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Jukebox collection for sale

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26Jukebox collection for sale - Page 2 Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/19/2013, 11:18 am



Bob wrote:It's called the Wurlitzer "Model 1080".  Wurlitzer also referred to it as the "Colonial".  Made in 1947.

Here's what it would look like in your living room at night with a cool 78 rpm record playing and a glass of wine on the table.

Jukebox collection for sale - Page 2 400px-Wurlitzer_1080_Jukebox_%281947%29

In the unrestored condition you see on the loading dock (those are all going as found into a shipping container to Europe) it would sell for about 6-7 grand.  After a top flight restoration it would be priced at about 12 grand.
Be still, my fluttering heart....that jukebox is so beautiful! Very Happy 

Wurlitzer 1080. I must remember that.

27Jukebox collection for sale - Page 2 Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/19/2013, 11:25 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Be careful since you have that gene though. Because it's not only a jukebox gene.
Once you discover you have it, then you're gonna want a Rol-a-top too.

You start out wanting the coin front one.

Jukebox collection for sale - Page 2 8609405_1

Then before you know it, next you want the cherry front one too.

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And it doesn't end there. Because you'll also want to go all out and have
the Bird of Paradise version. With skill stops, gold award and mint vendors.

Jukebox collection for sale - Page 2 1WatlingRollATop1936

And of course that leads to a Roman Head

Jukebox collection for sale - Page 2 22-01

And the most art deco of all deco, the Jennings Little Duke.

Jukebox collection for sale - Page 2 Littleduke

28Jukebox collection for sale - Page 2 Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/19/2013, 11:46 am



Wow! Yes, I'd love to have a slot machine!

When I was a little girl, my father brought home a nickel slot machine. A real one. I don't know where he got it, but I do know he had to give it back a few weeks later. It probably illegal as heck. Shocked 

For the weeks that we had it, I would play it every day. I remember we kept a pan full of nickels beside the machine. I think I won.....once!

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