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The Jackass of the Week Award Goes to ....

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.... Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Dumbassistan)

After grandstanding for nearly 22 hours in opposition to Obamacare, and repeating ad nauseam his opinion that a vote for cloture was a vote to fund Obamacare, he voted YEA to the cloture motion.

That's your modern Repuke Party - a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing ....



The Jackass of the Week Award Goes to .... Th?id=H.4859455996233490&w=168&h=188&c=7&rs=1&pid=1

I think he should have read the Obamacare health plan and that all Congressmen that signed it, whether actively serving or replaced by someone else, had to sit through the oratory to find out just what it was that they signed into law.

They're still holding the Jackass's Of The Decade award. They're also still holding top billing for the Jackass's Of The Century award.





Yep, he is certainly an ahole, but he should have read it instead of the grandstanding. The parts I listened to last night and some early this morning were bullshit lie's. Here you have Obama that lied and then you have an opposing view that lies, not much difference. If you're going to talk 22 hours you better know your shit and what's in it. I guess he figured he didn't need to know since the democrats didn't know. I guess he got his 22 hours of fame, can leave congress next term, get a book deal, become a fox contributor and snag him a $10,000,000 a year job.



I listened to him for as long as I could last night.


When he started talking about how DC needs to start listening to THE PEOPLE, and he was calling ALL of them out, repubs, dems all of em out on how they say one thing and do another. OMG. I creamed my panties.

I had a SPARK of HOPE that maybe we could save this pitiful going down the tubes country from that bunch of politicized two party bunch of fucking liars residing in our Gov.

The people are hard to wake up in this country. But if we do wake up enough, we are going to break down this two party system and take this damn country back from those who are making themselves rich off of our hard labor.

No cake for you



He's got more balls himself than the rest of the Cingress and the admin put together.



Yeeeaah ...

... it takes a ton of balls to grandstand for 22 hours and then turn around and vote for precisely the thing you were grandstanding against ...

... real ballsy.

Rolling Eyes 



Sal wrote:Yeeeaah ...

... it takes a ton of balls to grandstand for 22 hours and then turn around and vote for precisely the thing you were grandstanding against ...

... real ballsy.

Rolling Eyes 
Are you that dense?



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Sal wrote:Yeeeaah ...

... it takes a ton of balls to grandstand for 22 hours and then turn around and vote for precisely the thing you were grandstanding against ...

... real ballsy.

Rolling Eyes 
Are you that dense?
This isn't rocket science, PeeDog.

He said it himself repeatedly.

A vote for cloture is a vote to fund Obamacare, ergo he voted to fund Obamacare.

Sorry, but I can't dumb it down anymore for ya.



Sal wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Sal wrote:Yeeeaah ...

... it takes a ton of balls to grandstand for 22 hours and then turn around and vote for precisely the thing you were grandstanding against ...

... real ballsy.

Rolling Eyes 
Are you that dense?
This isn't rocket science, PeeDog.

He said it himself repeatedly.

A vote for cloture is a vote to fund Obamacare, ergo he voted to fund Obamacare.

The only one dumb here happens to be Obama supporters
Sorry, but I can't dumb it down anymore for ya.

The only one dumb here happens to be Obama supporters



Sal wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Sal wrote:Yeeeaah ...

... it takes a ton of balls to grandstand for 22 hours and then turn around and vote for precisely the thing you were grandstanding against ...

... real ballsy.

Rolling Eyes 
Are you that dense?
This isn't rocket science, PeeDog.

He said it himself repeatedly.

A vote for cloture is a vote to fund Obamacare, ergo he voted to fund Obamacare.

Sorry, but I can't dumb it down anymore for ya.
I hope the next 3.2 years go by real slow, just for PaceDog's sake. Frightwingers will still be hoping for Obama's impeachment during his last month in January of 2017. LOL!



Sal wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Sal wrote:Yeeeaah ...

... it takes a ton of balls to grandstand for 22 hours and then turn around and vote for precisely the thing you were grandstanding against ...

... real ballsy.

Rolling Eyes 
Are you that dense?
This isn't rocket science, PeeDog.

He said it himself repeatedly.

A vote for cloture is a vote to fund Obamacare, ergo he voted to fund Obamacare.

Sorry, but I can't dumb it down anymore for ya.
I hope the next 3.2 years go by real slow, just for PaceDog's sake. Frightwingers will still be hoping for Obama's impeachment during his last month in January of 2017. LOL!
It will be slow, for you too. As the economy worsens, unemployment continues to worsen and the World continues on fire as President Barack Hussein Obama continues to "lead" from behind.

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