The opposite of that is an authoritarian. I resist authoritarians of either bent. Whether fascist, communist or blends of socialism wanting to take away my liberty though taxation or at the point of a gun. It's not so hard to understand unless your head is up the ass of some leader you idolize and revere for whatever reason. People call whatever they are told by their idol, truth and they will follow those leaders into perdition. I don't do that. Whether it's Dick Cheney Neocon "truth" or Obama's Marxist "truth". Zionists have fed us their truth to drag us into war after war so I don't buy that either and of course disagreeing with a Zionist makes you a Nazi....sad huh. Not allowed to say the police are being brutal because they are a pedestal above us, like the Zionists. Any criticism of the military makes you unpatriotic and buys you a call to leave this country. We have truly lost the 1st amendment, well, not lost it but like some pathetic herd of bovines destined for slaughter any criticism of the farmer that feeds us the hay gets you mooed out of the herd or back in line.
Last edited by TEOTWAWKI on 10/27/2013, 1:49 am; edited 1 time in total