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One result of "fiscal responsibility"

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As you may know the Navy has decided to cancel the remaining 2013 U.S. Navy Blue Angels performances and practice demonstrations as a result of the current Defense policy. So since Washington can't seem to remove their collective heads from places heads shouldn't be, please enjoy the 1370AM and 100.7FM WCOA Paper Blue Angels Air Show!!!!



nochain wrote:As you may know the Navy has decided to cancel the remaining 2013 U.S. Navy Blue Angels performances and practice demonstrations as a result of the current Defense policy. So since Washington can't seem to remove their collective heads from places heads shouldn't be, please enjoy the 1370AM and 100.7FM WCOA Paper Blue Angels Air Show!!!!

Like cancellation of the Blues...Thunderbirds and Golden Knights will somehow be a solution to the budget woes...Yet Billions will continue to flow into foreign countries...entitlement spending....overspending/waste spending...and instead of attempting to create a pro business environment for four years guess it's easier to cut the Blues, thunderbirds and knights...and continue with the increased spending and tax hikes...



The blues weekend is my biggest rental of all on the beach.

Neighbors came by today, we had a glass of wine and they asked me if I would refund anyone's reservation for the week due to the cancellation.

Well, I hadn't thought of that.

I remembered my Daughters who had gone to a Blue Angels field trip and coming home to tell me how much was spent on simply repainting after each flight.............. fear not the payroll, gas, et al.

I'll take the rental loss if it will in anyway help the govt control the spending.

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