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When do we get the Medical Records of Hillary Clinton? A SIX MONTH RECOVERY for a "minor" Concussion?

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by Floridatexan Yesterday at 8:22 pm

No...I am not confused. Karl Rove is shamelessly trying to tie Hillary Clinton's head injury to her ability to do the job. I have had a concussion. I would say it took me a good month to get over the effects of that injury. I don't know what treatment Mrs. Clinton received. But I do know that many head injuries can be completely cured without long-term effects. So does Karl Rove.
He might be wrong since she sucked at the SOS job before her head was injured lol


He might be wrong since she sucked at the SOS job before her head was injured lol

By Golly ...under her watch and with her coordination and team work there was a regime change in Libya......something that 30 years of prior administrations and sos could not accomplish......four dead.......billions saved......and for frosting on that cake.....she was part of the team that killed Bin oh must have changed the Blackhawks the Heat suck(they do) the team from Seattle suck at the spurs Colorado batters suck this that California horse who won the derby sucks.......I get it now......



No one else bombed libya into submission and chaos without congressional approval Einstein.

Did the bombs miss killing people?


There was no moral equivalency which you ramble about, but certainty that Mr. K's targeting of civilians in putting down the revolution to over turn his tyranny was causing far greater death than the swift and certain Nato response and our CIA assistance on the ground to Tribal leaders. It was brilliant, and the murderer of so many Americans found a sewer pipe which was fitting. Total historical success for the good moral equivalency or hand wringing......bad guy....gone.....put it on the board.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Just like Obama's school transcripts, they will be sealed or disappear

Hard to find as ted nugent and dick cheneys military records...



They can't run in their economic policies ...

They can't run on their immigration policies ...

They can't run on national defense ...

They can't run on foreign affairs ...

They can't run on immigration reform or outreach to women and/or minorities ...


boards of FL

boards of FL

Damn. How deep can this hole go?

I approve this message.



Sal wrote:They can't run in their economic policies ...

They can't run on their immigration policies ...

They can't run on national defense ...

They can't run on foreign affairs ...

They can't run on immigration reform or outreach to women and/or minorities ...


When did you shift over to being a Conservative? Those are all the things any Democrat is going to struggle to overcome. Not an easy task, as you say.


Mr. Markle thought they would win in 2008.....he was wrong. He really thought they had the president in a tough spot....Benghazi......and the 2012 landslide for Romney.....oops....totally wrong the second time......and now he says the Democrats have nothing to run on.......thank you Mr. Markle.....



2seaoat wrote:Mr. Markle thought they would win in 2008.....he was wrong.  He really thought they had the president in a tough spot....Benghazi......and the 2012 landslide for Romney.....oops....totally wrong the second time......and now he says the Democrats have nothing to run on.......thank you Mr. Markle.....

Come on.... You know what you would really like to say.....



2seaoat wrote:Mr. Markle thought they would win in 2008.....he was wrong.  He really thought they had the president in a tough spot....Benghazi......and the 2012 landslide for Romney.....oops....totally wrong the second time......and now he says the Democrats have nothing to run on.......thank you Mr. Markle.....

Why would you make up lies 2seaoat? I never, ever made such statements about the 2008 or 2012 presidential elections.

President Barack Hussein Obama and his minions lied and covered up Benghazi in order to get past the election. It has taken all this time for the truth to come out. Yes, Benghazi has President Obama in a tough spot. It is going to get tougher too.

Now comes the VA scandal. We still have to expose the rest of Fast and Furious, IRS, NSA, AP along with Benghazi and now the VA which has all the potential to grow into yet another major scandal.

BUT, anything that gets said about President Obama is because he's black, right?



Sal wrote:


GOP Benghazi Team Brings Long List of Accusations



No, it's only partially because he's part black. The rest of it is he's a Democrat. The Reich Wing can't stand not being in the power position, particularly now after their stinging defeat in 2012...remember, when Karl Rove made a complete fool of himself by challenging the election results of Fox News? The same Karl Rove that's now trying every trick in the book to make Hillary Clinton look incompetent? The same GOP that shut down the government to make political points?

I have a friend who had just gone back to school for a degree in electronics...he was hired by a defense contractor and was ready to take the job...then the sequester killed the funding for his job, and his (almost) boss told him that not only was he not hired, but 5 more people had to lose their jobs. That's today's GOP.



Floridatexan wrote:No, it's only partially because he's part black.  The rest of it is he's a Democrat.  The Reich Wing can't stand not being in the power position, particularly now after their stinging defeat in 2012...remember, when Karl Rove made a complete fool of himself by challenging the election results of Fox News?  The same Karl Rove that's now trying every trick in the book to make Hillary Clinton look incompetent?  The same GOP that shut down the government to make political points?  

I have a friend who had just gone back to school for a degree in electronics...he was hired by a defense contractor and was ready to take the job...then the sequester killed the funding for his job, and his (almost) boss told him that not only was he not hired, but 5 more people had to lose their jobs.  That's today's GOP.  

Malarkey.  The miniscule amount of the sequester did nothing, much less cause 5 people to lose their jobs.

No one has to MAKE Hillary Clinton LOOK incompetent.  She is incompetent.  Even the Democrats can't identify any of her accomplishments.


BUT, anything that gets said about President Obama is because he's black, right?

Mostly. I have been very critical of the President on objective and non political criteria. He owns the VA. He screwed up the recovery with cash for clunkers, keeping police and fire rather than investing in infrastructure, and a complete lack of understanding of post secondary education and financing of the same. I could sit all day and point to mistakes, but was has impressed me about this president has been his successes. Many of those would not have been possible but for the hard work of Hillary Clinton. You simply do not understand how grueling her job was and how well she performed the same. Hillary who I honestly disliked more than any other politician in America in the 90s has garnished my complete respect. No President elect has come into office with her knowledge level, other than Ike in a wartime Korean situation. She has served this country with honor and is distinguished which just because you are having problems with concepts the American people are not.



Wordslinger wrote:
Play this game all you want little boy ... it still won't make a difference in the coming elections.  Think it out, stupid ... if Hillary doesn't run Biden will.  And either Hillary or Biden would whip Chris Christy or another Bush.


When do we get the Medical Records of Hillary Clinton?  A SIX MONTH RECOVERY for a "minor" Concussion? - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTlQ84HDZYIndmc4jUAdTmXf-sZ4BA3ZumBPaMEgvHgv2B5HtAe-Q

Look son. I'm not the one goose stepping to the dixiecrat liberal cause and screaming heil fuhrer whenever your gore splattered Nobel hero grasps more power than is rightfully granted to the president. I'm sure that as you break out your new clan uniform with its swastika arm patch you'll scream your hate of anyone that doesn't toe the liberal line. Though I'm sure your hate would never turn into anything violent... After all a supporter of the Occupy Movement, which represents the 99%, would never destroy property or injury anyone..... Oh wait!!!!!





Look son. I'm not the one goose stepping to the dixiecrat liberal cause and screaming heil fuhrer whenever your gore splattered Nobel hero grasps more power than is rightfully granted to the president. I'm sure that as you break out your new clan uniform with its swastika arm patch you'll scream your hate of anyone that doesn't toe the liberal line. Though I'm sure your hate would never turn into anything violent... After all a supporter of the Occupy Movement, which represents the 99%, would never destroy property or injury anyone..... Oh wait!!!!!

You must be talking to Hallmark.



2seaoat wrote:

By Golly ...under her watch and with her coordination and team work there was a regime change in Libya......something that 30 years of prior administrations and sos could not accomplish......four dead.......billions saved......and for frosting on that cake.....she was part of the team that killed Bin oh must have changed the Blackhawks the Heat suck(they do) the team from Seattle suck at the spurs Colorado batters suck this that California horse who won the derby sucks.......I get it now......

When do we get the Medical Records of Hillary Clinton?  A SIX MONTH RECOVERY for a "minor" Concussion? - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcROqwEuz_gKSag6klzS9X-XmKmFsL9ma_YwhsNWYIuaPp3t4i9PfQ

First off... What regime change? No one stood up and took over the government and in the power vacuum that followed our embassy was attacked, which was the presidents and secretary of states responsibility, and US citizens died.

Second off... Why was it determined after nearly three decades of dancing that the regime in power was an imminent threat? The only thing being said is that it was being done for humanitarian purposes because of the death count inside the borders.  If humanitarian purposes is your answer for that last then... When has that become such a immediate priority that the matter couldn't be run through Congress for approval? Tiananmen Square, Rwanda, Pol Pot, etc, etc, etc,... say it wouldn't be.

Third off... The United States military is not responsible or work for NATO! If they require our assistance for something that is not an imminent threat to US security then it needs to be run through Congress for approval. The president is not a cowboy who can expend billions of dollars worth of US military resources and military personnel on a whim that is not an a threat to our national security.

Fourth off... The US president is accountable to the people of the United States for the loss of innocent civilians caused by US military actions in a sovereign nation that has not been declared a war zone by the Congress of the United States. Where is the media and liberal outcry for the loss of innocent civilians caused by the blood soaked Nobel champion who sat in command and is solely responsible for this act of aggression?





Sal wrote:They can't run in their economic policies ...

They can't run on their immigration policies ...

They can't run on national defense ...

They can't run on foreign affairs ...

They can't run on immigration reform or outreach to women and/or minorities ...


When do we get the Medical Records of Hillary Clinton?  A SIX MONTH RECOVERY for a "minor" Concussion? - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRO2eaP2QUGHEKekBhkhvkzd-JoSV4TujLa7w7_PF6PniCEGUaB

It's pretty obvious that the standard supposedly enlightened progressive liberal can't run on any of those either.





2seaoat wrote:

You must be talking to Hallmark.

When do we get the Medical Records of Hillary Clinton?  A SIX MONTH RECOVERY for a "minor" Concussion? - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQM2nvqhmku116NXiGbog7tJENYx8dr5MCgao9tMn9ocp_41VK3Cg

You need to adjust your swastika.





I really don't give a flip about the potential candidates health being used as fodder for the opposition or the sexcapades of the potential candidate or their spouse. If that is what is important then someone has really missed the boat.

Watching/reading conservatives sites only shows me (a conservative) that there is no substantial platform being built by Republicans for the 2016 election.

If they (conservatives) don't get on the ball and present a solid platform WITHOUT an emphasis on social issues (gay marriage, abortion, etc) we will see another progressive in the White House. Real people need real answers and the ideological platform of God and Country is not going to win the votes of Americans who are looking at economic failure results in their homes.

We are a knee jerk society when it comes to politics and they play us like puppets. Get over the gnat slapping issues and put the candidate out there that has a platform and not the ability for quick quips and beratements of the opposing candidate.



SheWrites wrote:I really don't give a flip about the potential candidates health being used as fodder for the opposition or the sexcapades of the potential candidate or their spouse. If that is what is important then someone has really missed the boat.

Watching/reading conservatives sites only shows me (a conservative) that there is no substantial platform being built by Republicans for the 2016 election.

If they (conservatives) don't get on the ball and present a solid platform WITHOUT an emphasis on social issues (gay marriage, abortion, etc) we will see another progressive in the White House. Real people need real answers and the ideological platform of God and Country is not going to win the votes of Americans who are looking at economic failure results in their homes.

We are a knee jerk society when it comes to politics and they play us like puppets. Get over the gnat slapping issues and put the candidate out there that has a platform and not the ability for quick quips and beratements of the opposing candidate.

Sorry, but the Democrats made age and health an issue as far back as Reagan and you should be concerned. We don't need a PT POTUS or one who can't fulfill the obligations of the job. As for the "sexcapades" as you say, I guess a morally bankrupt person (all of the Clintons) are OK with you? What kind of commitment is shown by a guy like Bill C who has had multiple affairs on Hillary? How committed can a person like that be to us as citizens? Look at how he tossed her under the bus multiple times. Don't you think he's going to make the best decision for himself and not the nation? Hell no, he could care less. She's just as guilty for putting up with it.



And, KR, you make my point. You describe a focus on the gnat's behind rather than the big picture the Republicans need to address.



SheWrites wrote:And, KR, you make my point. You describe a focus on the gnat's behind rather than the big picture the Republicans need to address.

So, I guess if Stalin were running for POTUS, he would be OK as long as you agreed with his platform LOLOLOLOL

A person's character is the big picture. In the end, our character and reputation are all we have when we leave this world that people will judge us by in the long run.

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