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Forum republicans: If the general election comes down to Trump versus Clinton, who will you vote for?

boards of FL
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Forum republicans: If the general election comes down to Trump versus Clinton, who will you vote for?

Forum republicans:  If the general election comes down to Trump versus Clinton, who will you vote for? I_vote_lcap50%Forum republicans:  If the general election comes down to Trump versus Clinton, who will you vote for? I_vote_rcap 50% [ 4 ]
Forum republicans:  If the general election comes down to Trump versus Clinton, who will you vote for? I_vote_lcap50%Forum republicans:  If the general election comes down to Trump versus Clinton, who will you vote for? I_vote_rcap 50% [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 8

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boards of FL

boards of FL

Forum republicans: If the general election comes down to Trump versus Clinton, who will you vote for?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

This reminds of the choice I had to make about a week ago.
I was traveling north on Bauer Road at night.  I was about halfway between Sorrento Rd and Lillian Hgwy.
All of a sudden a young deer leaped across the road in front of me.
I had two choices.

1.  Turn the steering wheel hard and risk losing control and running off the road and wrecking my van.

2.  Going ahead and hitting the deer which would risk having a deer come through my windshield.

About the only difference with the options in this poll,  is that I have more time to decide which option is less risky.



I would never ever vote for Hillary.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

By the way,  I hit the deer and killed it.  Broke my heart because I don't like to kill anything.
It cracked the plastic bumper on my van and put a small dent low on the left side.

But if either Trump or Hillary had jumped in front of the car it would have probably done more damage since this was a small young deer.
I think I would swerve to avoid it in that case.  I do not want either Trump's or Hillary's bloody body coming through the windshield and ending up in my lap.



Joanimaroni wrote:I would never ever vote for Hillary.

But could you ever vote for Trump?

Or would you abstain?



Between the two I would vote against Hillary.



Proving yet again that we really need some sort of competency test before allowing folks to vote.

I would propose the following system:

1) if you were of voting age in 2004 and cast a ballot for Dubya, you are disqualified

2) if you can claim to consider Trump a serious candidate for any elected office, you are disqualified

Simple enough.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Joanimaroni wrote:Between the two I would vote against Hillary.

So when you look at the policies being offered by Trump and the policies being offered by Clinton, you feel that Trump's policies align more closely with your own than Clinton's?

Massive walls on the mexican border, the development of a mass deportation force, targeting of family members of our enemies, etc.  It's not any of that that you take issue with, but you instead take issue with Clinton's policies?

Joani, out of all of Clinton's policies which do you feel is the worst?  Which of Clinton's policies is the one that makes you say to yourself, "Wow.  I realize  Trump is not the best option here, but there is no way that I could vote for Clinton because she supports (insert policy)."

I'm interested in hearing your answer to that. I suspect I know what it will be, though I'm curious as to what your response will be.



Trump has now called for the "complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the U.S.

If you have even the most remote understanding of and/or respect for the U.S. Constitution (not to mention common decency), you could not vote for Trump.



Salinsky wrote:Trump has now called for the "complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the U.S.  

If you have even the most remote understanding of and/or respect for the U.S. Constitution (not to mention common decency), you could not vote for Trump.

Are we at war with Many Muslim nations or not ? Islam is not just a religion it's a theocratic political system with it's own laws..Laws which to them, supersede any constitution of any country...



Salinsky wrote:Trump has now called for the "complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the U.S.  

If you have even the most remote understanding of and/or respect for the U.S. Constitution (not to mention common decency), you could not vote for Trump.

Are we at war with Many Muslim nations or not ? Islam is not just a religion it's a theocratic political system with it's own laws..Laws which to them, supersede any constitution of any country...

Question 1: Are we at war with many Muslim nations or not? Answer: ISIS is not yet a nation. We are not at war with any Muslim nation at this time. #2: Islam is a theocratic political system with its own laws -- true, but not in the United States, England, France, Germany, the Scandinavian countries, Mexico, Latin America, China, Russia, Japan, Tonga, The Cook Islands, Nepal, Mongolia, Canada, or Micronesia.



Reading all the vitriol about HRC while simultaneously embracing (or ignoring) the complete and sheer incompetence of her opposition is, in short, appalling to me. I don't really like HRC either but it is so clear that she is head and shoulders above ANY of the GOP candidates in knowledge and competence, it is mind boggling how hate drives people to act out so outrageously, God Bless America!!!! I can't freaking wait till Nov. 2016!!!!



knothead wrote:Reading all the vitriol about HRC while simultaneously embracing (or ignoring) the complete and sheer incompetence of her opposition is, in short, appalling to me.  I don't really like HRC either but it is so clear that she is head and shoulders above ANY of the GOP candidates in knowledge and competence, it is mind boggling how hate drives people to act out so outrageously, God Bless America!!!! I can't freaking wait till Nov. 2016!!!!

What about integrity and honesty? I would never trust her....she will say and do anything to become president....anything!



I asked Vince Foster and he said not to trust her...


Joanimaroni wrote:
knothead wrote:Reading all the vitriol about HRC while simultaneously embracing (or ignoring) the complete and sheer incompetence of her opposition is, in short, appalling to me.  I don't really like HRC either but it is so clear that she is head and shoulders above ANY of the GOP candidates in knowledge and competence, it is mind boggling how hate drives people to act out so outrageously, God Bless America!!!! I can't freaking wait till Nov. 2016!!!!

What about integrity and honesty?  I would never trust her....she will say and do anything to become president....anything!

Not many if any politician's have integrity or honesty.



ppaca wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
knothead wrote:Reading all the vitriol about HRC while simultaneously embracing (or ignoring) the complete and sheer incompetence of her opposition is, in short, appalling to me.  I don't really like HRC either but it is so clear that she is head and shoulders above ANY of the GOP candidates in knowledge and competence, it is mind boggling how hate drives people to act out so outrageously, God Bless America!!!! I can't freaking wait till Nov. 2016!!!!

What about integrity and honesty?  I would never trust her....she will say and do anything to become president....anything!

Not many if any politician's have integrity or honesty.

I will not vote on emotion but will vote for competence . . . .



Hey, 'Boards' do you torture your dog on Wednesdays or Saturdays?

I didn't participate in your poll ...... Trump's not gonna be the nominee.



EmeraldGhost wrote:Hey, 'Boards'  do you torture your dog on Wednesdays or Saturdays?

I didn't participate in your poll ...... Trump's not gonna be the nominee.

Boards dog has to pet himself...


Joanimaroni wrote:
knothead wrote:Reading all the vitriol about HRC while simultaneously embracing (or ignoring) the complete and sheer incompetence of her opposition is, in short, appalling to me.  I don't really like HRC either but it is so clear that she is head and shoulders above ANY of the GOP candidates in knowledge and competence, it is mind boggling how hate drives people to act out so outrageously, God Bless America!!!! I can't freaking wait till Nov. 2016!!!!

What about integrity and honesty?  I would never trust her....she will say and do anything to become president....anything!

What about integrity and honesty? You think Trump has any? You think Trump is going to make Mexico pay for a wall to keep their people out? He' unhinged.



EmeraldGhost wrote:Hey, 'Boards'  do you torture your dog on Wednesdays or Saturdays?

I didn't participate in your poll ...... Trump's not gonna be the nominee.

Boards dog has to pet himself...




What's really funny go to youtube and look...that's actually boards dog... Razz




Salinsky wrote:Trump has now called for the "complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the U.S.  

If you have even the most remote understanding of and/or respect for the U.S. Constitution (not to mention common decency), you could not vote for Trump.

Are we at war with Many Muslim nations or not ? Islam is not just a religion it's a theocratic political system with it's own laws..Laws which to them, supersede any constitution of any country...

Did you not pledge an oath to defend the Constitution?



Salinsky wrote:
Salinsky wrote:Trump has now called for the "complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the U.S.  

If you have even the most remote understanding of and/or respect for the U.S. Constitution (not to mention common decency), you could not vote for Trump.

Are we at war with Many Muslim nations or not ? Islam is not just a religion it's a theocratic political system with it's own laws..Laws which to them, supersede any constitution of any country...

Did you not pledge an oath to defend the Constitution?

Yeah from Sharia law terrorists...



Salinsky wrote:
Salinsky wrote:Trump has now called for the "complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the U.S.  

If you have even the most remote understanding of and/or respect for the U.S. Constitution (not to mention common decency), you could not vote for Trump.

Are we at war with Many Muslim nations or not ? Islam is not just a religion it's a theocratic political system with it's own laws..Laws which to them, supersede any constitution of any country...

Did you not pledge an oath to defend the Constitution?

Yeah from Sharia law terrorists...

No, I believe it was from ALL enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC.

Trump is a clear and present enemy of the Constitution.

Quit denying the obvious.



Salinsky wrote:
Salinsky wrote:
Salinsky wrote:Trump has now called for the "complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the U.S.  

If you have even the most remote understanding of and/or respect for the U.S. Constitution (not to mention common decency), you could not vote for Trump.

Are we at war with Many Muslim nations or not ? Islam is not just a religion it's a theocratic political system with it's own laws..Laws which to them, supersede any constitution of any country...

Did you not pledge an oath to defend the Constitution?

Yeah from Sharia law terrorists...

No, I believe it was from ALL enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC.

Trump is a clear and present enemy of the Constitution.

Quit denying the obvious.

What you FAIL to foreigner has the RIGHT to become an American without proper procedure....refugees are just that..homeless.

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