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For the Republicans on the forum: Will you vote for Donald Trump in the general election?

boards of FL
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Will you vote for Donald Trump in the general election?

For the Republicans on the forum:  Will you vote for Donald Trump in the general election? I_vote_lcap25%For the Republicans on the forum:  Will you vote for Donald Trump in the general election? I_vote_rcap 25% [ 1 ]
For the Republicans on the forum:  Will you vote for Donald Trump in the general election? I_vote_lcap75%For the Republicans on the forum:  Will you vote for Donald Trump in the general election? I_vote_rcap 75% [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 4

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boards of FL

boards of FL

Will you vote for Donald Trump in the general election?

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boards of FL

boards of FL

Please only vote if you consider yourself a republican.

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Of course they will. They're not going to vote for Hillary.


I will not vote for Donald Trump. I believe he represents all that is wrong with the Republican Primary process where the lowest common denominator has been controlling primaries and denying the public from viable national candidates who hold moderate mainstream values. I would love to golf with Trump, invite him to a poker game, or have dinner. None of those things I would have wanted to do with Romney, but he is not qualified to be president by the threshold test I hold important.....will he equally protect all Americans from government abuse and discrimination. He fails.


I have strongly disliked Hillary Clinton for 25 years, but have nothing but respect and hope that she will be the first woman President and be a good role model for my granddaughters. Twenty years ago folks would think I had lost my mind saying what I have just said, but any intelligent person gets what I am saying, and the others.....well frankly I do not give a damn what they think because they sure do not have the best interests of this nation in their heart if they are thinking about voting for Trump.



2seaoat wrote:denying the public from viable national candidates who hold moderate mainstream values.

We didn't have any of those ...

... haven't for quite some time.

Kasich's Potemkin campaign consisted of the notion that he was a "moderate" in a field consisting of extremists and opportunists and whatever-the-hell-Trump-is. (Even to this day, that illusion persists. In its story about his withdrawal, the Times refers to him as "a moderate voice" which, this year, meant simply that he declined to accuse anyone's father of palling around with Lee Harvey Oswald.) Kasich was a Reagan conservative, start to finish. He was an advocate for The Worst Idea In American Politics, and for the worst possible method to implement it. His basic claim to moderation was the fact that he didn't campaign like a wild man, and that he never missed an opportunity to remind people that he wasn't. That was why I thought he might hang on, just for comparison's sake.


2seaoat wrote:I have strongly disliked Hillary Clinton for 25 years, but have nothing but respect and hope that she will be the first woman President and be a good role model for my granddaughters.  Twenty years ago folks would think I had lost my mind saying what I have just said, but any intelligent person gets what I am saying, and the others.....well frankly I do not give a damn what they think because they sure do not have the best interests of this nation in their heart if they are thinking about voting for Trump.

Well said, Sea.  I can't vote in this poll but will be interested in the results.  I presume everyone will be honest, since the votes are anonymous.  

I've always said I had trust issues with Hillary, and do so wish she could be more forthright, but compared to Trump she's a saint in shining armor.  (How's that for a mixed metaphor?  LOL)  Trump wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in the behind.


Salinsky wrote:His basic claim to moderation was the fact that he didn't campaign like a wild man, and that he never missed an opportunity to remind people that he wasn't. That was why I thought he might hang on, just for comparison's sake.

The latest conspiracy theory (as I understood it from listening to Levin and Beck the past day or so) is that Kasich made a deal, probably with Trump but maybe with the RNC, to stay in the race to divert votes from Cruz and prevent him from having any path to victory.  Their main reasoning is that Kasich was still saying firmly that he planned to hold on to the bitter end, all the way through the convention -- that is, UP UNTIL the moment Cruz dropped out -- and then, his job done, so did Kasich.

Beck also added a reminder - complete with sound bites - that Kasich had said more than once from the beginning of the race that he thought (paraphrasing), "The Lord may have a different purpose for me."

Well, stranger things have happened, and I suppose in some ways Cruz was more of a threat to the RNC than was Trump.   But we'll likely never know, since of course it's just pure speculation.  I thought it was interesting enough to pass along for its entertainment value if nothing else.


I definitely think a deal was cut with Kasich. Trump really got momentum coming out of the Eastern States because Kasich was coming in second and Cruz basically was derailing. I think the folks in Indiana just saw him as the loser he was. I personally think the deal was cut with Trump because Ohio is critical for Republicans and Kasich is still popular in his state and he has the experience in congress where he actually could help Trump. We will see who gets the vp nod.



2seaoat wrote:I definitely think a deal was cut with Kasich.   Trump really got momentum coming out of the Eastern States because Kasich was coming in second and Cruz basically was derailing.   I think the folks in Indiana just saw him as the loser he was.  I personally think the deal was cut with Trump because Ohio is critical for Republicans and Kasich is still popular in his state and he has the experience in congress where he actually could help Trump.  We will see who gets the vp nod.


From the candidate with "moderate mainstream values".

Thanks for the lulz.



They would vote for Cannibal Hitler's Head in a pickle jar to keep a liberal out of office.




Because I could not vote I will not opine . . . . . but Trump? OMG



I'm not voting either, but I do want to point this out...because the GOP had so many candidates in the primary...there's no one to take out least, that's the way I see it.



polecat wrote:They would vote for Cannibal Hitler's Head in a pickle jar to keep a liberal out of office.


I'd vote for a rusty can before Hillary.

It would be a vote against liberalism not for Trump so much.



Hey everybody: Just wanted to remind you, Bernie is still in the game!


Floridatexan wrote:
I'm not voting either, but I do want to point this out...because the GOP had so many candidates in the primary...there's no one to take out least, that's the way I see it.  

There's still some rather half-hearted talk of a strong third party run -- which has to happen like yesterday in order to meet 50-state ballot filing deadlines.  

And of course that would be just peachy keen with the Democrats, since all it would likely do would be to help derail the Donald.  

I'd be surprised if it happens, but it still could, I guess.   Last best hope for a more certain defeat.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Wow. We have a Trump voter?

Care to identify yourself?

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That would probably have been vector since he has this preconceived notion Hillary is a true liberal.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Ah, yes. VectorMan. The extremely conservative gay dude. An oxymoron in every sense of the word, but particularly the back half.

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boards of FL wrote:Ah, yes.  VectorMan.  The extremely conservative gay dude.  An oxymoron in every sense of the word, but particularly the back half.
You're an honest to God dickhead! Why don't you just come out and call me a fag, you fake ass SOB. Your double standards are showing again!


Why so upset, Vector? Have you any idea what your party calls you?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

This poll has revealed that only 25% of republicans will vote for Trump.
Based on this, Hillary is gonna win and win huuuuge.



Bob wrote:Hillary is gonna win and win huuuuge.  

Too bad posters Markle and PaceDog are not around so we can witness their overall reaction.


Too bad posters Markle and PaceDog are not around so we can witness their overall reaction.

Not too bad as far as I'm concerned!!!!!!

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