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interracial violence is overwhelmingly black-on-white. Even if the media will not report it, everybody knows it.

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Since Lyndon Johnson took office, 50 years ago, we have spent trillions on his programs for health care, housing, education, food stamps, welfare and civil rights. Are we living in that Great Society we were promised?

In that same decade, we were told that the social, cultural and moral revolution bursting forth on the campuses would rid us of the repressive old-time morality and Old Time Religion, and lead to a more equal, just, humane and better America, a beacon to mankind.

Yet, are not the killers of Chris Lane who shot him for the fun of it the “do-your-own-thing!” children of that cultural revolution?

The death of Trayvon was said to be reflective of the real America, a country where black folks live in constant fear of white vigilantes and white racist cops. What nonsense.



You poor sap. 



Sal wrote:You poor sap. 
Sally wanta cracker ? aren't you going to parrot the liberal recording stuck in your head since birth ?



Sal wrote:You poor sap. 
Sally wanta cracker ?  aren't you going to parrot the liberal recording stuck in your head since birth ?

Will a cracker shut him up?


In the last 50 years how many black people have committed a crime against you? I have lived 61 years and other than throwing some elbows in football and basketball games......I was a biracial elbow thrower, I have never even had a confrontation with a black person which would render me into such a fearful person. Did a black girl in Kindergarten punch you in the nose, or did you get intimidated in the Navy by black sailors who thought you were cute?



Joanimaroni wrote:

Will a cracker shut him up?

You will never shut me up. 

Silly cracker. 



I was assaulted by 3 blacks a few years ago..I won't reveal any details.

In reality, crime statistics drawn from Justice Department and FBI figures show that “Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit violent crime against a white person than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.”



TEOTWAWKI wrote:I was assaulted by 3 blacks a few years ago..I won't reveal any details.

In reality, crime statistics drawn from Justice Department and FBI figures show that “Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit violent crime against a white person than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.”
Did they get away w/ it?



No they didn't but that's all I will say. END of story


Then I am going to have to apologize, and I now understand why you are so fearful.



2seaoat wrote:Then I am going to have to apologize, and I now understand why you are so fearful.

sorry no fear here....The 4 Filipinos that attacked me were much scarier...then there was that really big guy in Milwaukee...but go ahead with your amateur Psychoanalysis it's humorous at times.

"Let your gun therefore be your constant companion on your walks." T.J.



Not everyone lives on Navarre beach or Garcon point or even Gulf Breeze, where Black citizens are near zero.  If you dont think the Black folks in my neighbourhood will fuck you up, you are either extremely naive or stupid.  Fearful? To a point, but one also has to recognize danger when they see it.   It was less that 2 weeks ago I had a encounter with a group of blacks that later when on to attack a person a couple of hours later.  Just as in nature not all snakes are  poisonous but it would be folly to say that  poisonous snakes do not exist just because one has never bitten you.......yet.....

Last edited by Mr Ichi on 8/23/2013, 10:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

no stress

no stress

Mr Ichi wrote:Not everyone lives on Navarre beach or Garcon point or even Gulf Breeze, where the Black citizens are near zero.  If you dont think the Black folks in my neighbourhood will fuck you up, you are either extremely naive or stupid.  Fearful? To a point, but one also has to recognize danger when they see it.   It was less that 2 weeks ago I had a encounter with a group of blacks that later when on to attack a person a couple of hours later.  Just as in nature not all snakes are  poisonous but it would be folly to say that  poisonous snakes do not exist just because one has never bitten you.......yet.....
cheers cheers cheers cheers 

2seaoat I have lived a life not around black people and I am psychoanalyzing folks. First, T, If you are scared of black people and have never had any dealing with the same, you are simply a wimp. Second, if you are afraid of black people because they messed you up, I understand your fear and perspective. I once in high school had three black males in the parking lot confront me wanting spare change.........looked em right in the eye and said I had none.....the big guy who was actually taller than me reaches over and smacks my leg where my pocket was as change jingled away........he said I want your change......I told him again......I do not have any........I think they figured out I was not afraid......they went on to the poor person who was afraid.....they got their change. I am not superman, because I have been jumped twice and in both those cases it was white or Hispanic, but fearful going anywhere........not daughter says it is because everybody thinks I am a cop......she says I have that cop look.....I do not know, but I honestly do not understand this fear level. If I was living next to woods full of snakes, and I did not like snakes I would my life afraid of snakes, and having snakes all around me all the time is silly. My Bobcat just had a repair call. I had not ran it since June, and was getting an error message which they thought was a bad switch which showed no hydraulic pressure. Well, the guy shows up and he is afraid of spiders. My wife has to crawl in the bobcat and clean out the spider webs, and he says that the only thing that scares him more than spiders is snakes......while my wife is cleaning the spider webs out the guy is standing on our first rock causeway making a phone call when he starts yelping like a little girl.....apparently a snake......a very big one slinked by his foot less than a foot away. The guy gets in the machine, and an hour later he found a belt which was loose which was triggering the hydraulic warning and the Bobcat runs like a charm....I think he worked in record time.....those snakes and spiders probably saved us $150 bucks in dilly dally time.....fear sometimes works.



Confidence goes a long way toward surviving any encounter....cowards look for the weak like wolves in a pack.



I had 2 blacks put a gun to my head ---took me years and years to trust anyone --scared to go to grocery store ever kept looking over my shoulder heck im not over it yet what am I talking about .



cool1 wrote:I had 2 blacks put a gun to my head ---took me years and years to trust anyone --scared to go to grocery store ever  kept looking over my shoulder heck im not over it yet what am I talking about .
Sorry cool but that makes you a racist according to this bunch of dumb apes....Actually I am really sorry you had to suffer that. must have been terrifying.



cool1 wrote:I had 2 blacks put a gun to my head ---took me years and years to trust anyone --scared to go to grocery store ever  kept looking over my shoulder heck im not over it yet what am I talking about .
What is that on your avatar's chest,Cool? I've never seen anything like it.



Dreamsglore wrote:
cool1 wrote:I had 2 blacks put a gun to my head ---took me years and years to trust anyone --scared to go to grocery store ever  kept looking over my shoulder heck im not over it yet what am I talking about .
What is that on your avatar's chest,Cool? I've never seen anything like it.
Looks like boobs with a patch of cloth to me Dreams...?



Gunz wrote:
Mr Ichi wrote:Not everyone lives on Navarre beach or Garcon point or even Gulf Breeze, where the Black citizens are near zero.  If you dont think the Black folks in my neighbourhood will fuck you up, you are either extremely naive or stupid.  Fearful? To a point, but one also has to recognize danger when they see it.   It was less that 2 weeks ago I had a encounter with a group of blacks that later when on to attack a person a couple of hours later.  Just as in nature not all snakes are  poisonous but it would be folly to say that  poisonous snakes do not exist just because one has never bitten you.......yet.....
     cheers cheers cheers cheers 

I second that. Great post Mr. Ichi!


scared to go to grocery store ever kept looking over my shoulder heck im not over it yet what am I talking about .

An honest response and a truthful acknowledgment of fear. T thinks he is too macho to admit his fear.....he is not afraid of anything, but now he admits he was confronted by blacks..........but all those posts which reek of fear.....he is really not fearful. Thank you Cool for being honest. It is one thing to be fearful from a distance of something, and quit another to be a survivor of an actual criminal act by a particular is simple unfounded fear, the other is experience..........but fear is the bottom line.



Dreamsglore wrote:
cool1 wrote:I had 2 blacks put a gun to my head ---took me years and years to trust anyone --scared to go to grocery store ever  kept looking over my shoulder heck im not over it yet what am I talking about .
What is that on your avatar's chest,Cool? I've never seen anything like it.
Looks like boobs with a patch of cloth to me Dreams...?
It does not to me. It looks like a huge beach ball. Maybe I'm not seeing it right.



2seaoat wrote:scared to go to grocery store ever kept looking over my shoulder heck im not over it yet what am I talking about .

An honest response and a truthful acknowledgment of fear.   T thinks he is too macho to admit his fear.....he is not afraid of anything, but now he admits he was confronted by blacks..........but all those posts which reek of fear.....he is really not fearful.  Thank you Cool for being honest.   It is one thing to be fearful from a distance of something, and quit another to be a survivor of an actual criminal act by a particular is simple unfounded fear, the other is experience..........but fear is the bottom line.
What do I have to do to prove I have no fear walk through Brownsville wearing a KKK hood? Second thought why do I give a damn what you think ?...I would be fearful if I did.



Poor Mr Oats....Your life of isolation has left you impervious to the real world that many of us live in. The fear that you consistently apply to others, is your own.


I would be fearful if I did.

So to acknowledge your racist fears, would be to be fearful, and therefore to continue to be a racist is being brave.........

I think you may have missed your need to take the bar exam.

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