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Some info on diet Soda

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1Some info on diet Soda Empty Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 8:22 am



8 Eye Opening Reasons to Not Drink Diet Soda
May 1, 2012 by Joe Martino

How about when we hear someone order a meal of food that is loaded with calories, fat, and sugar and right at the end they opt for the diet pop. I always get a kick out of that one. If only they realized they were probably doing more harm with the diet pop than if they stuck with just regular. Obviously the best is to avoid those types of drinks all together! Here are a number of reasons why diet pop/soda is not something you want to be consuming.

1. Neurotoxic
While artificial sweeteners may be a zero calorie alternative to sugar, they are in no way healthier. Diet sodas may use a variety of artificial sweeteners in place of sugar, including aspartame, which acts as a neurotoxin.

Also known as NutraSweet, aspartame originally received FDA approval for use in carbonated beverages in1983, and it still remains the most commonly used sweetener in diet soda. Annually, reactions to aspartame result for a majority of the adverse reaction reports made to the food and drug administration.

Made from L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanyl-methyl-ester, aspartame is 200 times as sweet as sugar and contains negligible calories. Once in the human body, aspartame breaks down into phenylalanine, aspartic acid, and methanol. Methanol is a wood alcohol poison that, when heated above 86 degrees Fahrenheit (the human body temperature is 98.6 degrees), converts to formaldehyde. Aspartame is also an excitotoxin that builds up in the brain, and can excite brain neurons to the point of cell death.

2: Causes Headaches and Other Symptoms
Another artificial sweetener commonly used in diet sodas, Sucralose, may cause a host of health problems including headaches.

Made from a modified sugar molecule, Sucralose is supposed to pass through the body unabsorbed. Because Sucralose is relatively new in the market still, its long-term effects have not been measured. Some evidence1 suggests Sucralose may cause migraines, gastrointestinal issues, and thymus gland damage. Sucralose may also intensify sugar cravings, increase appetite, and trigger insulin release.

3: Acidifying
Soda is made up of a number of acidic chemicals. It is one of the most acidic substances humans ingest. The acids in diet soda demineralize the bones and teeth, and can lead to fractures and osteoporosis. Acid in the body also can lead to a number of health conditions such as inflammation and corrosion of body tissue. When your body is overly acidic your skin will not be as beautiful or youthful. It will contribute to looking older.

4: Caffeinated
Many diet sodas contain caffeine, which is an artificial stimulant and an addictive substance. Caffeine also excessively taxes the liver and can hamper its ability to cleanse and filter toxins from the body. Additionally, caffeine can trigger stress hormones, which can result in chronic stress and weight gain. Caffeine is also a diuretic, which dehydrates the body. It’s best to avoid caffeine in all its forms, particularly diet soda.

5: Increases Risk of Obesity
Studies show that although diet soda has no caloric value, it may have an impact on insulin similar to sugar ingestion. This is most likely due to the cephalic phase insulin response in the brain. When you taste the sweet in diet soda, your body perceives it as sugar and causes the pancreas to release insulin just as it would if you were consuming actual sugar.

Some studies show that drinking diet soda may increase the incidence of obesity and/or prevent you from losing weight. In fact, researchers at the University of Texas Health Center made some startling findings when testing the link between obesity and diet soda.

Obesity risk increased as followed:

26.5 percent for people drinking up to ½ can of diet soda per day, and 24 percent for regular soda drinkers consuming up to one can per day
54.5 percent for one to two cans of diet soda per day as opposed to 32.8 percent for those drinking the same amount of regular soda
57.1 percent for people drinking more than two cans of diet soda per day as opposed to 47.2 percent for people drinking the same amount of regular soda

In other words, diet soda consumption had a higher correlation with obesity rates than consumption of caloric soda containing sugar or high-fructose corn syrup.

6: Increases Toxic Load
There’s not a lot that’s natural in diet soda. Here are just a few of the ingredients you may find:

Carbonated water
Artificial coloring
Phosphoric acid
Potassium benzoate
Citric acid

Doesn’t sound so delicious and healthy, does it! It sounds nasty, and that is because it is indeed a nasty product. Diet soda places a significant toxic load on your liver and can contribute to toxic sludge in your intestines. You are much better off drinking pure, filtered, non-tap water.

7: Increases Risk of Heart Disease
A study at University of Miami Miller School of Medicine4 showed that people who drank diet soda daily had a 61 percent increased risk of a cardiovascular event. The study followed more than 2,500 participants for about nine years, during which 559 vascular events occurred. Even accounting for age and other risk factors, the risk with diet soda consumption appeared to be at least 48 percent higher. With that kind of risk, why take a chance on diet soda?

8: May Contribute to Metabolic Syndrome
A study at University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health in 2008 linked diet soda to metabolic syndrome, a cluster of metabolic disorders including obesity, high blood pressure, elevated triglycerides and hormone resistance. According to the study, consuming diet soda increased the risk of developing metabolic syndrome by 34 percent, which was higher than the elevated risk from consuming two other unhealthy types of foods – meat (26 percent increased risk), and fried foods (25 percent increased risk).

So there you have it, another item we consume that if we chose to remove from our diet we would see drastic changes in our overall health. Just the Aspartame reason alone should be enough to remove anything where Aspartame is used from our diet.

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2Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 8:35 am


A bit overblown.......I have been drinking coke zero which is basically some color in water with carbonation. If you analyzed the average glass of water from the tap.......well nobody would drink anything.

3Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 8:44 am



AND, it tastes nasty. All of it. Artificial sweeteners, I mean.

Also, low-cal and no-cal items CAUSE weight gain, in my experience.
Sent our daughter to live with my in-laws when she was 15. Everything in their home is low- or no-cal. She gained 45 lbs in less than a year. I told her to quit eating that crap, and eat like she used to.
She lost 25 lbs in 6 months going OFF of those types of food and drink.

Personally, I very rarely drink pop. And never diet pop.
I prefer water, or iced tea. Even Kool-Aid LOL. (The kind you add SUGAR to Smile )

4Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 9:46 am



jose balu wrote:AND, it tastes nasty. All of it. Artificial sweeteners, I mean.

Also, low-cal and no-cal items CAUSE weight gain, in my experience.
Sent our daughter to live with my in-laws when she was 15. Everything in their home is low- or no-cal. She gained 45 lbs in less than a year. I told her to quit eating that crap, and eat like she used to.
She lost 25 lbs in 6 months going OFF of those types of food and drink.

Personally, I very rarely drink pop. And never diet pop.
I prefer water, or iced tea. Even Kool-Aid LOL. (The kind you add SUGAR to Smile )

I agree with you jose. I never ever drink any type of carbonated beverage, sweet or non-sweet, sugar or artificial sweetener. It has been probably 40 years since I drank any kind of soda at all.

Last edited by Ghost_Rider1 on 4/5/2013, 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

5Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 2:09 pm



I relish a glass of coca cola, when I get it. I never drink diet anything. I won't touch nutra sweet.

That being said, ALL forms of soda pop is terrible for you. Sugar is a disaccharide; 50% glucose and 50% fructose. The sweet flavor in sugar comes from fructose. That is why sugar gets supplanted by high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in soda. Fructose is highly toxic to the liver and is what causes the ailments related to sugar-intake.

This 2009 lecture by physician Dr. Robert Lustig is worth watchying if you have the time:

It scared me straight for a period. I have been backsliding, however, and partaking of sweetened foods....

6Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 2:58 pm



2seaoat wrote:A bit overblown.......I have been drinking coke zero which is basically some color in water with carbonation. If you analyzed the average glass of water from the tap.......well nobody would drink anything.

Aren't you having health problems?

7Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 3:50 pm



Shoot me dead!

I'm 5'7" and weigh 115. Not overweight, but started diet soda when my Daughters had braces. It was the recommended.

Love my fat filled foods and eat like a horse.

Despise sugar drinks shoot me. Very Happy

PS, I drink 2 bottles of soda a day on the average....big bottles! My Daughters even got me a soda stream to make my own! Shocked

8Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 4:02 pm


Aren't you having health problems? mean if I quit drinking diet pop, I could have lingered a little my illness has been directly linked to a great sex life and too much physical I gave up sex and exercise, and I am concentrating on food with fruitcose, and genetically altered polypropamuthing with my diet is working great......the liver tumors are going damn.........we loved the sex.....maybe we should get the hell out of here with this damn Coke supposed to be bad for tumors.

9Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 4:15 pm



2seaoat wrote:Aren't you having health problems? mean if I quit drinking diet pop, I could have lingered a little my illness has been directly linked to a great sex life and too much physical I gave up sex and exercise, and I am concentrating on food with fruitcose, and genetically altered polypropamuthing with my diet is working great......the liver tumors are going damn.........we loved the sex.....maybe we should get the hell out of here with this damn Coke supposed to be bad for tumors.

Smile Hope you're feeling well today, SO

10Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 5:57 pm



Amazing how defensive people can get at the mere mention of proper nutrition and toxic foods.

11Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 6:06 pm



Hallmarkgrad1 wrote:Amazing how defensive people can get at the mere mention of proper nutrition and toxic foods.

It's the same with cigs..

12Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 7:04 pm


Amazing how defensive people can get at the mere mention of proper nutrition and toxic foods.

What is proper nutrition? I remember the food groups and quantities I was told as a third grader as being proper nutrition and a balanced is totally rejected today.....I have people who come up to me every day telling me what I should not eat, and what I should eat to help my more and smoke marijuana.......cleanse my grapefruit........avoid citric not eat folks putting leaches on folks.....people become medical doctors and nutritionist. I listen to my doctors....I follow their advice.....not one of them has told me diet pop is harmful. I am eating a big old greasy pizza as I type and chugging down a diet rite pure zero.......ahhhhhhh the humanity.

13Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 7:14 pm



To be honest I did not post the story on diet Coke for you. There are others that do care what is in their food and drink. I could give a Rats Ass what you eat. If it is all Bull shit then pay it no mind. Chug down the Cokes and the Pizza, Bon Appetit........

14Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 7:37 pm


I did not post the story on diet Coke for you.

I understand.....but you said folks were being have no idea how fingernails on the blackboard it is with the road of good intentions people trying to tell you what is good food and good drink. What you take is defensive is not the correct word.....I am finding it more and more difficult to have people connecting my lack of health or cancer with some bad choice I have made........good choices do not result in cancer........I am just trying to help you to make good choices.........yep.....those leeches work for me. If you only did not fail in your human weakness not to eat more healthy food...........there are definite trends......there is improving science.......there are some strange things going on with Man's diet changing so much from 10k years of evolution.........but everybody including Mayor Bloomberg have the may be right......he may be right......I may have had some failing and caused my cancer......but the truth is......I listen to my Doctors, and I have never had a doctor say that there is any problem with diet pop.....I have asked. The other thing is when I tell people my tumors have spread and metastized to my liver......were you a big I use to tell them that my left lung lobe was removed with a tumor......they ask.....were you a big eat more asparagus, and do not drink diet pop.

15Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 7:42 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob


Don't get mad at me but I have to tell you my story.

I grew up on iced tea. It was just the thing everyone in my family was weaned on. And as you know, iced tea for old time southern families is automatically sweet tea (usually very sweet).

I have always consumed on average about 8 or 10 glasses of tea a day. Each and every day of my life. It's the first thing I start drinking when I wake up, I drink it during the day, and I drink it in the evening.
Years ago when the artificial sweeteners became popular I couldn't stand them. Until I discovered Equal (aspartame). For me, aspartame was so close to sugar that I couldn't tell the difference. So to avoid the calories of sugar I made the switch and I have never gone back. That was probably more than 25 years ago.

I put 4 packs of aspartame in about a 10 or 12 ounce glass of tea. And as I said, I average at least 8 glasses a day. That's 36 packs of aspartame a day. For 25 years.
As far as I'm aware, so far I have not experienced any negative health effects from it. And remember that's after consuming as much as I have for a period of 25 years.
And actually even that doesn't tell the whole story. Because I use aspartame on cereal and on "no sugar added" canned fruit and on a number of other things on top of adding it to the tea. AND I use a different sweetener (Splenda) as a sugar substitute in all my cooking even in addition to all the aspartame I consume.

I understand where you're coming from. It would seem logical to me too that all that artificial sweetener would not be good for me. But believe it or not with all I consume I'm still below the FDA recommended daily limit on it.

But even though it seems illogical to me, as I said after 25 years of this I know of no adverse health effects I have gotten from it.
Although the game isn't over till it's over. And I suppose those bad effects could still show up in my health at some point. But you just have to believe that if it is as unhealthy as many want to believe that I would be experiencing something bad after consuming all I have for 25 years. But I don't.

Anyway, I don't know if my experience is exceptional but that is my own personal story with it.

16Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 8:08 pm



4: Caffeinated
Many diet sodas contain caffeine, which is an artificial stimulant and an addictive substance. Caffeine also excessively taxes the liver and can hamper its ability to cleanse and filter toxins from the body. Additionally, caffeine can trigger stress hormones, which can result in chronic stress and weight gain. Caffeine is also a diuretic, which dehydrates the body. It’s best to avoid caffeine in all its forms, particularly diet soda

I'm not sure who wrote the article that you posted nor anything about his credentials but I strongly disagree specifically with the quoted portion above.

I am a heavy coffee and tea drinker, both of which contain caffeine. I drink either coffee or tea from the time I get out of bed until the time I return to bed. The last physical that I had indicated that I am as healthy as a horse with no damage to the liver, I do not ever get stressed and I weigh very close to what I weighed in high school. My doctor stated that he hopes that when he reaches my age that he is as healthy as I am. I do not believe that I am the exception either, because my whole family consumed caffeine the same way as I do. My dad lived to a ripe old age of 93 and my mother was 89 when she passed.

Unfortunately HG, I have to call BS on the section regarding caffeine.

17Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 10:50 pm



I drank beer and whiskey for 22 years. I started when I was around 18. For many years I drank almost a 1/5th a day or a case of beer every day or almost every day.. Worked a job, sometimes two, No DUIs, No heath problems, never got laid off or fired because of drinking. I was a welder for 40 years, breathing tons of black smoke and fumes. I go on on and on about shipyard hazards. By every standard, I should be in poor health.

I could tell you why I eat and live like I do but it is really no ones choice or concern but mine. The same goes for you. I only try to share a few things that work for me. No one else. I watched a person with advanced Melanoma slow the advance of it and finally put into remission by drinking Carrot Juice. It was his last hope, he had been to some of the best doctors in the US with limited results. Bull Shit? Maybe wearing Blue socks would have done the same thing? I dont know. I can only share what I have witnessed.

Maybe I am fool and I am only deluding my self. So be it. I believe in the healing powers of food. I am not going to defend any thing.
The ultimate choices on staying alive and healthy is yours.

18Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/5/2013, 10:56 pm



I make sure to drink at least a cup a day..

19Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/6/2013, 11:10 am



Hallmarkgrad1 wrote:I drank beer and whiskey for 22 years. I started when I was around 18. For many years I drank almost a 1/5th a day or a case of beer every day or almost every day.. Worked a job, sometimes two, No DUIs, No heath problems, never got laid off or fired because of drinking. I was a welder for 40 years, breathing tons of black smoke and fumes. I go on on and on about shipyard hazards. By every standard, I should be in poor health.

I could tell you why I eat and live like I do but it is really no ones choice or concern but mine. The same goes for you. I only try to share a few things that work for me. No one else. I watched a person with advanced Melanoma slow the advance of it and finally put into remission by drinking Carrot Juice. It was his last hope, he had been to some of the best doctors in the US with limited results. Bull Shit? Maybe wearing Blue socks would have done the same thing? I dont know. I can only share what I have witnessed.

Maybe I am fool and I am only deluding my self. So be it. I believe in the healing powers of food. I am not going to defend any thing.
The ultimate choices on staying alive and healthy is yours.

HG, don't get me wrong, I was not being critical of you and your habits, you must do what you have to do as well as I do. I was just saying that from my life's experiences and those of my family members, I have to disagree with the article regarding caffeine. Nothing at all against you HG.

20Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/6/2013, 11:36 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Hallmarkgrad1 wrote:

Maybe I am fool

Nah, a WHOLE lot of people are saying the artificial sweeteners are bad for us. I've had several friends tell me I'm poisoning myself with them. And there are probably ten thousand websites on the internet which say the same thing.
You're in the majority on this. And even though the stuff hasn't seemed to have an effect on me, it may have an effect on others. I just don't know.

21Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/6/2013, 11:55 am


You're in the majority on this.

The majority of folks in the early 1800s would leave low lying cities for the clean air of the country away from the city to avoid yellow fever. The understanding of the transmission of the disease was somehow connected to something completely different than the transmission from we have the manufacturers of food products telling us they are safe.......just like the early 60s when the tobbaco folks said the same.......but on the other side of the coin is this total random response by folks who want to tell you their nutrition story....absent science......absent hypothesis or proofs.....they persist.......I am so sick of people stopping me with good intentions to tell me the latest fad of what is suppose to be good or bad for us. I never drank caffine.....I got sick. I never smoked......I got sick. I excercised regularly.....I got sick. I ate my vegetables and had balanced nutrition......I got sick. It is like the man I met at poker last month who had lou gehrig's disease......19 people in his immediate family over three generations have died from it, and we shared our stories about how people are telling us we should change our diets........superstition and the lack of science should not be encouraged, but both of us smile and are polite when folks spew forth the newest theory of nutrition or food. My brother's wife for twenty years feed the family skinless broiled chicken because all other food was tainted and unhealthy......she was a nurse.....the kids all had asthma, and my brother just had his prostrate removed with cancer........but now they are on another nutrition kick with the newest answer..................I am sorry......I like science.

22Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/6/2013, 12:01 pm



Bob wrote:
Hallmarkgrad1 wrote:

Maybe I am fool

Nah, a WHOLE lot of people are saying the artificial sweeteners are bad for us. I've had several friends tell me I'm poisoning myself with them. And there are probably ten thousand websites on the internet which say the same thing.
You're in the majority on this. And even though the stuff hasn't seemed to have an effect on me, it may have an effect on others. I just don't know.

People metabolize substances that go in their body in different ways. Some people can just look at a piece of chocolate cake and gain 5 lbs whereas another can eat the whole damn thing and loose weight.

I have no idea whether or not diet sodas containing aspartame are dangerous or not, there is just far too many conflicting articles out there to make a rational decision. A decision that I am certainly glad I do not have to make since I have not drank a soda of any kind in probably 40 years. My beverages of choice are coffee, sweet tea(sugar), water and maybe a beer or two maybe twice a year.

As long as I remain healthy, I will continue down the path that I am going with no worries and no looking back with regret.

23Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/6/2013, 12:07 pm



2seaoat wrote:You're in the majority on this.

The majority of folks in the early 1800s would leave low lying cities for the clean air of the country away from the city to avoid yellow fever. The understanding of the transmission of the disease was somehow connected to something completely different than the transmission from we have the manufacturers of food products telling us they are safe.......just like the early 60s when the tobbaco folks said the same.......but on the other side of the coin is this total random response by folks who want to tell you their nutrition story....absent science......absent hypothesis or proofs.....they persist.......I am so sick of people stopping me with good intentions to tell me the latest fad of what is suppose to be good or bad for us. I never drank caffine.....I got sick. I never smoked......I got sick. I excercised regularly.....I got sick. I ate my vegetables and had balanced nutrition......I got sick. It is like the man I met at poker last month who had lou gehrig's disease......19 people in his immediate family over three generations have died from it, and we shared our stories about how people are telling us we should change our diets........superstition and the lack of science should not be encouraged, but both of us smile and are polite when folks spew forth the newest theory of nutrition or food. My brother's wife for twenty years feed the family skinless broiled chicken because all other food was tainted and unhealthy......she was a nurse.....the kids all had asthma, and my brother just had his prostrate removed with cancer........but now they are on another nutrition kick with the newest answer..................I am sorry......I like science.

Like Bob and I said, there is a plethora of contradictory scientific opinions out there, so what do you do when science contradicts itself? You then would choose your own path to follow wouldn't you?

24Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/6/2013, 12:10 pm



Hallmarkgrad1 wrote:I drank beer and whiskey for 22 years. I started when I was around 18. For many years I drank almost a 1/5th a day or a case of beer every day or almost every day.. Worked a job, sometimes two, No DUIs, No heath problems, never got laid off or fired because of drinking. I was a welder for 40 years, breathing tons of black smoke and fumes. I go on on and on about shipyard hazards. By every standard, I should be in poor health.

I could tell you why I eat and live like I do but it is really no ones choice or concern but mine. The same goes for you. I only try to share a few things that work for me. No one else. I watched a person with advanced Melanoma slow the advance of it and finally put into remission by drinking Carrot Juice. It was his last hope, he had been to some of the best doctors in the US with limited results. Bull Shit? Maybe wearing Blue socks would have done the same thing? I dont know. I can only share what I have witnessed.

Maybe I am fool and I am only deluding my self. So be it. I believe in the healing powers of food. I am not going to defend any thing.
The ultimate choices on staying alive and healthy is yours.

If you drank like that for 22 yrs. why would you be concerned about diet soda? You are fortunate you quit drinking in time.

25Some info on diet Soda Empty Re: Some info on diet Soda 4/6/2013, 12:15 pm



Hallmarkgrad1 wrote:I drank beer and whiskey for 22 years. I started when I was around 18. For many years I drank almost a 1/5th a day or a case of beer every day or almost every day.. Worked a job, sometimes two, No DUIs, No heath problems, never got laid off or fired because of drinking. I was a welder for 40 years, breathing tons of black smoke and fumes. I go on on and on about shipyard hazards. By every standard, I should be in poor health.

I could tell you why I eat and live like I do but it is really no ones choice or concern but mine. The same goes for you. I only try to share a few things that work for me. No one else. I watched a person with advanced Melanoma slow the advance of it and finally put into remission by drinking Carrot Juice. It was his last hope, he had been to some of the best doctors in the US with limited results. Bull Shit? Maybe wearing Blue socks would have done the same thing? I dont know. I can only share what I have witnessed.

Maybe I am fool and I am only deluding my self. So be it. I believe in the healing powers of food. I am not going to defend any thing.
The ultimate choices on staying alive and healthy is yours.

Staying healthy yes, staying alive, not so much. Not a single one of us can control when, where and how we will die.

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