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Critters for sale in the mall.

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1Critters for sale in the mall. Empty Critters for sale in the mall. 12/23/2012, 9:49 pm



Did anyone see the critters that someone was selling in the cordova mall today? Near American Eagle. They were cool. Did anyone buy any? I thought about it but decided not to because my dog would probably eat them.



No. What were they?



stormwatch89 wrote:No. What were they?

Not a rodent. Even though it resembled a rodent. Called it a marsopian or something. Cute, tame little things. Sold in pairs. Everyone was petting them.

He called them sugar bears.



These little guys?

Thank you! I've been reading up on them and they sound like great little pets!

My daughters were the ones who would put the brakes on in bringing more 4 leggers into the home, otherwise?

They are adorable! Remind me much of chipmunks up nawth.



Ghandi wrote:Did anyone see the critters that someone was selling in the cordova mall today? Near American Eagle. They were cool. Did anyone buy any? I thought about it but decided not to because my dog would probably eat them.

Cute little varmints,ain't they. Here's my favorite one, having himself a nice little bowl of Miller High Life.

Critters for sale in the mall. Enhanc10




Yella wrote:
Ghandi wrote:Did anyone see the critters that someone was selling in the cordova mall today? Near American Eagle. They were cool. Did anyone buy any? I thought about it but decided not to because my dog would probably eat them.

Cute little varmints,ain't they. Here's my favorite one, having himself a nice little bowl of Miller High Life.

Critters for sale in the mall. Enhanc10

Cuties and drunkards, heh?

I'd still take on a few if my pups would permit.



My daughter used to have one. Do not only have one! They get lonely. They are nocturnal, and they bark like those little toy dogs that jump Smile
They are very cute, VERY fast, and fly like a flying squirrel.



Off the page in the cuteness contest. Adorable. I'd like to get one, but my dogs and cats said no.

I found this to be valuable info if you are considering adopting one of them.



jose balu wrote:My daughter used to have one. Do not only have one! They get lonely. They are nocturnal, and they bark like those little toy dogs that jump Smile
They are very cute, VERY fast, and fly like a flying squirrel.

Funny. I had chinchilla's after my trip to Patagonia and decided they were a "need to".

Also nocturnal and made a lot of racket during the night, but didn't fly!

So, what you are suggesting is that you need to have pairs? Makes sense.

Other than the lonely issue, they are ok?

10Critters for sale in the mall. Empty Re: Critters for sale in the mall. 12/26/2012, 10:29 pm



stormwatch89 wrote:
jose balu wrote:My daughter used to have one. Do not only have one! They get lonely. They are nocturnal, and they bark like those little toy dogs that jump Smile
They are very cute, VERY fast, and fly like a flying squirrel.

Funny. I had chinchilla's after my trip to Patagonia and decided they were a "need to".

Also nocturnal and made a lot of racket during the night, but didn't fly!

So, what you are suggesting is that you need to have pairs? Makes sense.

Other than the lonely issue, they are ok?
Yes! She loved him. We found him a good home that had several other sugar gliders. Smile
She used to carry him around in her shirt pocket. He would make the strangest, funniest sounds if he was disturbed Very Happy.

11Critters for sale in the mall. Empty Re: Critters for sale in the mall. 12/27/2012, 12:40 am



jose balu wrote:
stormwatch89 wrote:
jose balu wrote:My daughter used to have one. Do not only have one! They get lonely. They are nocturnal, and they bark like those little toy dogs that jump Smile
They are very cute, VERY fast, and fly like a flying squirrel.

Funny. I had chinchilla's after my trip to Patagonia and decided they were a "need to".

Also nocturnal and made a lot of racket during the night, but didn't fly!

So, what you are suggesting is that you need to have pairs? Makes sense.

Other than the lonely issue, they are ok?
Yes! She loved him. We found him a good home that had several other sugar gliders. Smile
She used to carry him around in her shirt pocket. He would make the strangest, funniest sounds if he was disturbed Very Happy.

Thank you! I always would love more four leggers, but am crazy concerned that it's all proper and good before they arrive and are forced to live here.
They all are in cages and we need to make them happy cages...right?

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