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1SEAFOOD MARKETS? Empty SEAFOOD MARKETS? 1/27/2013, 7:25 am

The Viking

The Viking

Cheers, all...

But first...the back story...

I married a Cajun gal from NOLA that loves to cook & neither of us really enjoy restaurant food that much unless we're in the mood for fine ($$$$) dining.

We're moving to the area within a few months & looking for seafood MARKETS, not restaurants. Preferably; a place to buy shrimp & fish directly off the boats, but a regular seafood market down near the docks would be fine too.

Any suggestions?


2SEAFOOD MARKETS? Empty Re: SEAFOOD MARKETS? 1/27/2013, 1:47 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

3SEAFOOD MARKETS? Empty Re: SEAFOOD MARKETS? 1/27/2013, 11:15 pm

The Viking

The Viking

boards of FL wrote:

Much obliged!

4SEAFOOD MARKETS? Empty Re: SEAFOOD MARKETS? 1/27/2013, 11:19 pm



I have to agree. JP is the way to go. They have a tendancy to load a little extra weight to whatever they are selling, so it's kind of like getting a bakers dozen in seafood.
JP is a staple of Pensacola...been here as long as I can remember.

5SEAFOOD MARKETS? Empty Re: SEAFOOD MARKETS? 1/27/2013, 11:57 pm

The Viking

The Viking

Sedition wrote:I have to agree. JP is the way to go. They have a tendancy to load a little extra weight to whatever they are selling, so it's kind of like getting a bakers dozen in seafood.
JP is a staple of Pensacola...been here as long as I can remember.

Cheers, mate, thanks!

6SEAFOOD MARKETS? Empty Another option 2/4/2013, 10:09 pm



Maria's on Cervantes has fresher and more local seafood than joe pattis.

Might run by there also

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