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What is the Optimal Healthcare System?

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Chrissy8 wrote:
Azadeh wrote:You are saying go to hospital for treatment. Just look at the phone book and call dr. for appointment and make sure for example they are at Baptist Towers?

I got some pain probs right now - would it be better to go thru Baptist Towers then?

You dont have to go through Baptist. I'm not saying that.

I'm talking about places that have free standing labs, be it MRI's , lab work, Gastro etc. They are out there because they want to make money, big money because all they do is move people in and out like cows getting shots.

When hospitals offer the same types of services with one BIG exception, hospitals also provide continued care for the very ill. They also provide all the great healthcare events around the area.

You should choose the place of your liking. I am just reminding people that these free standing greedy money makers hurt your local hospitals. ALL of them.

Baptist is my choice for a few reasons. I do like them and was satisfied with the service when I was hospitalized awhile ago. Except the helicopter landing on the building where I was lol.



Azadeh wrote:
Chrissy8 wrote:
Azadeh wrote:You are saying go to hospital for treatment. Just look at the phone book and call dr. for appointment and make sure for example they are at Baptist Towers?

I got some pain probs right now - would it be better to go thru Baptist Towers then?

You dont have to go through Baptist. I'm not saying that.

I'm talking about places that have free standing labs, be it MRI's , lab work, Gastro etc. They are out there because they want to make money, big money because all they do is move people in and out like cows getting shots.

When hospitals offer the same types of services with one BIG exception, hospitals also provide continued care for the very ill. They also provide all the great healthcare events around the area.

You should choose the place of your liking. I am just reminding people that these free standing greedy money makers hurt your local hospitals. ALL of them.

Baptist is my choice for a few reasons. I do like them and was satisfied with the service when I was hospitalized awhile ago. Except the helicopter landing on the building where I was lol.

Glad to hear that. I just didnt want to be a commercial LOL

at the same time trying to get across the imprtance of hospital systems work and how things are changing.

I hope you feel better, you said you had pain. I'd kiss it, but You'd probaly slap me


Chrissy8 wrote:

Glad to hear that. I just didnt want to be a commercial LOL

at the same time trying to get across the imprtance of hospital systems work and how things are changing.

I hope you feel better, you said you had pain. I'd kiss it, but You'd probaly slap me

Would it feel like a shot of Toradol in my knee?



Azadeh wrote:
Chrissy8 wrote:

Glad to hear that. I just didnt want to be a commercial LOL

at the same time trying to get across the imprtance of hospital systems work and how things are changing.

I hope you feel better, you said you had pain. I'd kiss it, but You'd probaly slap me

Would it feel like a shot of Toradol in my knee?

No, sorry. One wonders why the whole "kissing booboo's" ever satrted. I guess it's just a nice gesture



Ya'll already know my preference in health care provision systems. I support a national health care plan, i.e. single payer, Medicare for all. Anything less than that is unacceptable to me, period.

I base my thoughts on not only personal experience but also on my experiences working with others during the thirty-plus years I've been in the health care profession. In fact, I was a supporter of single payer for years before I personally experienced trying to survive without decent health care. That's a weird type of karma, isn't it? affraid



PerennialBulldog1 wrote:Ya'll already know my preference in health care provision systems. I support a national health care plan, i.e. single payer, Medicare for all. Anything less than that is unacceptable to me, period.

I base my thoughts on not only personal experience but also on my experiences working with others during the thirty-plus years I've been in the health care profession. In fact, I was a supporter of single payer for years before I personally experienced trying to survive without decent health care. That's a weird type of karma, isn't it? affraid

Glad you could make it. Very Happy

Lets examine that thought for a bit.

How could that work? The only way something like that could actually work is for every thing to be taken over. because the price would be more than we could bare. I mean all companies that make any type of health product would have to have a set price limit on what they could charge for their products. < we can talk about forcing docs to a lower fee in a bit >

Do you not agree?


It's no fun surviving w/o healthcare, especially when you have severe pain. The ER hated me.

As for the single payer system, I have to read up more on that. I don't know much about it.


Floridatexan that there are few other options besides the ER...we need more community clinics. The ER wasn't meant to treat minor ailments. I don't think ANYONE should be left out in the cold, insured or uninsured, especially the very young and the very old. Insurers shouldn't be able to post record profits on the backs of the public, as has been the case. The insurance question shouldn't be the first thing out of the mouth of the health care provider...the patient's treatment should trump all else. And one other professionals should routinely "squeal" on their inept or drugged out or uncaring colleagues.


I think people should just learn to live with their pain and stop whining. Suspect



Granny4Peace wrote:Something like Mayo Clinic, hands down. I was covered under Mayo (thank God) when I was diagnosed with stage 3C ovarian cancer in 1999. I have no doubt that with that advanced stage, I wouldn't be here if I hadn't been in the Mayo system. It sometimes takes years to diagnose OVCA, but my family doctor (a resident) diagnosed it on my first visit, and confirmed it with her supervisor and a sonogram. Positive diagnosis was made after surgery, but the results were back before I woke up.

Whenever I saw any of my doctors, they could look up my entire record, give me results of any of my tests. My rheumatologist could give me the results of my CA125, which is the cancer marker test ordered by my oncologist, if I saw her before I got the call about the labs. The laboratory was onsite, and I didn't have to drive all over town to see different doctors, who could easily communicate by email, but didn't. I got Mayo through my employer, and stayed there for 10 years just so I could go to Mayo. I once had an EKG which was transmitted to Mayo in Rochester, MN, and had the results before I was unhooked. They are just set up to take care of people.

If they had a system where all medical information could be in a central database accessible by doctors, it would save a lot of money, time and red tape in practice of medicine. In my opinion, Mayo Clinic has the best doctors in the country.

It isn't just the doctors at the Mayo Clinic, it's the entire Mayo Clinic system that is based on preventative patient health, not patient repair. I grew-up in the Mayo environment and often saw Dr. Bill Mayo Jr. on the street mingling with the people. My wife was the head nurse director of the Intensive Cardiac Care Unit (ICCU) where the first computerized patient data input system was implemented. Everyone except housecleaning would input information about the patient in that room and what they did to or for the patient. That information about the patient was available to any authorized person at any computer location. Mayo put computers in physicians homes for immediate access to any patients records, needs, treatments and medications given to date.(this was 1973 and there were no laptop computers. Yes Mayo is different, but don't go there for a cold.



Azadeh wrote:I think people should just learn to live with their pain and stop whining. Suspect

You obviously have never seen the debilitating pain caused by some diseases. It is horrible and non-relenting. The best you can hope for is a day with less pain. Dr. Kevorkian was in tune to his patients and light-years ahead of politicians and clergy.



calicocat wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:My question would be why anyone s a right to have something that costs so much for free or at someone esle's expense... Why would that be a right? I mean shouldn't I have a new mercedes?

Teo, I look on healthcare as a human right issue. I know we've discussed this before on the PNJ, and you disagree with me.
I think government run healthcare such as what is practiced in Canada or in the UK is the best option for the US. I doubt we will ever have it, but since every other major industrialized nation in the world DOES have it, I honestly cannot understand why not. I think this country has too much of an attitude that you must work your life away for everything you get and nothing should be given to you. People aren't allowed to starve anymore because we now have food stamps. Why is food a human right but medical care not a human right?

No, I don't think it's a slippery slope to communism. Socialism and communism are a long way apart. I just think it's the right thing for human beings to do for their fellowmen.

Why do you want to adopt a health care system far inferior to the one we have today?

And YES, you should "work your life away" and NOTHING should be given to you. It is good you are catching on.



Slicef18 wrote:
Azadeh wrote:I think people should just learn to live with their pain and stop whining. Suspect

You obviously have never seen the debilitating pain caused by some diseases. It is horrible and non-relenting. The best you can hope for is a day with less pain. Dr. Kevorkian was in tune to his patients and light-years ahead of politicians and clergy.

Well, President Barack Hussein Obama did say to just give people a pain pill.

Other than temporarily, I am blessed that I have never endured debilitating pain. I do agree with you that someone should be able to determine, for themselves, when the pain is more than they want to endure any longer.

Some states already offer that option.



I agree about single payer universal health care.
I disagree with the assumption made by those on the right that this means everyone gets health care for free. If everyone paid into the system then everyone would be paying and no one would be getting treatment for free.

I think it is inhumane that people go without preventative care and regular checkups, etc. Last I looked they don't offer colonoscopy services in the ER.

All the other developed countries have figured out some way to cover all their citizens, surely we can come up with some version that fits our national needs?
So now you righties can hit your litany about how you don't want to wait 2 years for an x-ray or some garbage like that. Go ahead we know what's coming.



PerennialBulldog1 wrote:Ya'll already know my preference in health care provision systems. I support a national health care plan, i.e. single payer, Medicare for all. Anything less than that is unacceptable to me, period.

I base my thoughts on not only personal experience but also on my experiences working with others during the thirty-plus years I've been in the health care profession. In fact, I was a supporter of single payer for years before I personally experienced trying to survive without decent health care. That's a weird type of karma, isn't it? affraid

Why do you demand inferior care for Americans?

MEDICARE FOR ALL.... Exactly where will those TRILLIONS of dollars come from?

Current Debt . . . $15.3+ TRILLION Plus the $1.3 TRILLION proposed by President Barack Hussein Obama for 2013. (No budget approved)

Unfunded Liabilities (money we have PROMISED, do not have, nor do we have it coming in)

Social Security. . . . $15.4 TRILLION
(10,000 Baby Boomers RETIRE EVERY DAY) (How many workers are entering the job market daily?)

Prescription Drugs .$20.4 TRILLION

Medicare. . . . . . . . $81.0 TRILLION

Total Unfunded Liabilities $116.8 TRILLION!

Number of Households in 2010 = 112,611,029

Unfunded Liability Per household $1,037,198.00

PLUS ObamaCare and Untold TRILLIONS more in TAXES



othershoe1030 wrote: I agree about single payer universal health care.
I disagree with the assumption made by those on the right that this means everyone gets health care for free. If everyone paid into the system then everyone would be paying and no one would be getting treatment for free.

I think it is inhumane that people go without preventative care and regular checkups, etc. Last I looked they don't offer colonoscopy services in the ER.

All the other developed countries have figured out some way to cover all their citizens, surely we can come up with some version that fits our national needs?
So now you righties can hit your litany about how you don't want to wait 2 years for an x-ray or some garbage like that. Go ahead we know what's coming.

No, other countries have not figured out "SOME WAY" to cover all their citizens, they are going BROKE.

Why do Progressives refuse to answer why they DEMAND inferior health care?



Markle wrote:
Why do Progressives refuse to answer why they DEMAND inferior health care?

Markle, we have inferior care NOW. I don't see how it can get much worse. It is nothing like it was thirty years ago.

Take note of the post I just wrote on another thread about health care. The person I referenced did not receive even "good" care, and he is a fully-insured person.

I don't even want to think about the quality of care given to people who are indigent or under-insured.



PBulldog2 wrote:
Markle wrote:
Why do Progressives refuse to answer why they DEMAND inferior health care?

Markle, we have inferior care NOW. I don't see how it can get much worse. It is nothing like it was thirty years ago.

Take note of the post I just wrote on another thread about health care. The person I referenced did not receive even "good" care, and he is a fully-insured person.

I don't even want to think about the quality of care given to people who are indigent or under-insured.

we do not have inferior care. This is one of the biggest lies on the planet.

But dont worry, a few years of all this new regulation, we will.

Then only the very rich will be able to get good care, thats what they want anyway.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:My question would be why anyone s a right to have something that costs so much for free or at someone esle's expense... Why would that be a right? I mean shouldn't I have a new mercedes?

Because were supposed to value human life over tangible objects that we can't take w/us-that's why.Why value someone's right to live like abortion and then say you don't have a right to live your life in a healthy manner or let them die when thay get sick? Makes no sense at all.



PBulldog2 wrote:
Markle wrote:
Why do Progressives refuse to answer why they DEMAND inferior health care?

Markle, we have inferior care NOW. I don't see how it can get much worse. It is nothing like it was thirty years ago.

Take note of the post I just wrote on another thread about health care. The person I referenced did not receive even "good" care, and he is a fully-insured person.

I don't even want to think about the quality of care given to people who are indigent or under-insured.

P B: Neither does Markle, or, any of the others who are wigged out by this. I would like to hear about just one Repub who is uninsured and a car wreck or catastrophic illness away from medical bankruptcy, who thinks that the Affordable Care Act is a bad idea. I get the distinct impression that it's an "I've got mine, screw you!" situation.



Granny4Peace wrote:
PBulldog2 wrote:
Markle wrote:
Why do Progressives refuse to answer why they DEMAND inferior health care?

Markle, we have inferior care NOW. I don't see how it can get much worse. It is nothing like it was thirty years ago.

Take note of the post I just wrote on another thread about health care. The person I referenced did not receive even "good" care, and he is a fully-insured person.

I don't even want to think about the quality of care given to people who are indigent or under-insured.

P B: Neither does Markle, or, any of the others who are wigged out by this. I would like to hear about just one Repub who is uninsured and a car wreck or catastrophic illness away from medical bankruptcy, who thinks that the Affordable Care Act is a bad idea. I get the distinct impression that it's an "I've got mine, screw you!" situation.

Your talking to one. but my private life isnt for sale.

This isnt about that. your not a healthcare professional and most likely you wouldnt understand the red tape and the mechanics of how this system works.

It sounds good on the outside, but its a devil on the inside.

its like a pretty hooker with HIV, you think youre gonna get some, and you really do get some in the end LOL

no stress

no stress

Slicef18 wrote:
Azadeh wrote:I think people should just learn to live with their pain and stop whining. Suspect

You obviously have never seen the debilitating pain caused by some diseases. It is horrible and non-relenting. The best you can hope for is a day with less pain. Dr. Kevorkian was in tune to his patients and light-years ahead of politicians and clergy.

Uh yeah slice...she has......first hand



chrissy8 wrote:
Granny4Peace wrote:
PBulldog2 wrote:
Markle wrote:
Why do Progressives refuse to answer why they DEMAND inferior health care?

Markle, we have inferior care NOW. I don't see how it can get much worse. It is nothing like it was thirty years ago.

Take note of the post I just wrote on another thread about health care. The person I referenced did not receive even "good" care, and he is a fully-insured person.

I don't even want to think about the quality of care given to people who are indigent or under-insured.

P B: Neither does Markle, or, any of the others who are wigged out by this. I would like to hear about just one Repub who is uninsured and a car wreck or catastrophic illness away from medical bankruptcy, who thinks that the Affordable Care Act is a bad idea. I get the distinct impression that it's an "I've got mine, screw you!" situation.

Your talking to one. but my private life isnt for sale.

This isnt about that. your not a healthcare professional and most likely you wouldnt understand the red tape and the mechanics of how this system works.

It sounds good on the outside, but its a devil on the inside.

its like a pretty hooker with HIV, you think youre gonna get some, and you really do get some in the end LOL
Actually, though I am now retired I am a certified pharmacy technician who worked for a little company called CVSCaremark for over 10 years. I'm sorry that you've become intoxicated on the Kool Aid, especially if you don't have any insurance. I've had insurance and I've been without insurance, and I can tell you without hesitation that having it is better. I want my grandkids to grow up with access to decent healthcare.



Granny4Peace wrote:
chrissy8 wrote:
Granny4Peace wrote:
PBulldog2 wrote:
Markle wrote:
Why do Progressives refuse to answer why they DEMAND inferior health care?

Markle, we have inferior care NOW. I don't see how it can get much worse. It is nothing like it was thirty years ago.

Take note of the post I just wrote on another thread about health care. The person I referenced did not receive even "good" care, and he is a fully-insured person.

I don't even want to think about the quality of care given to people who are indigent or under-insured.

P B: Neither does Markle, or, any of the others who are wigged out by this. I would like to hear about just one Repub who is uninsured and a car wreck or catastrophic illness away from medical bankruptcy, who thinks that the Affordable Care Act is a bad idea. I get the distinct impression that it's an "I've got mine, screw you!" situation.

Your talking to one. but my private life isnt for sale.

This isnt about that. your not a healthcare professional and most likely you wouldnt understand the red tape and the mechanics of how this system works.

It sounds good on the outside, but its a devil on the inside.

its like a pretty hooker with HIV, you think youre gonna get some, and you really do get some in the end LOL
Actually, though I am now retired I am a certified pharmacy technician who worked for a little company called CVSCaremark for over 10 years. I'm sorry that you've become intoxicated on the Kool Aid, especially if you don't have any insurance. I've had insurance and I've been without insurance, and I can tell you without hesitation that having it is better. I want my grandkids to grow up with access to decent healthcare.

I have ins. I work. People in life have many situations they have to get through. Life is a difficult place to be. You take your punches and move on.

your teaching your grandkids to be leaches on the Gov tit. So many like you have done that. So dont expect your grandchildren to have the same country you grew up in, because it aint gonna happen granny. That kind of idea isnt very progressive now is it. remember, wanting what you grew up in as far as what America was, is a regressive idea that gets tossed in the face of conservatives everyday.

Dont worry though. Its all bigger than us. collective thinking progressives have it all planned out. look around. everything is looking up, isnt it?


Slicef18 wrote:
Azadeh wrote:I think people should just learn to live with their pain and stop whining. Suspect

You obviously have never seen the debilitating pain caused by some diseases. It is horrible and non-relenting. The best you can hope for is a day with less pain. Dr. Kevorkian was in tune to his patients and light-years ahead of politicians and clergy.

My comment was an attempt at sarcasm.

Yes, I have seen the debilitating pain caused by disease. You see, my sister has stage 3 congestive heart failure. So I watch her suffer. She's still young. And one of my best friends has multiple sclerosis. Another one of my good friends has muscular dystrophy and he already should be dead but isn't, thank goodness.
I have FELT debilitating pain. I was in a freak accident that was so severe most do not survive it and sustained a severe concussion and head injury, losing most of the hearing in my left ear. I continue to have complications from the head injury, most notably my short term memory and dizziness.
I do know pain and I watch my friends and my sister suffer. What kills me is that there is nothing I can do about it but support and love them as much as I can while they are still here, and to know I'm fortunate to be alive.
I did not mean what I said as an offense to anyone - I was just throwing in some sarcasm and I apologize if I offended anyone for what I said.

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