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Jukebox collection for sale

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1Jukebox collection for sale Empty Jukebox collection for sale 9/9/2013, 8:52 pm




Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

That's the young dude who bought all the Rockolas from Charlie Sanders in Robertsdale.
I sold Charlie his first jukebox when he was running Direct Signs on Hgwy 59. After that, Charlie turned into another damn collector/dealer. Competition. lol
And then about 6 or 7 years ago, cancer got him. His wife was in charge of selling it. She knew the stuff as well as he did cause she traveled to all the shows with him.
First the Europeans came in to cherry pick the higher priced stuff. And then the kid over near Tiger Point bought the remainder (about 75 antique jukeboxes). Pretty talented kid doing really good work. If you want to pay full sticker price. And I mean full. lol



how much do you think that 4th one to the right is worth?



Well Bob. I kind of figured you might be on top of anything happening around here.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well Bob. I kind of figured you might be on top of anything happening around here.
how are you doing teo?

I havnt seen much of you last couple of days.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Chrissy wrote:how much do you think that 4th one to the right is worth?
Wow you have an eye for jukeboxes.
That one is in a class by itself. That one is to jukeboxes what Babe Ruth was to baseball. In other words, it put jukeboxes on the map.

There was a huge pent-up demand for everything at the close of the war.
Cars, appliances you name it. And boy was there a demand for jukeboxes.
That's the first post-war one and it sold 56,000 copies.
Before the war, the production figures were on average about 6-8,000 on average models (jukebox models changed once a year like car models).

When the chips are down, forget all those peacocks and gazelles and crap.
The 1015 was Fuller's greatest work. And it's a no brainer why. He had four fucking years to work on it and refine and perfect the design.

This is the one you see in all the ads and in movies and tv shows. It is the quintessential image of an entire era in America.

Good choice. Here's a better picture of one.

Jukebox collection for sale WURLITZER-1015-1946

7Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/9/2013, 10:01 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Chrissy wrote:how much do you think that 4th one to the right is worth?
It all depends on if he's selling an as-is one or one he's fully restored.
The difference in price is even more than 2 to 1.
So you can get a nice as-found one for about five grand. Or pay 12k for a properly restored one.

Here's the completed list on eBay. The green prices are actual selling prices. The red prices were just wishful thinking. You can find lesser examples and better examples and restored ones but the variation in the restoration widely varies. Some do a helluva lot better work than others.
I've seen the ft walton dealer's work on a Rockola and it is very very good.
So he would do a 1015 restoration right.
But as I said, he would be as high or higher than full-blown retail on that one. I'm guessing about 12 grand. Maybe considerably more because I'm behind in keeping up with what the latest selling prices are.

8Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/9/2013, 10:05 pm



What do you know about that star emblem on it?

9Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/9/2013, 10:26 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Chrissy wrote:What do you know about that star emblem on it?
It's called the "star plastic".  Everything you see lit up from behind in the picture is plastic.  The star is a flat circle of plastic with the design reverse silk-screened on it.

The 1940 Wurltizers used very heavy thick plastic called Catalin plastic.
Those shrink a little with time.  But they still look good and good original plastics are very important because the reproduced plastics are crappy.

But the 1015 is different.  All the plastics were lighter weight material and they warped and shrunk and they're no longer even useable.
So anyone doing a restoration on a 1015 will buy the whole set of reproduction plastics (including the big pilasters on the sides and arch) and install those.

An actual restoration also requires good re-nickel plating of all the metal castings you see on the front.  And if that aint done right by the plater,  it can screw one up bad.  So you've got to look at that and know that the plater hasn't sanded and polished all the design out of it.
Because of the environmental stuff,  to replate a 1015 today (and there are only two places anybody trusts to do it one in Texas and one in Illinois),  will by itself cost over $1000.
It's expensive now to do one right.  I don't see how those dudes are even making money on it.  Because not only is it expensive it's really labor intense.

10Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/9/2013, 10:40 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Damn,  Chrissy, I forgot to put the ebay link in.
green prices did sell,  red prices did not.
Also, when you search you get more replicas than you do actual vintage 1015's. So only look at the original one, not the fake.

11Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/9/2013, 10:43 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I take that back. Many people (including me) like to buy the replica.
Because it's too much a pain in the ass to buy the old records you want.
And the replica plays 100 CD's. Some of us like to make music with them and not just have something to look at. lol

12Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/9/2013, 10:50 pm



Chrissy wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well Bob. I kind of figured you might be on top of anything happening around here.
how are you doing teo?

I havnt seen much of you last couple of days.

I spent Friday and part of Saturday working in the Pit for my Buddy that got his first shot at racing Friday night. I didn't get much sleep so I spent Sunday resting up...I videoed his qualification it is...

13Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/9/2013, 10:52 pm



Bob wrote:I take that back.  Many people (including me) like to buy the replica.
Because it's too much a pain in the ass to buy the old records you want.
And the replica plays 100 CD's.  Some of us like to make music with them and not just have something to look at.   lol
it sure is pretty. to expensive for me now though. I don't want to make another foolish move like ive done in the past, you know dipping into my retirement to buy a boat lol

I wonder if anyone down here has any old ones for sale. I know my youngest daughters dad has a bunch of antiques. He has a old juke box too and 2 of those old original phonographs with the big horn lookin thing on em. He also has a very fine dining room table that belonged to one of the presidents. His family was very wealthy during the depression, they owned a farm in California back then. hes a butt hole though lol

You never know though, I might end up with one before its all over.

14Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/9/2013, 10:53 pm



Chrissy wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well Bob. I kind of figured you might be on top of anything happening around here.
how are you doing teo?

I havnt seen much of you last couple of days.

I spent Friday and part of Saturday working in the Pit for my Buddy that got his first shot at racing Friday night. I didn't get much sleep so I spent Sunday resting up...I videoed his qualification it is...

well I hope you took Jake from here. sounds like fun.

I got to go to bed, yall keepin me up too much lately. but I sure am enjoying talking to all of yall without all the crap. Very Happy 

15Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/9/2013, 10:59 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Chrissy wrote:

I wonder if anyone down here has any old ones for sale.
These guys repair them. They'll know who's selling them down there.
Call them and ask them who the sellers are.

16Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/18/2013, 4:20 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Jukebox collection for sale 419908_10150658597232375_1746155445_n

17Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/18/2013, 9:18 pm





now that is some collection there.

btw, I tried to convince my gf of how great it would be for me to get into this juke box collection stuff. Really I wish I could post her face as I tried to explain how wonderful it was ad would occupy me and make me happy.

I think the closest face that the emoties here offer of what her reaction was is this one>>> Rolling Eyes 



18Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/18/2013, 10:39 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Chrissy wrote:

btw, I tried to convince my gf of how great it would be for me to get into this juke box collection stuff. Really I wish I could post her face as I tried to explain how wonderful it was ad would occupy me and make me happy.

I think the closest face that the emoties here offer of what her reaction was is this one>>> Rolling Eyes 


Folks either have the jukebox gene or they don't, Chrissy. You and I have it and she doesn't. lol

19Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/18/2013, 10:42 pm



Bob wrote:
Chrissy wrote:

btw, I tried to convince my gf of how great it would be for me to get into this juke box collection stuff. Really I wish I could post her face as I tried to explain how wonderful it was ad would occupy me and make me happy.

I think the closest face that the emoties here offer of what her reaction was is this one>>> Rolling Eyes 


Folks either have the jukebox gene or they don't,  Chrissy.  You and I have it and she doesn't.  lol
yes yes, this is true. one little problem... some how she has my wallet.Neutral 

hey btw... did you buy one of those 3 boxes you showed us that day?

20Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/18/2013, 10:46 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Chrissy wrote: 

hey btw... did you buy one of those 3 boxes you showed us that day?
Nah I was just dreaming. I can't spend any money because it belongs to the doctors and they prefer I don't waste it on jukeboxes. lol

21Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/19/2013, 9:43 am



Bob wrote:
Chrissy wrote: 

hey btw... did you buy one of those 3 boxes you showed us that day?
Nah I was just dreaming.  I can't spend any money because it belongs to the doctors and they prefer I don't waste it on jukeboxes.  lol
Well at least you have your priorities in order unlike many in the country.Wink 

22Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/19/2013, 9:54 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Chrissy wrote:
Well at least you have your priorities in order unlike many in the country.Wink 

I have to be totally honest though.  I used to buy the things for next to nothing.  So even if I didn't need the money for doctoring I could never bring myself to pay today's retail prices.
Hell I don't even pay retail for clothing.  I buy it yard sales.  If I payed 20 grand for a material object,  I'd lie awake every night in a cold sweat until I re-sold the goddamn thing.  
Besides, the fun was in getting them on the cheap.  Anybody with the money can pay the sticker price so what fun is there in that.  lol

23Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/19/2013, 11:07 am



Bob wrote:Jukebox collection for sale 419908_10150658597232375_1746155445_n
There it is.....the first one on the left! My dream jukebox with the lyre! It was hard to decide between the four of them.

What was the name of it again, Bob?

EDIT: Does this mean I have the jukebox gene?scratch 

24Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/19/2013, 11:12 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

It's called the Wurlitzer "Model 1080".  Wurlitzer also referred to it as the "Colonial". Made in 1947.

Here's what it would look like in your living room at night with a cool 78 rpm record playing and a glass of wine on the table.

Jukebox collection for sale 400px-Wurlitzer_1080_Jukebox_%281947%29

In the unrestored condition you see on the loading dock (those are all going as found into a shipping container to Europe) it would sell for about 6-7 grand.  After a top flight restoration it would be priced at about 12 grand.

Last edited by Bob on 9/19/2013, 11:13 am; edited 1 time in total

25Jukebox collection for sale Empty Re: Jukebox collection for sale 9/19/2013, 11:12 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

And yes, you have the gene. lol

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