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More cancer for my friend

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126More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/21/2019, 1:45 am


Well, I wouldn't be too sure; it depends on how long ago. This fellow is fairly young and just joined the group in 2014.

But they're probably all excellent at what they do. I wish your son the best possible outcome. Let us know what happens with the skiing.

Meanwhile, is your friend still in the hospital, I hope not?

127More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/21/2019, 2:46 pm



My friend is still in CCU. She was converted to normal sinus rhythm. Will observe for a day or two out of the unit and discharge if rhythm is maintained.

Son is having surgery on Thursday. Lipase, pancreatic enzyme is elevated 244. Still thinks it has been the gall bladder all along. His BCBS will work out.

128More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/21/2019, 3:02 pm



I still stick with gallbladder pancreatitis.

129More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/21/2019, 6:47 pm



Gosh... sorry do much at once. Best wishes for all.

130More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/21/2019, 7:58 pm



Thank you!

131More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/22/2019, 12:55 pm


Joanimaroni wrote:I still stick with gallbladder pancreatitis.

Sounds like a good bet, Joani. Of course, I thought when my gallbladder was removed last May that that first ever bout with pancreatitis would be my last. But the second round which unpleasantly surprised me in December was, I really hope (and as at least one hospitalist opined), a fluke, based on prior irritation of the pancreas in May, plus (especially) my having eaten a couple of further irritants when friends visited the morning of the late day attack - namely, especially - as I may've previously reported - the wonderful file gumbo at Margaritaville, but also a rich steakburger enjoyed at the same meal. Big mistake I'll never make again -- especially the spicy stuff, as a spicy rice also made me strangely ill at one point in summer even though I didn't progress into pancreatitis that time.

The good news is that a follow-up abdominal MRI with contrast yesterday showed the December bout fully resolved, and (most importantly) no masses detected, which was, of course, the worry.

Now my task is to stay away from anything hot and spicy for the duration, and will have to hope that's the end of it.

132More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/22/2019, 12:56 pm


Don't forget to let us know how everything goes for your son, Joani.

133More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/22/2019, 3:07 pm



Thank you Linda, I think the pancreatic situation, probably caused by the gallbladder, will continue secondary to food choices.

134More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/22/2019, 6:05 pm


Well, if that's the case, Joanie, I dearly hope your son and I will always make the right choices. I'm sure he'd agree when I say it's not something I'd ever want to go through again.

Did I tell you that when I was hospitalized with my second bout in December, one of the nurses remarked, "There must be something in the water," because there were THREE other cases of pancreatitis on the floor at the very same time? And GBH just isn't that big.

I'd hardly even heard of pancreatitis (just pancreatic cancer) before last May, and now it seems stories are everywhere I turn.

Same with gall bladder removal -- I had three or four GBH nurses and other staff (all younger than I) tell me last May they'd had their gall bladders removed (though they didn't mention pancreatitis). And most of them said they can now eat whatever they want with no problems. On the other hand, a gall bladder-less friend closer to my age tells me she "pays dearly" on the rare occasion when she breaks down and has spicy or fried foods. I guess everyone is truly different.

135More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/22/2019, 9:25 pm



It is a trial and error situation with your post gallbladder removal. My daughter had her gallbladder removed at age 23. No problems.

As of now, my son is afraid to eat. His pain was so bad even though he was very stoic. He was going to hold off on the morphine and take it if the pain got worse. No way, I told him to take it. Ten minutes later he was so relieved.

136More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/23/2019, 2:14 am


Yes! Good for you for wisely informing your son (but then, of course you would). Morphine was heaven sent relief with my gall-bladder-caused pancreatitis last May, but I only allowed one dose the second time around in December, because the pain was much milder. Got along with Tylenol that time, though it didn't do much except damp down the fevers.

Fingers crossed for successful surgery tomorrow (Wednesday).

137More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/23/2019, 1:06 pm



Surgery is Thursday. Only time in the hospital was for the Pancreatitis in 2006. You never stop worrying about your matter what age.

138More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/23/2019, 1:46 pm


Right- Thursday - sorry. Even better - no severe weather in the area that day.

Pancreatitis in 2006 - you, or son?

139More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/23/2019, 2:02 pm



Son... never really sick! One bout of viral meningitis when he was 12. Resolved in one week. A broken ankle at 16. He is not use to being sick or injured!

140More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/24/2019, 12:06 pm



Surgery went well, in recovery sleeping peacefully. Dr. said he will feel better now. He said the gallbladder was very inflamed and damaged. This has been going on for a long time.

141More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/24/2019, 2:40 pm



Glad to hear that.

142More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/24/2019, 5:38 pm


Get pathology on the gall bladder.

143More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/24/2019, 6:36 pm


Sea, they do that as a matter of routine, I believe. At least they did for my (also inflamed) gall bladder upon removal.

Joani, glad everything is going well so far! Sounds like a good bet indeed that he'll feel much better. In fact, my surgeon told me that many of his cholecystectomy patients tell him, weeks after the surgery, that they feel way better than they did even long before they knew they were sick (if that makes any sense - does to me).

144More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/24/2019, 11:02 pm



He got sick just before going home. Apparently, anesthesia causes him nausea and vomiting. After medication and an extra 2 hours he was discharged. The portable knocks him out. So glad this is over. RL I guess he got use to the pain and didn’t really pay attention to it.

145More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/25/2019, 2:55 am


"The portable" -- ? Please explain what this is.

Sorry he was sick - ugh - but glad he's home now and hopefully on his way to full recovery.

In my case I don't know that I ever had any chronic pain per se to "get used to," but I did realize that for a long time I'd often had a sense of pressure at the upper stomach area, and that seems to have almost fully resolved.

146More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/25/2019, 1:10 pm



Auto correct...Loratab.

I have chronic pain and had to learn to ignore it.

147More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/25/2019, 1:27 pm


Gotta love auto-correct. That one was outta sight. lol

Personally I wouldn't let them give me any opioids nor prescribe anything strong at all to go home with, but that's just moi.

148More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/26/2019, 7:13 am


Sea, they do that as a matter of routine, I believe.

I had my gallbladder removed at a local hospital on an out patient procedure. They noted disease on the gallbladder, but never did pathology. It is defacto malpractice not to take pathology. I could have been on injections and this cancer could have been better managed without this malpractice, but it is in a long list of screwups, but despite the same people survive despite inferior care in some facilities.

149More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/26/2019, 2:08 pm


I have chronic pain and had to learn to ignore it.

How do you DO that, Joani???

Last edited by RealLindaL on 1/26/2019, 2:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

150More cancer for my friend - Page 6 Empty Re: More cancer for my friend 1/26/2019, 2:10 pm


2seaoat wrote:I had my gallbladder removed at a local hospital on an out patient procedure.  They noted disease on the gallbladder, but never did pathology.   It is defacto malpractice not to take pathology.   I could have been on injections and this cancer could have been better managed without this malpractice, but it is in a long list of screwups, but despite the same people survive despite inferior care in some facilities.

Still, it's maddeningly frustrating to read of the times you weren't properly taken care of, and the results of same.

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