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Please let me know how we execute the military option in Iran, and why?

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Pakistan acquires the bomb, and our CIA reads about it in the newspapers, yet the Iranian path to the same has been a focus for the last 6 years. Pakistan with a history of Islamic revolutionaries trying to overturn their government, and we are talking about a military action in Iran. When it was reported on Morning Joe this morning that our Pentagon has unanimously told George Bush in 2006 that the military option is not an option........please tell me oh wise military genius who beat the war drums on this do you stop the development of Iran's nuclear weapons? I am all ears, but I will argue simply that the Iranian people are our greatest ally, and we are winning in Iran with the economic sanctions. I believe we are less than two years away from regime change in Iran, which will benefit Democracy and dialogue.

I am also tired of the United States becoming the tail of the dog when dealing with middle east issues. When the evil one Mitt Romney utilizes his buddy from the 70s to interfere with internal American politics......sorry, the backlash from Americans will be swift and certain. We are not going to be blackmailed into having American kids dying for a strategy which does not have this country's best interest at heart, and talks about a strategy which our own Pentagon does not recommend.



If the Iranians want a nuke bad enough they will build one. Will it be dangerous if they do? Who knows, their President is a lunatic but I don't think that is enough to make the Ayatollah agree to launch one unless provoked. IF they can launch one successfully. Should we intervene? No way Jose. We are too tied up in the Mideast now and with the latest development in Libya it is apparent the fanatics are regaining ground. We should leave the Mideast completely and if they want us to buy their oil until we can replace it with something else than let them come to us. The future looks bleak for this country as we continue to alienate the international community. Is the downfall of America nearly here?



I agree with both seaoat and nochain. Benjamin Netanyahu is using his considerable political clout and playing the same game with our political establishment or as seaoat said, the tail wagging the dog strategy. The neocons here in America are critical of Obama and Hillary Clinton but I support judicious and careful thought before even considering getting our military involved. Why is America the target of the Islamic citizens across the mideast? Despite the billions in foreign aid we remain the primary source of their misery, anger and despair primarily because of our blatant biased support of Israel regardless of the issue or circumstances over the past 40 years. I am for the concept of assisting Israel but we must recognize that many of the political positions they have taken are not reasonable but feed into the anger of the region and that anger ends up on our doorstep. Send in the troops? Hell no!



I stand 100% with Seaoat, No Chain, and Knothead.

The boogeyman over Iran's nuclear program only stems from the fact that Israel wants to be the sole nuclear power in the Middle East. If Israel had never introduced secret nuclear weapons to the region, Israel's enemies would have less incentive to develop the bomb themselves.

Israel has done everything Iran is only accused of doing at this point. Israel invented the methods used to develop a secret nuclear arsenal under the world's nose, and also the methods of flaunting the world over it. Those same methods were afterward used by India, Pakistan, South Africa, and North Korea. And we are expected to legitimize Israel's still UNDECLARED nulcear arsenal, which is larger and more advanced than those held by the UK and France. Moreover, Israel's nuclear reach goes way beyond its regional enemies. Israel wants this capability so it can bully and threaten countries other than its own enemies.

Israel should have been sanctioned over its nuclear program like Iran is today back in the 1960s, when they made their first weapon.

This paper, written back in 1999, is a great expose of the deceipt used by Israel in develolping its nuclear arsenal:



The attack on Iran could have catastrophic consequences. The disruption of Persian Gulf oil production is just one. Is doubling or tripling the current price of oil worth expanding Israel's power and influence in the region? We certainly are not doing anything to help U.S. security by supporting such moves.



A war with Iran will not be the one you have seen in Iraq or Astan. For all of Nervous-Nelly Zvug's predictions, oil cannot double or triple because it will not get bought at those prices. The same goes for Chevy Volts. Too high, too long to make you money back, therefore, they do not sell worth a flip.

Also, with Zvugs prognostications, we heard all of that back during Desert Storm and the price of gas never went over $1.30 per gallon then. I know because I was driving back and forth to the UWF campus in FWB to take one class I needed for graduation. There is a new pipeline in the UAE that prevents Iran from halting all oil leaving the Persian Gulf for its western buyers. Zvug and Seaoat have already been told this and shown the links to the stories. They choose to ignore it. The Strait of Hormuz is not the choke point they think it might be.

No, Iran will strictly be an air and SOF war. Remember Rumsfeld's "Boots on the Ground" mantra? In Iran, it will be "ghost boots on the ground". Russian Air Defense Equipment is half-arsed at best and Israel proved that in Syria back in 2007 when they made a smoking hole in the ground of the Syrian reactor that they just covered up without fanfare, little reporting, or riots.

Once we are done shutting down Iran's air defense capability, we'll pull on them what we did to Saddam in Kuwait during Desert Storm before we launched the ground assault that lasted only 100 hours. I'm thinking about 60 days of intense air/sea warfare and this one will pretty much be done. Our main concern will be small groups of Quds Squads and groups seeking meetings with Allah before their time which can be mopped up as they come across the Persian Gulf in a myriad of ways. I have full faith that the Navy and other military SOF units can control these fanatics.

For all the gloom and doom of Zvug and Seaoat, you'd think that they really hate America. They have little confidence that we can get this job done and get on with what we need to be doing.

Israel needs the bomb because they have been invaded by their neighbors three times since 1948. In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Israel was just hours from extinction because of the boundaries that they had to fight from when the war began. Israel was almost cut in half by the invading Arab forces. You can call it what you want. I call it God providing for his chosen people the Jews. For what Israel did in the skies above the ground war and on the ground outnumbered in some areas 10-1 in tanks, well, the hand of God was at work.



Pacedog is insane. Israel has never been invaded. The country has made war against its neighbors numerous times, with most of those being unilateral and pre-emptive attacks by Israel. I will caveate that Egypt and Syria attacked first in 1973, but they never stepped into Israel proper. I think some would surmise they were trying to recover territory lost to Israel in 1967.

If Israel "needs" the bomb, then they have the hardware to adequately defend themselves, and they do not need multiple $billions$ of dollars that the U.S. Congress provides them every year.




Israel was invaded in 1948, 1967, and 1973. It is fact. So sorry Charlie. As for the aid we give Israel it is less than what we give its neighbors combined, who have repeatedly invaded the Jewish nation. Invading to recover LOST territory is still an invasion. Don't attack Israel and you won't lose land.

no stress

no stress

PACEDOG#1 wrote:Zvug,

Israel was invaded in 1948, 1967, and 1973. It is fact. So sorry Charlie. As for the aid we give Israel it is less than what we give its neighbors combined, who have repeatedly invaded the Jewish nation. Invading to recover LOST territory is still an invasion. Don't attack Israel and you won't lose land.




" Please let me know how we execute the military option in Iran, and why?"

Simple, We encourage Israel to bomb the heck out of them. After the bombing starts, We pledge our full support to Israel & give em all the bombs they need- provided they agree to totally annihilate Iran & a few other local Nations nearby.

Problem solved.



BP wrote:" Please let me know how we execute the military option in Iran, and why?"

Simple, We encourage Israel to bomb the heck out of them. After the bombing starts, We pledge our full support to Israel & give em all the bombs they need- provided they agree to totally annihilate Iran & a few other local Nations nearby.

Problem solved.

That's all they have ever asked for in a conflict. Never has Israel asked for anything else.

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