd estimate to be an IQ of 85 at best, and probably more like 75 (and she's only the second-dumbest conservative in the department), came up to me last week freaking out 'cuz she thought Karen was after her about something and wanted me to intervene... or something. I'm not sure because I was in no mood for the usual interoffice sniping and told her not to drag me into her problem and to get away from my desk. My patience with these people sucks these days. After we got a month or two away from each other I figured out I was deliriously happy when I was away from them and miserable when I wasn't. Anyway, Karen outranks me, so I'm not gonna go tell her off on behalf of Paranoid McShithead.
So, she went to one of the other more-liberal-leaning people at work, whining that I wouldn't listen to her complaints. She also is constantly babbling about Jesus coming back because she is certain we're in the "end times." Which is hilarious, because if there IS an Antichrist, it's the sonofabitch she's voting for...