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More cancer for my friend

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26More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/6/2018, 12:47 pm


Joanimaroni wrote:
Because she has Lynch Syndrome a genetic mutation she has routine scans this was picked up and the repeat 3 months later showed an active tumor. Her sister, by the time she was symptomatic, it was too late.

So what are you saying in this case? She has a better chance? She wasn't already symptomatic? Hoping for the best...

27More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/6/2018, 1:29 pm



RealLindaL wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
Because she has Lynch Syndrome a genetic mutation she has routine scans this was picked up and the repeat 3 months later showed an active tumor. Her sister, by the time she was symptomatic, it was too late.

So what are you saying in this case?  She has a better chance?  She wasn't already symptomatic?  Hoping for the best...

They were able to catch it early. However, the problem is it’s not a clear cut shot for surgery. Originally, they thought the tumor is located in the pancreas. The MRI showed that it is in the vena cava not in the pancreas and in the duodenum. They were prepared to do a Whipple procedure. Removing part or most of the pancreas the duodenum, and rerouting her bile duct. The cancer and the location of it have made it inoperable. The plan is to shrink the tumor as quickly as possible and hopefully she’ll be a surgical  candidate for removal of the tumor.

Since 2016 this is her fourth cancer. All involving the G.I. tract which goes along with the Lynch Syndrome.

I told my family there’s a possibility we will not be having Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday the 22nd. I will be driving her to Houston on Monday the 19th. Her daughter will fly down and meet us in Houston but she Hass to go back Thanksgiving evening because she’s on call the entire Thanksgiving weekend. Thankfully, My family is very understanding and we will celebrate Thanksgiving on Sunday before I leave.

Last edited by Joanimaroni on 11/6/2018, 3:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

28More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/6/2018, 3:51 pm


Poor woman - I feel for her. Sad She's fortunate to have you as a loyal and capable friend, but man, this is tough.

You're right -- Thanksgiving may have to wait. Some things are far more important.

How is she holding up emotionally?

29More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/6/2018, 5:14 pm



Realistically. She called my SIL’s firm about a her will.

The sad thing was when she asked her surgeon if she was going to die. I almost lost it.

She has always been my traveling partner. When I had the AAU basketball team, her daughter was on the team and we went out of town as many as 3 weekends a month to play. We have been to karate tournaments as far away as Canada, seminars in Boston, weekends with the girls in Savannah, and ski trips to Utah to hear her daughter present a medical paper at a vascular surgeons seminar. We have talked about a River cruise through Europe.... for a future trip.

30More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/6/2018, 6:49 pm


cherish good friends

31More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/11/2018, 11:14 pm



Went to lunch with my friend to get details from the wife of a cancer patient that goes to MD Anderson. My friend was short of breath and just didn’t look good. She was going to see her primary Monday. After lunch I told her we were going to the ER. I had called my niece and she agreed. Lab work for a clotting disorder BNP normal is up to 125 hers was 1880. They did a CT Scan and she has a blood clot in her lung. GB transferred to SHH by ambulance. She will be observed and probably discharged tomorrow.

Bless her heart... she is scared.

32More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/12/2018, 12:22 am



I can't imagine the fear. Bless her heart.

33More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/12/2018, 1:34 am


Joanimaroni wrote:They did a CT Scan and she has a blood clot in her lung. GB transferred to SHH by ambulance. She will be observed and probably discharged tomorrow.

That's all? Just observed?

In any event, thank goodness you had the presence of mind to get her to the ER. Doubtless, aside from her totally understandable fear, she was deeply grateful....or so I hope.

34More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/12/2018, 12:32 pm



The ER doc started her on blood thinners to dissolve the clot.

She had a good night with the help of Xanax and a sleeping pill.

Now, transportation to Houston. What will they recommend.

35More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/12/2018, 1:32 pm



She was up walking and had some svt. They are getting cardiology consult. Ekg. And an echo.

36More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/12/2018, 1:52 pm



It makes me worry a bit about traveling. Hopefully many stops to move around... or even those pressure pumps for the legs... or elevate the legs? Does she have any edema? I'm sure you're on top of it.

37More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/12/2018, 2:29 pm



PkrBum wrote:It makes me worry a bit about traveling. Hopefully many stops to move around... or even those pressure pumps for the legs... or elevate the legs? Does she have any edema? I'm sure you're on top of it.

No edema. CXR looked good. I’m thinking this is coming from the tumor in the vena cava. She never had any leg pain or soreness. She does have Factor 5 Leidner a gene mutation clotting has a low % of clot formation....supposedly.

She was thinking about flying but with a clot I think they will mix that. Lord knows I would hate for her to have clot break lose in the air. Personally, I would get over that scenario.

38More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/12/2018, 3:36 pm



Yes... more control driving even though it's longer. Best of luck.

39More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/12/2018, 8:14 pm



Thank you.

40More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/12/2018, 9:21 pm


Houston has unbelievable traffic jams. The key to traveling on the interstate is to drive at night. Hopefully she can sleep.

41More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/12/2018, 10:36 pm



GPS can’t even keep up in Houston traffic. I don’t like driving at night.

42More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/13/2018, 1:42 am


Joanimaroni wrote:GPS can’t even keep up in Houston traffic. I don’t like driving at night.

Will you be the one actually taking her there, Joani? Quite a devoted friend in any case.

43More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/13/2018, 4:31 pm



Yes, I am driving her.

She was transferred to PCU last night so they could give her a cardiac drip. You have to be in her unit to get the cardiac medication she had rapid heart rate and high blood pressure.

44More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/13/2018, 5:24 pm



I hate to hear that. I hope she's going to get stronger soon. She'll need it.

45More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/13/2018, 8:05 pm



I just want to get her to Houston.

46More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/16/2018, 3:46 pm



Discharged from hospital yesterday. She is cleared for travel and we will leave Monday am. She had negative scans for deep vein thrombosis and the cardiac work up was good.

Clot in the lung is being treated with Lovenox.

47More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/16/2018, 4:31 pm


Sounds as if your friend's been in competent hands and it has to be a relief to get some decent news for a change (for both of you!!).

Weather Monday looks pretty perfect for driving so far. Will be thinking of you two and wishing you safe travels and the best possible outcome of the consult.

48More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/16/2018, 5:01 pm



RealLindaL wrote:Sounds as if your friend's been in competent hands and it has to be a relief to get some decent news for a change (for both of you!!).

Weather Monday looks pretty perfect for driving so far.  Will be thinking of you two and wishing you safe travels and the best possible outcome of the consult.

I appreciate you!

49More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/17/2018, 2:16 pm


I know how much you cherish your family at the Holidays, and that makes this journey very special on many levels. The caretakers of this world are a special breed. It is time for some good news and hopefully those dedicated pros at Anderson can give her comfort and viable options.

50More cancer for my friend - Page 2 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 11/17/2018, 2:28 pm



My family wouldn’t have it any other way. We are hosting 27 for dinner.

I am praying but I’m still scared.

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