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I'm putting it down now. LeBron is the greatest of all time, and this Heat team is one for the ages.

boards of FL
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boards of FL

boards of FL

Why can't you all recognize greatness when it is right in front of you?



I agree . . . . . and I do not say that recklessly . . . . Lebron is a freak, a phenom of still unknown skills . . . . amazing does not do this man justice. . . . .he is awesome at this game. . . . PERIOD!



boards of FL wrote:Why can't you all recognize greatness when it is right in front of you?

Hello Boards.

Lebron is a great player with awesome skills and amazing court sense. When his internal ability to win kicks in...he is unstoppable. With all of that said, he will never attain the same veneration nor the finesse of Michael Jordan.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Joanimaroni wrote:
boards of FL wrote:Why can't you all recognize greatness when it is right in front of you?

Hello Boards.

Lebron is a great player with awesome skills and amazing court sense. When his internal ability to win kicks in...he is unstoppable. With all of that said, he will never attain the same veneration nor the finesse of Michael Jordan.

Michael Jordan was the greatest scorer we have seen. I think LeBron could score more if his brain were wired as Jordan's was, but it isn't, so he isn't. LeBron is bigger, faster, and stronger than Jordan. In terms of athleticism, he makes Jordan look like a bubble boy. LeBron plays no real stated position because he does it all. He distributes, he dunks, he shoots 3s, etc.. And LeBron can guard any sized player, whether it be Dwight Howard or Derrick Rosk. It isn't even close. We are merely in a waiting period at the moment, waiting for the rings and awards to pile up, but the writing has already been on the wall for some time. To anyone who watches basketball, LeBron is the ultimate gifted chosen one. Freakish physical attributes combined with distribution IQ like Magic Johnson. And he can shoot from the perimeter. Once he developes a low post game, it's all over. Greatest basketball player of all time.


Lebron is a great player with awesome skills and amazing court sense. When his internal ability to win kicks in...he is unstoppable. With all of that said, he will never attain the same veneration nor the finesse of Michael Jordan.

I is not even close. Michael Jordan was a better defensive player, and he did post up against centers........I would have to see five years more play and championships from James to even utter such nonsense. Kolby is a better player right now than James in my opinion, and there are 10 current players who are right there........

I think LeBron could score more if his brain were wired as Jordan's was,

Finally, we can agree on something....he has not been wired as a winner jump to the conclusion that three years with his handpicked team, and he won last year because of a major loss from the bulls who beat them like a red headed step child during the season, and having the boyz crying like babies in the locker room......I will entertain your fantasy in five years......but I think if the Bulls get healthy......we will see what this all time team does against a beat up collection of folks not handpicked......why.....because he does not have the wiring to he told me all I needed to know about that nailed this one.

boards of FL

boards of FL

2seaoat wrote:
I is not even close. Michael Jordan was a better defensive player, and he did post up against centers....

I can only laugh at this. If you think that Jordan was even half the defensive player that LeBron is, well, we will never see eye to eye. They aren't even close. All i can say, 2seaoat, is that you need to watch more basketball. Go look at the stats. They tell the tale.


How many times have you seen James or Jordan play live..........I would suggest combined.....I have seen both of them play live 20 more granted I did not see James play live with Miami.....but I can say that it is not even close......Jordan did things on defense that I have never seen another human being do......not video, but away from the ball.....I saw him make a steal in the Utah Bulls playoff game that I have never seen a human being do.....he would have to have to read somebody's mind.....and he went the distance of the floor and dunked and the crowd just stood speechless.......James is not good at guard coverage, and he comes off badly on the picks at the top of the key and does not recover well at all. Magic had much better vision, but he also was not good stopping the quick power point guard. He is not as quick as Jordan, nor as fast.....he does a very good job on power forwards and centers, but when he is at the baseline, their transition my need to have seen Jordan would not be making these silly comparisons.....certainly not at this point.

boards of FL

boards of FL

2seaoat wrote:How many times have you seen James or Jordan play live..........I would suggest combined.....I have seen both of them play live 20 more granted I did not see James play live with Miami.....but I can say that it is not even close......Jordan did things on defense that I have never seen another human being do......not video, but away from the ball.....I saw him make a steal in the Utah Bulls playoff game that I have never seen a human being do.....he would have to have to read somebody's mind.....and he went the distance of the floor and dunked and the crowd just stood speechless.......James is not good at guard coverage, and he comes off badly on the picks at the top of the key and does not recover well at all. Magic had much better vision, but he also was not good stopping the quick power point guard. He is not as quick as Jordan, nor as fast.....he does a very good job on power forwards and centers, but when he is at the baseline, their transition my need to have seen Jordan would not be making these silly comparisons.....certainly not at this point.

I'm sure that when Jordan was doing his thing, you were skeptical...


Actually after seeing Magic, Bird, Kareem, and the was not an easy read.....clearly like James, he was not the same player in his first three seasons....he did some amazing things, but it was the mental part of his game....he simply did not let his teammates accept anything short of victory....he made the zen master successful, and the zen master captured that competitive drive........Kareem was simply stunning, and had 6 MVPs, but there has never been a player like Jordan......not even close in this modern era.....but again, I will listen in five years.



These detractors are obviously blinded by nostalgia.


These detractors are obviously blinded by nostalgia.

This has been, in many ways, the season of the Miami Heat versus an injured league. So it feels consistent that in the first round of the playoffs, the thing that will end up most reworking the contours of this postseason is an injury rather than some thrilling game or heroic on-court performance.

The truth is that this team for all time....did not even have what it takes the first year they were together. The second year they were together, the Chicago Bulls had a better record than this team of all time.....and in the first playoff game the MVP goes down with a knee injury, and the heat limp into the winners circle without playing the best team.

This year......well the injuries now have become an epidemic. I do not think in fifty years have I have seen the NBA top teams so crippled......a reasonably healthy Miami will win even though Wade's knee is also in the mix.

Is it nostalgia to tell the truth? This team for all time could not even have the best record for the first two years, and when the best team had a mvp go down......they won. this about Nostalgia?


Gosh........a sweep against the Bucks.....pretty pretty pretty good. So what is the prediction against the battered bulls who have been playing without three of their stars.......another sweep? Come on Boards.......a team for the ages should sweep these lowly Bulls.......what say you.


Why can't you all recognize greatness when it is right in front of you?

1. Seaoat scored low on his Iowa Basic tests in the early 60s
2. Seaoat bumped his head on the rim executing a tomahawk dunk
3. Seaoat lost his trifocal glasses after HG stepped on them
4. Seaoat quoted Mark Twain and HG left the forum again
5. Seaoat thought the Miami heat referred to the weather
6. Seaoat thought Justin Bieber was great too
7. Seaoat thought the great wall of china and Miami defense are the same
8. Seaoat also fails to recognize Dreams greatness on legally blonde posts
9. Seaoat installed greatness recognition 8 rejects it
10. Seaoats Hubris interferes with recognition of any other greatness.


These detractors are obviously blinded by nostalgia.

I was blinded by a billy club after taking your and Dream's advice that after being instructed to stay in the car during an investigatory stop, I got out......I think the name on the billy club was nostalgia, and I am sure it was manufactured in China.


All point bulletin......where is he listlessly wandering the streets....uncertain if the sun will rise......we need an intervention....but we need to find him first.



Joanimaroni wrote:
boards of FL wrote:Why can't you all recognize greatness when it is right in front of you?

Hello Boards.

Lebron is a great player with awesome skills and amazing court sense. When his internal ability to win kicks in...he is unstoppable. With all of that said, he will never attain the same veneration nor the finesse of Michael Jordan.

Agree....great discussion...but Jordan is the 'best'....


Agree....great discussion...but Jordan is the 'best'....

Of course he is the best. It is not even close. Sal thinks it is about Nostalgia and Boards think it is about how you measure a man.........its about what is between the ears......and if James gets a top notch coach.....maybe he will make the next level, but hell there are 10-15 better players in NBA history right got to get the trophy.....and that is not the MVP.


Has anybody talked with Boards? He was talking about running for political you think he is campaigning.......I am a bit worried, he most certainly would not be waiting for Miami to win tonight before responding to me..........I just never figured him doing I hope he is on a great vacation, kissing babies, or stuffing the ballot box. I will watch the game tonight hoping he is ok.


The refs just took the mojo from the bulls......five technicals and almost 25 fouls in the first half........I guess the NBA is finally going to be wussified. Let them play......a team for the ages sure cries a lot when there is a hard rebound or tough defense. I am beginning to question if the gamblers do not own the NBA......Deng is sitting in a hospital bed and they do not know how he got there, and now the refs going crazy.......let them play the game.


Gibson gets fouled clearly and they call traveling, and then kick Noah out.....this game is totally has been taken by the refs....the announcers are saying that these officials are missing calls. In my entire life, I have never seen a game given to another team like this. Two bad calls in a row 43 fouls......nine tell me the bookies have control of this league.........



2seaoat wrote:Gibson gets fouled clearly and they call traveling, and then kick Noah out.....this game is totally has been taken by the refs....the announcers are saying that these officials are missing calls. In my entire life, I have never seen a game given to another team like this. Two bad calls in a row 43 fouls......nine tell me the bookies have control of this league.........

Seaoat...the tempers were rising and it was close to becoming a free-for-all. The refs had to do something.



The Bulls's only chance albeit remote of beating the Heat in this playoff is to deploy in-your-face aggressive defense . . . . this was on display in the Game 2 when they were just that . . . . very aggressive defensively but they paid a price as demonstrated by the many technical and personal fouls called. The Bulls came into this playoff with their best players injured so they have little to no chance of beating the like of King James and Company. Anyone who loves this game must appreciate how gritty and determined the Bulls have played from Noah to Butler who have been their brightest spots and must be admired for their heart . . . . . they are just short on offensive talent sufficient to prevail over their nemesis.


Miami has a history of being crybabies......the bulls pay tough physical defense, so the strategy was to begin overt fouls which caused the refs to simply hand the game to Miami.......the foul on Gibson which was overlooked and he was called for traveling needs to be looked at by the league. The integrity of the game is at stake, and it resulted in two Bulls being ejected from the game. When the announcers are telling us that the refs are missing calls and inserting themselves into the least Barkley tells the truth......this was a travesty, and I have real questions about how much money is being bet on these games and how easy it is to change an outcome only effecting one or two players with refs, or in the case of Deng, and the Jordan famous flu game where five guys deliver a pizza to the bulls hotel, and only Jordan eats the pizza.......I need to see why and how Deng was hospitalized........this guy would never miss a game with just the flu........The Heat have more talent on the floor with the Bulls missing two all stars in addition to Heinrich, but something was really off last night......I have never seen such clear cut missed calls and interjection of refs in a playoff game.



The Heat being crybabies may be a true statement . . . that's subjective but the league in general has taught its players how to work the refs from flopping to chronic complaining non stop in hopes of getting an advantage . . . same is true for many NBA teams. The claim that this game was 'rigged' is a stretch Mr. Oats . . . . first of all external manipulators trying to rig the game to favor the Heat is more than silly . . . . if any rigging to change the outcome was required it would be trying to poison the Heat . . . . it is a conspiracy theory without legs to me. If the Bulls are to have a chance they must play the same strategy of in-your-face defense absent the chronic/overt physical contact getting the whistle . . . the implication of a rigged game seems more like an excuse for a team not playing at 100% and being outgunned in talent.

Game 1 was a fluke since Miami had been off for 10 days and that's a terrible situation . . . . . it would be like the Blues taking off 10 days and going out to fly an airshow . . . . it just becomes sloppy. I believe the rest of this series will go to the Heat even though I recognize the grit of the Bulls who could prove me dead wrong . . . . it's why I love the game!


Game 1 was a fluke

For three years in the regular season, the bulls have beat Miami. It was no fluke. However, the truth is that you cannot have two all stars sidelined and have very high probabilities that over a playoff series a team can maintain that intensity without players. The heat can be beat if they do not get away with their constant crybaby antics with the just PROBABLY will not be the Bulls this year who are simply the better team when fully constituted.

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