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Wife just asked if we will be doing happy hour tomorrow

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boards of FL

boards of FL

Wife just asked if we will be doing happy hour tomorrow M1C1E




boards of FL

boards of FL

Yomama wrote:At DENNY'S???

Wife just asked if we will be doing happy hour tomorrow Tumblr_l9ld1vxPAl1qzvuiv



If it makes anyone more comfortable(those who think I'm a monster for replying to nastiness with more nastiness) I won't be anywhere near there. I'll be at work.



boards of FL wrote:Wife just asked if we will be doing happy hour tomorrow M1C1E

elk don't know how many legs a horse has....

boards of FL

boards of FL

boards of FL wrote:Wife just asked if we will be doing happy hour tomorrow M1C1E

Almost time!



Have a great time!

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