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The hidden option.

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1The hidden option. Empty The hidden option. 7/6/2013, 10:55 pm



Can you do away with the hidden option for users and guests?
I know I'm hidden now.  I did that because I had a stalker or two.  But I'd gladly give it up if the option is removed for all users.

2The hidden option. Empty Re: The hidden option. 7/7/2013, 12:27 am



LOL. So take yourself off hidden status and ask the others to do so out of courtesy. I'm sure your enablers will agree with your bold example and follow suit immediately.

3The hidden option. Empty Re: The hidden option. 7/7/2013, 2:50 pm



I think all socks should be banned, too. Only one screen name per IP address...... Extreme punishment for those who fail to comply.

4The hidden option. Empty Re: The hidden option. 8/10/2013, 1:18 am



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:I think all socks should be banned, too. Only one screen name per IP address...... Extreme punishment for those who fail to comply.
Like your buddy WTM?

5The hidden option. Empty Re: The hidden option. 8/10/2013, 9:22 am



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
ZVUGKTUBM wrote:I think all socks should be banned, too. Only one screen name per IP address...... Extreme punishment for those who fail to comply.
Like your buddy WTM?

6The hidden option. Empty Re: The hidden option. 8/10/2013, 2:19 pm



Nekochan wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
ZVUGKTUBM wrote:I think all socks should be banned, too. Only one screen name per IP address...... Extreme punishment for those who fail to comply.
Like your buddy WTM?


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