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How is it even possible for Trump to win a general election when 75% of women won't vote for him?

Hospital Bob
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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Not to mention the vast majority of hispanics won't vote for him.

Don't his supporters know this?  Don't his campaign managers know this?
Doesn't Trump himself know this?

Why is he even bothering to keep running when it's all for nothing?

AND after he's defeated,  how does all this benefit the Trump brand name when he gets back to his business?

I just don't get it.


There are reports from people that he never expected to win, and that he is as shocked as anybody. You just cannot gauge how stupid the Republican primary voters have become. How can anybody who can win a national election win a Republican Primary......the problem is bigger than Donald Trump. It is the death of the national Republican Party.



Bob wrote:Not to mention the vast majority of hispanics won't vote for him.

Don't his supporters know this?  Don't his campaign managers know this?
Doesn't Trump himself know this?

Why is he even bothering to keep running when it's all for nothing?

AND after he's defeated,  how does all this benefit the Trump brand name when he gets back to his business?

I just don't get it.

Drinking the koolaid of the left are you?



What? wrote:
Bob wrote:Not to mention the vast majority of hispanics won't vote for him.

Don't his supporters know this?  Don't his campaign managers know this?
Doesn't Trump himself know this?

Why is he even bothering to keep running when it's all for nothing?

AND after he's defeated,  how does all this benefit the Trump brand name when he gets back to his business?

I just don't get it.

Drinking the koolaid of the left are you?

Not capable of asking anything relevant . . . . . just more snarkiness that leads no where. . . . . . the drinking kool aid schtick . . . . wow! If you support Trump and honestly believe he can win well say so . . . . is he electable? That is Bob's point given the negativity against him in a general election . . . . disagree? State your case for why he is an electable candidate . . . the writing seems to be on the wall but that's just me. Same thing for Lyin' Ted (the worm) Cruz . . . . . trying to sell hard core conservatism just will not fly in a general election . . . .



Luckily for hillary... nothing negative about their dear leaders matters to leftists.

In a brand new Washington Post ABC News national poll, just 37 percent of people believe Hillary Clinton is honest and trustworthy while 57 percent say they don't think she is.

That should be terrible news for Clinton, who still finds herself enmeshed in a primary fight against Bernie Sanders, and for Democrats more broadly who long ago put all their eggs in the Clinton basket. And, it might be in the long run. But, as of today, Clinton's desultory scores on being honest and trustworthy don't seem to be impacting her broader appeal to the electorate in any meaningful way.



Trump is electable because people are fed up with things as they are.



What? wrote:Trump is electable because people are fed up with things as they are.

Few things are impossible but would Trump win in a general election against either HRC or Bernie Sanders? Looking at the current polls he has little to no chance but I agree things could change . . . . . . highly improbable since 70% of women view him unfavorably, 80%+ of blacks view him unfavorably and similar numbers with Hispanics . . . . that will be difficult to overcome but anything is possible . . . . . . we (Americans) have been served a huge plate of candidates who are just not good candidates . . . . none . . . . . some have flaws from their history (HRC), one is self declared socialist and some are ideologues that do not have broad appeal . . . . . it's a duke's mixture . . . . . I choose competence and experience . . . . . just sayin'!



What? wrote:Trump is electable because people are fed up with things as they are.

The inanity of that statement is beyond comprehension.  People are indeed fed up, but Trump is not the fact, he rarely elaborates on policy and has a history of business and personal failures.

How is it even possible for Trump to win a general election when 75% of women won't vote for him? 3241a4ac0e86bb63394f2fe94e8884b3

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

What? wrote:
Bob wrote:Not to mention the vast majority of hispanics won't vote for him.

Don't his supporters know this?  Don't his campaign managers know this?
Doesn't Trump himself know this?

Why is he even bothering to keep running when it's all for nothing?

AND after he's defeated,  how does all this benefit the Trump brand name when he gets back to his business?

I just don't get it.

Drinking the koolaid of the left are you?

You're right.  I'm a left-winger and I accidentally drank koolaid and that made me read polls that said Trump was not popular with women or hispanics so I thought he couldn't win a general election. 
But you've made me see the light.  Obviously all those polls are left-wing bullshit and propaganda and Trump is very popular with women and hispanics so he will win the general election.



Elizabeth Warren on Donald Trump:

"Let’s be honest – Donald Trump is a loser. Count all his failed businesses. See how he kept his father’s empire afloat by cheating people with scams like TrumpUniversity and by using strategic corporate bankruptcy (excuse me, bankruptcies) to skip out on debt. Listen to the experts who’ve concluded he’s so bad at business that he might have more money today if he’d put his entire inheritance into an index fund and just left it alone.

Trump seems to know he’s a loser. His embarrassing insecurities are on parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, and flagrant narcissism. But just because Trump is a loser everywhere else doesn’t mean he’ll lose this election. People have been underestimating his campaign for nearly a year – and it’s time to wake up.

People talk about how "this is the most important election" in our lifetime every four years, and it gets stale. But consider what hangs in the balance. Affordable college. Accountability for Wall Street. Healthcare for millions of Americans. The Supreme Court. Big corporations and billionaires paying their fair share of taxes. Expanded Social Security. Investments in infrastructure and medical research and jobs right here in America. The chance to turn our back on the ugliness of hatred, sexism, racism and xenophobia. The chance to be a better people.

More than anyone we’ve seen before come within reach of the presidency, Donald Trump stands ready to tear apart an America that was built on values like decency, community, and concern for our neighbors. Many of history’s worst authoritarians started out as losers – and Trump is a serious threat. The way I see it, it’s our job to make sure he ends this campaign every bit the loser that he started it."

(posted on FB)


PkrBum wrote:Luckily for hillary... nothing negative  about their dear leaders matters to leftists.

In a brand new Washington Post ABC News national poll, just 37 percent of people believe Hillary Clinton is honest and trustworthy while 57 percent say they don't think she is.

That should be terrible news for Clinton, who still finds herself enmeshed in a primary fight against Bernie Sanders, and for Democrats more broadly who long ago put all their eggs in the Clinton basket. And, it might be in the long run. But, as of today, Clinton's desultory scores on being honest and trustworthy don't seem to be impacting her broader appeal to the electorate in any meaningful way.

I think when the FBI closes the email investigation and the less intelligent see it was all propaganda her numbers will change.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

With all due respect,  everyone seems to have missed the point of this thread.
It's not whether or not Trump is a good candidate or a bad candidate.
Regardless of what your or my opinion is about that,  the question remains.

How does he think he can win a general election when he's alienated most of the women voters and hispanic voters?
And assuming he himself is smart enough to realize this,  how does it benefit him to end up being not only a loser but someone who has now alienated millions of potential customers when he resumes his businessman gig?
It just does not make any sense.



Bob...I can't in my wildest imagination tell what's going on inside the mind of Trump.



Floridatexan wrote:
Bob...I can't in my wildest imagination tell what's going on inside the mind of Trump.  

And you have no clue what is really going on in Hillary's mind.



Trump is proving the GOP doesn't have to change its message to reach out to minorities, as long as the minority is white nationalists.



It's not fair to expect trump to know what he's supposed to believe before he says it.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

polecat wrote:It's not fair to expect trump to know what he's supposed to believe before he says it.

That seems to be true based on his abortion remarks so I don't disagree with it.

But here's what I'm getting at.  Regardless of how much one hates Trump's guts,  he's been smart enough to build the Trump brand into an international powerhouse AND to get this far in the presidential election process. 
Maybe it was all due totally to just plain dumb luck.  But probably not.

So is it not reasonable to believe the same individual who could do that would be smart enough to know he can't win the election by alienating most women and hispanics?  And because of the sheer number of voters he's alienated,  there are not enough other voters to give him a win?
And wouldn't the same individual ALSO know that once he loses and goes back to doing business,  that he has greatly harmed that Trump brand name because of all this?



BOB, check out this Huffington Post piece into why Trump is where he is, I think this one thing plays huuggggeeeee into his success . . .

He didn't have to spend his own money . . . . the media ate it up and so did America . . . . . . not so funny now . . . . . are you shitting me!!!



Bob wrote:
polecat wrote:It's not fair to expect trump to know what he's supposed to believe before he says it.

That seems to be true based on his abortion remarks so I don't disagree with it.

But here's what I'm getting at.  Regardless of how much one hates Trump's guts,  he's been smart enough to build the Trump brand into an international powerhouse AND to get this far in the presidential election process. 
Maybe it was all due totally to just plain dumb luck.  But probably not.

So is it not reasonable to believe the same individual who could do that would be smart enough to know he can't win the election by alienating most women and hispanics?  And because of the sheer number of voters he's alienated,  there are not enough other voters to give him a win?
And wouldn't the same individual ALSO know that once he loses and goes back to doing business,  that he has greatly harmed that Trump brand name because of all this?

I was wrong about Trump getting out of the race in 2015.

He has proven so many people wrong about his candidacy that it is mind boggling. He's not my first choice, but I certainly would not discount his chances again Sanders or Biden.

Hillary Clinton has terrible support from women as well and rightly so.

Americans would NOT vote for an outright Socialist. No one has started attacking Hillary and faced with the choice, as much as women may not like Donald Trump, if the choice is Trump or Clinton, many will hold their nose and vote for Trump.



knothead wrote:BOB, check out this Huffington Post piece into why Trump is where he is, I think this one thing plays huuggggeeeee into his success . . .

He didn't have to spend his own money . . . . the media ate it up and so did America . . . . . . not so funny now . . . . . are you shitting me!!!

Who has denied that he has played the news cycle. You may revile Donald Trump but you have to admire his marketing. He sucks up all the oxygen from any other candidate, they also allow themselves to get sucked into his territory.



Floridatexan wrote:
Bob...I can't in my wildest imagination tell what's going on inside the mind of Trump.  

That's easy, he's a winner. He says it all the time. He says everybody loves him. Don't you agree?



Where do you get that "75% of women won't vote for Trump"? That seems kind of high.

I'm voting for whoever runs against the liberal/socialist. They have serious mental disorders.

Remember, there is no such thing as moderate liberal. Just saying....


Bob wrote:So is it not reasonable to believe the same individual who could do that would be smart enough to know he can't win the election by alienating most women and hispanics?  And because of the sheer number of voters he's alienated,  there are not enough other voters to give him a win?
And wouldn't the same individual ALSO know that once he loses and goes back to doing business,  that he has greatly harmed that Trump brand name because of all this?

So maybe the early conspiracy theorists were right, and Trump is really just a shill for Hillary.  Maybe in that long telcon he and Bill supposedly had way back, they cooked up this scheme for Trump to seek the nomination but then to implode.

But no, I don't really believe that; Trump's narcissistic delight in the adulation being heaped upon him, and the attraction of the power of the Oval Office, are all too great for him to sacrifice for anyone.   And those are the very same things that apparently blind him to the potential consequences of which you speak, Bob.

I have no respect for the man whatsoever.  NONE.  He's an ignorant bigot, an arrogant misogynist, and a pathological liar about things both big and small.  And that's just for starters.


VectorMan wrote:I'm voting for whoever runs against the liberal/socialist. They have serious mental disorders.

Remember, there is no such thing as moderate liberal. Just saying....

What you're "just saying" is precisely the kind of insulting crap that alienates people from each other and helps cause the tremendous division among the American people.  

For all the continuous, mind-numbing criticism of Obama for supposedly being "divisive," there is nothing more divisive than the very same people who constantly accuse him of this.  

Just spend a few days seriously listening to the pollution of conservative talk radio, droning on and on and on and on and on with their unending talking points, continually bashing "the left," "liberals," "progressives," whatever --  day after day, month after month, year after year, making of non-conservatives a singular, dehumanized group to be despised, disrespected and hated.  

And y'all say Obama is the divisive factor in this nation?  Are you kidding me???   This is blindness in the nth degree.



RealLindaL wrote:
VectorMan wrote:I'm voting for whoever runs against the liberal/socialist. They have serious mental disorders.

Remember, there is no such thing as moderate liberal. Just saying....

What you're "just saying" is precisely the kind of insulting crap that alienates people from each other and helps cause the tremendous division among the American people.  

For all the continuous, mind-numbing criticism of Obama for supposedly being "divisive," there is nothing more divisive than the very same people who constantly accuse him of this.  

Just spend a few days seriously listening to the pollution of conservative talk radio, droning on and on and on and on and on with their unending talking points, continually bashing "the left," "liberals," "progressives," whatever --  day after day, month after month, year after year, making of non-conservatives a singular, dehumanized group to be despised, disrespected and hated.  

And y'all say Obama is the divisive factor in this nation?  Are you kidding me???   This is blindness in the nth degree.

Linda, you speak the truth . . . . the right wing machine working to demonize and disrespect the Obama administration NEVER sleeps, 24/7/365 dehumanize and tear down . . . . . . . so well said . . . . thank you!!

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