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What our Socialist/Communist Friends DON'T want us to know. From 2013: Veterans Budget Gets $63 Billion Boost From Obama White House

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Being from the Huffington Post they somehow forgot to mention that it was the REPUBLICAN HOUSE which passed the vast increase in the Veteran's Administration budget.

Veterans Budget Gets $63 Billion Boost From Obama White House
Posted: 04/05/2013 4:43 pm EDT | Updated: 04/08/2013 10:54 am EDT

WASHINGTON -- Despite growing pressure for budget cuts, the Obama administration next week will propose spending $63.5 billion for veterans services in fiscal 2014, asking for a 4 percent increase over current spending.

The money is targeted at eliminating the backlog of veterans claims for benefits and increasing mental health services, including treatment for military sexual trauma. The budget proposal, which will not be officially unveiled until next week, also will make permanent two tax credits to encourage employers to hire veterans.

Since 2009, the overall budget, including mandated programs and discretionary spending, has risen from about $100 billion in 2009 to $140 billion this year, an increase of about 40 percent. The VA's discretionary spending this year is roughly $61 billion.

The backlog in claims has long bedeviled the VA, which currently is working on 854,000 veterans benefits claims, of which 595,000 are overdue. The VA inspector general earlier this year found a veteran who has been waiting more than four years for his paperwork to be finished. Much of the backlog has been caused by the addition of new benefits for which veterans can file claims, including exposure to Agent Orange defoliant during the Vietnam War, and Gulf War syndrome.

Remember President Barack Hussein Obama just announced, 23 days after the latest scandal broke, that he was shocked...SHOCKED I SAY to learn of this scandal while reading the newspaper waiting for his tee time.


This is President Obama's mess. I am hopeful that the money will be applied efficiently and effectively. I know I have listened to Bernie Sanders beg for four years for more funding as the Senate chair of veteran affairs, and I think he is sincere, and certainly with so many vets in the Panhandle, Jeff Miller certainly wants what is best for Vets. We may have the type of cooperation which is good for our country, by the job credits. This is the best use of money in my opinion. Reward employers who hire vets. Improve vocational training and give those men who have lost so much a chance to live a normal life and contribute. The nonsense of politics stops when we are talking about the needs of our veterans. I just think good policy in the long term is to shrink exposure and reduce our defense budget, but as to care of those who have already served......a four percent increase is not enough if asz kicking credits get vets jobs.....I am optimistic that better days are coming.



Wheres all the people who said republicans don't spend anything on veterans?


Wheres all the people who said republicans don't spend anything on veterans?

I think the voting record tells the whole story. Spend money on bombs and weapon systems that fuel the industrial military complex and gives them campaign contributions and plant locations in their district......get stingy when talking about the vets.



2seaoat wrote:Wheres all the people who said republicans don't spend anything on veterans?

I think the voting record tells the whole story.  Spend money on bombs and weapon systems that fuel the industrial military complex and gives them campaign contributions and plant locations in their district......get stingy when talking about the vets.

You can count on poster Markle to slap you for citing from DailyKos.... Embarassed

But, it is okay for HIM to cite from extreme sources.... (he gets to pick what is a good source or not so good)... tongue


I just googled republican support for Vet bills and that article popped up. It is common knowledge that they do not support the individual after serving and support big budget Defense expenditures. However, as much as they have been the do nothing for vets party, It is President Obama who promised to make vets a priority. His administration dropped the ball, and he needs to fix it independent of the lack of Republican support for our vets.



2seaoat wrote:Wheres all the people who said republicans don't spend anything on veterans?

I think the voting record tells the whole story.  Spend money on bombs and weapon systems that fuel the industrial military complex and gives them campaign contributions and plant locations in their district......get stingy when talking about the vets.

You can count on poster Markle to slap you for citing from DailyKos.... Embarassed

But, it is okay for HIM to cite from extreme sources.... (he gets to pick what is a good source or not so good)... tongue

seems your the one who is infatuated with sources. Its pretty much the content of just about every post of yours other than being a cheerleader for others comments.

BTW, I can assure you, you wont find a bunch of liberals volunteering for the vets.



You'd almost think the votes weren't part of the historical record. 

You don't have to worry about sources. 

Count the votes. 



Sal wrote:You'd almost think the votes weren't part of the historical record. 

You don't have to worry about sources. 

Count the votes. 

As you well know, it is NOT the money, it is what can and should be expected from government run health care. No accountability, no incentive, Veterans die and the responsible party is looking around for scapegoats.

Shameful, but not unexpected, behavior from the party in charge.

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