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grandsons this week, granddaughters next week-drone photo this afternoon

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It is exhausting. I am between shots and I am getting weak again. Our fishing expedition was exhausting this morning. No fish, and with little boys they have no patience, but plenty of energy. We are having a drone photograph the islands for $200 this afternoon. It is the new real estate thing to have a drone video of your property. We have air photos of the islands, but these folks do some cool things with elevation and zooming in to a great shot. The boys will love watching the drone, and then we will show them the video.

We may take a ride to a state park this afternoon, but I think I am done for today.



I love the drone videos.


The drone operator had battery issues and will be back today, but the kids leave at noon. I had wanted to get a drone two years ago to do what this guy is going to do, and after reading how there is a learning curve to flying a drone, and being the islands are surrounded by water, I felt a pro would be better. Guess what? His equipment failed. We caught no fish, but I did get to read the story from my fourth grade reader about Devil's cave and promised the boys we would go to the cave. Got a big hug from each of them as those are going to become more scarce as they grow up.

We get the girls for a week on Sunday. They will need to be entertained and we will plan a road trip. My health is better than a few weeks ago, but I am still very unstable so any road trip will have to be short and have plenty of bathrooms and a place I can sit down comfortably. The summer is flying by as I hear them talking about school, and the girls are finishing their girl scout camp this week. It seems like time is spinning out of fast and so little left.



The joys of being a grandma... I get hugs and kisses from the grandsons....age 15, 14, 11, and 5. Doesn't matter where we are. The gym, ball field, restaurant or home. Brings tears to my eyes.



That's so sweet. My grandmother that retired in fwb was my biggest tennis fan. She would drive all over the panhandle to watch me play. She was so popular that everyone asked about her for decades after she passed. She was an amazing athlete herself. Represented new Zealand in matches against other nations and played the au open several times. She was a force of nature.


I only want to live long enough to see the grandkids participating in sports. It is with joy I have watched their games to date.

The drone guy got his data and he will be preparing the video of the islands and will send us his editing. Looking forward to the same.


We have the granddaughters for the week. A great deal of fun playing monopoly for hours, and they wanted to continue the game today. I thought about the first time I played Monopoly with my friends and how much fun I had. I do not ever remember playing the game with my parents. I remember the day before my father died, which was a Sunday where we played this horse racing game with my Mom, brother, Dad, and myself. The game had four horses in a plexi glass bubble, and four flippers where you would flip a ball bearing up to a gear which would advance your horse. I remember the laughter and fun we had playing that game, and that good time is seared into my memory as is my father's death from a stroke the following day. So I know that this is one of those good time moments where they are enjoying playing monopoly with Papa and Mimi, and some time sixty or seventy years from now they will smile and get a gentle warm feeling of happiness.



The most beautiful things in life are not things.
They are people, memories, our stories, photographs, and even moments.
Sharing our lives and our laughter... that is what will be remembered by your grandchildren.


No waterpark for the granddaughters because it is raining, so we did some early morning chain sawing, and the girls helped pile up the debris on our main causeway where we will burn the flood logs for a couple weeks to debulk them, and then I will try to cut the maple trees in half so the 10,000 pound lull can pull the whole trees out of the river. I made only two chain saw cuts and I was exhaused as I have about 15 days to my next PRRT treatment and without the sando shots I am starting a downward cycle. I just hope when the treatment is over I can go about two hours working......I am exhausted after 15 minutes. This is when I realize I will never get my wasted muscles or mass back. I have become very frail, but I dominated the monopoly game we played while it rained and won in record time. My wife was kinda irritated with my aggression snapping up all the properties, and she tried to veto a trade with my oldest granddaughter-----Boardwalk for One of the utilities where she had the other and conneticut ave which gave her a monopoly. My wife felt I was overreaching and celebrated too much after the splendid victory, as I did my celebration dance around the kitchen table.......priceless......irritating all the girls.



That's great. They'll laugh about that decades from now.

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